The southeast corner of the second floor of the main building of the Louvre.

A six-member sniper team is deployed here to watch out for nearby movements.

Due to the loss of network and communication support, some of the original high-end equipment has completely lost its function and almost turned into a pile of scrap iron.

People, and returned to the most effective and useful combat units.

The two snipers in the squad were armed with .50 caliber anti-materiel rifles and armor-piercing incendiary rounds, specifically for those demons that were a serious threat.

The other four observers have a variety of weapons and equipment to help the two snipers fight with peace of mind.

At present, the mentality of this six-member team is fairly stable, and even the entire Second Foreign Paratrooper Regiment deployed on the surface has not yet collapsed.

The main role of the Foreign Legion is to protect France's existing overseas colonies, or to carry out some of France's black operations.

Because of this, the foreign legion has extremely rich actual combat experience, even more elite than the special forces of the French military.

Among the foreign legions, the most elite is the Second Paratrooper Regiment, with 1,300 soldiers and three companies in total.

Regarding being stationed on the surface and acting as a protective shield for the high-level government outside, the Second Parachute Regiment did not retreat.

Those newborn demons are not unkillable, .50 caliber armor-piercing bullets can effectively damage them.

As for those rioters?

How many were there, how many were killed, anyway, the ammunition piled up in the main building of the Louvre was enough to support them in continuous high-intensity combat for a month.

At this time.

"At twelve o'clock, three high-risk targets appeared."

An observer's whispered report broke the original relatively comfortable atmosphere.

"At two o'clock, there are seven... corrections, twelve... most high-risk targets."

Immediately afterwards, another observer, who was half-squatting behind the left window, reported in a rather solemn tone.

"Attention all teams." Suddenly, an order came from their individual communication: "We have been exposed, and we will take the initiative to attack when the target enters the optimal distance."

heard the words.

The sergeant in charge of this team glanced at the other five people, then held the talk button on the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice:

"Seven teams received."


Outside the main building of the Louvre.

Hundreds of newborn demons showed a tendency to surround the Louvre.

Flying with wings on the back, it quickly sprints towards the Louvre and the glass pyramid, while the demon who has just been reborn with the demon gene can only run agilely on the ground.

Behind these demons is the group of rioters who are still ordinary humans, and most of them are black-skinned guys.


With a sound of "Pong~!", the sound of an anti-material sniper rifle came from the Louvre.

"Pfft!" A demon flying in the sky had its ugly head collapsed instantly.

Unlike the common sense consequences of being hit by .50cal on the head of a human being, the demon's head did not explode like a watermelon slammed to the ground, but an obvious hole appeared.

Within a few seconds, the shot demon was on the verge of falling, spinning and falling from the air to the street.

"Crack! Crack!!"

"Da da da!!"

Subsequently, the Louvre opened fire, and a dense barrage swept across the surrounding area.


All calibers below 50 can't do much damage to demons flying in the sky and running underground.

On the contrary, these small-caliber stray bullets wiped out many rioters trailing behind the devil.

This was a situation that the Second Paratrooper Regiment did not take seriously. If one focused on the rioting masses, it only took one round of volley to annihilate them.

However, the elite of the 1,300 human army faced off against nearly 1,000 newborn demons.

The results are obvious.

The second paratrooper regiment, which was full of confidence, never thought that it would be attacked by demons on such a scale.

In just ten minutes, the outermost line of defense had been breached, and most of the sniper teams were completely lost under the demon's targeted attack.

Without the sniper attack, the entire Second Paratrooper Regiment in the room suffered heavy losses, with only about half of its combat strength left. It was fighting the devil for the final time in the ruins of the main building of the Louvre.

Although it is a mercenary army, the Second Parachute Regiment still did not play the French "excellent tradition" even though it lost more than half of it.

In fact, after France surrendered to Germany on June 22, 1940, the French Foreign Legion continued to fight against the Axis powers in the African region.

It can be seen that in France, "mercenaries" may be more reliable than the army.

Putting aside other factors, these paratroopers are all strong men, and they would rather die than become something as evil as a demon.

When the Second Parachute Regiment had only 300 men...

In the night sky in the evening, a 'meteor shower' suddenly appeared, as if tens of thousands of 'meteors' were entering the atmosphere.

The demons were the first to notice the abnormality in the sky, slightly reduced their attack intensity, and began to guard against the 'shooting stars' in the sky.

Not for a moment.

These 'shooting stars' seemed to have chosen their landing locations in a targeted manner, and many of them were heading straight towards Paris.

See here.

The demons were a little confused, so they didn't understand what kind of situation they were facing.

After all, these demons are the 'indigenous' demons of the earth. Compared with the thousands of years old demon veterans under Morgana's command, the knowledge level is really not enough.

in an instant.

The flames of these 'shooting stars' dissipated, and because of the close distance, the demons could clearly see the true face of the 'shooting stars'.

It is a shuttle type individual airborne pod.

It is about four meters long, and the widest area is close to two meters. The overall color is mainly dark, but there are also lines emitting purple light as embellishments.

When these airborne pods were only more than 500 meters away from the ground, the buffer jets were activated one after another to slow down the falling speed.

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the violent movement caused by the fall, no more than 500 airborne pods scattered and fell on the streets or buildings in the central area of ​​Paris.

Among them, dozens of airborne pods fell on the square of the Louvre, and one more 'unlucky' directly smashed through the glass pyramid and entered the underground area of ​​the Louvre.

The situation suddenly changed.

The more than 300 foreign paratroopers who had prepared to die to show their ambitions all ventured out of the ruins of the main building full of holes to observe the surrounding movements.

The demons in the sky and on the ground also stopped attacking at the same time, focusing all their attention on the dozens of individual warehouses.

"Qi~—Tong!" With the sound of air pressure and ejection, the door of the individual troop compartment bounced open.

"Aww!!!" The unique howl of the elite clan also came.

The armor is mainly black, and the elites decorated with purple jumped out of the individual compartments.

The armor of these elites is thicker and not as thin as ordinary elites. The slanted back of the helmet also has a symmetrical crown, making them look very powerful.

The elite is Umbrella's most reliable ally and race in the main universe, and it is also a fighting nation that UNSC and Umbrella do not need genetic modification surgery to possess superhuman qualities.

And this group of elites with extremely good armor is the strongest elite unit under Umbrella's command, the Berserkers.

The elites who only looked at the ruins of the main building of the Louvre, first glanced at the foreign paratroopers in the ruins.

Then he opened the helmet mask, revealing a face with a four-petal mouth, and raised his voice loudly to the foreign paratroopers:

"Humans over there! You won't be able to intervene in the upcoming battle. If you don't want to be killed by mistake, just stay with me!"

The tone of voice was no different from that of a normal human being, except for a thick nasal sound.

End of reminder.

"Om~!" (x2)

The berserker flicked his hands and stretched out the double-edged energy sword that their elites used to.

And the color of the energy sword is not the ordinary light blue, but exudes a faint purple light, which belongs to the customized model of the berserker.

"Get rid of these scumbags! Aww~!!"


The berserkers uttered the unique roar of the elite before the battle, and then waved their exclusive double-edged energy swords, sprinting and attacking the demons who were still in the dazed stage on the ground.




I saw these dozens of berserkers holding double-edged energy swords rushing into the pile of demons in an almost crushing posture, and using extremely flexible body skills, they started a slaughter mode among the demons.

And the bodies of these newborn demons, at the very least, are of a reluctant generation, unable to withstand the slashing of millions of high-temperature energy swords at all.

Viewed from a distance, heads, limbs, or torsos fly here and there.

The wound was burned due to the high temperature, the scene was not very bloody, on the contrary, there was an attractive smell of meat wafting out.

"Ah!!! Help! Help! These are not human!"

"No need to talk, they are not human! Lord! Let me go! I surrender...err..."

"Fake! I was squeezed and exploited when I was a human being, and I will be beaten even if I am not a human being? What is wrong with the world!"

Being tyrannized by dozens of berserkers made the remaining demons howl, and some of them were still complaining before dying.

In the sky.

These demons armed with French weapons couldn't believe what happened in the Louvre Square.

Since Morgana and her Demon No. 1 have been expelled, these new demons can only rely on their strong bodies to fight the human army hand-to-hand, or plunder the weapons of the army for their own use.


"Papa papa!"

"Da da da!"

The demon flying in the sky immediately pulled the trigger on the berserker on the ground, and tilted a large number of warheads towards it.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

But it's a pity that even the armor of ordinary elites has energy shields, let alone these berserkers, ordinary warheads can't break through the defense at all.

On the other hand, the berserkers who were still on the ground were still concentrating on killing the flightless demons, completely ignoring the 'flies' in the air.

In less than two minutes, the 'garbage' on the ground had been completely cleaned up.

And the berserkers who were 'cleaners' put away their energy swords one after another, took off the plasma guns attached to their waists, and looked at the sky almost simultaneously, preparing for the next 'killing flies' work.

! ! ! !

The demons flying in the air, the moment they realized that the berserker had a long-range weapon, they immediately lost the confidence to fight, and immediately turned around to escape from here.

It's even more unfortunate that...

A large number of assault mobile suits have already reached the capitals and major cities of various countries on the earth through the portals inside the hangars of various warships.

Paris is among them.

So these hundred demons were annihilated in the beam particle cannon of the air-mounted assault, not even a single scum was left.

at this time.

In the ruins of the main building of the Louvre, the foreign paratroopers who survived the catastrophe slowly stood up, first looking at the berserkers, and then at the mobile suits in the sky.

Finally, a captain exclaimed, "This is called a fucking exorcism!"

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