Cosma Empire

Chapter 700 Refuse to be Vulgar

Membership card is a good thing. The person who invented this thing is full of coins or banknotes. Only this kind of piggy bank brain can come up with such a tear-jerking idea. Membership cards make good use of the characteristics of people who like to be greedy for small and cheap things, so that these people maintain a good consumption inertia. Once the habit of consumption is cultivated, it will breed a kind of loyalty to the brand, which is a terrible thing, because no matter what you sell is good or not, they are loyal and willing to try, even if it is I don't necessarily like it, but I will stand up and maintain it spontaneously.

More importantly, membership cards can provide a terrible cash flow, and cash flow is the most important means of capital. Of course, Dooling does not lack this little money, but this does not mean that it is a bad thing to have a prepaid consumption money in his pocket.

The first store in the Imperial Capital will be the flagship store of Kesma Agricultural Company. The staff involved in the sales here will soon leave the Imperial Capital to work as store managers in other developed cities. They will train more excellent employees to join In this great business of selling health.

Originally, the price Doolin gave to the contractors was seven cents a piece. Those contractors thought that Doolin was crazy. They got the so-called "Zest Green No. 1" from other places, which was actually beets, and they could get them for a penny. Three, the price of Du Lin is dozens of times higher than that of other people, how could they accept such a price?

Without the extensive channels of contractors, it means that these vegetables are difficult to appear on the tables of a small group of families in the public in a short period of time. Du Lin is unwilling to sell these vegetables cheaply, so he simply does it himself.

Now the prices of his vegetables seem to be much higher than before. In fact, only the flagship store will sell them so expensive. After the completion of other brand stores, the price of beets will not exceed 30 cents a piece. If you apply for membership and Upgrade the membership level, and you can buy beets at a minimum price of 12 cents and 3 cents. Some people may question why the same thing can be sold at many different prices. In fact, the reason is very simple. This is the flagship store, and the vegetables sold here are all selected from millions of vegetables, the most perfect vegetables, so The store name is perfection!

Other brand stores will not sell the products of the Zhizhen series, if there are customers who want to buy?

Of course, you can submit the purchase intention to Xma Agricultural Company one week in advance after applying for the membership card, and then you will have the opportunity to select some of the potentially thousands or even tens of thousands of applications for delivery, and the rest will come naturally. Just move on to the next time. Of course, you can also go to the imperial capital to buy, but there is a better way, that is to upgrade the membership level, after the fifth level of membership, there will be "lucky critical strike, inevitable delivery"!

Rare opportunity!

Can these vegetables cause a huge social effect in the empire?

Doolin thinks this is okay,

There is a saying in his dream, which is called what is good at the top, and the bottom must be very good, or it can be read as the same as above. If some big names in the empire start to eat the high-end branded vegetables of Xma Agricultural Company for a long time, then naturally another group of people will also start to eat these expensive vegetables in order to try their best to improve their taste. But there is a little difference here, big people don't need money to eat these things, but other people have to spend money to buy them.

Regardless of whether these big shots are willing to purchase Durin's products for free, Durin will send some of them to the door every cycle, and let many people see the kind of door-to-door.

After finishing the short-term clerk training, Du Lin returned to the villa in Oak Bay. The court will be held tomorrow. After so long, I did not expect that the old Capet was dragged to death. It's not Dulin's fault, it's his own. So the next thing is to go through a process, and then he has to meet Magus, and let the lawyers register several patents by the way.

The scientists of Science Island have completed the design of a set of assembly lines, which can mass-produce decoders in large quantities, which means the arrival of a new era-the era of telecommunications!

The change of each era will shake the past overlord and make the Supreme fall. For example, the sales of newspapers will soon be affected to a certain extent, and the tape business will face a terrible business shrinkage. Nasha's cooperation made Durin willing to give Nasha a way out, but the Empire Star and Star Empire must accept Durin's capital injection again, which is a necessary prerequisite. Perhaps in some people's eyes, Du Lin's real horse riding is not a thing. He sold his company, which is obviously going to be eliminated, to Naza at a high price. Naza has experienced continuous hard work, reinvestment and management, and achieved commercial success. .

The Star of the Empire and the Empire of the Stars have obviously taken the lead in the entire tape business field. The eye-popping sales volume and the advertising business that has to be queued up have proved Naza's dominance in this field, but at this time Du Lin wants to Take a big bite out of both of these companies for a fraction of the price. The most important thing is that you can't do without food, this is simply bullying!

However, this is how the game is played in the capital world. If you fall behind, you will not only be beaten, but also lose money.


Yes, there may not even be scum left after elimination.

The emergence of cable TV technology and the upcoming large-scale construction does not mean that the tape industry will be completely eliminated. The tape will still have a certain market, and the profit will not be very low, but there is a premise that it is necessary to change the business direction in a targeted manner and business ideas. At present, when the huge impact occurs, these tape companies must not have thought that they will have a way out, just like when the tsunami comes, everyone is struggling to survive and run forward. Even if they are told that the tsunami will not kill them, they may not believe it. This is a good time to annex these industries.

The purpose of annexing a large number of tape companies is not to continue to strengthen the tape business, but to directly capture these production teams that have survived the brutal shopping malls. The content of the tape is merged into the two star companies. A production team that has proven its worth on the Internet will provide enough rich content for Dooling's cable TV station. Content is an important factor for the survival of cable TV stations.

Moreover, Du Lin didn't think that his Science Island invented the decoder, and he held all the patents of cable TV, so he could completely monopolize the cable TV business. With the increasing improvement of the "Anti-Industry Manipulation Act" and "Anti-Monopoly Act", such business practices as monopoly will only become less and less common in business in the future. Recently, someone submitted a "Supplement to the Anti-Monopoly Act" to the Imperial Parliament "Terms", one of which reads: "Enterprises or individuals that monopolize an industry with technology need to accept a certain degree of market financing...".

To put it simply, if Du Lin really starts this unique business, he will have to dilute his shares and accept investment from other capital forces, which he absolutely does not allow. He can see the future, but these investors may not be able to see the future, and in the end it is very likely to cause huge internal problems in the company, which allows some people to take advantage.

Instead of this, it is better to continue to authorize, master industry standards, and master the most popular content, and win with content.

In the evening, Frena came. When Du Lin had just set off from the west, she already knew the news, because there was going to be a trial tomorrow, and Du Lin said that he would appear in court. So she asked for leave at night and rushed over from the Royal Academy.

"There are still four months left, and my training is over." Frena straightened her upper body and let out a sigh of relief. Today she specially wore a set of very beautiful clothes, which can show the characteristics and beauty of women. At the same time, black and black The two special colors of purple added a sense of mystery and anticipation. She really put a lot of thought into today's dress. She stuck out her tongue and licked a trace of water stains with a glucose content of more than 90% hanging from the corner of her mouth. She sat next to Du Lin, "How do you plan to arrange my next work?"

Before Du Lin could react, he obviously hesitated for a few seconds, "So fast? Has it been almost two years?"

"What do you say?"

Thinking about it, it seems that it has been almost two years. Du Lin lowered his head and fell into silence. The time passed really quickly. When he thought about it carefully, he would be twenty-three years old in six months.


Hell, who stole seven years from me?

Du Lin was only sixteen years old when he just came out of the house, and now he is almost twenty-three years old. Why doesn't he feel anything? Seven years have passed, how many seven years can a life have?

So... I haven't been home for two or three years, I don't know if Mr. Kesma will kill me, it's better not to think about it. The son who has only met once can run around, he still remembers the last time he talked to Mr. Kesma, Mr. Kesma told him that the little bastard went around catching other people’s chickens, and with Tearing chicken feathers for fun, why didn't Mr. Kesma beat him?

Du Lin, who recovered from the messy thoughts, pursed his lips, put his arms around Frena's shoulders, watched the stupid and vulgar TV series on the TV, pointed to the screen and said, "Where you fell, you will fall." Get up. In the near future, I will form a new company, which has the same content as Empire Star, but with more businesses, a wider audience, and a different form."

"I'll give you another chance. If you can run this company well, I'll give you a certain share. If you can't do well, then you can consider whether you want to continue to be a star."

Frena's eyes lit up, her body suddenly became limp from excitement, and her watery eyes seemed to be able to speak. Xma Empire

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