
Chapter 314: [Dora's approach]

Chapter 314 [Dora's Approach]

There are more than ten such scorpion monsters? !!

Charlie was at a loss as soon as she heard it. The power of this giant scorpion monster is not small. At least, even Hastings had a hard time hitting their shells with bare hands. This kind of powerful and outrageous defense was enough to cause headaches.

What's more, there are a dozen so many?

Xia Ya boasted that if there was no torch in hand, then with her own skills, I was afraid that she could not handle even one!

"The power of these things is quite good," Hasting frowned. "It's just that the shell is surprisingly hard, and even my dazzling flames are difficult to penetrate. In contrast, its attack power is not very good. Strong. It ’s just such a strange monster, but I have never seen it before. Such a strong ridiculous defense force, it seems that there are some magic attributes in it. "

He stared at Xia Ya: "There are those on it, you stay here. I'll go up first and kill those things. You don't act rashly, otherwise you go up, afraid that not only will not help you, but you will die yourself. He looked at the fire fork in his hand. "I will borrow this weapon first. Hmm, unfortunately I didn't take my triangular rifle down. Otherwise, I would pick out all these abominable bugs!" "

Ok. This means to let Lao Tzu hide underneath, he Hastings went up first to open the way?

This is pretty good.

Xia Ya thought to himself, you are a strong man, you are willing to go up and open the road to do the hard work, one person has blocked all the dangers, of course, Lao Tzu is desperate.

Since Hastings offered it, where would Charlie refuse?

But Hastings only said one thing: "The weapon that the teacher passed on to you, I will borrow it for the time being. The sharpness of your weapon is better than my triangular warfare, which is exactly the nemesis of those strange bugs."

Charya was unwilling, though. But ... Hastings was desperate to let himself sit here leisurely. Speaking of which, he has already taken great advantage. People are just borrowing weapons.

What's more, Hastings is right. The shells of those weird scorpions are extremely hard. If there is no weapon such as a fire fork, it is really difficult to get them.

The most important thing is.

Although Hastings whispered to Xiaya "negotiation" to "borrow" the fire fork. But looking at the expression and tone of this old boy's face, holding Charya's torch in his hand, he didn't even ask at all. Hold the fire fork in your hand honestly.

Looking at his posture, although his voice is "borrowing", if Xia really dares to say no, he Hastings would not mind turning "borrowing" into "obtrusive".

No, the situation is stronger than people, and people have to bow their heads under his eaves ... his.

Hastings saw Charlie nod, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Rest assured, this is the teacher's relic. I won't greedy your things and wait to kill those monsters. I will return you immediately!"

Having said that, Hastings had already climbed over the cave above him, and his body disappeared in the black cave soon.

Charya sat on the edge of the cave, and sat down next to the dead scorpion monster.

Around the scorpion monster, there were still many kinds of strongly corrosive green slime flowing from the corpse. Sia sat far away from the green slime, but became curious about something on the ground.

Right on the ground, there is a huge scorpion clamp!

It was the one that had been cut from the giant scorpion by Hastings with a fire fork.

This scorpion clamp is larger than Charya's size. Compared with that scorpion clamp, Charya's waist is almost like firewood. He couldn't help but hold the big thing, heavy, and the scorpion pliers had a thick shell, which was really hard to touch! Xia felt for a moment, only afraid that the shell of this scorpion might not be weaker than Dora's dragon scales!

"This is a good thing." Xia sighed. "If you can bring this scorpion's corpse up and farm it with a set of scorpion battle armors, wouldn't it be very windy?"

In his head, Dora's voice came: "This thing is weird, boy, weirdness is everywhere in this place, I always think something is wrong."

Before Xia had spoken, she suddenly heard a loud noise from overhead! Then the cave shook a few times. There was a loud howl in the cave, which was Hastings' voice.

Hasting's voice was high and full of momentum, but far from being caught in a string of such strange scorpion roaring sounds, it was obviously not as bright and majestic as Hasting's howling.

As soon as Xia Ya heard it, she laughed and said, "That old boy is really powerful. It seems that he has the upper hand."

"It's not that simple."

Dora's voice was a little dreadful: "Think carefully. When we were in the underground cave, we found the creation zone, but we only found Damandras, but we didn't find the real one. The **** created by the ancient goblin! This question has always been in my heart. That is ... where is the **** created by the ancient goblin? "

Xia Ya also calmed down, and slowly sat on the ground, thinking for a while, and said, "Dora, what do you think?"

Dora's voice was faint, but she was shaking!

"Xia Ya, do you remember, when we found the valley of the goblin diary? Remember, just above that valley, we had encountered such a giant scorpion! And that scorpion seemed to be better than here Those encountered are even weaker. "

"Well, yes." Charlie nodded.

"Okay, let ’s not talk about these strange giant scorpions for the time being. The owner of the local elite diary should be the commander of the last army of the Goblins in the ancient goblin race, and the last general of the goblin. Diary, right? At that time, we were very skeptical. How did those goblins who became bones under the valley die? And, after reading the diary, it was recorded in the diary that the last army of goblins should be It was stuck in the cave of the Chuangshen District, but how did it appear in the valley we found? You know ... The location of the Chuangshen District is near the Zaku tribe, but it is still a short distance from the valley we found. Quite a short distance! More importantly, according to the record of that diary, the last troops of the ancient goblins at that time were surrounded by the major races in the caves of the Creation Zone. How could they escape outside? Yes? And finally, how did they all die in that valley? "

After a pause, Dora slowly said, "One thing I can confirm is that those goblins were definitely not killed by fighting against the enemies of other races! Because there is not like a battlefield, and there is no other than the bones of the goblins. The bones of any other race! And the bones and the bodies we saw seemed to be very dead ... even weird! "

Xia ’s remarks by Dora were also a bit rude, and she took a deep breath: "Yes, it makes sense. We really haven't come up with answers to these questions."

Dora's voice seemed to sigh: "Then the next question is simple ... Since those goblins were not killed by other races, there are only two explanations for their death: first, they all committed suicide And die! The possibility of this hypothesis is very high. After all, knowing that their entire race has perished and the entire civilization has been destroyed, it is not surprising that they choose to commit suicide in a sense of complete despair. .but……"

"but what?"

"But don't forget, the end of that diary is well documented! The Goblin General. Wake up the 'Goblin God!'"

Xia Ya immediately moved in his heart: "Yes! Now that the gods have been awakened, the gods created with so many costs of goblins must be extremely powerful! Why didn't they reverse the situation?"

"Perhaps something went wrong." Dora slowly said, "No matter what, we didn't find the goblin **** in the God of Creation zone. But according to our trip to the God of Creation zone, the most suspicious is that one. Giant teleportation magic circle! That means ... "

"That is to say! The **** of goblins may be here!"

Charlie jumped off the ground in a flash! His face also became serious and solemn.

Dora's analysis is very possible! In the entire creation zone, it is the only place where the huge magic circle is transmitted. It seems that a cave has been dug out! And the magic of teleportation magic array is exhausted again! Obviously, this underground building here is transmitted from the Creation Zone!

So ... wouldn't the goblin gods found in the creation zone ... really be here? !!

"But the problem appeared." Dora slowly said: "The diary records that the goblin general ordered to awaken God ... Remember, it wants to awaken God and then use God's power to deal with the enemy! But why But he started the magic circle and transferred God away? There must be something wrong with it. "

Xia Ya sighed: "After all, the diary is a diary. Later, I figured out what happened, and that goblin general is no longer recorded on it. In my case, I may have no mood to write a diary at that time."

"Okay, we won't consider this question for the time being. I will talk about the third question again!" Dora continued: "The third question is the most important place! In the valley where the goblin diary was found, we encountered the scorpion Here we meet the scorpion again ... So, the scorpion ... is this a coincidence? I don't think so! "

Charya didn't speak.

Dora continued: "Let's make a hypothesis ... At that time, the goblin general finally ordered to awaken 'God' to deal with those enemies of other races. But it turned out that for some reasons we don't know, it should have been awakened to the enemy The fighting god, but it failed ... Maybe the awakening was unsuccessful. Then the goblin changed his choice and did not let God fight, but used that huge magic array to teleport the **** ... Of course, This is our hypothesis. But let's continue with this assumption for the time being ... "

After a pause, Dora continued: "Gods were transported away by them and sent to a safe place. Then if you are that goblin general, you ordered that the important" God "be transferred away. You will at least bring A group of people. Let ’s go with God, because you have to at least ensure God ’s safety and whereabouts, right? ”

"Yes, if I were a commander, I would definitely take a group of people to follow God personally and protect it at any time. Because that is the last mission!"

Dora said "Oh," "Okay, then our first and second questions have been answered: God has been transferred out of the God Creation Zone! And those goblins have also followed God to the God Creation Zone at the same time. So being able to leave is also the role of that magic formation. That magic formation is probably the last trick. "

Charlie frowned, "But it's not right! Since those goblin troops were transferred away with the magic of the goblins, but the goblins were transferred here! How did those goblin troops appear in that valley? Here? The distance between them is too far! It doesn't make sense! "

"This is indeed a problem we can't figure out." Dora smiled bitterly: "But there is one more thing, at least, I think that the **** created by the goblin must have something to do with the scorpion."

Xia raised her eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "Your deduction is a bit untenable. But ... It's weird, there are these giant scorpion monsters in that valley and here ..."

"Have you forgotten, the spiritual attack of the scorpion monster in the valley? It directly made your two men stunned on the spot! This silent and silent spiritual attack ... plus the strangely dreaded goblin army under the valley ... can't you think of anything else? "

Charlie frowned: "What do you mean ... assuming, these scorpions were made by the goblins themselves ... but those goblins died in the hands of these scorpions made by themselves? No, no, these scorpion monsters It ’s powerful, but the mental attack they release is absolutely far from being able to instantly kill thousands of elite spirits! "

Dora listened and sneered: "The scorpion can't ... then ... what about God?"

Charlie was shocked immediately! !!

But at this time ~ ~ he suddenly heard a "slap" behind him.

Turning his head, Xia immediately looked at in surprise, a giant scorpion had climbed down from the hole above his head! A ball of green slime, adsorbed on the edge of the cave at the top of the cave, fell from its mouth to the ground! And the love of that scorpion's brain was aimed at Xia, the huge body slid down the cave wall little by little, and the attack posture was already set!

Xia Ya was bitter immediately!

Mother **** Hastings, what the hell! Didn't he go up and kill the scorpions first? Why did you put it down?

Lao Tzu is now defenseless, and the only fire fork that can deal with the scorpion's hard shell has been borrowed by the old boy of Hastings ...

"Damn! Dora, is there any way?" Charlie swallowed while she backed away.

"The way ... yes."


"Stupid! Run away !!!

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