Cosma Empire

Chapter 648

In fact, Dove didn't know that the children discovered the intelligence of these two people. Since the children's ability was not enough to detect the infiltration of two professionally trained intelligence personnel, it was the place they were in that really exposed their whereabouts. The owner of the dwelling.

In order to avoid exposing themselves to other people, they made a deal with the owner of the house with the best view—a middle-aged widower with a red nose that was about to bleed. The day is not so happy. Two people from the security committee gave the middle-aged man 20 yuan and told him that his house would only be occupied for three days, and he could come back to live at night, but only on the first floor. At the same time, they also told the man not to reveal their information, they wanted to surprise their friends who were passing through town soon.

In fact, it's not that they haven't thought about temporarily tying up this middle-aged man, but this is a small town, and the town's population of more than 20,000 seems to be quite a lot, but in fact there are only so many people. There are less than 5,000 families, and almost all of them are very familiar with each other. Once this middle-aged man disappears for two or three days, there will definitely be a local sheriff to come and see what happened here. Nosy people not only exist in the Dar area, but also here.

It would be better to pay him to shut up and let him wander around town like nothing happened.

Their ideas are good, and the middle-aged man is willing to keep his mouth shut, but the three of them have overlooked one thing. What kind of activities and hobbies does a middle-aged man who has lost his wife and has no children usually have?

If this middle-aged man has a good job and income, and lives in a big city, he may have some healthy social activities, such as helping girls who are facing difficulties, or letting those skilled Women study hard and continue to study their skills. It is really impossible to find some "doctors" who can treat their swelling problems.

But here is a small town, a small town in the remote west, there are no skilled women here, no girls who desperately need money to save their lives, and no one who is good at making those who are bloated become unbloated Doctor, there's only wine here, and jokes.

The man who got twenty yuan immediately went to do what he loved most, drinking. In the past, his income was completely dependent on casual labor to earn pocket money. He had his own farmland and was able to maintain his life. Now that he has money, he should drink to his heart's content, so he went to his favorite bar, ordered two bottles of high-end wine worth 1.5 yuan in total, and the world of drinking with his friends spun.

Someone asked him curiously if he had dug out gold from the ground, or had done something shameful somewhere, but he laughed and told his friends that there were two idiots from the city I rented the second floor of his house for three days, twenty yuan.

Normally, this might just be an enviable piece of good luck, but under Du Lin's order, this is extremely important information in the eyes of interested people. "Attention, they chose to let the children tell this matter to Du Lin and his friends.

At this time, the boss sitting at the counter pointed to the small door behind him without looking back. His attention was completely attracted by the hilarious plots on TV, and he laughed for a while from time to time, which made people laugh. People feel a little numb.

Duffer nodded, put one hand in his pocket and walked out the back door. Outside the back door was a simple alley, and a wooden fence separated the building from the mud and garbage on the other side. After passing through four buildings, he turned around to the road, and then walked slowly to the residence opposite the hotel.

There is also a back door here. Dufo looked left and right, and his wrist shook slightly. A two-inch-long blade slipped out from the back of his wrist, and he was caught between his fingers. He held the doorknob in one hand, and at the same time inserted the blade along the crack of the door, stirring it gently,

When he felt some resistance and slowly increased his strength, the feeling in his hand told him that the door was open. He gently opened the door, took off his leather shoes, turned and entered the house.

The pistol in the holster was already in his hand, he opened the safety, and carefully inspected the first floor of the room, but found nothing. Before going up to the second floor, he picked up a dirty furry toy on the ground, frowned slightly, and put it back on the floor.

This half-human tall toy exuded a disgusting smell, undoubtedly, it was a breath that only men could make, combined with his guess, his face changed color.

This damn homeowner is definitely a pervert!

He shifted his gaze to an old sofa. Fortunately, there was a pillow here. He picked up the pillow and went up to the second floor with the gun in hand. As soon as he went up to the second floor, he heard a sound coming from the door of the second room.

"Do you know where in town there is a telephone?"

"When we came in, there was a grocery store at the gate of the town, and there seemed to be a telephone there."

"Really? I'll go and have a look, I have to report to the boss..."

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the door lock being twisted, and it was obvious that one of the two people wanted to leave here.

If Duffer is asked to think about some overly complicated things, he may not be very good at it, but if he is asked to choose the most suitable plan at the fastest speed in battle, then he must be very good. When the reed of the door lock was twisted to the bottom and there was some jerky metal friction sound, Dufo made a decision, two people, one is enough.

The guy who opened the door and came out still kept a smile on his face, his eyes were completely focused on the inside of the room, and he didn't notice Duffer standing by the corridor at all. Dover didn't give him any chance, he directly blocked the pillow in front of the muzzle of the gun and kept pulling the trigger. The four bullets instantly tore the somewhat damp pillow, and brought out the yellow and fluffy down inside. The soldier standing in the corridor shook a few times and fell to the ground with a plop.

One of the four bullets hit him in the neck, and the other three hit him in the chest. Such damage was enough to make him wait for death without even speaking. Many people say that you should aim at the head when shooting. In fact, this is a wrong statement that cannot be considered wrong. Compared with the head, the human torso has a larger area and is easier to be hit. There are two purposes of shooting the human body, one is to restrict movement, and the other is to kill the opponent, but these are not enough to make people aim at the target's head.

If the heart, major organs, or intestines are hit, as long as there is no medical treatment within a short period of time, there is no need for rescue within two to three minutes. As far as limiting movement, the legs are very good targets.

The sound of him falling and the sound of gunshots startled the other person in the room. The guy immediately pulled out his gun and squatted behind the bed to aim at the door. His forehead began to sweat, except for a pair of twitching legs from time to time. Can't see anything, can't hear anything.

The gunshots were weakened a lot after passing through the pillows. In addition, the doors and windows in this room were closed and did not spread outside the room. Pedestrians walking on the road didn't even know that the distance between them was less than ten meters in diameter. There has just been a murder.

A quiet space can make some people relax, and it can also make some people tense up. The people in the room were confronted with the air for three minutes, and after the twitching legs stopped moving, the pressure in their hearts increased sharply, which was unbearable. Shouted out, "Who is it? We are agents of the Imperial Security Council, and we are on a mission. Your behavior has seriously violated the laws of the Empire..."

At this moment, he heard a crisp metal vibration from outside the door. It was the sound of a well-known brand lighter opening the lid. About five seconds later, a lit pillow was thrown in from outside the door.

The position was awkward. The pillow fell on the other side of the bed, and soon ignited the quilt on the bed. The flames grew bigger and bigger, but the people in the room did not dare to put out the flames. Because he knew very well that as long as he made any noise, a gun might appear outside the door.

Beads of sweat dripped down his temples, he wiped the sweat off his face, slowed down and got up slowly, now there are two ways to go.

Rush out and fight this shooter to the death, or break the window and jump out the window.

This is the second floor, not too high, and he won't be fatally injured if he jumps out. As long as he jumps out, he will definitely alarm the local sheriff. At that time, he will be able to get help from the locals, and the gunman will definitely not be able to escape.

But he wasn't sure if that guy would shoot at him suddenly when he broke the window. People's fear of the unknown is far higher than the fear of the known. It is this kind of uncertainty that keeps him struggling. Difficulty making a decision.

At this moment, he had already moved to the window, the whole bed started to burn but there was still no sound from the door, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer, he didn't want to be burned alive, and he didn't want to be shot dead as soon as he went out like his companion . He picked up the telescope on the table and smashed it at the window. The sound of glass shattering was like a signal to fire a gun. He kicked his legs and sat on the table, turned over and fell out of the window.

As he breathed that fresh air, he thanked God for not giving up on him.

But what was waiting for him was a familiar face—Dover, and a wooden stick.

The time he fell from the second floor to the ground was not enough for him to adjust his body shape and aim and shoot. He watched a black shadow cover his eyes, and after his head buzzed, he lost all the images in front of him.

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