
Chapter 281: [Good brother ...]

The guy is in the concept of shameless stealing.

"The land under their feet! It's ours! The air they breathe now is ours too! The food they ate last night was originally ours too!"

Although this statement is not wrong, for Xia ’s position, replacing "our" with "my" is the real idea in his heart.

Do n’t forget, our soil is not a Byzantine. This is a stateless black family who grew up on the wild fire. ”He does n’t have much so-called patriotism for Byzantium.

However, after being the armament chief of County Morel. Our natives have long considered More County as his own back garden, and have banned business.

Now the Odins are calling, occupying his land, breathing his air, eating his food, and enslaving his people. "Damn, can this be tolerated ?!

If you want to say bad things, soil owls are definitely not the kind of bad guys who are unforgiving, but when it comes to being ruthless, they have grown up in the mountains and forests and have dealt with tigers and leopards.

Not to mention, Xia ’s hatred for the Odins. Remembering that the bald male Kevin died in his arms that day,

Therefore, when Xia Ya ordered the execution of more than a thousand Odin captives, he did not blink his eyelids.

Although these predecessors horse thieves are not all soft-hearted people, but more than a thousand living people stood in front of the unarmed massacre, and they have never experienced such a scene.

Although Xia gave the order, the people under him hesitated for a moment. Finally, after Xia's impassioned words, coupled with his severe and unquestionable eyes,

The butcher knife fell!

Just outside the city, a thousand heads rolled down and blood flowed into the river!

The executioner in charge of the slaughter changed six batches. The first two batches could not be supported later. He ran up behind the wall and vomited. It was Xia Ya, standing on the wall and watching everything in front of him coldly. As if it wasn't the big living people that were slaughtered below, but a group of cattle, cattle and sheep.

His so cold performance impressed many of the cavalry who were under his control. I just felt that the newly-recognized boss's head boss was fierce in combat, no less than the former Miss Nene, and was so ruthless to the enemy. Immortal Seal of Throne. The former point, meanness and dissatisfaction, were all put away, and many awesome thoughts were left in my heart.

After the massacre of the Odins was completed, the citizens of Mesta City applauded.

Before the Odin attacked Mesta city, they ran around in the surrounding villages and towns, and did not do a lot to burn and plunder, and the popular county guard Klinsia also ravaged the country, which caused people's deepest. sympathy. Now that this group of invaders has been killed, it is naturally a happy heart, even if some of the city's mature and heavy people. I felt faintly that the killing of the empire general was too heavy, but at this time, he would not stand up and say anything.

After instructing people to dig the corpses in a hurry and burn and bury them, Xia immediately posted a notice in the square inside the city gate, and found some locals to understand the situation, and asked if there were any remaining imperial officials in the city. I learned that on the day the city was broken, after the patriarch of Klinsia had died. The officials in the county guard's house had long since disappeared. The Odins occupied the place and killed another batch. The survivors hid at home, and the Odins did not pay much attention to the official register of the county guards, nor did they arbitrarily arrest, but many people survived to survive.

Xia immediately sent people to look around, and found some remaining officials in the former county guard house, but the county guard and some senior officials were dead. These are just a few people with low official positions. After searching around, they only found seven or eight people.

Xia Ya simply asked these people to find some of the former big households in the city, and sent someone to gather the citizens of the city to watch on the square. The first major thing is to recruit the people in the city. Please help everyone to the northwest of the damaged city walls. Horn repaired.

Originally, the Odins occupied this place, and everyone naturally went out of their way to work, even if they were hindered by the Odin's butcher knife. Most of them also violated Yin Feng, intentionally delaying the construction period. But now the Empire's own army has recovered the city, and looking at the general's intention, it seems that there is no intention to withdraw from the city in this regard. Everyone certainly hopes that the emperor team will be stationed here to resist the Odins and prevent those barbaric nations from occupying it again. Immortal Seal of Throne. Suddenly, the relationship between the registered husband and craftsman was not enough before the film party.

Divided various equipment, Xia Ya sent a small unit of cavalry to patrol around the city, personally sit in the town defense, command his men to repair the city wall. These craftsmen and husbands are all locals. They used to work for the Odins, but they did n’t have the money to take them. They were beaten and beaten with whip, but now they are working for their own people. The wages are naturally a hundred times more motivated, and even the power of feeding milk is used.

Although the rain is still intermittent, next to the construction is quite unfavorable, but the citizens of the city have applied for it, and the rich and powerful have contributed. In less than two days of work, the earthwork that was transported under the city wall that had been a big mouth was quite a bit piled. Although it is impossible to build the city wall completely in the short term, but Filling this gap is not a big problem.

There were very few officials left in the city, and senior officials were all dead and wounded. Now Xia can be regarded as the highest official in the entire County of More. Originally, he was the county garrison officer, the number two in More County. After Clincia's death, he was naturally a talker, and in wartime continent, he had control of military power and occupied Mesta City! After that, it is natural to order to reciprocate. Prohibited.

Mesta City was counterattacked by Xia, but was killed because of the prisoners of war, not even one escaped. The news was cut off. Manninger, far south, received no news at all.

Just ten days after that, there were two thousand reinforcements brought by Shalpa in the direction of Denzel City. The maintenance work of the city defense is still intensified. Xia Ya marshaled the army and rectified armaments in the city. He also counted the young people in the city, compiled more than 2,000 young people to serve as civilians, and distributed some weapons. Anyway, those Odin's weapons were seized, and the young men in the city were armed. Sending people to practice every day, although there is no real military tactics to teach, but in the event of an enemy attack, the city defense can also play a role.

After more than ten days, the weather gradually cleared up. After so many consecutive rainy seasons, people felt that their bodies and bones were almost corroded and rusted by water vapor.

It's Charya, standing on the city's head, looking at the sky that Guarang raised, and finally the clouds dispersed, the blue sky was exposed, and the sun was shining, and gradually felt a touch of heat

Charlie's expression became very gloomy.

Because he is very clear. The weather was fine in the past in the rainy season, so the Odin people will no longer be blocked by the weather, only fear that there will be further actions below!

At noon on this day, he suddenly ran back from outside the city to ride a few Mercedes-Benz. It was the scouts dispatched by himself, looking very hurry. The net rushed into the city gate, and Xia, who was standing on the wall, heard the following shout: "Master Xia? There is an emergency military situation!"

Xia Ya heard it so well that she immediately raised her eyebrows, her heart sinking!

Could it be that Manninger brought someone back? How could it be so fast? !! The weather became fine, and how did Manninger detect the news that Mesta was captured? !!

He hurried down to the city. A few scouts greeted him, one of them was an old horse thief who had been underneath by Nene. At this moment, his head was covered with sweat, and he hurriedly said, "Aunt Grandpa" Ah, Lord! To the west, thousands of people are coming here! "

When Xia Ya heard it, her face suddenly wondered: "How many thousand?"

Only a few thousand people? Even if Manninger had learned that Mesta had missed, and would have come back, wouldn't he have sent only a few thousand people?

Is it the vanguard of the vanguard? Big troops behind?

He immediately went up and grabbed the horse thief's shoulder: "What's the matter?"

"Poor! How pitiful!" The horse thief shook his head again and again, sighing, his face full of pity, and then quickly said, "It's thousands of people. The team dragged the elders and elders. I asked people to meet them, and then I ran back to You report, that "

Coping? Report

Xia was confused: "What are you talking about? What thousands of people? Coping? Is it ours?

"Yes, it's our Byzantine army." The horse thief exhaled: "Thousands of people, came from the west. These guys are so pitiful, it seems that they have escaped by defeat."

Suddenly a question came to Xia's heart.

How many of us, thousands? Does County More still have our army? !!

Although he was puzzled, but for the sake of caution, he immediately ordered the gates to be closed and the army to go to the city.

In the afternoon. In the far field outside the city, a dark crowd was seen from the west.

In front are several scout cavalry sent by themselves to lead the way, and the black crowd behind is scattered, and the number does seem to be thousands, but Charya couldn't help sighing when she looked at it.

The horse thief who reported before was right.

awful! It ’s really miserable. "

Thousands of people from far away are indeed the Imperial Army.

Most of these people wore the imperial officer's costume, and even Xia also recognized that it still seemed to be the standard Imperial Central Standing Army costume!

It is just that these thousands of people have been embarrassed in the long run. Many people's clothes have been broken and covered with mud and blood, and some people's clothes have been torn into pieces. Supporting each other and walking reluctantly, most of them are swaying, their faces are black and mud, and more than half of them, let alone armor, have no weapons, and some even hold tree sticks they do n’t know where to find Come and act as a walking stick, and hurriedly walked in the team.

Almost all of them are thin and yellow, and everyone's eyes are scattered. With no eyes, there is only hope that the last star is a little numb. "

Of course, the banner is long gone. The few guys who walked in the front, even their boots were gone, and some were barefoot. Some rip off the cloth from their clothes and barely cover their feet.

Thousands of people came from far away, dragging, the old man dragged by the team, not even some people fell in the middle of the road.

When these thousands of people finally saw the walls of Mesta, and seeing the empire flag flying on the walls, suddenly many people suddenly fell on their knees and burst into tears.

A crying person immediately caused a chain reaction, more and more people fell on the ground, and the sound of crying suddenly became one!

The city gate had been opened by Xia ’s order, and he sent two teams out to cope with it. It took more than an hour to bring these people into the city. As soon as these people entered the city. Many people died of fainting and crying on the spot, while others were sitting on the ground and shocked and unconscious on the spot.

However, it caused chaos for Xia's people, and hurried to help.

Xia Ya brought a lot of food and water. When these distant soldiers came to see the hot food, they hurled and swarmed up like a starving ghost. As soon as Xia Ya didn't look good, a group of people took the stick to drive away, and then they could barely calm down the order of the scene. "Waiting in line! They all line up to get food in line with Zigong's bow! Anyone who messes up will catch me." Charya stood loudly and scolded loudly.

He was wearing the Imperial Banner regiment costume, and he also wore a shining Qiu Shan armor, apparently as a senior general, many soldiers were frightened and flinched back.

Charlie stood on the stairs of the city wall and looked at these guys.

Where do these guys look like a regular Imperial Army? It's just a group of refugees. Many of them are thin and almost out of shape, skinny, and yellow. Xia found all the doctors in the city, but there were still a few guys. Perhaps he was too hungry before and got food. I was almost strangled, and some took off. I'm afraid it didn't recover in a few days.


Xia sent people to look for a long time in this group, and finally found a person who looked like an officer. Summoned to the front, but the emperor's costume on the other side was torn and a boot was dropped.

"Where did you come from?"

The man rushed on. Holding half of the noodle cake just received in his hand, his mouth bulged. Reluctantly replied: "Master, we are" Mujichi, Corps

Xia was startled: "The Seventh Corps ?! Aren't you all wiped out by the Odin?"

As soon as I heard this. Suddenly the man wailed, and the cake in his hand was lost, and he immediately wept and wept. The voice was so distressed that everyone could not help looking at them.

Charlie, impatient, went up to lift the man, only feeling a strong sour smell on the other person's body. I do n’t know how many days I ’ve never bathed, unkempt, and even my nails are full of black mud: “Do n’t you cry for me, what is going on? Tell me carefully!”

"Odin! How hard! General Rostock's" death "was miserable, Major General him

The man said a few words. Suddenly my eyelids rolled over and passed out.

Xia Yawu, helpless. Only people can quickly lift this guy down to help and ask someone to ask again, and then finally get the details intermittently.

It turned out to be the defeated army. It is the remnants of the Seventh Corps.

At that time, the 7th Corps broke through, and the troops were divided into two paths. Rostock led the main force elite, and this division was a 4,000-strong unit.

That Rostock was also a ruthless man. The original plan was to kill the gecko to survive. He combined a flag group in the army with most of the auxiliary troops. The main force can take the opportunity to escape.

As a result, Manninger was treacherous, and was not fooled at all, leading people to chase after the main force of the 7th Corps of Rostock. Finally, the First World War defeated all of Rostock. Rostock was wiped out and he was killed. Manninger slaughtered the prisoners of war, leaving no one alone!

The four thousand partial teachers who were originally used to attract the attention of the Odin people survived. Although Manninger also sent his son Morka to chase after him, a heavy rain helped these guys. Stopped Morka's pursuit.

Pity these four thousand people. Losing his helmet and abandoning his armour, he fled all the way, didn't eat or drink, and was frightened, for fear of the pursuit of the Odin, there is nothing like the army.

The original highest commander in the army was the nephew of Rostock, the 7th Corps. But the guy got sick halfway, and was frightened again. The army had no leader, and most of the original fate was probably scattered in the middle of the road, and they were scattered as birds and beasts.

But he can still come here, which has to be said to be a miracle.

It turns out that everyone should pay attention to the following: the surrounding area is occupied by the Odins. If they are scattered, I am afraid that if I meet a small group of Odins halfway, it will be a dead end. Everyone gathered to escape, and there was a care on the way.

Relying on such a little thought, these thousands of people have actually been preserved and not scattered. Wandering all the way, but surrounded by the Odin occupied area, running around on the road confusedly, and finally lost the way.

It is also deserving of God's protection that Fu Ya, this group of people, actually the ghost sent the gods all the way to the northwest. Bypassing the occupied towns of the Odins, they dared not take the path. Rushing like a headless fly, they ran to Mesta City!

Fortunately, Charya countered Mesta, otherwise, if Mesta was still in the hands of the Odins. I'm afraid these thousands of people are still dead.

Even if they did not meet the Odin, these people would be starved to death.

The river eats. For a long time, the throne of the Seal of God was finally settled. After being fed, they finally entered the city of their own army and finally escaped to heaven. The human heart gradually stabilized.

Xia has been carefully watching these guys aside. These thousands of people, how to say it is also the origin of the regular Imperial Army. As a result of the defeat, the army ’s heart is completely broken, if you can carefully rectify. It is also a good force.

After these guys have eaten and satiated, and finally get rid of the unsettling livelihood, most of them seem to have finally recovered a bit. Although they are still raging, but their spirits are a little different Already.

Many soldiers also habitually gathered together according to their own sequence.

Xia finally brought people to the army, and wherever he went, he received countless grateful eyes. Then I found an officer who was among the soldiers: "Who is your highest general and where is it?"

Soon, Xia was brought into the army. "

Under a small tree, "Ten soldiers with broken clothes in Chuan's clothes, guarding the individual. The man was lying on the demolition board of the deputy, thinking that he was carried all the way up to this place. The man lying on it, The armor was naturally gone, but the uniform in the army was still complete, with only a moustache, closed eyes, and a deep eye socket, as if still in a coma.

He also had a black cloth on his mouth, which was covered with blood.

more importantly. When Xia Ya saw this guy from afar, she immediately felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Xia came, and a soldier breaks off to make way for him. An officer-like guy accompanied him: "Major General, he fell off the horse and suffered internal injuries along the way. After coma, he vomited blood every day . We do n’t have a doctor, we can only let him carry him. Barely supported here, ”

As soon as Xia came to the front, she suddenly saw the hand of the "Major General", and suddenly jumped in her heart, finally recognizing that this guy was here!

This guy's left hand. Qi's wrist was broken and an iron hook was attached to her wrist!

Charya recognized the guy at a glance. "And speaking, the guy's broken hand was still himself.


When I was in Wildfire Town, I once met a group of officers who played with Sophia's niece in the one-eyed tavern. After punishing himself, he also chopped off the opponent ’s hand. "Remember that man claimed to be the nephew of the General of the Seventh Corps.

It's just that the time for the Seal of the Seal of God is too long, and Xia herself almost forgot.

Thinking of this, Xia Ya cursed suddenly, shit. How did you meet this guy? And still the leader of these thousands of soldiers? !! Want to accept these thousands of people, this guy is a trouble


"Our Major General Ridley's injuries are too serious, and he hasn't opened his eyes for three days. The doctor just saw it and said," I'm afraid, I'm afraid. "


Ok? !!

Xia Ya's eyes flashed, and an idea suddenly came to her mind. Suddenly, a surprised and sad expression appeared on his face. Shouted: "Ah! Ridley !!! Isn't this Brother Ridley !!! My brother !!! How did you become like this!"

After speaking, Charya rushed up a few strides, crowded away and hugged Ledley lying there, and burst into tears and ...

He wrapped his hands around Ridley's neck, but quietly glanced at the corners of his saliva before he stood up. The officer of the 7th Corps next to him was a little puzzled: "Master, do you recognize our major?"

Recognize that his hand was cut off by Lao Tzu himself.

Charlie muttered. But his mouth was sad: "Why don't you recognize it! We met each other in Yehuozhen at the beginning. Everyone drank and drank girls together. At first sight, the liver and the gallbladder looked like each other, they were just like brothers !!!"

Drinking pickles together?

Thinking of this former general's former sect, after hearing this, the members of the Seventh Corps immediately.

Suddenly, everyone's mind settled down. It seems that not only has they entered the field of friendly forces, but the general of the other party is also the old friend of our leader. In this way, we will naturally take more care of us.

Xia Ya, holding Laidley, continued to cry, while Wu, and slap the soil on Laidley's body, she just wished to slap this guy.

These slaps, Xia Ya can be described as quietly using the dark energy, but the "brother" in the mouth kept screaming, others looked in the eyes. I only thought that the general and his major general had a good friendship and a sad transition, but an officer of the Seventh Corps came to persuade him.

Charlie was proud. But I did not expect that after taking a few palms, Ridley in his arms snorted softly, and a spit of blood was sprayed from his mouth. The originally closed eyes opened slightly, and he moaned softly. Wake up and come over!

"Oh, but, but finally come through, I, I am, where, where,"

Charlie hugged Ridley, eyes widened:

The major general woke up. Gradually, his eyes gradually gained focus, and finally his eyes condensed and landed on Xia's face. "Then the face of this guy suddenly became shocked from a daze, his face suddenly changed!

Charya's face. How can he not remember? The wicked man who cut his own hand at first ~ ~ Isn't this the one in front of me? !!

Ridley was sober. Suddenly I received the stimulus, and my face turned wild. Suddenly I didn't get up, and raised my finger to Xia: "Ah! Yes, it is you, you. You. You, you"

The finger trembled slightly. But there was a strange voice in his throat. This one. After the word "you", you can't say a word!

Charlie was startled. I didn't expect myself to be clumsy, and didn't shoot this guy, but he woke this guy up and opened his mouth and stared at Ledley.

Ledley's face was originally pale, but at the moment it suddenly turned red, pointing at Xia, gasping desperately, but could not breathe at all, and finally two "geges" came out of the throat, and a mouthful of blood came from the throat It was filled up. "Ah" shouted, the raised arm suddenly fell down, and his head crooked, and he was furious.

Charlie stayed there. Just watching the man in his arms woke up, vomiting blood, and then cut off his breath, only felt his heart pounding, reached out and touched the other's nose, and it turned out that there was no breath, and suddenly a strange weird heart came into being. Feel it.

Damn, does this guy's death have to be counted on Lao Tzu's head? !!

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