Cosma Empire

Chapter 200 Riot【?/?】

This idea did not come from Abien's sudden inspiration. In the past six months, he has been following the news of the Progressive Party, from the beginning of the armed conflict between them and the old party to the subsequent armed demonstrations. It only takes someone to push the Progressive Party and it will fall off the cliff forever, but they survived miraculously. Not only sit at the negotiating table with the old and new parties to shake hands and make peace, but also qualify for election. If the Progressive Party does not mess around, it is very likely to become the third largest party in the empire.

This undoubtedly pointed out a correct path for Abien, who had always wanted to change the status quo. As a spokesperson, he could indeed make money and gain some status, but he was not satisfied. He has money and can't spend it, and he can go to live in the fourth district, but in order not to leave these guarts, he has to live in the worst fifth district. Why did he do this? Is it to be able to continue to turn the Guarts into a resource in your own hands? Is it not to avoid alienation from the masses?

He talked about this matter when he was having dinner with a broker two days ago, and the broker pointed out to Abien what he needed to do next.

The first step is to establish a taller image of yourself as soon as possible, and let people know that there is an Abion in Illian, who fights unremittingly for the happiness of his compatriots and the right to survive.

The second step is to form a more convenient and efficient small group, use this small group to develop and spread downwards, organize the backbone force, develop the backbone force to improve the organizational structure, and then absorb more people to join this group with a clear name and charter and purpose in the organization.

The third step is to strive for the inflow of funds in the society. It is best to establish an industry by yourself, strengthen the strength of the group, actively demonstrate the benefits and contributions of the organization to society, help some people or the government solve some troublesome things, and gain positive influence.

The fourth part is to apply for the establishment of a party. If an ordinary organization is directly turned into a party, then all members of the organization will become members of the party. They will naturally protect their own interests by safeguarding the interests of Abion.

The broker explained clearly the benefits of establishing a party. Once the party is established, Abien's personal influence and appeal will rise sharply, and the government will have to give him a higher social status and equal dialogue rights. and other important channels. At that time, Abien's status and power cannot be shaken by money. He can even unite the Guarts in the entire empire, establish a powerful party, and finally step into the highest hall and hold the scepter.

What the broker said made Abien so excited that he couldn't help himself. He had already fantasized that that day would come, and he would stand on the steps outside the palace, holding a scepter in his hand, accepting congratulations and submission from everyone. . He will become the country's first guart prime minister, and he will also be the leader who leads the guart people to a strong future. He will be remembered by countless people in the future, even in children's textbooks. There are stories about his life and what he did!

I am a person who does great things. From the day I was born, I have a sacred mission. I am the Messiah sent by the gods and the kings to save all my compatriots!

Looking at his companions around with a serious expression, Abien took a deep breath, "Tonight this grassland and the people sitting on this grassland will be firmly remembered by history, because of our greatness, so melon Walter has won a sacred victory!", his cultural level is not high, although he has a lot of ideas in his heart to express, but it is inevitable that there are some deviations in the choice of words and sentences, but this does not prevent the surrounding melons with the same low culture. The Walters understood what he meant.

For a moment, people's breathing became short of breath. Regardless of whether what Abien described could be achieved, they first saw the benefits in it. As promoters, they will inevitably become important figures in the party and organization. Even if they can only complete a small part of what Abien said, they will still make money. Whether they do or don't do it, there will be no change. They have nothing, even if they lose, where can they lose?

It has to be said that among the countless successful uprisings in history,

The first to lift the curtain of those epic historical dramas will always be those bottom-level people who have nothing and don't care about winning or losing...

In fact, there is another sentence in the back, but it is better not to say it in this atmosphere at this time.

The companions all expressed their willingness to follow in the footsteps of the leader Abion and fight for the rights and interests of the Guarts all their lives. Listening to the words of leader in the mouth of his companions, Abien felt a little ecstatic. He forced himself to calm down a little, and handed over the task.

He can't remember what the broker said, but it's probably the same thing, "Contact everyone who has a good relationship with you, let's build up the party first, and then I will find a way to expand our influence, let society and the empire Acknowledge us. The future is sure to be bright, so we have to go the extra mile here, please!"

Sometimes it is not necessary to have a high-level and high-quality speech to be exciting, as long as it can touch people's hearts, even if the preface is inconsistent, it is an exciting speech and a successful speech.

Abien sent off his companion, no, not a companion, but a subordinate. While thinking about what to do next, he walked towards home. It's not far from where he lives, just two intersections away. He doesn't like everything here. When the party is established, he will definitely move to the third district, or even the second district. Planning for the future in a mess in his mind, he walked outside the house, subconsciously took out the key and opened the door, closed the door casually, and threw the coat on the shoe rack.

His wife hasn't come back yet, he was beaten a bit, the bruises haven't completely dissipated, and there is no one in the house. He didn't turn on the lights, and he knew exactly where every piece of furniture was placed after living here for so many years. Avoiding all the furniture in the dark, he dropped the keys on the coffee table and leaned on the sofa. He patted his cheeks, thinking about whether to buy two more decent clothes, he scratched his cheeks, a little itchy.

In the next second, the light turned on inexplicably. The sudden switch between darkness and light caused Abien's pupils to shrink to the extreme, and there was a double image of light in front of his eyes, and a figure could be faintly seen. He cursed his wife, but he was in a good mood today and didn't plan to practice boxing.

When he rubbed his eyes and his eyes got used to the light, his whole body froze, like...a wax figure. Many beads of sweat gushed out of his face immediately, dripping down drop by drop, and dripping to the ground. Two children who looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old stood three meters away from him, pointing at him with pistols in their hands.

"Hey, buddy, did you make a mistake? I'm Abion. Do you know Abion?" Under the threat of death, Abion mustered up the courage to squat and move forward. With half a step, he stretched out his hand slowly, "Everyone knows Abion, didn't your parents tell you who I am? And look around, there is no money here, we are all poor, poor people shouldn't look for Trouble for the poor!"

He took another half step forward, and the distance of three meters was only two and a half meters in an instant. He slowly put his other hand into his pocket, and slowly took it out again. There were several fifty cents in his hand. Coins, "Look, I only have this much money, take it all, but don't hurt me...", he took another step.

At this time, there was only one step between him and the two half-grown children. Just as he was about to rush over to snatch the pistols from the two children, the child with slightly curly hair took a step back and said Words that he couldn't believe.

"Mr. Abion, Durinto, I send my greetings to you!"

In the next second, darkness hit like a rising tide of sea water, submerging Abien in an instant.

At noon the next day, Abien's wife timidly opened the door with the dishes needed at noon. She calmly picked up the clothes that had been left on the shoe rack, and then arranged the shoes neatly. After changing into a pair of slippers, she walked to the living room. She needed to deal with the food in the bag and make a delicious lunch for Abien who didn't know if she would come back for dinner. Just when she was about to cook, she suddenly stopped in her footsteps. She stood there for a long time looking at Abien lying in a pool of blood in the living room, then turned around and ran outside the door, crying bitterly. Some passers-by and neighbors who lived around came to ask what happened, but his wife didn't say a word, just kept crying.

Enthusiastic people walked into Abien's residence, and soon found Abien lying in a pool of blood, already stiff. In an instant, the fifth district seemed to be bombed, and a large number of Guarts gathered in Abien. Around Bean's house, there was great sadness and indignation for the death of Abien, a good brother and friend. I don't know where it started and who spoke up first, but there is an indistinguishable rumor circulating among the crowd. The content of the rumor is that Abien's death is directly related to Mr. 350,000.

It was precisely because Abien exposed the hypocritical mask of Mr. Three hundred and fifty thousand that Mr. Three hundred and fifty thousand killed him! The angry crowd suddenly had a direction to vent, and they spontaneously walked towards the first district. They had never been so angry. In order to cover up their evil intentions, an evil businessman murdered a good person who thought he was upright and kind!

The angry and massive crowd broke through the alienation passage between the fifth district and the fourth district, and poured into the streets of the fourth district. Some even picked up rocks and smashed the windows of roadside shops, looting the contents. Seeing that the riots were about to start, the city defense system of Illian City immediately launched emergency measures. Groups of policemen and a small number of marines appeared on the streets to evacuate the crowd while blocking the group of melons who had lost their minds in the group consciousness. Walters.

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