Cosma Empire

Chapter 1193 The truth? No, there are actually more!

History is false?

Well, it's exciting, but not particularly surprising.

In fact, people often understand history through written records. If the people who write the written words bring in more subjective emotions, then there will be some deviations in history.

And the history in everyone's eyes is different, just like the royal family poisoned the prince to death, in the eyes of the royalists, the prince defiled the queen, the queen was so virtuous, and finally poisoned the prince to death.

But in the eyes of others, this is a murder full of conspiracy. The purpose of the royal family is to reduce all the princes and dukes in the empire, so they use the queen to seduce the prince and poison them.

Different emotions, different perspectives, different standpoints, and the history written are all different.

But the history involved this time is not a more distant history, it happened thirty years ago.

In Magus's description, without the invasion war of the Federation, the current empire might not be what it is now.

At that time, the royal family had begun to decay, and the nobles were content with enjoying themselves. Even without the interference of external forces, once the internal backlog of conflicts broke out completely, it was very likely that the empire would split into many forces.

However, that fateful war always broke out, and the reason for the outbreak was that the population base of the conquered ethnic groups in the empire was too large.

The Yaoxing Empire conquered the Guart Dynasty, conquered the Shengya Dynasty, and only their soldiers were wiped out in the war. There was no large-scale massacre of ordinary people, which made the population of Ogdin in the Yaoxing Empire only accounted for about fifty percent of the total population.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon. Once someone stands up and leads the Guarts and Provincials to resist the empire, the inevitable civil war will definitely break out.

At the same time, some restoration organizations are active in remote areas. They persuade Guarts and provincials to join the corresponding restoration organizations and engage in military activities under the slogan of restoring the country.

The upper echelons of the empire have already noticed these problems and troubles. Even if they have sent troops to encircle and suppress these organizations many times, the effect is very limited.

Some things, such as thought, are like an invisible ideological seed that spreads with the wind. Once buried in people's hearts, it can no longer be prevented from taking root and sprouting.

The hatred and hostility between ethnic groups, the contradictions and differences between classes, and the constant activities of a small group of ambitious people eventually affected the situation of the entire empire.

Unbeknownst to people, the three governors and some nobles have reached a secret agreement. They plan to divide the four states in the southern part of the empire from the territory of the empire and take them as their own. Hope for a new country free from oppression and exploitation.

The civil war is about to break out, and the empire's territory will also be divided. After high-level secret discussions, the Federation began to invade.

No one could have imagined that the two adjacent major powers, who have been living in peace for more than a hundred years and would end quickly even with a little friction, would suddenly start a war.

The Federation took the lead in launching the war without any diplomatic notice, and directly invaded from the south. In order to achieve the goal, the empire cut off the communication and transportation between the south and other areas, and directly let the federal army wipe out those forces that attempted to rebel. net.

However, they miscalculated a bit. When the Federation discovered that they could easily defeat the Imperial Army, a huge ambition began to grow in the hearts of the Federation people.

Since the empire is so weak, why don't we keep fighting?

Maybe it won't be long before the federation will have the opportunity and possibility to unify the entire continent.

Under the temptation of such huge interests, the Federation took the lead in violating the agreement with the Empire and continuing to launch aggressive wars.

And someone in the empire proposed to take advantage of this opportunity to solve the current problems between ethnic groups and classes in the empire, so a special war broke out.

A large number of Guarts and provincials were sent to the battlefield,

The battlefield has also become a meat grinder.

Just think about it, ordinary people who were busy looking for jobs all day to fill their stomachs a week ago, were thrown into the battlefield after only a few days of training, how could they be the opponents of those professional soldiers?

Even if there are one or two talented people who understand how to conduct a war, their number will definitely not be able to affect the overall outcome of the war.

Just as the princes and ministers needed, a large number of conquered ethnic groups were killed and injured in the war, and the total population of the empire was almost reduced by one-third. Of course, the vast majority of them were Guarts and provincials. A handful of Ogdins.

When the royal family and palace ministers thought that the heat was about the same, they mobilized the real Imperial Guard Corps and Rose Corps, and set up an ambush near the city of Odis, waiting for the Federal Vanguard Corps, which had already fallen into frenzy and lost its mind, to rush in.

According to the history and truth that people know, the reason why the federal army was finally defeated was that the poor transportation of the empire made their logistics unable to keep up with the advancing speed of the vanguard army.

This is actually only one of the factors, not all of them. Being too deep will not directly affect the outcome of the war in a short period of time.

The real reason is that the Imperial Knights of the Empire bypassed the front line and threatened the safety of the Federation's hinterland from the sidelines. new legion.

After multiple considerations, everyone finally came to the negotiating table and ended the war.

Although the war was over, the problem was not resolved. The weakness shown by the imperial military made more nobles see opportunities.

Under the pretext that the royal family could not continue to guarantee the interests of the empire and all nobles, they planned to launch a war to overthrow the entire royal family.

In this world, the royal family has not played the role of a real ruler for a long time. They are just the strongest and largest family among the nobles. fear.

The eager northern nobles colluded with the barbarians on the snowfield and gathered a large number of troops to go south to seize power. If they really triggered this civil war, it is very likely that the Federation, which is still in the process of withdrawing troops, will brazenly launch a war of aggression again.

In addition, although the contradictions in the society have been reduced, other problems have erupted again. The public, with the Ogdin people as the main group, believes that the incompetence of the royal family and nobles has caused the glory of the empire to fall.

Even the federal people who have been looked down upon by them can almost hit the imperial capital. The current royal family and nobles are already rotten. If these people are allowed to control the empire and the fate of everyone, they are likely to become slaves of the federal people .

Some careerists also stood up and wanted to launch an uprising under the slogan of eliminating the incompetent nobles and royal families and letting the people control their own destiny.

So the aristocratic group headed by Magus came up with a very reasonable and effective method to implement the plan with the unanimous consent of several important participants, and Her Royal Highness tried to delay them as much as possible. Confront the rebels.

He quickly stood up to overthrow the rule of the royal family, forced the royal family to hand over the scepter representing power, and then established a new rule and absorbed a large number of elites from the civilian class into the new party and formed a new party cabinet.

In his national speech "Be Your Own Master", he denounced the decadent system of the empire and the oppression of the people by the aristocrats, and announced that the aristocratic system will be abolished forever from that day onwards.

At that time, the streets were filled with similar slogans and slogans. The slogans of "be your own master" and "everyone is equal" swept the entire empire like a virus.

Eliminate the aristocratic system, eliminate classes, and let everyone be happy, as the world described in the story has appeared before people's eyes, and more importantly, Magus announced that the election system will be adopted to produce the actual ruler of the empire .

And the right to vote will be given to all citizens of the empire. When they think the ruler is not suitable, they can change the ruler. This terrible election system has shocked even many careerists.

This huge change immediately eliminated most of the problems in society and quelled a turmoil from the bottom up. At the same time, because the royal family withdrew from the historical stage of politics, Magus, a great nobleman in the north, became the prime minister of the cabinet, and the election Institutional considerations and many other reasons.

The northern rebel nobles felt that they had no chance to sit in that position, and if the war continued now, it would not be a war with the royal family, but a war with another group of big nobles.

The nobles may not be afraid of a war with the royal family, but they are unwilling to go to war with other nobles. Everyone knows each other. Once a war is involved, it may not be possible to win or lose for more than ten years.

A war solved many problems, and Magus, as a representative of the new era, also became the prime minister and cabinet minister with the longest re-election time in the empire.

People will always know only a small part of this world, just like in this empire now, there is not only one person who can really call the shots, but several.

There are even people from the royal family involved. As a solution to the crisis that may involve the subversion of the royal family and the subjugation of the country, the royal family is willing to give up power without launching a war. Then in the new power structure, there will inevitably be Royal involvement.

It's just that in the past 30 years, the royal family, which could be said to be one of the leaders of power, has gradually fallen behind, and Magus has jumped up and become the real leader.

After all, he represents a new era and eliminates the possibility of national subjugation. No one is more suitable for this position than him.

"Now, I plan to let you join this real core power game. Of course, you don't need to worry, you still have some things to do!"

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