Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 365: Adding Infinity to Sparta


It may be because of seeing so many people suddenly, Keisha, who has lived alone for a long time, is a little uncomfortable, but she still introduces herself:

"Everyone...Hello, Kesha, and William master."


The first half of listening to Kesha's introduction was normal, but the last sentence of "Master" immediately stunned all the Spartans.

! !

The client, William, did not expect Kesha to bluntly say 'Master'.

"Okay!" William, with his hands behind his back, raised his voice pretending to be calm:

"Kesha is an anomaly that was recovered when the Zero Fleet was performing missions on Venus. Now she will also become a member of Damocles, fighting to protect mankind."

"Welcome to join our task force." As the captain of the task force, Carter took the lead in breaking the awkward atmosphere and extended his right hand to welcome Kesha.

Keisha just glanced at Carter's right hand, but she didn't hold it, but tilted her head and squinted with a smile:


It seems that except for William, Keisha doesn't want to have too much physical contact.

"Hehe, hello." Carter also smiled calmly and withdrew his right hand, not paying any attention to Keisha's failure to shake hands.

"Then Carter." William also looked at Carter and said softly:

"Kesha will be handed over to your task force for the time being. Her strength is that she can provide a defensive barrier. According to long-term observation and research, the defensive barrier she produces is far stronger than Thor's Hammer, PIA and biochemical armor. energy shield.

She can ensure that your task force has better protection capabilities when operating. "

"Yes, I see, boss." Carter kept Keisha's strengths in mind.

"Very good." William looked at Kesha standing in front of him again and said:

"In the future, you will follow the command of the captain named Carter, and use your strengths as much as possible to protect your teammates."

"Yes..." Keisha nodded obediently.

"Hmm." William also smiled at her, then looked up at the Spartans gathered around, and said softly:

"Okay, let's all disband."

"Yes, boss."

After William handed Kesha to Carter, he also took Serena and the USS who followed, and left the first area of ​​the hangar.


Kesha looked at William's back and felt a little lonely, but she didn't act "radically" because it was William who gave her the order.

"So... Kesha?" Carter said to Kesha, "Come with me to meet your other teammates."


Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Carter, Kesha first met the water elf hiding in the corner of the hangar, followed by the nine-tailed white fox in the cafeteria, and Elizabeth Green who 'dwelled' in the dormitory.

Finally, there is the strange epidemic doctor in 049, and the first time they met, it was a little 'harmonious'.

049 doesn't care whether Carter is the captain or not, and repeatedly reprimands Carter and Keisha, saying that he should never disturb it when it is experimenting.

Although the first contact with teammates was not smooth, but in any case, this angel with a biological standpoint was finally able to join the containment task force and make some contributions to mankind.


After William left the first area of ​​the hangar, he disbanded the following USS and let them return to their respective units.

Serena, on the other hand, began to report the company's current situation to William after complaining about the female angel to William.

The bottom of Infinity's hull, the deck corridor leading to the experimental area, William and Serena walked side by side towards the experimental area.

"Boss, the press conference is over. According to the monitoring and analysis of other artificial intelligence, most people still believe in the giant beast created by the Reaper civilization."

"This is all within expectations." After hearing Serena's report, William seemed to have guessed the result a long time ago, and then said to her:

"Now it is basically certain that the giant beast race will not launch another attack. It is time for the second and third fleets to return to the far star. After all, the far star is the important town of our human beings besides the earth."

"Yes, boss." Serena was silent for a few seconds before replying, "I have notified the two fleets."

"Okay, as for the Zero and First Fleets, let's temporarily stop over the entire Japan, and let Lieutenant General Mike lead the Marine Corps and engineering team to quickly rebuild our acquisition area.

and also…

Let the Ultimate Squad led by Robert, the Shadow Squad of Corax, and the Damocles Task Force be deployed on the Infinity for the time being.

The Spartan gods in the three teams were also placed in the first area of ​​the hangar of Infinity. After all, it is not good to waste such a large space.

Then inform the crew to prepare their own dormitories for the contained objects in the Damocles contingent. "


Serena's pupils still shimmered, conveying William's next instruction.

Next, William issued a series of instructions to Umbrella through Serena, such as assisting disaster-stricken cities around the world.

And let some artificial intelligence responsible for the market and economy calculate the company's existing surplus funds, buy the most damaged urban land as much as possible, and turn it into Umbrella's private property.

Of course, in addition to allowing Umbrella to expand the scope of its existing influence, it also allows the engineering team and artificial intelligence to assist the UNSC in post-war "recovery" to the greatest extent.

Not long after, the boss and secretary came to the test area and went straight to Halsey's personal office.

inside the office.

I saw Halsey sitting behind her desk, typing on the keyboard with both hands, as if writing a file on the study of giant beasts.

Although she told Rebecca that the giant beast has no research value, she still needs to write some summary files and papers to completely end the investigation on the giant beast.


Hearing the sound of the automatic door opening, Halsey, who was concentrating on it, frowned slightly, and said in a slightly impatient tone:

"Didn't I tell you, don't bother me when I'm writing the file, don't you want to be a D-class personnel?"

"I'd like to know... how did you turn me into a D-class personnel..."


Hearing it was William's voice, Halsey turned her gaze away, then instantly changed into a face like a good wife and mother, and asked:

"Why did you suddenly come to me when you are free? Have you finished the press conference?"

"Andre went to the press conference for me. I've been on the Infinity." William explained and walked towards Halsey, saying:

"I came to see you. It was Rebecca who just asked me to ask for leave to go to Minos."

Halsey manipulated the mouse to save the document, and asked, "Well, what then?"

"I want to take you, John and the other five Primarchs, and go to Minos with Rebecca to inspect the training progress of the Astartes."

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