Cosma Empire

Chapter 449 Credentials [1]

"Mr. Mayor, hello, I am the newly appointed president of the Odis City Branch of the Workers Union, Bryant, and I am very honored to be interviewed by you."

Bryant is a male who looks to be in his early thirties. He has no distinctive appearance. Like most workers, he has a blue chin and an inch-long scar at the corner of his eye. He has brown hair, is not short, looks clean and direct.

Under the operation of Magus, the labor union was finally completely dismembered from Yiyantang into three parts, the administration department of the labor union, the legal department of the labor union, and the labor service department of the labor union. Officials have intervened in these three departments. Again a purely workers' organization. In fact, it is not quite right to say that. The official representative can only play a supervisory role, and cannot control the daily work arrangement and actual work of the trade union.

But some things are uncertain. The dual-track system itself is for a system to maintain a good attitude and continue to work, but there are always some people who will exploit loopholes in certain ways to gain more power from it. This kind of thing cannot be said to be common , but not uncommon.

As the main knife-wielder who was dismembered by the workers' union, the first thing Bryant did after taking office was to visit Doolin. Now there is a consensus within the workers' union that the branch president in Odis City is not that good When. Accidentally offended Du Lin, maybe something bad will happen. But they can't completely appoint an obedient person to be the president of the branch. They still want to preserve the last dignity of the workers' union.

So Bryant was sent here. This is a branch president with a "standpoint". He is a member of the New Party and is actively engaged in some social activities. He was frozen for a long time because of his "position" before, and now the purpose of using him is to let him come to the muddy water of Odis City.

For a sensible and polite person, Du Lin didn't mind expressing his kindness. He reached out and shook hands with Bryant, and then invited him to sit down, "I heard that your internal election has just ended. I didn't expect you to come so soon. It just so happens that I also have some work that needs your cooperation."

When Du Lin talked about the election, a slightly embarrassed expression flashed across Bryant's face. The workers' union declared to the outside world that the election went very smoothly. top leadership, but in fact this process is not as harmonious as reported in the newspapers. All kinds of overt and covert canvassing emerged endlessly, and even he, a marginal man, had several people stuffed him with money, telling him to vote for himself.

On the day of the election, it was supposed to be an open election vote, but the door of the conference hall of the headquarters was locked from the inside in less than 30 minutes. But Bryant, who has the right to vote, knows that there is a gang fight inside.

Some senior worker representatives have a lot of contacts in the trade union, and some high-level executives left behind after the president was forced to resign also have ideas about the position, and the competition becomes fierce. In particular, when a worker representative expressed to the conference and all the participants why he wanted to become the president and what changes he would bring after becoming the president, a senior executive couldn't help standing up and questioning his program , and used very dirty words.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the meeting became intense. At first, there were teacups and shoes, but soon chairs started flying around, and the whole meeting place became a mess. In the end, the strong physical fitness acquired by the workers' representative class through their many years of participation in the work overcame those high-level trade union leaders who could only sit in offices, allowing a worker representative from Gallen Root to successfully get that position.

Therefore, dozens of people abstained during the publicity vote. They did not want to abstain, but their bodies could no longer support them to continue voting, so they had to go to the hospital in advance.

When Du Lin talked about work, Bryant immediately expressed his determination and position,

"Please tell me, I will do my best to help you complete the things within the scope of my work."

"Tsk..., I'm a little embarrassed when you say that." Du Lin didn't show any embarrassment on his face, but the atmosphere was really good. He said with a smile: "I plan to apply for a card for all the workers in Odis City. Labor certification, you should know that every city will have a large number of migrant workers, which will not only enhance the prosperity of a city, but also bring some uncertain factors.”

"From the beginning of the big construction in Odis, there have been more than one hundred thefts in more than three months, almost every day. In the five years before the big construction in Odis, there were only two thefts. We need some means to manage and monitor these floating populations, of course I don’t mean any discrimination. Not only laborers, but all people living in Odis City will have such a certificate.”

"Residence certificate, ID card... and more proofs, only in this way can I manage the city better and make the market more orderly."

Bryant listened very attentively. He didn't interrupt Du Lin's train of thought. After Du Lin finished speaking, he asked: "So what should we do? This matter may encounter some minor troubles. Participating in the management work is the only way to discover that the working class is not as easy to manage as imagined." He must say some things first, even if it is a little embarrassing for this, it doesn't matter, in case later because he didn't let Du Lin's plan was aborted, maybe this stick will hit him.

"Most of the working class are uneducated bottom of society, their legal awareness is weak, their character is rude, lack of knowledge and self-cultivation. So we will encounter many possibilities. It could have a negative effect." No doubt, if the offer to issue unprecedented labor certifications to workers would lead them to associate something bad with themselves, such as slavery.

During the imperial period, slaves would have a plaque with their names and teeth marks on them, as well as the name and contact information of their masters.

Du Lin thought for a while, "I'll let some of the workers take the initiative to handle it, and ask the merchants in Odis to give them higher treatment. This may solve your confusion."

"If that's the case, then there's no problem at all!" Bryant also remembered that Dulin had recruited a group of Guarts to work, more than 50,000 people. If this group of people can apply for labor certification first and get benefits, then the rest will not need him to do work. At the same time, he also realized that this is a good opportunity for him. Once the method proposed by Duhring can be applied to the workers of the entire empire, it will be helpful for the workers' union to restore its previous credibility and prestige.

As for how to do it, we have to think about it again.

Du Lin discussed some details with him. For example, after the worker's resume is also part of the labor certificate, Bryant took the initiative to leave. He felt that Du Lin had nothing to say to him. Rather than asking Du Lin to "please" him to leave, it is better to take the initiative. He came here to do a good job in service, not to pursue a sense of presence.

Soon there was a saying among the workers that after the corruption within the labor union was exposed, the new president took office and brought about new changes, such as labor certification. Workers with labor certification are able to find better jobs with better benefits. Some were skeptical, others thought it was a hoax, and it was not clear what was trying to deceive them.

After Du Lin's order, the Guart laborers in Odis City became the first batch of workers to apply for labor certificates. The main purpose of workers applying for labor certificates is to facilitate the city hall to count the floating population in the city and to eliminate some criminals. As for others Yes, it's all attached.

People have a herd mentality. When they see that those workers with labor certificates can get an extra dollar a month, no matter whether there is confusion or suspicion, they will take the initiative to register for labor certificates. Under Bryant's impetus, the Workers' Union Administration decided to apply this system to the working class throughout the empire after consideration. As Du Lin said, the employer can clearly see whether the workers he employs have committed any crimes and whether they have rich experience when they are employed. idea.

At the same time, Du Lin also began to promote the work of residence permits and ID cards. Anyone who is willing to settle in Odis can get an Odis ID card, otherwise only a residence card. Citizens who hold Odis City ID cards must live in Odis City for more than six months every year, and there will be spot checks anytime and anywhere. If they fail to meet the requirements, they will be changed to a residence permit.

As for why the ID card was promoted, During did not say, but there is a follow-up plan.

How to improve a city's residents' recognition of the city, and how to make them more united? In fact, it is very simple. It is not new to draw a circle for them, or to establish a subtle class system for them. In the past, the royal family used this trick badly in order to win over their own people.

At that time, they called the imperial people who "hold ID cards" "citizens" and the imperial people who "do not hold ID cards" "free people", and then formulated a set of laws telling every citizen of the empire, They are protected by the empire. As for the free folk? That is a class not much different from slaves. As a result, citizens gained a sense of superiority from class, and began to band together to resist freemen and become citizens, because they needed this sense of superiority.

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