Cosma Empire

Chapter 1182 Lively

In the end, Kinsale couldn't convince Du Lin, so he had to do what Du Lin asked, and called Vader to ask her to come to the imperial capital with that young man.

Although Vader was very unhappy, but facing the demands of Kinsale and Durin, she could only bite the bullet and set foot on the train to the imperial capital with Magellan.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Kinsale breathed a sigh of relief looking at the daily newspaper she retrieved from the newspaper box. There was no news about Magellan floating in the water on it, which made her feel relieved.

At this time, ifto's second day meeting has already started.

After visiting the program yesterday afternoon, the atmosphere in the venue today is very harmonious. No matter who is speaking, there will be a large number of participants applauding and nodding their heads in recognition of what the speaker said.

This harmonious, friendly and united atmosphere made all the people involved in the meeting very satisfied. Kubal had a smile on his face as he secretly observed from the sidelines.

If these lazy people don't show them some seriousness, they really think of themselves as some kind of big shot, big power.

Today's meeting discusses the rules and regulations and operating methods of international financial and trade organizations. It is said to be a discussion, but it is actually as simple as the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade reading it out and then unanimously passing it.

Although it is simple, it is not all selfish regulations, and many of them are of great help to member states.

For example, in terms of economic development and changes in industrial structure, the empire will give free help to help some small countries adjust so that they are more in line with the rules of survival under the great internationalist society.

Some countries are really listening to these seemingly boring reports. Not all countries are as economically developed and technologically advanced as the empire. They are still in a backward system or social system, and urgently need changes to cater to the existing Changing world environment.

In the past, they didn't have a qualified teacher to tell them how to change. The emergence of the empire and ifto gave them a glimmer of light, allowing them to see a bright future, and therefore joined this organization sincerely.

Reform is very simple to say, we need to reform is a one-sentence matter, but it is extremely difficult to actually implement it, and it can even be said that it is impossible to move an inch.

Every change in the system will touch some people's nerves and touch some people's interests. In this society where power relations are intertwined,

Even if you just move a thread, you need great courage, and you may have to face failure.

From ancient times to the present, there are countless forces that have sunk due to reforms. How many countries can be reborn after the Magus implements a new system like the Empire?

Such valuable experience used to cost money, and they could not be exchanged for more things. Now they just join ifto, and they can get the help of international leaders. It can be said that they have made a lot of money.

The morning time passed quickly, and after a short lunch, it was devoted to the afternoon meeting. In the afternoon meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Empire made it clear that in order to ensure that each member country is not harmed by interests in international trade , should build a sound organizational structure to implement the rules they have drawn up.

In other words, it is necessary to set up an international organization or an international department to reconcile possible conflicts and differences that may arise in the future.

This agenda immediately enlivened the somewhat silent conference hall. Anyway, they have no possibility of objecting to withdrawal, so let's fight for the interests as much as possible.

The meaning of the empire is to establish a parliament-like daily operation organization to maintain the daily work of presiding over ifto, then of course the empire will occupy an important seat, commonly known as a permanent member, with a veto power.

There is no need for elections, and they can be re-elected as directors of the ifto parliament indefinitely. The next level is the council members, with a total of five seats. Although they cannot be re-elected indefinitely like permanent members, the time interval for changing every five years It is also enough to bring enough rich returns to the council members.

Moreover, the representatives of the council members also have the "two-vote veto right", that is, when two of the five council members think that the bill being submitted is unreasonable and vote against it, the bill will be rejected.

Further down are the member states, which can decide the promulgation and modification of some international policies through collective voting most of the time.

Everyone has been familiar with this set of things for a long time, and the next generation leader of the Colt Empire, the forty-first son of the old man, immediately stated that the Colt Empire, as a powerful international power, also has obligations and rights To undertake the important task of maintaining ifto and maintaining the international financial and trade order, it is very appropriate for them to be the council members of ifto.

Just because the representatives of the Colt Empire have always supported this proposal and nominated themselves, the entire conference room suddenly became lively.

In the design of the empire, there are only five seats in the council, which means that it is impossible for all major powers to attend the council. If this is the case, do some small countries also have the opportunity to hold this position?

Everyone in the boiling conference hall was advocating their own opinions, and then gradually appeared some campaign terms like "Marzevac", "son of a bitch" and "stupid beep" that were enough to describe the excitement.

This is definitely not an ordinary position. The whole morning plus the previous meeting has made many representatives understand that whoever can preside over the daily work of this institution will benefit the country.

International policies affect not one or two countries, but all ifto member countries, and even more countries that have not joined.

Looking at the families and ancestors who greet each other on behalf of each other, Du Lin no longer dozed off, but was full of interest watching these people greet each other in the common language with various accents. It was really novel!

Of course, what they are fighting for is actually worthless, because before this, the empire has already decided on the five council members for the first term, and each continent will have a representative enter the "final circle".

In this regard, the Colt Empire has a clear advantage, and is almost guaranteed to win the podium. As for the other two continents, they have to fight hard. For this reason, the Empire took good care of them and left a 30-minute gap. Take a break and let their representatives go canvassing.

After the meeting ended, the five members of the council had been elected, and what is surprising is that a small neutral country was included.

As Dulin knows, this small country is Sallyville in the Western Continent, a picturesque small country located in the north of the Colt Empire, with a small land and surrounded by mountains and rivers. Immigrant Sallyville enjoys retirement.

It is also very strange that this small country can win, because it has nothing special, but maybe it is because it has nothing special that it has a chance to squeeze into the podium.

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