Cosma Empire

Chapter 1217 Untitled

The captain who woke up drowsily wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and fled all day until the evening before finding a secret cave to rest.

This is a safe spot he set up when he was a gold digger. It was originally a den of a small group of Gobi wolves.

There is stored water and some dried meat that is harder than a stone after drying. When you are in danger, you can hide here. It is not a problem not to go out for three to five days.

Slapping off some bugs on his body and hair, he saw the dim light behind the curtain formed by the natural vines at the entrance of the cave. He wasn't sure if it was morning or night, so he took out his pocket watch, glanced at the light of the lighter, turned around and started Cook.

After escaping for a day and sleeping all night, it was already past six o'clock in the morning.

The morning light in the mountains is later than that outside the mountains, and the dense vegetation blocks most of the light. Sometimes it is eight or nine in the morning, and some hidden places can be lit.

A small bonfire, a rusted iron bowl, pour the water stored in the bottle into it, and throw the dried meat that has turned white and has a layer of hoarfrost on the surface with cold water.

After about half an hour, the jerky was boiled, and the smell of the meat came out. I dug some fresh and tender tree roots from the surrounding soil wall, and simply washed them and threw them in. This is a hearty meal. breakfast.

Unbeknownst to most visitors to Ambiluo, the life of real gold diggers in the wild is not at all as comfortable as it is shown in the movies.

You can also get fresh meat anytime, anywhere and have time to sit down and grill slowly, and you can also make some milky coffee or herbal tea by the way.

In the wild, especially in the undeveloped wilderness in Ambiluo State, the smell of blood can attract all the predators around. In addition to wolves, lions, leopards, there are other groups of predators. Small predators, such as wild dogs, and even some carnivorous poisonous insects.

If there are thirty or fifty people facing these beasts, it is not a big problem, but if there are only two or three people, three or five people, it will become a nightmare.

And even if there are enough means and abilities to effectively kill those beasts, the more you kill, the stronger the bloody smell, and the more beasts you will attract. As for running away... that's a joke.

Real gold diggers are like him, they will reserve some dry food that has been cooked and then dehydrated by exposure to the sun, mainly jerky and powdered food.

Powder cake is a convenient food that is ground, fried, and compressed into small pieces. It can be brewed in cold water or hot water, especially when it is boiled in a bowl with water and jerky. Simply wonderful!

After eating something to fill his stomach, he also began to think about what to do next.

Yesterday... no, it should be the day before yesterday when he temporarily left the team because of a plan, but before the plan was successful, everyone was finished, so he escaped a catastrophe.

He hid under a tree, covered his body with rotten and fresh fallen leaves, and successfully evaded those who were in charge of the search, his guts were already frightened.

That is definitely not a normal battle, no one would use the sentry platform as a means of attack in such a battle,

This is clearly a violation.

As the only witness who might be the only one, he felt that if the ambushers knew that he was not dead, they would definitely continue to chase him. They could even move the sentry platform. is the only eyewitness.

People in Ambilao State live in the shadow of Durin, and those stupid farmers and cowboys have been brainwashed by him. Now the only way is to wait for dark and continue walking northeast.

Pass through the periphery of the Yagur Mountains and enter the northern part of the empire from the border between the central and western parts of the empire. Although it is said to be the sphere of influence of the nobility, it is easier to hide yourself than other places.

After hiding in the cave for almost half a day, suddenly there was a sound that did not belong here in the quiet forest. He immediately took out his weapon, prostrated himself on the ground and got ready to shoot.

It would be fine if the people outside just happened to pass by, but once they approached here, it would not be difficult to find the cave.

The strong meaty aroma is incompatible with the wilderness, as long as you smell this smell, you will definitely find something.

Within a few minutes, some figures appeared at the entrance of the cave, and one of them said, "I remember his cave is near here..."

About six hours later, the captain, who had escaped with a secret plan, appeared in a luxurious building. Harry sat opposite him, and there were many people beside him.

He sighed, pinched his knuckles anxiously, and looked around.

"What happened yesterday, why did all our people die?" The person who asked was the board member of Tower Shield Security Company.

Harry and the others didn't dismiss the entire board of directors immediately after they acquired Tower Shield Security Company. These people had a high reputation among gold diggers, and almost every one of them was a "legendary gold digger."

Without these people, the employees under the tower shield company may not be so obedient. Instead, keeping these people can control other gold diggers and mine guard team members. Besides, these people don't need much salary, so they are kept.

Facing inquiries from his former idol, the team captain hesitated again and again, but decided to tell what he knew.

In addition to the one hundred thousand yuan promised by Harry, he can still be protected. This is the most important thing, especially after he has understood in his heart that the party who did the crime is Du Lin's people, he feels more and more secure about this kind of security. Made dependent.

After he finished talking about everything he knew, Harry slapped the table violently, an excited expression appeared on his flushed face, he let out a breath slowly, and his face gradually returned to normal from the flushed appearance.

"Arrange to send our captain to the branch in the imperial capital. Safety protection measures must be taken to ensure his safety." With Harry's order, the people below immediately took action and moved quickly This very important "witness".

After sending the unrelated people out, Harry and his legal team closed the door and talked about the case.

The person in charge of the legal team had a more reserved smile on his face. After writing and drawing for a while, he looked at Harry and said with a smile, "I want to congratulate you, Mr. Harry, no matter what, you will win this lawsuit." !"

Harry suppressed the excitement in his heart, coughed lightly, and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

The barrister pushed the paper in front of him and asked Harry to read it while explaining, "There are three reasons, and as long as any of these three points can be included in the scope of valid evidence by the court, then you can get the case. victory."

"Whether our opponent is Du Lin's lawyers or Kevin, we will win!"

"First, I have checked the local laws of Ambiluo State and some related provisions. During the period when the governor is unable to preside over the work, the documents signed on behalf of the governor have the same legal effect as the documents signed by the governor himself. That is to say, you get The obtained mineral resource exploitation license is completely legal, has legal effect and is protected by law.”

Harry nodded, and the lawyer noticed that his expression didn't change, only that Harry didn't care much about it.

In fact, he didn't know that there were some people behind Schneider's signing of these documents that played a particularly effective role. Whether this could be the key to determining the outcome, Harry was not sure.

If Schnoeder suddenly came forward to explain the situation, it is very likely that this will be invalidated, and any document signed under duress will not have legal effect, whether this person is an acting governor or just a person. ordinary people.

"Second point, Dulin asked you to stop the current mining work before you filed an appeal request. From the perspective of legal procedures, he has already fouled out. Only you lose the case in the appeal court and the decision of the Supreme Court of the Empire , Dooling has the right to ask your company to stop mining work."

"If he skipped this step, then his current administrative order against the Ambiluo State Mining Company will not have legal effect. More seriously, it is already an abuse of power. The Ambilao State Mining Company can continue to hold the mining license. And continue mining."

"We can in turn prosecute Du Lin for alleged job crimes. Once he is involved in this lawsuit, he will most likely be suspended from his current job until the lawsuit is over."

Harry nodded. This method is very good, but it is not the best. He looked at the lawyer expectantly, and the lawyer smiled subtly.

The team consulting fee of 200 yuan an hour and this case that may involve tens of millions of funds are enough to make him and his team a lot of money.

The more beautiful the future, the more humble he is at this time, "The third point is also the most lethal point for us to Du Lin. He illegally formed a private armed force and is suspected of massacring legal and regular corporate employees, regardless of whether he is Timamont or not. Whether the members of the family have a deep background and extraordinary connections, he cannot escape legal sanctions."

"Not only the judiciary will start investigating him, but the Ministry of National Defense will also take action. The sentry platform is not a standard equipment that can be owned by the non-military. Every one has a clear destination after it comes off the assembly line. He can get it These ten sentinel robots mean that he may have something to do with military corruption, and when there is a commotion, the entire international community will pay attention, and no one can protect him!"

A smile finally appeared on Harry's face. He stood up and shook hands with the lawyer, "Then, I will entrust you and your team with full authority for the next thing. I won't consider how much it will cost, I just want to Get what I want, do you understand?"

The lawyer couldn't even close his mouth when he laughed. He wanted to hold back, but he really couldn't help it.

Unlimited spending means there are ways to earn money in addition to legitimate profits.

As a lawyer, he is very familiar with the operation of how to legally get more money that does not belong to him from the client. It is just a "policy consulting" service, which can cost hundreds of dollars when it is less, and more Sometimes you can spend tens of thousands of dollars, and the amount you spend depends entirely on your mood.

In addition, he also began to think about whether his law firm should buy some things recently. It seems that the old video recorders produced last year can be eliminated, and there are some recording equipment. Smaller and more convenient.

Also, I heard that the scenery in Ambiluo State is good, so I can take everyone to investigate and collect evidence, and enjoy the cultural scenery of the west by the way...

After signing the contract, all the lawyers in the law firm started to act, and even some private detectives who relied on them for support also started to act.

This seemingly confidential news was not confidential at all, and by the end of the night almost most of the people who should know knew about it. Du Lin had overstepped the rules.

For a while, there was an undercurrent. There are many people in this world who want to eat Du Lin alive. For example, the Capet family who are still lingering, it is obviously just some small conflicts, but the family is almost destroyed.

Another example is some capitalists who are under the control of Durin, those edible medical supplies manufacturers (alcohol) who not only have to pay a large amount of authorization fees every year, but also need to cut a channel fee for Durin.

There are also some speculators who want to take advantage of such a rare opportunity to make a fortune, and even some gangsters have started to act.

Du Lin's basic board is too big. Once he collapses, the flesh and blood blown out will be enough to kill many people in many industries!

Just the cable TV group now managed by Nasha and Freina is enough to make many people jealous enough to want to pull out their eyeballs.

And this news was personally revealed by Harry and the people behind Harry.

It is not terrible to bring down Du Lin, what is terrible is the retaliatory behavior that follows. The only effective way to prevent Du Lin from biting people like a mad dog is to give him a good time and trample him to death completely. .

From all aspects, all walks of life can solve all his powers at once, and only a dead Dulin is a good Dulin.

At this time, Du Lin didn't care about the sudden ups and downs of the outside world at all. If An Pu hadn't died, he would definitely tell everyone that it was much safer to go to bed early and have a good dream than to fight fiercely with Du Lin.

This detective, who had almost no failures in the job of prosecutor, fell on Du Lin in the end, which is enough to prove one point, that is, the flaws that people can see may not be true, and it may be that Du Lin deliberately released them. of.

Therefore, it is definitely not his friends who know a person best, but his enemies. Only his enemies will study him to the subtleties in order to defeat him.

The issue of sentinel robots, which is considered by the outside world to be beyond the authority of Du Lin, was actually approved by the cabinet and the Ministry of Defense. The reason is very interesting. He is always assassinated, and it is necessary to form a special armed force belonging to the state government to protect him when necessary. his safety.

This seems very unreasonable or even impossible, but it hit the minds of some people in power and hit the bull's-eye directly.

The reason why the cabinet was able to approve it was that apart from the face of Du Lin and Magus, other people may not have some ideas. After all, everyone has climbed to this height with great difficulty. What if something unexpected happens?


When the Ministry of National Defense coordinates until the local military region's blood is cold, it's fine to come directly to collect the corpse. What rescue is there?

But if you have an effective armed force in your hands, you can not only protect yourself in case of emergencies, but also a deterrent to some people with ulterior motives.

Some people support it, some people oppose it, so let's just do a pilot project, and Dulin is indeed the high-ranking official who has been assassinated the most times in the history of the empire, and every time the situation is the most dangerous.

Which time he was assassinated almost successfully, and I don’t know why he is so hated. In addition, the remnants of the Earth God Sect have not been cleaned up, so it may not be possible to launch a second assassination against Du Lin. In the end, the ten sentinels The platform was assigned to Durin by the Ministry of Defense.

However, there is an agreement between the cabinet, the Ministry of National Defense and During. Before the critical moment, he is not allowed to use these equipment, let alone dispatch these equipment for reasons other than the content of the clauses.

After negotiating these matters, no one announced them to the public. The people who knew about them were limited to a very small number of people, and most of these very few people were either on the side of Magus or on the side of Kubal.

They have a unified call themselves people!

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