Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Don't pretend to be struck by lightning

  Ps: Thank you for the 588 rewards of Feng Zhongshui ★Flowers in the water!


   Hei Tian stood there silently...


No words, no words, even when the wind is the most raging, he can't make his body as stable as Taishan half unstable, even if Liu Yukong has shown a power that is strong enough to move anyone. He was still not surprised or surprised...


   "Now, we can start the second round!"


   Liu Yukong, with white hair and blue eyes, stood quietly on the sky, and the gusty wind whizzed back and forth under his feet. He said lightly: "So, now do you think you can beat me?!"


   Hei Tian quietly looked at Liu Yukong above, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said: "It seems that if you want to kill you, you can't keep your hands..."


   After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and slowly took off the black coat that was draped on his body, revealing his sturdy figure and the face that has been hidden under the veil...


The others were fighting and had no time to pay attention, but Su Yi suddenly grasped the Fire Lin sword in his hand, shocked in his heart... He stared at the face that was at least seven points similar to Hei Yu, and looked so alike... They ……Are they actually brothers and sisters?


   Could it be...


   Su Yi suddenly felt that he had overlooked something extremely important...


   Hei Tian slowly set his posture, "Come on, let's start the second round!"


   Liu Yukong narrowed his eyes, looking at the black sky below, he stood still in the air, but the wind under his feet suddenly turned into several wind blades and shot towards the black sky standing on the ground!


   The face that was seven points similar to Kuroba did not move at all, still standing still, letting the wind blade shoot him!




   There was a loud noise. Except for the slight damage to his coat, Hei Tian didn't even shed any blood...


   "What skill is this?"


   Liu Yukong was slightly taken aback. There was a little caution in his eyes, but the next moment. He suddenly changed his eyes, and the figure of Hei Tian, ​​who was standing still, was suddenly blurred. He suddenly disappeared out of thin air. A fierce wind sounded behind him, and even before he could turn his head, countless winds swept across Liu Yukong’s Behind it, turned into a wind shield...


boom! ! !


  The wind shield was completely destroyed in an instant!


   But with the help of the wind shield, Liu Yukong's figure suddenly pulled up several meters out of thin air, avoided the terrible whip leg behind him, and then slammed his punch towards the black sky below without hesitation! Condensed a cyan vortex on the fist body. Obviously this punch is quite powerful!


   While Heitian was in the air, still silent, not dodge or avoid, the same punch to meet... the physical mortal punch! It seems that he can only fist...


The two fists collided, and two opponents who were not weak in strength clashed. In a short time, the entire Lanruo Temple completely collapsed and decomposed under the strong pressure. The powerful shock wave broke all the walls of the room, even the Lanruo Temple outside the temple door. door. It was also completely shaken into dust!


   The two still kept their fists colliding, and Liu Yukong finally flashed an extremely shocked expression in his eyes. He coughed, and the corners of his lips had overflowed with blood...


   This punch. I actually lost!


Hei Tian finally spoke, and his hoarse voice that looked like a knife said: "I am different from you. I have not strengthened any exercises or special abilities! What I have. There are only two specialties-above all others. The power of, and the speed that surpasses everyone! That's it..."


   Liu Yukong gritted his teeth and said: "Faster faster than my Wind Elf King. More powerful than my Pangu bloodline that incorporates magic stars! You...what kind of monster are you?"


   "Monster?" Hei Tian was silent, and then said: "Maybe! I'm probably a monster..."


   finished. With a strong fist, Liu Yukong was forced back...


   "Huh, but the strength and speed are only on the front line faster than me, but I have the power of the wind to help. Do you really think you can beat me?"


   Liu Yukong snorted, and quickly moved away from Heitian. The gust of wind in his palm compressed and quickly condensed into several long swords. The sharp blade oscillated back and forth, and at a glance, it was absolutely not comparable to the wind blade...




   These few wind swords compressed by the violent wind, all shot towards the black sky...


   Heitian's body was slightly blurred, and all these wind swords shot into the air. Liu Yukong didn't even look at it, and suddenly his body fell. Heytian just threw behind him and punched him in the air!


   Liu Yukong's five fingers moved slightly, and the small wind slowly overflowed from his fingertips, turning into five long and soft wind lines, enclosing the black sky in all directions...


The wind is in his hands, and thousands of methods have been conjured, and all kinds of tricks have emerged one after another. Even in the face of people like Heitian who are slightly better than him by half, they never lose the wind... even, It's a slight win...


   And the strength of the two is so strong, and soon, below the two, a pit of several thousand meters deep has been blasted out...


   Su Yi couldn't help but sighed secretly. This battle... I'm afraid Liu Yukong will be hard to win...


   Even though he was able to entangle with Heitian to this day, the monster still hasn't leaked a bit of breath until now, even if he is merciless, but there is no killing flow, as if he is a dead thing! It seems that the only way to catch him is with eyes!


   But the more masters compete, the more you cannot rely on your eyes! It is to perceive the enemy by breath and feeling! What's more, the speed of Heitian has already surpassed the ability of the eyes to capture. Unless the ability of Naruto World's white eyes is strengthened, otherwise...


This Liu Yukong’s current strength is already quite powerful, but in the face of the dark sky, he has no way to think about it. He can only avoid it by relying on the wind wizard’s ever-changing abilities and his ability to predict death as a zombie. Black Sky's attack...


   Thousand tricks!


   If Hei Tian cannot be completely defeated within a thousand moves, once Hei Tian is familiar with his attack methods, I am afraid Liu Yukong can only run away!


   "Did you see it? This is the gap between us! Now the outcome is divided!"


Meihao kicked the coyote's chest, kicked him back a few meters, and said contemptuously: "I killed you once, you can completely recover in a few seconds, but now it takes more than ten seconds to completely recover. It seems that after fighting for so long, your recovery ability has begun to weaken... And your resistance to pain is getting lower and lower, right? Your screams are getting higher and higher... I'm curious, you can still How long will it last?"


   "Enough to kill you!"


   The coyote struggled to stand up, and reluctantly swung his blade up again! It is a pity that his strength is obviously much weaker than Meihao, and he can't get close to him!


   "I'm tired of..."


   Meihao looked at the coyote who was kicked out by herself, and said indifferently: "Next, I will kill you directly!"




There was only time to spit out a word, but a burst of light suddenly appeared under Meihao's feet, and then he stomped on the ground forcefully, and the land within a radius of tens of meters shook violently, and the coyote was accidentally shaken. Mid air...


   "Pick me this crazy slaughter!!!"


He shouted, the two guns with infinite bullets in his hands suddenly burst into endless flames. In an instant, the coyote was completely riddled with holes, and Meihao did not stop, and once again kicked the coyote about to land. Kicked, he flew over the coyote, and the figure whirled, the two guns continued to shoot, but this time they were no longer ordinary bullets, but ebony and white ivory bullets. ...


   The corrosion, curse, and dullness of ebony wood...


   White ivory comes with ice, fire, purification...


   I don’t know how long after shooting, the coyote’s body at this time is already out of human form...Even if it is immortal, I don’t want to recover without a few minutes...


  At this time, Meihao fell on the ground leisurely, and with a bang behind him, the coyote's body also slammed on the ground...


   Meihao snorted softly, and said contentedly: "After finishing work! Now you..."


  噗~~! ! !


   The sound of a sharp blade piercing the flesh and blood sounded...


Meihao stared blankly at the eight sharp blades that pierced into from behind her chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, "Why... will it? You obviously... need at least thirty seconds to come. Restore the body..."


   The coyote's voice came from behind him, "You are too confident... Even if the strength gap between us is huge, your mentality is ruining you for life!"




The sharp blade was pulled out, and Meihao, whose heart was pierced, fell to the ground feebly. He finally saw the coyote behind him. At this moment, the coyote was still in a state of death... His brain was still half missing, and his body was full of holes. ...If he was fighting like before, he should not be able to move at this time. He has to wait for his injuries to recover before he can fight again!


   It turns out... Your recovery does not take time at all! You've been using tricks from the beginning to let me relax...


   "I'm sorry, Meimei, patronizing to be handsome, I ended up losing my life here..."


   A word flashed in his mind with a wry smile, Meihao was completely motionless... (to be continued...)



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