Cosma Empire

Chapter 681 Equality

The sudden silence in the conference hall made Federer himself a little embarrassed. Of course, he couldn't stand up and become "the other one" to expose the many shady scenes in the West because of some shit social responsibility. There will be no gain other than finding some stimulation that can kill yourself. But it is different now, because he has seen a brand-new giant power gradually rising, and as a member of it, he must make adequate preparations for his own future interests.

What's wrong with telling a little lie about it? He didn't hurt anyone, even God will forgive a liar!

"I don't want anyone to interrupt me again. I will leave enough time for everyone to ask questions, but before that, this is the last time!" Federer pointed to the reporter. You may be interrupted next time. The most fearful thing when you are doing one thing is a sudden interruption. This may make people forget what they just said and what they will say next, resulting in terrible mistakes. and the result.

Federer is honest, he doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to be disabled, he has to get it right.

"The reporters here and other social enthusiasts should have some understanding. The backwardness and isolation of the west has made the west an 'other world' in the empire's territory. Here, oral agreements reached by the people are often more effective than contracts. People also believe that lynching can lead to a fairer trial. This is a backward place, so backward that many people still think that eating hot horse shit can cure diseases.” When Federer said this, he paused, and in the conference hall There was continuous laughter.

For these reporters who have traveled far and wide and seen many incredible things, eating hot horse feces to cure diseases is as stupid and ignorant as some small countries believe that drinking the original girl's blood can cure diseases. This ignorance comes from differences in education levels and information gaps in an information society. Of course, there are still many enthusiastic people who will spread the ignorant rumors after the director has changed them, making a thing that may not be strange at all strange.

The west, where there is no popularization of cultural knowledge and full of curiosity, has become a place where rumors are rife.

"Next, what I want to talk about has something to do with the invisible west in your eyes. Let's talk about the mining area and the mine owner first..."

A little humor in the opening remarks could not cover up the cruelty and cruelty of what Federer was going to say next. The smiles that existed not long ago gradually faded on people's faces, and became serious and even indignant. Because Federer's description made them feel an indescribable heaviness, when they heard that a healthy adult could be bought from a slave trader for only a few tens of dollars, and most of these adults would die in the mine When they were here, the standardization of morality made a flying dragon on fire, roaring in their bodies.

Every civilized society will have a moral standard that conforms to the values ​​of the public. In the prosperous society of the empire,

Everyone who has received education will be told by their teachers and family members at the stage of school, that is, human life is precious and unique. No one can take other people's lives at will, let alone dominate other people's lives unscrupulously.

These things that can be regarded as universal values ​​do not exist in the west, or only exist among the citizens of the empire... right?

In Federer's description, people's inherent impression of the West gradually began to change dramatically. This is a terrifying world where money, status, power and other desires dominate everyone's behavior. As long as they can make enough profits, they dare to use the abolished slaves to dig mines for them, and they dare to kill those slaves who are unwilling to obey in public and hang them on the pillars to dry them into a big jerky to deter other slaves.

How those slave owners treated their slaves during the slavery period was how these mine owners treated hard miners in the west, and they even went a little too far.

At this time, when there was no sound in the audience except the sound of the pen nib rubbing against the paper, Federer glanced at the letter paper on Dulling's desk and said suddenly: "I believe some people may think that my statement is too much. exaggerated, and even deliberately said such words to obey certain purposes, so I specially invited a very special person, his name is Amon. Three months ago, he was also a slave, But his luck is very good, so today he has the opportunity to stand here and tell you the truth..."

A small man who was different from the various races of the empire came in from the side door of the conference hall. He was dressed in linen clothes and seemed to have a very special sense of art, which was different from the culture and culture of the empire. Art. Some journalists who have covered international affairs immediately recognized the origin of this person.

He walked to Federer's right side, put his hand on his chest and bowed to Du Lin, and then faced the many reporters in the conference hall, he took off his hat, revealing his pure black hair.

"My name is Amon, Amon Lekmons, and I am one of those slaves that Mr. Federer said. It was like this before, but recently I have another identity. The people of Yaoxing Empire put me and Some of my friends are called members of the Freedom Front organization...", the whole conference hall instantly changed from no noise to an uproar that almost shattered the windows, people screamed or shouted in surprise, and more people were whispering , because in the official draft they received, there was nothing that slipped through the cracks of the Freedom Front.

But here, there is a question, does it mean that the mission of the Western Military Region to destroy the Freedom Front is indeed like some people said, and there are some invisible conspiracies in it. Conspiracy theory is always the most marketable argument. No matter whether you are hurt or not, you can attribute a series of incomprehensible behaviors to conspiracy. The appearance of Amon is the best evidence, at least the military region lied about the argument of complete extermination.

The discussion lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally subsided slowly, before Amon continued, "I came here today to tell you what I have experienced, seen, and heard, so that you can follow your moral values. , values, to assess whether my friends and I are members of extremist organizations as you say."

Next, Amon started talking about him still in his hometown, talking about his dream of going out to the outside world, talking about how he was successfully tricked into the boat by those fishing and slave hunting teams, and talking about his The jaw-dropping ugliness of every scene he saw while crossing the east and west coasts of the empire, and his final reduction as a slave, in the bottomless and dark mines like eternal night, are full of desperate work.

Nothing can be more contagious than narrating what happened to him. His red eyes from time to time and the hatred of gnashing his teeth between the lines clearly conveyed to the ears of every reporter. They seemed to be enjoying a period of painful and tormented despair. Journey, step by step from the sunlit place to hell with Amon and more slaves. When they heard from Amon that some long-term malnourished miners fell ill, not only did they not receive medical insurance, but were dragged into some abandoned mines by the mine guards to kill and bury them, just to save the patient's food, the meeting There were more than a dozen crisp snapping sounds in the hall.

The pens in the hands of those reporters broke into two sections under their enormous power. The shady scene that Federer said is more like a kind of pity from a high level to pity those real poor people with a fake pity. No matter what he said In the dark, people mostly just oh, there won't be too many complicated mood swings. It's not that Federer can't tell stories well. He is a mine owner himself, and what he said is not contagious. It's like a billionaire standing at the scene of a press conference and telling everyone that some poor people outside can't even afford to eat, it's so pitiful, maybe someone will be able to laugh.

But Amon is that poor man, so pitiful that people will be angry when they hear what he has experienced. Every sentence, every word he said is deeply full of what he has experienced in a certain period of time, the feelings he has endured, and the emotions he has been torn apart. Only such a voice and such content can truly move people.

Some female reporters who were more emotional even shed tears. Only at this moment did they really realize how cruel what happened in the west was. This makes them even more eager to use their pens to write something that can shake the entire society, and to beat those who think they are living in a prosperous age.

Here, there is not only freedom, but also slavery!

Amon's story is like a legendary novel. When he talked about Durin, he talked about Durin's sympathy for them, his pity for them, and his willingness to release them and give them the same living environment, social status and status as the citizens of the empire. When showing respect, some reporters actually cheered. Gradually, a female reporter looked at Du Lin with an admiring gaze, and began to applaud sincerely. The applause gradually became one piece, deafening.

After waiting for about a few minutes, Du Lin stood up. He smiled and raised his hands to make everyone quiet after venting their emotions. ’ and the like, making him look a bit dumbfounded. He waved his hand, and finally the whole conference hall became really quiet. He said: "I believe that from the moment people are born in this world, all of us are equal, and all of us are not different. There is no difference between high and low..."

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