Cosma Empire

Chapter 117 Invitation

In career, there are many relationships that cannot be shaken off, and forcible decoupling can only hurt yourself, such as a mentor.

Although the relationship between teacher and student in this world is not as serious as the world in the dream, in this world, the relationship between master and student is also a measure of whether a person's morality can satisfy people's moral values ​​that people don't have much about themselves pursuit. There is another relationship, that is, a political guide.

In the feudal monarchy period when the old party was rampant in the past, this system or phenomenon of guides has existed for a long time. A certain nobleman introduced a certain nobleman into a certain political interest group, no matter what the latter's future achievements are, the former can obtain sufficient political benefits from it. Now that the old and new parties stand side by side, this phenomenon has not disappeared with the rise and innovation of the new party, but has become the most important link in political exchanges.

If Duhring guessed correctly, Heidler wanted to be his guide, introduce him to a certain politician, and thus establish a relationship with him.

Within the Guarts, there are some extremists who have been working hard to make the former traitors pay for their actions. Many of those traitors have actually died of old age, but their successors have become the new targets of these people. Even Heidler has received death threat letters more than once, claiming that he will be subject to the final trial.

Once the relationship between Heidler and Dühring was established as a "path guide", when Heidler faced threats, Dühring had to stand up to safeguard Heidler's interests, unless he didn't want to go further politically.

In fact, it’s funny to say that this group of guys who are so thick-skinned that they can give up everything for the sake of profit, but they desperately hope to gain the loyalty of others, maybe it is because they lack What, that's why I cherish and long for what I don't have.

This was not the result that Du Lin wanted. He didn't want Heidler's friendship, and it was even more impossible for him to want Heidler to be his guide. Deep in Du Lin's heart, he had an idea, which was dangerous. He planned to personally send Heidler to stand trial if necessary, in exchange for the support of more Guarts. Therefore, it is even more impossible for him to agree.

The long silence made Heidler frowned slightly. He wasn't sure if he wasn't expressing clearly enough. The young man who surprised him didn't understand what he wanted to say, or he was pretending to be stupid. way to avoid this problem. But no matter which one it is, he doesn't like it. The former shows that Du Lin is clever but lacks the necessary political literacy, while the latter...

That would be terrible!

"This is an invitation letter for a charity gala the night after tomorrow. I hope you can attend. You should also appear in front of people appropriately and show yourself." Heidler did not give up, and he handed over an invitation letter to Dooling. The charity gala is a very interesting event. A group of businessmen and politicians who are so rich that they don’t even consider money as money sit together and pretend to cry for the bottom of society who are exploited by them and cannot survive. They donate money to these poor people, and then turn around and exploit them from them, and in exchange for a good reputation and political value, they are too good at playing.

The seat for this invitation letter was next to Heidler. As long as Du Lin attended the appointment, no matter how he explained it in the future, he would not be able to explain his relationship with Heidler. Because they were all Guarts, because the invitation was from Heidler, because they sat together.

Dulin knew that it was enough for him to reject Heidler twice, and what kind of problems might be caused if he rejected him again. After thinking for a while, he put the invitation letter in his pocket.

Heidler breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip from his teacup, raised his eyes and said, "I know you're very busy, thank you for coming today."

Du Lin stood up in good time,

He bowed slightly, said goodbye and left.

Although Heidler is a relatively weak member of the chamber of commerce, he is still more than enough compared to Du Lin, so before his current strength is not enough, he does not intend to have too intense conflicts with Heidler.

Looking at Du Lin's steady back, Heidler sat on a chair, lost in thought.

When Du Lin left the house, Lamas and the car were already waiting for him. He walked to the car and didn't get in the car immediately. Instead, he looked down at his shoes. Those were a pair of not very expensive leather shoes, and he preferred to wear leather shoes instead of leather boots. The leather shoes were polished very clean, at least so far, but he looked at it for a long time before saying a word.

"My shoes are dirty!"

There was blood on Lamas's clean face. He gritted his teeth, took out a white handkerchief from his chest pocket, grabbed a corner and shook it vigorously. When he wiped it, Du Lin stopped him.

He stood tall, bent slightly, the whole sky and the sun became his background, he raised his hand and pressed on Lamas' shoulder, smiled and shook his head, "It won't end so simply !” After finishing speaking, he stepped into the car and closed the door voluntarily, leaving Lamas alone outside the car.

Although the things that Lamas explained when he first came here displeased him, they were not unbearable. He knows very well that big people have big people's preferences, and he is just a small person with no other choice but to obey. But the action of Lamas wiping the seat with a handkerchief and throwing it away later really angered him. The previous can be seen as a warning from the big man to the little man. Although he is angry, his strength is indeed not as good as others, so he has to admit it.

But the following actions are a humiliation to his personality and dignity, which he cannot forgive, so he will remember it in his heart and remember it for a lifetime.

Just like what Du Lin said, this matter can't be over so simply. If squatting down and shining each other's shoes can make people forget all the hatred, then why do we need the police, what do we need judges and lawyers for? ?

At the same time, in a mansion only two streets away from Durin, Mrs. Vivienne held her cheeks and couldn't believe what she had encountered. She looked at her husband who had never lost his temper with surprised eyes.

"Bitch!", the mayor lost his usual composure, like a wounded bull kicking Mrs. Vivienne's stomach. His eyes were bloodshot, he was panting heavily, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up high, exposing his hairy forearms.

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