
Chapter 451: [Assassination] (6000 words)

Damn it ... I knew Charlie shook her head again and sighed, but he didn't even know what he was sighing.

That Cavie Hill guy ... he really died ... Such a magical guy, he really died?

I'm afraid that even at the last moment, Charlie would think that guy could not really die. Even now, after this girl has said everything, if at this moment, the door of the room suddenly opens, the guy from Cavill Hill walks in with a smile on his face, and Xia is not surprised at all by that guy. It was a magical existence. Even if he is really dead, "Maybe one day he will suddenly be resurrected and appear in front of people. Xia sighs. The girl looked at him aside. After a while, Xia slaps her thighs suddenly. Flashed a thought, remembered something, called out, loudly: "No, no!"

"... What's wrong?" The girl groaned and looked at Charlie.

"No, that's not right!" Xia suddenly burst into flames, his fist slap on the table, and the table smashed into a shatter. Xia Ya stood up, shook her fists, and yelled angrily: "No! That old guy, isn't this hurting me !!"

The girl did not speak, but still looked at Xia Ya with a smile.

Charya looked complex and cried loudly: "He had already made a comprehensive plan! Give up the northern counties and let the Odins come in and bite the dogs with the rebel dogs ... That's it. He is willing to make this arrangement, and is willing to do any gambling. His thing! But why did he hurt Lao Tzu! "

Xia Ya was so angry that she was really furious. "I received the reward when I went to the emperor. The emperor was very good to me. I knew that there was a shadow of this hometown! I was named the chief of armament in County More and I wanted to come now. It ’s also that he exerted a lot of energy from it! This old guy, isn't it harmful? Since he had made plans and plans for a long time, once the war broke out, the north would be a mess! It was the sword and fire! Another Odin invasion, It was the rebel division, the war continued. In this case, he also sent me to More County to do what the **** armament officer, this is not what harms me! It is the loss of Laozi's life! One point, I'm afraid that I will die for a long time !! What old hatred I have with this old guy, he even thinks about the way to toss Lao Tzu !! "

Xia ’s desire to get more angry, and the more she said, the more she was going to lift the table! If Cavie Hill is really standing at the moment-I am afraid that Xia will rush to find this old guy and desperately if it is not this old guy Where, myself, would you go to County Moree desperately? Relying on his previous military exploits, he was sealed into a peaceful town in the south to become a local official, and he has long been a native emperor, leading a leisurely life.

Where would it be like now, desperately fighting with the Odins, and fighting with the rebels, dancing on the blade, struggling all the way, and almost dying several times-just hang up ... "This is what the teacher cultivates for you."

The girl opened her mouth appropriately. Just when Charm was angry, the girl fluttered so softly, as if stuck on Chara's neck: "If it wasn't for the teacher's arrangement, Charya, would you have today? Ya: "......... The girl sighed quietly and slowly said:" The teacher has always seen people very accurately. His elderly people have high expectations of you. In order to cultivate you and pave you a way to excel, the teacher has I'm doing my best. Xia ... Do you have any idea, the teacher puts you in the north, not to harm you, but to make you a stubborn iron, and put it into a steel furnace to make steel! "

After a pause, the girl sneered: "Otherwise, with your last credit, it is not difficult to seal your position, and a baron title is enough to reward your credit. Why give you the post of armament chief? Although the commander of armaments is also a regiment-level, but the real power is very large, but also independent and free from local elbow. You can let it go as far as possible! Otherwise, if it gives you a flag-level idle, you Xia Where can we have today's power? "

"One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one," Xia frowned.

"Let's talk about the place first! The northern counties, not letting you go to Knox County, not letting you go to Siltan County, but partial (8 chose More County to let you go, why? There is a border trade in More County Lee, and very close to the wildfire feed, this is your 'cooked land' !! You are familiar with the environment there "It is naturally good to show it! And the former County Guardian of Moll County is the official and honest and diligent governor of Moll County. The foundation is also the best among the counties in the north! Grain and grass! The abundance of dollars gives you the best foundation! This is the geographical advantage! If you ruined Noz County, there is a Central Army stationed in Noz County, where are you There is room for performance? Throw in Siltan County and face the Corsica Military Region all the time, you have no chance to launch it! Mole County is the best foundation for the teacher to choose for you! How much thought did the teacher spend! Let's talk about people ... what do you think Mad Dog Green is! He is a general in the army. Although he was regarded as a guiltless man before, he was idle and lost power, but by virtue of his prestige and Even if fame is suppressed by the warlord party, if you really want to do something, where can't you go? With him Identity and connections in the hawk system, if you follow the fat man of Ruhr to the Rhoderia Corps, or to the Second Ninth Corps, will there be no beginnings? Moreover, At the time Adrik had arrived in the imperial capital, faintly As the first person in the future army, if Green stays in the capital, Adrik will naturally appreciate his talents. How difficult will it be to arrange a position in the city guard for Green? I just fancy you as an unqualified kid? Rather follow you to More County, a dignified imperial general, but you will be a small army leader at your battalion level? If it wasn't for the teacher to arrange it, Green would have been I have a good opinion of you guy, how can I really bend down to do things under your hands? "

Charya's eyes widened: "You mean ..."

The girl nodded: "Before Green came out of the mountain, he had visited the teacher, had a long talk with the teacher, and finally decided to go to you." After a pause, the girl stared at Xia Ya and said in a deep voice: "Green, the military general and hostel, is the teacher's carefully selected assistant for you!"

Charlie listened, her emotions were a little flattered, and after a little thought, she frowned, "Even so, the North is too dangerous. Now that Carvey Hill had settled on the future, Odin invaded. Going south, I first mentioned my site. Behind that, I was in front of the Odin, behind me was the site of the rebels, sandwiched in the middle, fighting together, nine lives ... "

The girl coldly interrupted Xia: "Are you dead now?"

"..." Charlie blinked and swallowed. "This. Naturally, I haven't died one by one, one by one." Since you haven't died, that's all right. "The girl frowned.

"But ... Lao Tzu struggled all the way, and I didn't know how many times I had experienced danger, almost how many times ..."

"You are the teacher's favorite!" The girl suddenly became solemn, her face and f6 qi were extremely indifferent, staring at Xia, slowly said: "The teacher fancy you, naturally not to give you a clear Expensive idle work, let you be promoted safely and be a rich man! The teacher sees you and hopes that you can make a difference! Heroes are in troubled times! The situation in the north is a bit more complicated and harder! But the teacher has given With so many arrangements, the site has picked you the best, and you have sent the best deputy to you! Given this condition, if you ca n’t do anything with Charya, it only means that you are incompetent! Even if You are dead, it ’s just that you are incompetent, no wonder others! Xia, you remember, heroes started in troubled times! Throw you in the troubled times in the north, and you can truly become steel and rise! If you were left in a stable and remote place in the south, you are now just a small local official! Where will you become the current General Xia? Think about it, how powerful you are now! The emperor of the empire must look at your face Your hand There are tens of thousands of soldiers, counties in counties, and the north is almost the world of you alone! If you say that the uprising can not survive, it is also between you and Charlie! If you now reverse immediately, this Byzantium, Immediately the end of the dead country Charya: "..."

The girl said to the end) Cold tone = "One person's thoughts determine the survival of a country. One by one, one by one, one by one." The man's husband, born in the world, is so prestigious that he will not hesitate this life! If the teacher did not arrange this, To give you such a chance, you might have a referral?

The idea of ​​one man deciding on the existence of one country is on the mind of Charlie. He suddenly felt the blood in his chest splattering and his blood boiled, and the hero of the boy was born. So prestigious, it really is not I thought about this in my life. Although Xia Ya was boiling with blood, she finally calmed down on the surface, and she was finally annoyed by the cavity of Cavill Hill.

After a long time, the girl watched Xia Ya calm down, and said lightly, "Master Xia, can you figure it out?"

Xia Ya sighed and focused: "Well.


Charlie: "... I see. '"

The girl then smiled, looking at the slumped table in front of Xia Ya, and smiled: "You were angry just now, but it is really scary." Looking at the mess on the ground: "This tea is also sprinkled It's not the way to treat guests. "

With that said, the girl stood up and walked to the door, and patted her hands gently against the moon.

For a moment, an old servant with a bland face walked in slowly, holding a plate in his hand, and slowly offering a few cups of tea. "This is tea. We do n’t produce Byzantine. It has always been Landis. It is only available from maritime traffickers. The teacher liked to drink this thing most during his lifetime. The taste of this thing is bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet. The teacher likes it most. "The girl smiled softly:" Please taste it for General Xia. "

Charlie sat down, looking at the cups on the table, and two delicate porcelain cups on the table. The conjoined snow was immaculate, one in front of herself and the other in front of the girl, just beside the cup in front of the girl. , Hung a small silver spoon. In a small disk in the middle of the table, there are a few delicate desserts. The shape is chic and small, and it is exquisitely made.

When the girl saw something on the table, there was a strange light flashing in those eyes. Seeing that Xia Ya reached out to take a cup to drink, the girl suddenly smiled, stretched out a small hand, and gently put it on Xia ’s wrist After a while, he smiled, "This tea is just boiled, and it's still hot, so let's wait for it to cool down."

Charlie didn't think much, but saw the snack on the plate. He didn't eat much today. He bumped all the way here and was a bit hungry, so he reached out and grabbed a piece of sweet sticky on the plate. Only his hand was stretched out. In the past, the girl has quickly removed the plate, raised her head, and looked at the old servant standing aside, her expression seemed very natural, and said lightly, "" This snack was left overnight last night, why? Also come out to entertain guests? Hurry up and change for a new one.

Xia Ya laughed and said, "It's okay, and overnight, the people who march and fight with me, one bite is enough, not so much."

Reaching for another snack, the girl has gently picked up the plate and tossed it aside, looking at the old servant next to her, frowning: "Not yet?"

The old servant looked nodded, nodded, and turned to leave. As he walked past Xia's side, the old servant suddenly seemed to be sulking and planted on Xia's body.

Xia Ya didn't react much, but the girl seemed to be ready. Before the old servant leaned down, the girl had stretched her legs on the feet of the table in front of her, and the table immediately came across and stopped by Xia In front of him, the old servant ran over and was stopped by this table. He couldn't stick to Charya's body.

Before Xia Ya made a speech, the girl had already burst into color: "Why are you so careless? General Xia Ya is a noble guest, so rough-handed, it is just a joke, quit quickly!"

The old servant nodded again and again, his body barely stood on the ears, and he took a two-step step back to get a waist. "

Xia wasn't a fool. She had long noticed that she was not right. When she saw the old servant's waist, he heard the sound of "click", and then saw a cold light burst from the old servant's waist. Then, he sprayed directly towards Xia Ya's face door! The girl had already prepared, and she had grabbed a tea tray in her hand, and she was directly in front of Xia. Then she heard Ding-Ding-Dang a dense movement ... … The tea plate is studded with countless dense silver needles, I'm afraid there are dozens of them! The cold light on the needle flickers, and there is a little green in the silver light ... It's obviously something special. Xia ’s drug had sneered, and he got up, looked at the girl and the old servant coldly, he looked so cold, his eyes were showing murderous spirit, and the girl suddenly stopped herself from drinking tea. Xia already had in her heart. After feeling a little wrong, I stopped myself from eating snacks, and then the old servant suddenly wrestled and fell on himself, and it was not a fool to be a fool. Where was it not noticed? It's just that he is bold and talented. With his ability at the moment, this little trick has long been ignored.

Just curious in my heart, I don't know what kind of ghost these guys are fooling.

The girl saw that her face had been torn, and finally she looked pale, put down the plate full of sharp needles, a pair of eyes flashed with cold light, and stared at the old servant: "He is the teacher's favorite! Are you too much? ! "

The old servant's expression was still numb, but his body was already upright. It was an old one, but just to stand up, the whole person's spirit suddenly changed, and he was full of vigor, and the whole person gave out a sense of murderousness. "I must kill him anyway!"

The old servant shook his head, but his voice was a little hoarse, with a strange smell, but where it turned around, it was clearly the tenderness of a woman's voice. Where is it like an elderly man?

The girl frowned: "That matter has not been conclusive, and if you do n’t nod, no one will force you one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one"

"No, he doesn't die, it's an insult to me!" The old servant looked at Xia fiercely, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his face, grabbed it, but it seemed to peel off a layer of skin! The look of nature naturally disappeared, and it was clearly a hood in the hands, and even the hair of the belt was grasped. Charlie looked at it again and was completely dumbfounded! Where is the old man with purple hair in his face? The skin is like snow, the faces are already beautiful and unparalleled, but they are half-iron, but they hide the face that should have been the country's allure-half of those eyes, which are purple, with With a strange and strange beauty, these purple eyes are staring at Xia "You are ... Via!" Xia has taken a deep breath and a little surprised on her face: "I recognize you! You ... you saved me once! Saved me once from Hastings! "

Via bit her lip and looked at Charlie fiercely, and said coldly: "If I had known you would be so insulting to me today, how could I have rescued you! Charlie Thunder, let's die!"

By the way, as soon as Via shook her hand, a thin blade suddenly appeared between her thumb and forefinger! Her figure had suddenly been pasted towards Charya, the blade flashed, and the cold light was wiped away. Char's neck "Stop!"

The freckled girl had already flew in front of Xia, opened her arms, covered her with her body, and said "Via! Stop!"

Via knife has been waved, seeing the girl in front of him, the blade almost passed by the girl's face, and finally received it back, Wei face looked murmur, Shen said "" Sophie, must you stop me! I almost killed you just now! "

The girl shook her head. "No, no matter what, he is the teacher's favorite. The teacher has great expectations for him. He must never die! Via, do you dare to disobey the teacher!"

Via's face was cloudy and cloudy, and her eyes struggled. At this time, behind Via, that Junker had been quietly pasted, and was about to grab Via's shoulder. Via had already noticed, suddenly twisted his waist, turned and hit his shoulder with Ron. How good is Via's chest in Via's ability! He could be rescued from Hastings in the first place! Although there are ingredients that Hastings keeps, but can be put right with Hastings, the skills are naturally useless. Ordinary master to measure.

Although Junker is not weak, he is not an opponent of Via. When Via hits his chest, his body shrinks back, and then Via sticks to Junker's chest with one hand. The palm of his hand has changed instantly. He made a fist and slammed it three times, and Juncker's body flew out! He smashed directly on the wall behind him and could no longer stand up. "No! No matter what, I have to kill today He can't! After killing him, I committed suicide by guilty of crime! "Via's face was blue, and Charya could not help crying and laughing. In fact, with the strength of Charya at this moment, where does this girl need to protect herself?

Via did just now. Although her skill is sharp, in the opinion of Xia, it really does not pose a great threat to him ... But this Via once saved himself once, but now it seems that he has no hatred with himself. His face was murderous, but he was a little bit embarrassed. So ... "That ... Can I ... say a word?" Xia Ya couldn't help but poked her head behind the girl, grabbed her hair, and smiled "" That ... Miss Via, I don't remember where I offended you? Why on earth? "

The girl suddenly turned her head and looked at Charlie in surprise. Via had a grim look, staring at Charya.

"Seriously, I don't remember I offended you ... I was grateful for your kindness at that time, that ..." Xia rubbed her hands. "If there is any misunderstanding, let's say no. Is that all right? Look? "

The girl endured and endured, and finally did not hold back "" Xia Ya ... you really don't know the original "don't know. "Charlie shook her head.

"You ... Do you know who Via is?" The girl looked strange.

Xia Ya thought for a while, "She should be the apprentice of her hometown, right? Just ~ ~ I haven't offended her."

"Don't offend me!" Suddenly she became mad, she pointed at the blade, and yelled, "You asshole! How dare you marry me in front of so many people! Now all the people in the emperor know you Marry me! How can I marry you, such a jerk! If I didn't kill you today, how would I see someone in the future! "

"Wait! Wait! When did I say I would marry ..." Xia Yalian waved his hands again and again, but half of it, he suddenly flashed a thought in his own heart, staring widely at Via "" You ... I ... fuck! I see! You, you are ... "

Even if Xia was a fool, it should be understood now that it was the first time that she had known Via, and it was this woman who suddenly appeared and rescued herself from Hastings! I remember this woman who said: She Owing to Adrik has paid off the faint, this woman seems to be related to Adrik! And Xia also knows that Via was once Adrik's guard captain! Now he said that he was going to marry her ? Even if Charlie is doing something else, she can always think of it at the moment! "You ... Are you the daughter of Adrik?" Tu Yan just felt that his eyes were about to fall out.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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