Cosma Empire

Chapter 1339 Yes, intrigues are as smooth as silk in my hands

The secrecy system is not a mechanism unique to modern times. It has existed since the birth of human civilization, especially after public ownership evolved into private ownership. The secrecy system is very popular.

From the most basic and harmless keeping secrets of the wealth one owns, to keeping secrets about how to earn the money, everyone has to tell a lot of lies in his life, and at the same time, he must keep or cannot bear some secrets.

According to the requirements of the new party's provisions on internal party discipline review, only when it is fully confirmed that the person being reported has not violated any rules and regulations at all can the content of the report be disclosed to him in a limited manner, and the personal information and personal information of the informant must not be involved. Investigate details.

Before it is confirmed whether a certain member is really completely innocent, he will be labeled with a suspicious label.

Undoubtedly, after the Minister of Finance was reported by others, the Ministry of Internal Affairs believed that it was a malicious frame-up and false accusation and did not deal with it, but an accusation is an accusation.

Without the signature of the relevant bureau members, the Minister of Finance is always suspicious, and he should not know the specific information about his being reported, or even know that he has been reported.

This is a rule, or a dead rule, there is no flexibility, so no matter what the Minister of Internal Affairs thinks in his heart, he has to shake his head.

"No, Your Excellency, Vice Chairman, I have not disclosed the content of the report to anyone, including Mr. Minister of Finance." He answered decisively, and he could not hesitate to do this kind of thing, and he could not show his guilt and innocence. Hesitate, it will be fatal.

Du Lin nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the Minister of Finance, he raised the document in his hand, "Minister of Finance, can you tell me what you have done in the past two weeks or so? ?”

The guy named by Du Lin wiped the sweat from his face. His handkerchief had already become wet with sweat. It was more like wiping sweat than distributing it evenly across his face.

The slightly nervous and elevated blood pressure made his face look unhealthy rosy, and some bloodshot eyes crawled on the whites of his eyes. He hesitated and didn't know what to say. It wasn't that he was so stupid that he couldn't even tell a lie, but that He believed that since Du Lin asked these questions, he must be ready to be counterattacked.

He didn't know if Dulin would see through a lie he made up at will, and he didn't know how to get through today's unpleasant meeting, and his mind was in chaos.

"I...", he opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't say anything.

Du Lin looked at him in no hurry,

He had already done enough homework before planning to move these people. Most of the top officials in these departments were indeed of noble origin, but nobles and nobles were not all the same, and there were differences between high and low.

From the lowest level baron to the highest level prince, the gap here is no less than the gap between commoners and nobles.

These people in the top ranks of the new party were all from small and medium-sized aristocratic backgrounds in the past. There were no big aristocrats like Magus, let alone hereditary big aristocrats like Odegar.

In other words, they are actually not strong, and this is precisely the decision made by Magus at the time, and Durin can understand it.

If the top officials of finance, internal affairs or other important departments are handed over to those whose family background and social status are not inferior to Magus, Magus will inevitably devote part of his energy to internal struggles.

These key tasks are controlled by people who can be equal to Magus, why should they obey Magus' orders and decisions like servants?

Therefore, those with real aristocratic backgrounds, such as Harry and Holmes, could not hold high-level positions in the party, and were released by Magus early on to compete with the old party for territory.

As long as these people do not control important departments of the New Party and use it to seek their own interests, Magus's control over the New Party will never lose control, and the New Party will always be a tool in his hands.

It is precisely because of this that Du Lin will not hesitate to punch the top leaders of the new party. These people are all dogs raised by Magus, but they are not what Du Lin wants. Now that Magus has left, they also must leave.

This has nothing to do with whether they made a mistake or not. At their level and status, even if they make a mistake, as long as it is not a principled mistake, it is basically nothing.

Just like the things that these people used their power for personal gain in the Magus era before, could Magus not know? People come to replace these people, and let them go without even lifting them.

The good old days are now at an end. After Du Lin takes power, he will definitely replace his own people in large numbers. Some people speculate that his first target should be the Secretariat, but these people guessed wrong. He wants to It is not the secretary who is moving, but the entire leadership under the non-presidium!

Even if these people did not make mistakes, it is impossible for them to continue to stay in their current positions. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is entirely a matter of position.

"I didn't do anything, Your Excellency Vice Chairman." The Minister of Finance answered Du Lin's question with a very vague answer, staring at the huge pressure.

Didn't do anything, which can also be read as "didn't do anything special" or "as usual", Du Lin shook his head, showing some disappointment on his face, and said softly, "You're lying!"

Without waiting for the Minister of Finance to explain anything, Du Lin continued, "In the past two weeks, you have been busy dealing with the content of this report about your violation of discipline."

"Just now the Minister of the Interior said that he did not disclose the content of the report to you, so I want to know who disclosed the content to you, and informed you that the things you have done have been reported, and let you go Salvage?"

Du Lin's punch immediately aroused the interest of other people participating in the meeting. The collision between politicians is very interesting, whether it is with an attitude of learning, watching the excitement, or What other psychology, they all began to focus.

The Minister of Finance looked at Du Lin for a long time. At this time, he had calmed down somewhat, took a deep breath, raised his head to meet Du Lin's gaze, and said loudly, "No one revealed these things to me. I don't know what happened, I just want to make up for the mistakes I made out of inner anxiety."

"Your Excellency Vice President, Ministers, Members, God has said that repentance and making amends for past mistakes will not leave the stain of mistakes on us forever, I did it purely out of my own stupidity I want to make up for the utter remorse of my behavior, may I ask, do I not have the right to correct my previous mistakes?"

He had already calmed down a little during the brief silence before, and at the same time realized that Durin's gun was no longer aimed at him, and that the gun was not aimed at him, which made him feel that the familiar feeling was coming back, as long as both sides bit If death did not reveal the content of the report, Du Lin's plan would fail.

This time they were not prepared to be very passive, and when they talked about these issues next time, they would be fully prepared to deal with Durin's offensive.

The other onlookers were more or less puzzled. Everyone was at this level. How could Du Lin make such a mistake?

He took out these things without communicating with other presidiums and specified the goals. If he does not get the support of other presidium members and at the same time alerts the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if he wants to do this next time, he will definitely face Losing situation.

Unless... he doesn't want to take down the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and everything he has done so far is just to deter the high-level and establish his own authority?

But if you think about it this way, something is not right. Isn't the effect of doing this...too ordinary?

No matter what others think, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Internal Affairs among the parties involved have also calmed down. No matter what Du Lin said today, their status and interests will not be shaken immediately.

The high-level executives in the first row were also secretly poking at each other through their eyes and communicating through the subtle expressions on their faces, and soon the expressions of these people became calm again.

Regardless of what Du Lin intends to do, let's wait until after this meeting is over.

The Minister of Finance's counterattack is in place. If he is really killed, Du Lin has no good way to pry his shell from this aspect, but Du Lin is always Du Lin, and his brain circuit will never be the same as that of others. too same.

He shrugged his shoulders, casually dropped the file in his hand on the table, leaned back on the back of the chair, took a sip of the slightly cooled coffee with a teacup in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I asked The purpose of this matter is not to oppose anyone and become an enemy, but I need to know some real content before I can help you."

When he said "help", some people in the first row unsurprisingly showed a kind of sarcasm on their faces. They knew that Du Lin was lying, and Du Lin himself would not deny it.

Just when these people thought that Du Lin intended to let this matter end like this, he spoke again.

"Maybe you don't know, the whistleblower who listed this document has disappeared, his family and friends have called the police, and he left a file and a letter with his friend before he disappeared, he told His friend, if he disappears suddenly, ask his friend to call the police. And explain that his disappearance must be related to what is said in the envelope."

"Now both the police station and the investigation bureau have filed a case for investigation. Because political figures are involved, the Imperial National Security Council has also intervened in this matter..." Some disgusting smiles appeared on Du Lin's face, "I have always been kind I want to figure this out and help some of you, but obviously you don't appreciate it, so I'm not going to do any of these nasty things again."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the staircase conference room was pushed open, and seven suspected official people who were either secret agents or agents in formal suits and sunglasses filed in and walked in front of the Minister of Finance, and their identities were also obtained later. verify.

"Hi, I'm a senior agent from the Imperial Capital Investigation Bureau. We suspect that you are involved in a premeditated murder case. The Imperial High Court has already arrested you. Please come with us..." The senior agent pulled out from his waist Everyone else in the auditorium was stunned.

There is no doubt that this must have been planned by Director Du Lin and even himself. Everyone knows that he has great differences and conflicts with these high-level managers in the party. In the past year or so, everyone has clearly understood at this point.

But they never thought that Du Lin would use such a method to achieve his goal, and he was so decisive!

Yes, according to the imperial laws and charter, no agency can file a case to investigate serving officials with specific positions, but party cadres are not considered official officials.

He can be said to be a senior politician in the political circle, a high-level cadre in the new party with great influence, but he is not an official official of the empire, so he is naturally used to protect the in-service officials and prevent the charter clauses of terrorist politics It won't work on him.

He looked blankly at the approving arrest decree in front of him, at the names of the two judges who signed the signature, and at the people around him, his ears were buzzing.

His complexion quickly turned sour, and he glared at Du Lin, "You can't do this!" These words were filled with hatred and monstrous anger, but Du Lin just shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

The top officials of other departments in the first row stood up one after another to intercede. At this time, a young man who came to arrest the Minister of Finance suddenly drew his gun, pointed at these people, and said loudly, "Sir, I suspect they are trying to violently resist the law and prevent us from exercising power, should we fight back?"

Suddenly, there was a lot of laughter in the ladder meeting room. There is no doubt that if the onlookers were still thinking about whether it was Du Lin's handwriting before, then there is no need to think about it now, it must be Du Lin's design.

The effect of this sentence is so powerful that those who were planning to intercede with each other also looked ugly and stood there in embarrassment, neither moving nor not moving.

A small detective shot and killed them. At most, they lost their jobs because of a misjudgment, but they were really dead when they died. It is surprising that the political circles in the entire New Party and even the entire empire can come up with such a surprise. There is only one person who has an unreasonable approach.

That guy is sitting right in the middle of this room!

That's Dooling!

They didn't dare to bet, didn't dare to bet whether the young man really dared to shoot, and didn't dare to bet whether Du Lin really planned to catch them all.

Just now they thought that Du Lin had made a stupid plan, but now they have nothing to say. Facts have proved more than once that Du Lin is the father when playing tricks.


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