Ru'er half hugged her and patted her comfortingly. It took a while for Xiuyun to regain her composure.

Ru'er looked around and saw that there was no one there, so she said in a low voice: "How about these little palace people, have you noticed whether you are considered top-notch among them?"

Xiuyun wiped away her tears, and blushed a little when she heard her sister's question, but she also knew that there was not much time to speak.

"There are a few very top-notch ones, and I can't be considered very top-notch in it."

A look of disappointment flashed across Ru'er's face for a moment, she thought for a moment, and asked again: "Then, have you looked into other rooms, is there a room where several people live together and they are all good-looking. "

Although Xiuyun didn't understand the reason behind this, she still said honestly: "Some are okay, some are not eye-catching, they are all uneven, but the others in our room have their own characteristics."

After finishing speaking, Xiuyun showed a puzzled look, but Ru'er ignored her, and continued to ask, "The people in the same room as you have lived in the same room since the beginning, and the same is true at the cleaning place "

Xiuyun nodded.

"Are there any other places like this?"

Xiuyun thought for a while before shaking her head.

Ru'er breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed, looked at Xiuyun up and down, and sighed: "My sister is getting better and better now, remember to be cautious in words and deeds, maybe great luck will come to you body."

Xiuyun looked puzzled, "Sister, what do you mean by that? Also, you told me to follow your instructions back then, and I still don't understand why."

Ru'er knew that she had to tell her the truth now, so after hesitating for a moment, she said, "Sister Shiwu came in, and it's been almost two years now. She went from the Discipline Department to the cleaning office just like you, but during this time, my sister was called away." Waited in Jingtai Palace for a few days, because the rules were not good enough, she was swept out and changed to other errands... My sister is very popular and knows a lot of things, and then I found out that every year or so, some small palaces will be entered in the mansion People, and then every time I will send a few good ones to His Highness to wait on."

"But what does that have to do with us?"

Ru'er said in a low voice with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "You know that the moon is the first to get close to the water, and the palace people of the right age in the entire Jingwang Mansion are not eager to serve His Highness. But the Jingtai Palace is usually managed by Fu Gonggong, When he picks people to serve, he never looks for them in the mansion, every time he chooses among the newcomers..."

"I didn't know the situation when I first came in. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been swept out. You have to work hard. If you can catch the eyes of His Highness, you will fly to the branches... In order to find out when the mansion entered , Who did I buy from Ren Yazi? It took me a lot of effort and a lot of money to find out, and all the monthly money I had saved for so long was thrown into it all at once, so you have to fight hard for me."

What my sister said was so unbelievable that Xiuyun couldn't digest it for a while.

Hearing Xiaohua calling her over there, saying that she was going back, she could only nod hurriedly to Ru'er.

Ru'er patted the girl's hand, "Remember what I said."

Xiuyun nodded again, and then walked back to the line that had already received the meal and was about to leave.

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