Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 356 All kinds of 'truth' videos

William's voice just fell.

Serena played another video of the Umbrella Biological Experiment Center on the holographic projection.

This biological experiment center is a relatively low-level existence in the internal level of Umbrella.

But the clean and bright decoration style, as well as various high-tech equipment, would make ordinary people think that this is a high-tech research and development center.

Immediately afterwards, the video screen entered a room full of multifunctional beds.

Lying on the hospital bed is a group of second-stage Spartans who have undergone transformation operations.

Soon, a group of technicians in white protective clothing walked into the room, conducted a comprehensive inspection of each second-stage Spartan, and injected them with blue and green potions.

The video screen gradually dimmed to black, and white English words appeared in the center of the screen, indicating that Umbrella had been conducting experiments on "super soldiers" more than ten years ago.

Then it is said that the Russell family has mastered and perfected this technology since the last century.

At the same time, it also "admitted" that the Russell family had used a large number of executed prisoners for human experiments in the early days, but the results were obvious.

At this time, the black screen gradually brightened, and the screen switched to a very ordinary living room of a residential house, with a family of three on the sofa in the living room.

The three members are a typical American farm family. A middle-aged couple drove very kindly and friendly. A 12-year-old boy sat between the couple.

And an Umbrella agent in a suit with a red and white umbrella collar pin on the collar, sitting on the single sofa next to the family of three.

The agent took out a few paper documents, put them on the glass low table in front of the sofa, and said softly to the couple:

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, according to the Umbrella General Hospital's examination, your son's genes perfectly match our super soldier plan."

At this time, Mr. Smith picked up the document and read the content with a frown, while Mrs. Smith asked the agent directly:

"You mean... our son has a chance to be a super soldier?"

"That's right." The agent didn't deny it.

"But..." Mr. Smith handed the document to his wife, put his arms around his son's shoulders, looked at the agent and said in a deep voice:

"According to the contract you gave, my son needs to go to the military base for training now, right?"

"Yes, because only by injecting drugs and training now can we successfully pass the transformation operation." The agent also answered truthfully.

"Drug injection?! Transformation surgery?!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed in surprise.

"Madam, please rest assured that we, Umbrella, have thoroughly perfected all the procedures and will not cause any physical harm or damage to the children.

On the contrary, children who have undergone transformation operations can far exceed the existing limits of human beings in all aspects and become super soldiers. ' explained the agent.

"I want to know... why Umbrella needs super soldiers? Is there something that the army can't solve?" Mr. Smith was still puzzled.

"Please wait a moment." The agent took out another stack of paper documents from the briefcase under his feet, put them on the low table and said:

"Sir, if I say that human beings are not alone in the universe, and there are forces that are hostile to us human beings, is this reason enough?

The entire human race needs these children. "

"." The Smiths fell silent.

"Uncle!" The boy said excitedly, "According to what you said, if I become a super soldier, can I fight those aliens?"

"Hehe, yes." The agent responded with a rare smile.

"What if we refuse?" asked Mr. Smith suddenly.

"If you refuse..." The agent returned to his expressionless expression again, and said to the family of three:

"Umbrella will give you 6,000 U.S. dollars in funding, and sign a non-disclosure agreement with us, and the conversation between us cannot be revealed.

If you violate the non-disclosure agreement and cause panic among the masses, you may pay several times or even dozens of times for the breach of contract, and you will also be jailed. "

"What about agreeing?" Mrs. Smith asked curiously.

"If you agree, your son will receive the best teacher resources, the best care, and all the best treatment.

After finishing their studies, they can also obtain academic certificates recognized by various positions, and can successfully enter other companies, or directly enter Umbrella as a civilian.

Of course, the most direct thing is your son, who will become the best human warrior and will have Umbrella's highest salary. "

After saying this, the agent showed a faint smile, waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Smith's answer.

"Dad, Mom, I want to be a super soldier! I want to fight for humanity!"

He liked to read Marvel comics and play Microsoft games since he was a child. Naturally, he was very secondary and wanted to be the "savior" of mankind.

I saw the Smiths and Mrs. Smith, communicating in a low voice, and did not answer the agent immediately.

Little Smith begged his parents hard, hoping to make him a super soldier.

"Hey..." Finally, Mr. Smith sighed in various ways, raised his left hand to caress the top of his son's head, shook his head and said:

"Since God made our children so special, I think... there must be a reason for their existence, and God also hopes that our children can save more people...

we agree. "

After hearing Mr. Smith's words, the agent stood up and bowed heartily to the family of three and said:

"Thank you for your dedication."

The video ends here.

Immediately afterwards, under Serena's operation, the holographic projection in the conference room played another video.

What I saw in the video was the interior of an endless-class battleship, or the hangar area where rows of gods were parked.

Most of the places are blurred to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

The scene changed, and the god body entered the high-altitude corridor of the driving bolt on the back of the neck.

A group of Spartan IIs with an average height of more than two meters, wearing special tight-fitting combat uniforms, were standing straight on the platform of the corridor.

And in front of the Spartans was the captain of this Infinity-class battleship.

"Sparta!!" The captain raised his voice and ordered all the Spartans:

"Now the earth is being attacked by a group of giant bastards, and the lives of ordinary people are threatened. It's time to drive your body to protect human beings!"

"Yes! Captain!"

All the Spartans raised their hands to salute the captain, and then ran towards their gods.

At this time, the camera lens was focused on a tall Spartan.

The camera gradually zoomed in, and everyone in the conference room realized that the face of this Spartan was extremely similar to that of Little Smith.

It represents that in the previous video, the "secondary two" boy who wanted to fight to protect mankind has now become a super soldier.

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