Cosma Empire

Chapter 679: This is how the game is played

During the period when Memnon was restricted, he was well aware of what was happening outside. The headquarters did not allow him to go out, but he did not say that he would not be allowed to read newspapers. He could also make phone calls to the outside world in an environment where there were recordings and monitoring. . After all, Memnon is also a mayor and the leader of the Progressive Party. He still has some important tasks to deal with. No matter how unkind the headquarters is, these things will still give him a little convenience.

So what happened outside, Memnon is very clear, and very clear.

He knew that the West Mine would be doomed, and he knew even more that if the people in the West Mine were really doomed, these bastards would definitely drag him down. In the special environment of the west, many forces have cooperative relations with each other and also have hostile relations, but it is not so easy to explain clearly.

Take Memnon and the Western Mining Association as the most typical example. If Memnon dies, the executive members of the Western Mining Association may hold a grand celebration to celebrate the end of Memnon. This bastard has formulated many policies to let The executive members of the Western Mining Association and the mine owners were very upset.

For example, the minimum salary, the minimum job position system, etc., as long as they can make them unhappy, Memnon is very willing to do it. Similarly, the West Mining Association also caused some troubles for Memnon, but this does not mean that there is a relationship between the two parties. There is no partnership of any kind. As long as both parties can cooperate satisfactorily with each other, they are still willing to try to hold hands once to seek the benefits they want, and taxation is a very important part of it.

Why does the Western Mining Association firmly grasp the pricing power of the Western Mining Association in the western mining industry, even if they do not give in to Memnon and other large mining group companies?

This actually involves some things that outsiders don't know at all, but Memnon knows it well, and he is also one of the participants. This issue is taxation.

How to turn an income of 10 million into 5 million and then reduce the tax from 3.5 million to just over 1 million?

This involves a floating index price.

The Western Mine will firmly hold the pricing power of the western ore resources with the strength and strength of its more than ten years of operation. They claim that this is the guide price. At the same time, they will tell everyone that this is the final selling price for this year. Whoever buys it is not allowed to have any price fluctuations. Even if the two parties to the trade are the executive members of the Western Mining Association, the price will not fluctuate under such circumstances, except for some off-line transactions of human favor.

This seems to have restricted the free trade of the market, and made the entire mining resource market lifeless and uncompetitive. There should be many mine owners who are very dissatisfied with this practice of the Western Mining Association, and they will even take the initiative to leave the Western Mining Association.

Iron ore only costs more than a dozen yuan a ton outside, but the quotation from the West Mining Association is 40 yuan a ton. This kind of fucking monopoly method will cause a lot of mine owners to suffer huge loss of profits...,

But it doesn't.

In fact, there is another kind of thing that keeps seducing the mine owners to continue to follow behind the ass of the West Mining Association, and they never get tired of it.

This is a very complex economic ecosystem. To put it simply, the West Mine will help almost all mine owners save a lot of taxes by firmly controlling the price of mining resources. To give an example, the price of copper mines is rising rapidly this year, from 145 yuan last year to 220 yuan per ton, but the price set by the Western Mining Association has not changed from last year, only an increase of 5 yuan Money, one hundred and fifty yuan per ton.

But at the same time, bauxite plummeted due to the discovery of a huge vein in Yagur Mountain, from 62 yuan last year to 10 yuan this year, but the price of bauxite in the Western Mining Association is only less than last year Two yuan, keep at the price of sixty yuan per ton.

Presumably only a fool would use the so-called guide price to buy premium bauxite from the west, instead of choosing imported bauxite that is less than 35 yuan per ton plus transportation costs, but there are indeed such fools, because this It is the unique trick of the Western Mining Association to monopolize the western mining industry and win over all the mine owners.

When a customer conducted a transaction under the supervision of the Western Mining Association at a normal market price, he bought 10,000 tons of copper mines for 2.2 million, but it was listed in the contract that he only bought 4,000 tons of copper ore worth 600,000 yuan, and some resources with a very low tax rate but much higher than the market price, such as bauxite. In the end, the total amount in the contract had to be made up to 2.2 million, and then the supply and demand sides completed the transaction under the witness of the Western Mining Association.

When they start filing their taxes at the end of the year, they will file tax returns of 2.2 million separately. The empire has a certain degree of tax relief and dividend policy for resources that are in great demand during development and construction. This item needs to be explained separately. Each state of the empire has It has its own laws. As long as it can ensure that the constitution and basic laws are also added to the content of state laws, the empire will recognize the legitimacy of state laws. The specific data on taxation issues does not exceed the upper and lower limits set by the Imperial Tax Administration. Generally speaking, the Imperial Tax Administration will give an approved reply.

After the operation of the Western Mining Association, the enterprises that have a demand for ore bought the copper ore they needed in full at the normal market price, saving a lot of time and the transportation cost of imported freighters, and also had enough cooperation with Memnon. They don't have any loss in real interests, and besides, they will have another extra income.

Conversely, for the mine owners, they might have to pay the tax at the rate of 35% of the 2.2 million non-ferrous metal copper ore with a transaction value of 35%, but in fact this name is included in all documents The mine owner only sold copper ore worth 600,000 yuan, and now only needs to pay 210,000 yuan in taxes for the 770,000 yuan that he originally had to pay. On the other hand, Memnon has formulated that bauxite is beneficial to the development and progress of social construction or find other reasons, and lists bauxite as a special resource that can actively promote social development, and the tax will be reduced by 20%. The tax rate of 5 is only 10%.

The mine owner needs to pay a low price tax of 160,000 yuan for the sale of bauxite. Adding the previous 210,000 yuan, the total tax paid is 370,000 yuan, which is 400,000 yuan less than the normal tax.

Of course, the cost of the extra bauxite on the other side also needs to be calculated. For this transaction, they have to pay at least about 25,000 tons of bauxite, and the calculation cost is 250,000. million taxes.

But just like this, can the mine owners follow the West Mine Association wholeheartedly?

No, no, it's not over yet.

There will be follow-up gameplay here. For example, if the mine owner who is responsible for providing bauxite fails to pay enough bauxite as promised in the contract, the mine owner is willing to pay liquidated damages and "return" the bauxite purchased business. They will strictly follow the procedures in the contract to close the transaction in compliance with legal requirements. But the money will not really go back to the demand side. The money will go back to the mine owner's pocket after a circle in the West Mine. Of course, the liquidated damages must be paid. In such a game, there must be a point, isn't it?

Therefore, the 160,000 taxes generated by the sale of bauxite can be refunded, and 160,000 will be returned. Assuming that 50,000 is liquidated damages, then the mine owner will eventually get back 110,000. 50,000 plus the previous 210,000 taxes, they saved 510,000 in this transaction!

The actual tax paid is only one-tenth of the sales. Saving such a large amount of money is very attractive to all mine owners.

As for why things are so complicated, it is because the tax bureau itself is managed vertically, and does not accept the management of the city hall and the state government. They are only responsible to the Imperial Tax Administration. Any large transaction, these people will appear on the scene. In order to fool them, 6,000 tons of copper ore was mixed with the first batch of 25,000 tons of bauxite. The purpose of this is In order to minimize the risk of tax evasion, but also to ship things out.

Through this method, all parties can obtain huge benefits. The mine owner saved 510,000 yuan in taxes, and the West Mine Association once again consolidated its dominance in the west. After buying qualified and sufficient items at the market price, there can be an additional income of tens of thousands of yuan. Each of these three parties has obtained more profits than normal trade.

So what did Memnon gain?

He won the friendship and favor of the capitalists, and this is why he was able to get the vast majority of capitalists in the west and capitalists outside the west to support him. If there is no farm gate, outside capitalists want to buy ore at the market price? It is better to directly spend more money to import from abroad to save time. Maybe the price of the ore after you get it is much cheaper than buying it from the west. At this time, the indicator can be used.

The indicator is to tell those merchants who do not plan to play games according to this game system that you can buy at the guide price, but each person can only buy three to five tons or three to fifty tons. If you want more, you can wait until next year!

Under the circumstances of mutual cooperation and mutual containment, these seemingly enemy guys successfully reloaded the tax money from the tax bureau's coffers into their own pockets, and everyone benefited from it.

If anyone is losing money, it may only be the imperial tax system. The tax of 770,000 yuan has become 210,000 yuan, which is a lot of losses!

It was precisely because Memnon also participated in this game and played a very special role that he was even more afraid that the executive members of the Western Mining Association would be arrested. Once they face torture, maybe at some point they will say what they should say and what they should not say. This is a huge scandal, a huge scandal that can affect Memnon's administration, so he has to think of everything , to solve this crisis.


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