
Chapter 436: [Whitewash] (8000 words)

[====== Hand hit =====] The blocked gates have been reopened long after the decisive battle a few days ago

Outside the new city, the battlefield has been cleared up in a few days, just above the wilderness, as if there is a faint **** odor, infiltrating the heavens and the females, not yellow,

Even if I was standing in the wilderness outside the city at this moment, it seemed that I could still listen to the thrilling massacre that Pei had today! Those screams and howls seemed to be still near the ears, and the land at the foot, the snow and ice had already melted, Blended with blood, deeply penetrated about soil armor ...

This land seems to be faintly red!

The original camp of the Red Snow Army outside the new city, A has been torched. "

In the battle a few days ago, when the Red Snow Army began to pose a decisive battle, the development of the situation immediately made the Red Snow Army ... even the defenders who were fighting on the city's head were surprised. !!

From the start of the decisive battle, the Byzantine army almost beat the Red Snow Army. "

The first Byzantine army to play here was the first ping pong commanded by Green, but with more than 10,000 people, it actually steadily killed 30,000 Red Snow troops.

The killing of the two armies, the Red Snow Army was actually beaten after the festival, Qi Zhanjing army six charge, six battles, six victory, actually kill the Odin who has always been known for good fighting.

Such a scene was not only understood by the defenders watching the city walls, but even Nene, who was also standing on the city walls, did not understand.

Only the chiefs of the various tribes in the Red Snow Army had a thousand trips to Wei Xiaocai!

Low morale! Make your own combat power lose three points before starting

Once the war started, if the fighting power was originally used, the first hills of Xia’a were all infantry, and the infantry-to-infantry regiment had a small number of soldiers. It was definitely not the same year as the Red Snow Army, but it was able to kill the red. Snow Army retreats,

The only explanation is that the Red Snow Army is not the same!

When Manninger was there, Chi Xuejun had such a powerful leader to sit in the town, and naturally he could make a sincere and united look. Mansinger and Fei, each tribe had their own thoughts, and they had a fight. Ambition, when fighting a war, "No one is willing to give up their power, they all patted their minds to save strength ...

In the decisive battle, life and death are still fighting ", and this kind of thought still exists, then Jiangu County itself was looking for death!

What's more, after the army did not have a unified command, "the soldiers of the various tribes in Pingjiu County fought each other without any cooperation! Such a fight, there is no reason to lose,

However, after fierce fighting for a long time, the aggressive Red Snow Army was defeated in the past, and various departments called for "some retreats" and some retreats, not even a single person who came forward or rectified.

As a result, "six battles and six defeats" once the horses retreated, they would no longer hear Fadi Xin gather together.

After the infantry of the First Corps pressed Chixue Army for half a day, Jinya's proud hills were dispatched. "Directly detoured to the side, giving full play to the advantages of the cavalry's fast and powerful impact! After entering the Red Snow Army's cavalry, the Red Firefighting Army completely collapsed.

If in the past, the Red Snow Army would definitely not lose this fast. Even if it is a nasty field battle, if the array is rigorous, it will never give the other side such a large loophole. "

But the problem is that the current Red Snow Army does not have a single pound handsome in the overall situation.

A group of people fought on their own. Although the warriors of the Odin soldiers were not weak, Bi Yin became a group of black people.

The cavalry rushed and broke the battle. After the Red Snow Army collapsed, it was like a thousand armors. "

Then Xia personally led the cavalry to hunt down the road and expand the war.

After all, two legs can't run four legs.

Xia ’s cavalry chased and drove all the way, and the Red Snow Army that was killed went to the sky and entered the Red Gate. ”

In fact, the Chixue Army was really killed. During the decisive battle, there was not much death in the county. Most of the deaths and injuries were in the scars of the later defeat.

And to the end, the Odin who was exhausted, and finally the surviving county could not run, so they had to surrender.

Beheaded 14,000 "captives 30,000!

Since then, the banner of the Red Snow Army has been removed from the mainland. "

Then, after all the captives were disarmed, Xia expelled them from the camp of the original Red Snow Army. After starving these guys for a full day and night ... they took an order!


Such a cruel command, when Xia spoke, he did not blink his eyelids. "

At this moment, all talents really feel the cruel and handsome side of the crepe handsome! !!

That night, in the wilderness outside the new city, the sound of sorrow and sorrow was soaring to the sky, and Ping Shuang shook the stars all over the sky!

The screams of screams make even the hardest-hearted people can't help but speak loudly, "

But only this Marshal Charya, with a cold face, did not beat his eyes!

30,000 people, all buried alive, none left!

The Byzantine army has never had such a tradition of slaughtering prisoners of war. Even military generals such as Cooglin, who are accustomed to killing, cannot help but object to the cruelty of Xia, and have tried to convince Xia to change his mind.

But Xia ’s answer was just one sentence

"Where do we have food to support these 30,000 people!"

In just this sentence, all of Green's words were blocked!

food! Where is the extra food to feed this captive

At this moment, even in the war, almost all the food in Siltan County is consumed. "At that point, there is not enough people to feed themselves!

30,000 prisoners of war are more than 30,000 mouths to eat!

This order from Xia Ya, from then on, the Basha clan in the Odin empire twinned more than 10,000 orphans and widows.

Xia Yacai doesn't care if other people say he is cruel. He has no other choices anyway ... and killing these Odin people, he feels a little more burdened.

He and the Odin have always had hatred, and the Odin went south to invade. Since there are no invaders, there must be an awareness of the end of the invaders!

The Red Snow Army occupies Siltan County, the place, and I do n’t know how many guardians are in the sauce. The original rich Syltan County was tossed by the Red Snow Army “within half a year”.

Who has mercy on those who died under the butin's butcher knife

After Charya resolved the prisoners of war, he immediately ordered that Shahr ’s arrogant puppets were divided into two paths, going south and sweeping other parts of Siltan County. The other way to the territory of Jingfu was given to Sogle. Lead, go east towards the Corsica Military Region! At this moment, he was in a state of great victory, and he just cleared the Xijia Military Region in one breath!

Based on Sogol's understanding of the Corsica region, and his prestige, he wanted to conquer the Corsica military region, and the natural county is still windy ...

"Fight less with more," use weak strength to win, and win!

Since the war, the prestigious Red Snow Army annihilated "and then Goa ’s army passed by. The towns of Syltan County were almost unique! The Red Snow Army ’s fertility was wiped out. There are a few remaining Odin garrisons, but which one can still turn the situation around? And in some places, the local detachment of the army simply called up the courage and opened the gate to welcome the army of Ta Ya into the city.

Almost a few days later, the entire state of Siltan County was calm!

It was more than half a month after the end of the battle in Siltan County, and Goya Cuncheng welcomed a group of guests from the south.

The legendary governor's wife of the Besta Military Region, actually Xin led a special envoy to the new city all the way north to meet with Xia and discuss major issues!

For the personal arrival of this glamorous governor's wife,

Originally, the two parties made some covenants. Only after the Charya returned to the Communist Party from the Besta Military Region, "can't wait to start the war against Manninger. Although on the one hand it was fuelled by the situation, on the other hand, from Objectively speaking, it is indeed too late for Jian and Nanru to say hello.

After the original agreement of the two springs, the plans of the Red Pregnant Army were totaled, and they were completely abolished.

More importantly, there were one of the contents of the previous two plots of the plan. The two jointly planned the Red Snow Army. Char ’s goal was Siltan County, and in the Besta military area, the smart The governor's wife clearly beat the Corsican military commander. From this point, the governor's wife left the last governor of the Corsica military commander, Master Yun Ya, to see her plan.

Unexpectedly, Charlie's action here is so fast,

In the winter, he forcibly launched an offensive and went up against it. The sword sword straightened and poisoned it. In one fell swoop, the forces of the Red Snow Army swept the army and swept down, not only occupying Syltan County, but also dispatching Geer, the old man in the Corsica Military Region, went all the way to clean up the homeland of the Corsica Military Region ...

In this way, the great plan of the Governor's wife will be gone. "

At the beginning, the two agreed to work together, but in the end, your grandpa Charia ran without a word and smashed the results of the war and used this charisma of Charya. Fatty meat, which will easily spit it out again?

He sits in the new town. In fact, this branch of the Besta Military District in the south was used for discussion. When he first talked about Syltan County, Charlie got the blame of his cavalry here.

It was only that Xia Ya had expected that the governor's wife would not be so easy to quit at this time, but she was hiding from others to rob Fang, moved her wealth, and exhausted all the benefits ... At this time, Spit it out and think about it, even if Xia Ya had intended, how could his soldiers who had been fighting in the blood willingly agreed?

Xia Ya deliberately ordered his cavalry to "guard" along with Tu, and passed on to the new city slowly to see himself. On the other hand, he quietly sent out a riding tip to urge the Corsican military area. Sogol, if he wants to speed up his movement, he must occupy the entire territory of Corsica before the ambassador of the Besta Military Region meets with himself and meets himself.

Presumably by that time, the clever and cunning governor's wife had nothing to say in the face of the period.

With this in mind, Xia sent "escorted" along the way, and the pride of the special envoy deliberately slowed down along the way. "Although the road is difficult in winter, it can be said that it is the rider, From the border crossing of the Besta Military District to the new city, ten days would have arrived if the horses were spurred, but under the dictation of Charlie, under the cavalry "protection" along the way, the original ten-day journey was worth walking More than half a month, this finally reached the new city

It was learned that the mission entered the new city. Xia Ya of the city had originally reported that she would find stability again. Since the six military was busy, there was no time to meet with the messenger, and she had to make excuses for another two days.

However, Xia Ya never expected that "the governor's wife lives in a scarf", the diligent person in the Besta military district "ran up to his own landlord."

This governor's wife is too serious! She concealed her identity all the way to the ambassador's mission, but she did not hide it. Even Xia Ya sent the **** to Tuo to **** the kidney prince, and the ambassador entered the new city. The Governor's Talent Shows His Identity

If an ordinary messenger is coming, Xia will be able to grind her face and push, but the master of the house will come in person, and Xia is really embarrassed to find another confession.

At last, after the mission entered the city, Xia Ya immediately took the legendary governor's wife in the city's garrison government.

The county guard in the new city originally had a view of the county guard's office of Sirtan County, and the richness of Sirtan County was "the magnificent nature built by the county guard, and it can be called a mansion." After this, with such a bite, the place was naturally occupied by Mandrag as a six-year-old Odin who did not like the Byzantine-style luxury style, so this residence was suspended during the period of residence in Zhongge It ’s massive, the walls are covered with various animal skins, and fish-shaped bone sculptures can be seen everywhere. ”Even a large palace in the original palace was turned into Odin. Human wrestling field.

The predecessor of the county guard was quite elegant. In the courtyard, a lot of precious flowers and plants were transplanted. After being occupied by the Odins, "the precious velvet mushrooms that were filled in the courtyard were used by the snow army to feed reindeer. Of feed.

"When Xia Ya entered the city," there was still a horrible smell in the mansion, and the tents in the courtyard had not been cleaned yet.

Xia itself is not a person who enjoys the enjoyment, and the residence of the house is temporarily painted by Ma Maqi. "It is just here to receive such a beautiful and noble lady in the shuttle, but she is also a little embarrassed. .

After all, when I'm a guest there, they are very kind to themselves. They have a small banquet on three days and a large banquet on five days. At the moment, they received Luke in such a broken place, and the local police felt that they had no light on their faces.

But no matter how embarrassed, I still want shellfish.

When returning to the governor's wife, Xia was full of embarrassment: if the governor's wife accused herself of humiliating the covenant after the meeting, or went to the site of the Xijia military area, she should how to respond……

With such thoughts, when the two just met, Xia Yaming's mouth was so absent-minded.

The governor's wife wore a leather suit, and she was originally transformed into an ordinary official who made Tian's towel "hide in the line and dressed as men's clothes. At the moment, she had no time to change her clothes. Under the guidance of the guards around Bi Ziya, when he walked into the courtyard, a bee reading lamb was only wearing a leather hat. The original long hair was hidden under the eaves of the girl hat. Zhang Jiaomei ’s seductive face was also quite frosty. Obviously, I did n’t sing hard during this journey. I was dressed in an ordinary military officer's costume and a large leather robe covered the curve of Suona ’s figure and lived in Juxian. When coming in, step by step, but still with a seductive style again

"What makes Xia a little afraid to look directly" is the eyes of this woman!

There are three-point smiles in his eyes, but seven points are weird

When the two met, Xia ’s expression was so embarrassing. Gangya ’s Zen Lamb Jianjian Cup had two steps on the book, performed a ritual, open-mouthed voice, slightly hoarse and tired, but But it ’s so lazy

"Admiral Marshal Xia was brave and brave, and this battle defeated the Red Snow Army. Man was the chief father and son of Manninger, but it was a victory for the empire that had never been achieved for decades." After this battle, I was afraid of the whole The mainland "no one dare to face up to Marshal your tiger power", said, the Governor's wife slowly owed his lower body, and said gently: "The Marshal is brave, it is really admirable"

Xia Ya hesitated with two laughs, his head was turning quickly, and he was thinking about how the black woman mentioned the Xijia Military District, how to frame herself ... but at this time, the governor's wife The next sentence, but immediately let Charlie stay in the afternoon,

The Governor's wife stood up, looked at Charya's eyes, and took a deep breath. And, "Adult may not know yet, right? Just a few days ago, I received an urgent report on the situation of an imperial capital, and the mother changed dramatically!",

Charlie stayed.

He never thought that the governor's wife and his wife would face each other, not talk about two appointments, and talk about Siltan County. "Not to mention the ownership of the Corsica Military Region. What about Glia?

"Xia Ya just fell into a huff" immediately, with a serious face? He looked at the woman tightly. He was very clear that this woman had a wide range of information channels, and the news was ten times more than that in Zike County! The other side solemnly said that something must have happened in Osgilia!

Xia Ya took a deep breath, sullen face, and looked at the woman, "Please speak" "

The governor's wife smiled softly before saying a word.

"Before January" Landis Army landed 30,000 on the Emperor's Capital, and the remnants of the garrison commander-in-chief of the city ’s Adebon commander became arch defenders. The rebels were not the same and had no intention to resist. Many ministries took the lead to retreat outside the city. Then "the two sides retreated in the Soviet Union three days in the Soviet Union, and most of them have been expelled from the city! Oscaria is straightforward, "

Xia Ya's body shook, and her expression suddenly cheered up, staring at the governor's wife in front of Shan Shan: "Really ?!"

The governor's wife smiled charmingly: "How dare I hide it from such a big thing, handsome man? At this moment, above the walls of Osgilia, General Teikos poisonous Adejia and General Landis have joined forces. After the soldiers "received frozen battles with the rebels outside the city of Osgilia, the rebels argued endlessly." Inadvertently fighting, Governor Hughes led a war with Zhanqiu and a total of Phil hundred, many departments subsequently withdrew. " The rest of the ministries are also thinking. When I got the tick, the rebels had not retired, but I was afraid that they would not be able to hold on for a long time. The soldiers were fortunate, and the rebels were besieged for more than half a year. I'm afraid that once this sergeant and the gangster are leaked, they can no longer be revitalized. It ’s only a matter of time before the birds and beasts are scattered ",

Xia ’s look became more dignified, and slowly said, “How is the condition of the city towel”,

As soon as the Governor ’s wife listened to Char ’s question, a glimmer of appreciation flashed in her eyes. Obviously, Marshal Char ’s brain was really clear, and I immediately understood the situation of the rebels at this moment. The situation in Asia City is the key!

She pursed her lips and said, "Why in the city ... when I get a negative number, I have a bad stomach, and the city guard led by General Adrik and the Landis Army ruled. I heard that the original The "Red Zone as the boundary" occupies half of the city, but the Royal Palace is still in General Adriben's year armor, so the situation will not be any trouble for a while. ",

Speaking of which, the woman smiled mysteriously: "Now the two sides, I am afraid that there are still conditions for negotiation, and the two sides are afraid to talk. Once the compromise is reached, when the county decisive battle is reached, the rebels have no worries at this moment! There is a huge frame to try the Inner League at noon. After the shuttle, I am afraid that once the empire and the Landis have reached an agreement and the table tennis is closed, the rebellion's frame will fall in a pile! This is the general trend It is already difficult to pull it back "

Charlie said nothing, but immediately turned around, flipped a piece of the ground out of the table, quickly spread out, touching her chin, staring at the map, and after looking at it for a long time, her scarf was cold. "" Catania! "

The governor's wife nodded, and his expression was much more serious: "No boat, teeth, handsome handsome indeed! The Lantiss have occupied the port of Catania, I'm afraid they will save the port of Catania later Increase in troops! From the port of Catania, the invasion of the rebels will reach the rebels under the city of Yuszilla, with the enemy on the back and low morale, but they will be defeated in a battle. "

Xia Ya sneered sneerly: "The rebels have finished Hughes’ old noon, attacked Osgilia, and were all driven out by wolverines, which is enough to show that he is humming along his life ... These guys don't have to bother to test too much. Only the Yatis people ... Hehe, it's ... * ...... "

He shook his head: "Please come in easily, it will be difficult to send it out. The Landis have occupied such a big limelight, eating the fat in their mouths, how can they spit out the Communist easily, the same capital, the lamb cannot let his team for a long time. Control, for a long time, it will inevitably lead to chaos. "

When Xia Ya said here, she suddenly saw that the governor's wife's mouth was painted, (hunting the country's menstrual text processing) with an ironic smile. When he moved in his heart, his face flushed.

It is said that the Landis "digested the fat in their mouths and refused to spit out the tip easily .... If this is used on their own," it seems appropriate that they swallowed the Corsican Military Region by themselves. I didn't plan to share the thoughts of this woman. I only stretched each other's journey along the way, and when I entered the city, I never saw the other party's idea. It is natural to know that this woman is clever.

Fortunately, the governor's wife just smiled slightly. Then she stole her greed and probably did not want to entangle with this kind of problem at this time. She only groaned a little and said, "Since the imperial siege has been solved, Then, in the southern part of the empire, where the Yujiao County of the Empire is still in existence, you can send people to clean up the place and reorganize the local heart to enrich the military empire. One by one, the siege of Vlie Ogilvy was resolved, and a piece of emperor's order went down. "It is not too difficult to draw up another army. Half of the empire has some land in my hands. of",

Having said that, the governor's wife looked at Xia: "Master Marshal" I started to worship by myself this time. Do you mean it, presumably you should also know? ",

Xia Ya squinted his eyes, and there was a hint of essence in his eyes. At this moment, which armor is half rough? Immediately he slipped his lips: "What do you mean ... rate the King of the Army",

"If we go now, we can still give charcoal in the snow." The governor's wife downplayed the county and said, "If you wait any longer, you can use the talent of General Adriana. It ’s the icing on the cake, and the weight is greatly different. ”Speaking here,“ the governor ’s wife said lightly: “You are a subordinate of Adrian ’s heavy general, do n’t worry about this layer”. , ""

In an instant, Charlie knew what the woman meant

The current situation of the Besta Military District is indeed subtle and fierce.

The Besta Military District has been blatantly detached from the red voice before. The round table will be used in accordance with the plan of the governor's wife. Of course, it is to build up strength and wait for opportunities. Only one identity and title is required * After all, Besta could be among the rebels!

The problem is, the governor's wife did not expect that the rebels would break through the fish siglia so quickly! (It's a dog to steal the net.) Hughes's attack succeeded, which was originally an accident.

After learning that Osgilia was breached, the governor's wife had no choice but to raise some doubts! The imperial capital breaks the city, the national law of the Byzantine Empire, and 10% of the suicides are lost! Even if the governor's wife was not optimistic about the rebels before, they did not reach the rebels' ability to break the capital! In her reckoning, Osgilia has a famous general like Adriben, and Landis, a powerful foreign aid "rebel, has made major mistakes in the freeze, and the situation has already leaned towards the Empire. Zheng Because of this, she made up her mind to bid farewell to the rebels that she thought would be defeated, and tried to regain the side of the empire.

However, I did not expect that when she was full of confidence, Yusi Yelia and hiding out of the city, gave the news that the blow in the heart of a woman was not small.

Even after receiving the news of the imperial city breaking, within a time, many doubts about the governor's wife popped up in the Zista military area, questioning the mistakes of the decision made by the lady.

She returned to the Governor's Mansion in the military area to clean up the situation, and served the internal twists and turns for some time.

But then things turned sharply! Obviously, the rebels who have won the war with one step in the eye, have lost again, and once again give way to a good situation "sufficient to prove that the guys of Hughes and El Salvador" are indeed not capable

But when this news was received, when the governor's wife finally flattened out the different vocals in the interior, Xia Ya on the north side, with the thunderous thunder, had flattened the Red Snow Army in one fell swoop!

This time, it completely disrupted the Governor's wife's plan.

You know, she hasn't waited for the time she needed! Feelings have become greedy with countless greed!

And the most terrible thing is that at this moment, the Besta Military District is suddenly in an awkward position!

She has been separated from the rebel camp, but it has not been bluntly acknowledged by Emperor's Purpose!

To the rebels, the Besta Military Area was a "traitor," but to the dry empire, the Besta Military Area was a "rebel."

If the empire is in crisis, she will be the king of Pong Qin in the Besta Military Region. Even if the county bears the reputation of "rebel," the empire will not hesitate to accept them. The rebels have entered the army through the army. Just touch it. When the empire was the hardest time, Jingjing passed away. At this time, the Besta Military Region posted it again ... Ren Tang couldn't see you. Xian Bufang really believed in you, or two!

Take a step back and say that even if the Empire accepts the surrender of the Besta Military Region, "Time * ..." is wrong! If you had sent charcoal in the snow before, you can still say that you are honest, but you can see that the rebels are defeated. If you post it again, it will inevitably be seen as a wall grass ...

After much deliberation, if you want to get off the thief ship again, and re-embark on the "official ship" of the empire, you must pull on this Marshal Xia!

After all, they are in the name of "Emperor Northern Military District, * ......", which is the official brand. (The governor's wife did not know how to stab each other with a poisonous pin.) After all, in the eyes of others, the prince of Xia Ya was born in the county roots Miao Hong, Adriya ’s family was born, and he was the first emperor. Appreciation, and there is still a bit of an unclear relationship between Siyi and the royal family-the news of the marriage between Xia Ya and His Royal Highness Adeline has been widely discussed.

At this time, can you find a "Royalist," Marshal Bija, who is born straight and contends for stability?

Instead of taking the risk of being suspected to post Osgilia, it would be better to just shoot the thigh of Marshal Charia.

If this Marshal Xia Ya is pulled together to do it ... Then, afterwards, the Besta Military District screamed, "King King Gong Chen" is absolutely indispensable!

Otherwise, in your current situation, the rebels will not wait for you. Your emperor does not recognize you ... Which one are you?

"Army of Osquilia, King of Kings." The Governor's wife stared at Shan Huya, "Sir, handsome, you have a great victory over the Red Snow Army. As long as you set aside your Majesty and three cadres, my Bestar Military Region will be proud. Thousands. The two of us joined together and went to King Oscilia to supply military supplies along Tu ’s military supplies. I was responsible for it in the Besta Military Area! Even the commander of this coalition will also be responsible for the job. , My Besta Military District, would like to obey the orders of Lord Marshal ",

Charlie immediately understood what the woman meant

The two sent troops together ~ ~ to bring together 10,000 cavalry to support King Oscilia ... 10,000 proud soldiers, the cost of supplies along the way has been borne by the Besta Military Region, and this 10,000 proud hills are only twins Arrived in Osgilia, I ’m afraid I do n’t even need to be really… 10,000 soldiers. ”Qi deterrent is not small! I ’m afraid I do n’t even need to fight, as long as 10,000 Qiqiu goes outside the city. Pendulum is enough to shake the enemy, even if it is a great achievement!

Xia is also a member of Adrik's family. "It is not difficult to be recognized and connected by the Ade chapter ... At that time, the Besta Military Area will be able to change with the situation, and the identity of the gap is =========== Provide the fastest and latest online novels. Our website is Pinyin initials + NET mobile users to browse ================

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