Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 3 Chapter 7: It turns out that the legendary King 8 Qi really exists I




The sound of Huqin's tears stopped abruptly, and a calm voice came from the room, "Since the distinguished guest has arrived, why bother to wait outside the door?"

Su Yi smiled slightly and pushed open the door... and walked in.

The door is not big, but the space in the house is really not small. There are no furnishings in the surrounding area, only a coffee table and a cushion are placed in the innermost... It seems that this place should be a place to show off...

A middle-aged man is sitting on the cushion, holding an erhu, looking at Su Yi indifferently, his eyes are neither sad nor happy...

nameless! ! !


Su Yi used to doubt that the faces mentioned in those books are arrogant, and when you see it, you will worship... A human face is a human face, with two eyes and a nose, at best it looks better... and What kind of abundance...

But today, he has to admit that what the original book says is true!

Wuming was dressed in black plain clothes, with a sparse little beard on his lips, his expression was cold but not cold, warm but not warm, his eyes showed a lonely majesty that the world would not dare to violate... just so lightly swept away Su Yi's glance made him feel quite at a loss... as if he was an employee seeking a position under his hands, and he was incarnate as the supreme master who controls his life and death!

The power of the Heavenly Sword is indeed well-deserved! Su Yi knew that it must be because he was also a sword-wielder, and then he would be suppressed by namelessness in an instant!

Seeing Su Yi coming in, Wuming said indifferently: "Younger Bro, meet again..."

Su Yi was taken aback, and then asked, "Have we met?"

"Just now in Leyang Town. Shaoxia Duan made a move to abolish the martial arts of more than a dozen gangs in the world..." Anonymously approvingly glanced at Su Yi, and said: "Don’t say Shaoxia’s martial arts is so powerful, he even gave it back. With such kindness and kindness! Facing the enemy who pursues and kills oneself, I can still not kill him! I will definitely be the blessing of martial arts in the future! The blessing of Shenzhou!"

"It's just that I don't want to destroy the peace and tranquility of Leyang Town!" In the face of the nameless demeanor and even better than Wuyazi, Su Yi didn't want to lie, but honestly said: "If it's something else Place. Naturally, these people can never keep alive!"

"Being able to take care of others is already a chivalrous heart..." Wuming smiled slightly and stood up... Only then did Su Yi realize that he actually grew so tall, even more than 1.8 meters tall. Half a head higher...

"Dare to ask Brother Duan, where did you hear the news that your master is still alive?" A young voice suddenly came from the side. Su Yi discovered that beside Wuming, there was a gentle and elegant young man who was about the same age as his current self... He was known as a family teacher, obviously this person was Jianchen...

Su Yi couldn't help being darkened. The nameless presence is so high! After seeing him, I completely ignored everything around him, and didn't even notice that there was another person standing next to him!

"I have my own source of information... This Xiongtai can rest assured that he will come here, purely intending to ask the unknown senior for one or two! Whether this battle is won or lost, the next will never reveal that the unknown senior is still alive. news!"

Wuming walked out of the coffee table slowly, and sighed: "The sword is old in my heart! Victory and defeat. I no longer bear it on my chest! Broken young man, you are not far away this time... If you are interested, kid Jianchen has passed me 50% of my inexplicable swordsmanship! Would you like to compete with him one or two?"

Su Yi said in his heart that I just stopped by. How can it be a thousand miles away... But if you can see the legendary inexplicable swordsmanship in advance, it is naturally excellent... Now I am not discouraged, but asks: "If you defeat the sword brother in the next, the unknown senior can Would you like to enlighten me?"

Wuming smiled bitterly and shook his head... But Jian Chen next to him showed an unconvinced expression. Obviously Su Yi's words of treating him like nothing made him quite unhappy...

"Brother Broken! Let's wait until you win!"

After speaking, Jian Chen leaped slightly. Has fallen a few meters in front of Su Yi!

Su Yi arched his hand gently, "Please enlighten me!"

"Please!" Jian Chen also arched his hands. The right hand had already pulled out the long sword in his hand with a loud sound, but it was not the legendary hero sword that was famous all over the world. It's just an ordinary weapon!

"Brother Jian, why don't you use Hero Sword?"

"The hero sword is to kill the evil Xiao Xiao. This time I will discuss with Bro Bro, it is naturally inconvenient to use!" After Jian Chen finished speaking, the long sword in his hand suddenly burst into bright sword light, turning into countless sword shadows and attacking Su Yi... It's a famous move in the inexplicable swordsmanship!

Mingdong was created when an unknown teenager became famous. The sword implies the pride of a young newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers... The power of this young man, Jianchen, is even more extraordinary!

"Good swordsmanship!!!"

Su Yi couldn't help screaming. With this sword, he could be sure that this inexplicable sword technique was probably the top sword technique he had ever seen!

At the moment when he cast Lingbo's microsteps under his feet, he instantly transformed several afterimages, each of which was also true and illusion... But Jianchen couldn't tell which one was true at all! Easily avoided this type of sword move!

Seeing that Jian Chen missed a hit, he instantly became nameless with Jian Huo! Countless swordsmanship like swordsman surrounded all these afterimages... Obviously, there is no way to tell the truth from the false, so they just ignore it, and they attacked together!

But of course Jianchen's sword skills change very quickly, and his sword skills are wonderful! But in the face of Su Yi's Lingbo's microsteps, he was always so bad that it was hard to hurt him...

But Su Yi saw the heart-hunting joy. When he saw such a clever sword technique, he naturally had to see clearly, so Lingbo walked constantly under his feet, but his eyes looked at Jian Chen's sword style with burning eyes. Internal analysis calculation...

Wuming beside him couldn't help his eyes gleaming slightly. His martial arts cultivation level had reached the level of the Heavenly Sword. Naturally, he could clearly see that the light work Su Yi used at this moment clearly evolved from the Yi Jing gossip, but it was a world One of the best in the world! With this light work alone, Su Yi can be invincible...

I can't help but sigh in my heart, Jian Chen is about to lose...

He even made more than a dozen moves, but didn't even touch the corner of Su Yi's clothes. Jian Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, "Since it's a battle, why do you just hide and not attack? Do you look down on my inexplicable swordsmanship? ?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "Hahahaha... In that case, Brother Jian be careful..."

The figure suddenly rushed forward and came to Jianchen's side in an instant. Jianchen was shocked and hurriedly swung his sword to force him back... But Su Yi's right hand Tianshan Zhemei used his hand and placed it on Jianchen's arm from an incredible angle With a quiet brush, Jian Chenton felt his arm numb, and the long sword in his hand could not help falling down. Su Yi pulled the long sword in Jian Chen's hand long ago, and then slid it in. On his neck...with a smile in his mouth: "Brother Jian, you've given up!"


Jian Chen looked at Su Yi in disbelief, he couldn't believe that the other party didn't even release a sword, but could forcibly take his weapon with his bare hands! And just now... he didn't see what happened at all, and the weapon was already in hand...that is to say, if he comes again, I am afraid that the opponent can still easily seize his weapon with this trick!

At the moment, he lowered his head with ashamed expression, and felt discouraged... The two were about the same age, but not only did their inexplicable swordsmanship fail to force each other’s they were even taken away by life sword! This is really embarrassing, and it is the face of my master...

Wuming looked at Jian Chen's expression and knew what he was thinking. He knew that his disciple had always gone smoothly, and he was easily defeated by a peer of his age today. I'm afraid this blow is definitely not a small one! But it's a good thing for him...


Seeing Su Yi's young face, Wuming couldn't help but sigh. I am afraid that when he was his size, he was not as strong as his martial arts...

The victory is divided! Su Yi put down the long sword in his hand, handed it to Jianchen, and said to Wuming, "Senior Wuming, can you enlighten me?!"

Jian Chen took the long sword, retreated guiltily, and muttered in a low voice: "Master, I'm embarrassed by you..."

Namelessly, he glanced at Jian Chen and said with a serious face: "Chen'er, today’s defeat is not necessarily a bad thing for you! Being a teacher over the years has protected you too tightly, but failed to let you experience the storm. In the hands of this young man, you can see your shortcomings... the martial arts of this young man is far better than you, and you are not ashamed of losing to him!"

After that, with a grasp of the palm of his hand, the sword in Jianchen's hand was in Wuming's hand!

Jian Chen suddenly exclaimed: "Master, do you want to do it yourself?!" (to be continued)








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