Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 945 The Doomsday Caused by Man

"Super soldier?"

Except for Arthur and Morgan, everyone present was taken aback, and all their eyes were on Mark, who was also surrounded.

"That's right." Carrie folded her hands on her chest, walked slowly to the side of Mark who was still in a state of confusion, and continued to explain to everyone:

"When I learned that those tall soldiers were actually human beings who had undergone enhanced surgery through genetic screening, it gave me an inspiration.

That is, can the same plan be used to let the Shangmin of the lighthouse also undergo enhanced surgery to improve the survival rate of going to the ground?

Just when I was in a dead end and predicament, the wild hunters actually sent me a clone of Mark and a bunch of experimental materials (Bai Yuekui and others)!

After analysis and comparison, I found that the body data of the group of experimental materials is almost the same as the data of Captain Mark and the clone, belonging to the same type of 'person'... or race.

This makes me have a bold guess, that is, the doomsday we are facing may not be a simple accident, but a tragedy planned by human beings. "

"Man-made planning?!"

After Carrie's words fell, even Arthur no longer maintained a calm smile, and the rest of the people, including Morgan, fell into a burst of consternation.

"Yes." Carrie went on to explain:

"I also researched and analyzed the 'military medicine' brought back from the T-69 collection point, which includes genetic breakthrough medicines, enhancers for short-term physical strength increases, and so on.

However, according to computer calculations, if these medicines are injected into the body of ordinary people...

The best result is death, and the worst... is the existence of evolutionary beasts, so I conclude that the end is definitely caused by us humans. "

"Dr. Carrie..." Jing Nan, who was standing on the right side of Mark, heard Carrie's analysis, and said in a trembling tone:

"Could it be that Captain Mark and the wild hunters have been facing... human beings? Not the monsters we imagined?"

"It's hard to say." Carrie shrugged with her eyes closed, then opened her eyes and said:

"The beginning of the end may be, but now, they are definitely not humans.

Then, I used the data of these genetic breakthrough agents and enhancers to simulate injecting them into Captain Mark's body on the computer. After many simulations and calculations, I got the result of only one rejection.

I also used the same simulation calculations on those experimental subjects who were still in a coma, and the results were similar, but not as nearly perfect compatibility as Captain Mark.

This shows that Captain Mark is inseparable from the Nirvana company at the T-69 collection point, so I have reason to guess that the triggering of the end is also inseparable from that Nirvana company. "

"Hum..." At this moment, Arthur groaned, and interjected:

"My nephew once mentioned to me, what is the manifesto of this 'placenta' company... Let me think about it...

Oh, it seems to be 'creating a more perfect world, freeing human beings from decay and rebirth'.

Tsk tsk, if it is true as the declaration says, this company has really dedicated itself to death for the sake of human beings to be able to purify...

(The face suddenly changes, and the expression turns into annoyed) Mad, this is a stupid and mentally retarded garbage company. "

Arthur's temper was the best among the Russell family. He was usually smiling, and even if he was angry, he rarely broke out on the spot.

But today, Arthur changed from his usual routine, and at the same time he swears in public.

The reason is obvious, that is this Nirvana company, and it is very likely that it is the direct cause of the doomsday of the "Ling Cage" universe.

This made Arthur, who received William's "people-oriented" education since he was a child and regarded all human beings as fellow citizens, could not accept Nirvana's approach at all.

He can understand, but not accept.

Through Carrie's analysis and the Nirvana Declaration that Horus told him, Arthur has already guessed the ultimate goal of this company——

Human metamorphosis and evolution.

And, the most interesting thing is that this company is named 'Nirvana'.

Nirvana is a Buddhist term, and it refers to suffering endless torture and pain from afflictions, desires, emotions, etc., and finally to overcome all the above-mentioned sins and achieve the ultimate goal of practice, without desires and desires, and to become a Buddha.

In this way, it is Nirvana and rebirth.

According to what Arthur has seen these days, everyone is bound on the lighthouse to prevent free love, but the more depressed, the more human beings yearn for emotions.

This is human nature.

But in Nirvana, practitioners need to abandon all human characteristics, such as the seven emotions and six desires, so that they can advance to the ranks of "Buddha" and "God".

In the same way, since Nirvana Company is named Nirvana, the intention is very clear.

That is to abandon the old human beings who occupy an absolute number and cannot evolve, and let the genetic modifiers under the company's command successfully advance, making a very small number of human beings evolve.

Arthur can understand that Nirvana's starting point is to obtain stronger capabilities for human beings, which can be regarded as a good original intention.

But what he can't accept is that...

Who the hell gave you the courage to decide to abandon ninety-nine percent of human beings?


But behind those numbers, how many once happy, happy and harmonious families are there?

It is true that human beings are selfish, have constant wars, oppress and discriminate against each other, but this does not represent the whole of human beings.

What Umbrella does in some ways is not far from Nirvana.

For example, the Spartans in the first phase were all kidnapped children, or they consumed a million D-class personnel, making Umbrella's absolute leader in biotechnology.

At the same time, it also includes a lot of competition among peers...

The kind that kills.

However, it must be made clear that although Umbrella is also for the sake of mankind as a whole, he acts with the concept of "the few serve the many".

There were only 14 people in Sparta in the first phase. They had excellent genes and exceeded the limit, which is the future evolution direction of human beings.

But these fourteen human beings who have successfully advanced must protect another seven billion people from the threat of abnormal phenomena and alien forces.

The vast majority of D-class personnel are extremely vicious, or psychopaths, rapists and other scum.

Only when faced with anomalous phenomena or enemies of absolute strength, would Umbrella make the decision to abandon and sacrifice the majority for the survival of the human race, leading a small number of elites to flee away.

But what about this ("The Cage") universe?

Arthur has been here for a long time, and the only threat is the polar beast.

In the absence of a common enemy, if Nirvana really caused the doomsday due to human evolution, it would be extremely selfish.

"Arthur..." Jingnan didn't expect Arthur, who has always been easy-going, to have such an angry side.

"Morgan City Lord." Arthur didn't care about Jingnan's whisper, but said to Morgan in a deep voice:

"At this time, there is no need to hide anything, it's time to be honest."

The reason why Arthur said that was because he found that when Carrie mentioned Mark's uniqueness and Bai Yuekui's group of'people', Morgan was too calm.

Then he was sure that Morgan must know about Mark's life experience, and might even be related to Nirvana Company.

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