Cosma Empire

Chapter 1191

After seeing off Schnoeder, Ophelia leaned over, looked at the disappearing car and asked casually, "Your friend? He's really generous and nice. What kind of business is he in?"

This sentence means that the donation of 500,000 yuan did not appear in charity activities, which shows that Schnoder's donation is not for fame, but purely for love.

Donations for non-charitable activities, if the donor does not request, the general foundation will not take the initiative to announce to the public. Of course, there may be some small problems, but those are not any problems.

Compared with those true philanthropists who donated 1,000 yuan and wished to spend 3,000 yuan to buy the second page of the headlines to promote their benevolence, Schnoeder's generosity and kindness are like...

"He's a friend of mine, Mayor."

Du Lin's answer immediately extinguished Ophelia's next guess. A mayor can donate 500,000 yuan. Even if she doesn't have a thorough understanding of the society, she knows that there must be something wrong.

The more she came into contact with the orphanage, the more real the bottom society appeared in front of Ophelia's eyes.

She now also knows that many families earn less than 200 yuan a month, and that an ordinary family can save no more than 500 yuan a year in the bank.

Living, or being alive has become the only motivation for most people to struggle to survive in society.

They never consider living in a luxurious and elegant manor, nor do they fantasize about eating hundreds or thousands of dollars for a meal. Their only pursuit is to have enough food for the family, buy a few sets of new clothes every year, and then Try not to get sick.

After persisting for many years, their lives will not improve. Savings in the bank will gradually be drained of value by the bank and society. When you come back to your senses, a house has shrunk and become a bottle of inferior wine. .

Five years ago, one dollar could provide a family of four with three good meals a day, but now, one dollar may only be enough for a family of four to enjoy a simple meal.

After working all his life, the old man who saved hundreds of yuan suddenly found that his life savings were worthless. The unbearable mental blow made some people crazy, and some people had to re-enter the society and work hard to survive. .

This is the case with some elderly people in the orphanage. Their children died during the war, and the empire also issued pensions. They thought they could save the money to support themselves in the old age.

But today they realize that the hundreds of dollars in the bank may not even make it through a year.

The elderly here are actually very lucky, because they no longer need to struggle to survive here, and they don't need to worry about starving to death or dying of illness in a remote alley.

But outside the fence, the real society, the cruel world, is like a monster that opened its mouth wide to absorb nutrients from this world, devouring all kinds of life every minute and every second.

With this kind of understanding, Ophelia can understand what the money of five hundred thousand means as a matter of course.

It means that if the current 350 yuan in the welfare home guarantees the expenses of an elderly person for one year, then this money can ensure that 150 new elderly people in need of help can be added to the welfare home, and they will be supported for ten years. time.

It also means that it can provide thousands of families in need of relief, and can avoid losing hope of life due to short-term financial difficulties!

This is hope, a living hope, and this is also the value and significance of the existence of welfare homes and foundations. They are like a ray of sunshine shining into a world full of fog, bringing people a little warmth, a little light, and a little hope.

She quickly put aside the question of how the official Schneider got half a million and was able to donate it so generously, if for some reason one was to be kind and generous.

Even though this kindness and generosity is hypocritical and false, at the moment it shines, it still illuminates the darkness and sends light into the dark lives of some people.

As long as someone benefits from it, then at that moment, he is not hypocritical!

After solving this insignificant matter, the time is past ten o'clock, and it won't be long before we can have lunch, and it won't be much fun to go to the countryside to pick fruits after lunch.

So today's itinerary was temporarily cancelled, the two discussed it and decided to go to Magus's house for lunch at noon.

Of course, this suggestion was made by During.

He needs to talk to Muggs about his job change, which will definitely not change in a short time, and will not change until the mid-term election three years later.

But many processes need to be prepared and arranged in advance.

At present, there is no vacant vice-chairman position in the new party committee, and Du Lin's coming to power means that someone has to take a step back.

Each of the two people who can be appointed as the vice-chairmen of the new party committee has an extremely complicated network of contacts. Even Magus needs to go through some means to operate.

Talk to Magstone in advance to avoid problems and everyone's face will be ugly.

Magus, who received the call, was not surprised by Du Lin and Ophelia's visit. This little dog has been in the imperial capital for a while, and he is also thinking about coming over.

Changes in the empire's diplomacy actually have a very significant impact on the managers within the empire. International trade and international relations are likely to change the industrial structure of certain regions and create some new economic types.

This time Ambiluo State has shown its face internationally. Many member representatives who came to the World Financial Trade Organization meeting took a trip to Ambilao State before attending the meeting.

In addition to those who were invited by Du Lin, some others followed suit.

To be honest, backcountry is everywhere in those small countries. They don't think there is anything interesting and interesting in the western world of Ambiluo State. When they are at home, they open the door every day and there are these things outside.

But as long as they go, the effect will be very amazing. In addition, Du Lin asked them to take pictures outside some scenic spots and set up a photo wall, which is full of pictures of leaders and high-level representatives of many countries. The picture made people who love to travel throughout the empire have a strong interest in this place.

In the slogan of the advertisement, it is "what on earth has attracted the attention of these royal nobles and made them unforgettable for a long time".

This trick is very common but effective, plus the backbone of tourism is always the middle class, the middle class is always looking for style and class, as well as class, a large number of tourists pour into Ambiluo State as the tourism economic belt of Ambiluo State There is a huge momentum coming.

The cabinet seems to have gradually understood the meaning of Durin, and intends to promote the natural and pristine scenery of Ambiluo State as a selling point to the world, along with some other tourist cities, such as Ilian, Odis and other famous tourist cities City.

However, the possibility of sustainable development of the tourism economy is still in the wait-and-see period. A very simple reason is that people who have been there once may not necessarily go there for the second time.

The tourism economy is not like the industrial economy. As long as most of the tools produced by human beings are consumables, they have a useful life span. The more sophisticated the instrument, the shorter the life span.

This also means that orders from factories will continue to appear, coupled with the upgrading of technology, the sustainable development of the industrial economy has been proven.

But what about the tourism economy?

In addition, the first stage of the joint plan of the two insidious and despicable people has also been completed, and they should also meet up on what to do next.

The early teams of the two consortiums and the Imperial Central Bank have already set off. Since Schneider signed his name on the mining license application yesterday, their early teams have entered the Yagur Mountains.

A large number of machines also began to be transported, and they encountered many crowds on the way to the outskirts of the Yagur Mountains, which had already become a tourist attraction.

For the sake of continuous benefits, these people have invested heavily. It is said that they have ordered a large number of mining and excavation equipment from several famous heavy industry companies in the empire, and they seem to be preparing for large-scale excavation.

But after thinking about it again, I feel that there is no problem with this. After all, after spending so much money, I must be worthy of my own investment.

How happy they are digging now, how miserable they will cry after a while.

After arriving at Magus's manor, Ophelia helped her aunt make lunch, while Dulin and Magus went to the study.

The size of the study here is much larger than that of the villa at No. 1 Empire Avenue. If Magus hadn't said that it was his study, Du Lin would have thought it was a small library.

Seven huge bookcases five meters high and six meters wide are filled with all kinds of books, most of which are old handmade books, some thread-bound bark and sheepskin versions, and the rest are basically Handmade hardcover—the inside is a thread-bound book, and the outside is the kind that is nailed with carved wood.

The lingering smell of ink in the room and the dust particles flying in the sun made people feel calm when they entered the room. Du Lin even picked up a book at random, opened it, opened a few pages, and stuffed it back.

It's not that he doesn't like reading, it's just that he can't understand it. All of them are written in Ogdin's language, which is very different from the current common language.

In fact, the characters of the Guarts and the characters of the Ogdins come from the same place. Even if you have not learned the characters of the Ogdins, you can roughly understand them. not much.

The study room here is decorated in a very simple and elegant way. There is no "small desk" in the study room, but a huge round table made of pure solid wood.

Du Lin couldn't help tapping his knuckles a few times out of curiosity, it was indeed a whole and complete.

He looked at the table and shook his head. It has grown for an unknown number of years. The giant tree that needs at least seven or eight people to embrace it was killed by a lumberjack because Magus fell in love with it and wanted a table. environment.

In the natural world, life and death emerge in endlessly. Weakness is the original sin!

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