Conquer the World

Chapter 790: Expecting? Are you reluctant?

Chapter 790 is Expectation? Are you reluctant?

The man in white was a little bit stunned, because he found out that he still thinks of these things to himself, which sounds a little bit vague, but there is something to follow.

Zhang Yiyang's expression from confusion at the beginning to ridicule to surprise now, is this process the process that white people have been searching for? It's just that Zhang Yiyang's expression changed only as short as ten minutes, and he has walked for a long time. He has been carrying his own world in the world of everyone to observe the world, everyone's world does not seem to interfere with his world, so he has always existed. Some mouthfuls, but that's it.

Perhaps he is the most loyal spectator. How many years have he watched?

"Apocalyptic doom ..."

Zhang Yiyang murmured, and fear gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Maybe it won't be long ..."

The man in white looked back at Zhang Yiyang: "I want to ask you a question, do you know what is the fastest changing world?"

"The fastest changing world?"

Zhang Yiyang found that he really looked like a child in front of the man in white, because he had never thought about the issues he had thought of. In contrast, it is as if he is still playing a house rhyme while singing the nursery rhyme, and the other party has left all the books to disdain, because in his opinion those full-text articles are shit.

"Is it a natural disaster?"

Zhang Yiyang asked.

"No ... it's war."

Humane in white: "Nothing is easier to change a world than war. A thousand years ago King Minglun created the Buddhism. Since then, the prairie in the west has been under the rule of the Buddhism. The prairie people have hardly changed in the past thousand years. , Children have no other choice from birth, herders firmly believe that the brilliance of Buddhism can illuminate their endless reincarnation. The Buddhism is the same and the prairie is the same. "

"The Central Plains is slightly different. There will be a big turmoil every few hundred years. The dynasty will be replaced, and the family will rise and fall ... but the overwhelming practitioners are still leading the replacement. They are standing behind the scenes and directing this change, but there is still no change . So whether it is the prairie or the Central Plains, actually think about it, has it changed dramatically since a thousand years ago? "

Zhang Yiyang Tsai thought carefully, then shook his head: "No"


The man in white breathed a long sigh of relief: "Nothing has changed. The prairie people are still wearing leather robes and riding horses with strong bows and hunting with crossbow. The Central Plains people still wear wide robes and large sleeves to find the truth in ancient books ... all this Is because there is not a huge war in the true sense. "

"But it's different now."

The person in white said with a placid expression: "On the prairie, from the day when the Kuoktaimeng family led troops to attack the Daxueshan Dalun Temple, all this began to change. The Buddha Sect was no longer the master of the steppe and lost The herdsmen who have become religiously blessed have become panic-stricken. They cannot hope, as before, to have the omnipotent King Lun Ming when the danger comes. What makes them feel more secure at this time? "

"It is a country with strong military power."

The man in white gave the answer himself.

"So is the Central Plains ..."

The man in white slowly said: "In recent years, the replacement of the Central Plains dynasty, in fact, the society has not changed, only the last name of the person sitting on the dragon chair has changed."

Having said this, he thought of the things he had done in the past few years, which in fact had no meaning at all. He thought very early on that the changes in the world must be affected by war, and only war can make people fear and change. So he raised a group of servants, and those servants waged many wars either indirectly or directly, prompting the rise and destruction of multiple dynasties. But he was disappointed. He didn't see the change he thought he could see. He didn't lead those wars by himself, but just watched his servants coldly.

Then he suddenly realized that the war the servants had been promoting for so many years was simply wrong. The fault lies not in the war itself, but in the fact that those who dominate the war have not changed, or are practitioners. As long as it is a war dominated by practitioners, how can there be substantial changes?

"But now it is different. Just as the Kuoktaimeng family on the grassland finally overthrew the Buddhism under the control of King Dalun Ming, the Central Plains has finally undergone a substantial change after the Sui Kingdom chaos, although this change has not completely occurred.

The man in white said quietly and heavily: "On the other side of the ocean, those foreigners who do not understand spiritual practice have pushed the development of firearms to a very high level. With this powerful firearm, they can easily stabilize the ruler's position. They have changed more than the sea. "

"After the absence of the Buddhism on the prairie, firearms will not appear to replace practitioners in one day. This is a long process ... wait until the prairie people start to pull the trigger of the firearm on the horse instead of pulling the bowstring. Years? Decades, hundreds of years? "

"The enemy won't give them that long."

The man in white said: "That ’s why I say that war is the fastest way to change the world. When the powerful army of foreigners appears here, change will be complete. At that time, practitioners will face a group of ordinary people. The challenge is that the tools held by ordinary people can threaten the lives of practitioners! "

"Two people used to surprise me. I thought I would find the answer I couldn't find."

The man in white sat down and said slowly, "The first person is Wan Xingchen."

He says.

Hearing this name, Zhang Yiyang's heart shook slightly.



The man in white took a sip of tea and was silent for a while, as if he was organizing his thoughts.

"I first noticed that Wan Xingchen is his extremely high talent for practice. When all the practitioners are still honoring the more they can, he only focuses on the sword in his hand. So I always thought that the Great King of the Moon would be able to Stealing reincarnation is not as good as Wan Xingchen. He claims that Wan Fa Tong is nothing but miscellaneous. And Wan Xingchen's sword is enough to change the pattern of rivers and lakes. But what really makes me think this person can change the world is not his sword. "

The man in white said: "It was his creation. I knew a long time ago that Wan Xingchen created a group of troops, who accompanied the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty to sleep for the opportunity to wake up. At that time, I was very happy because I knew whether it was The Central Plains army or the grassland army cannot defeat the army created by Wan Xingchen. When this army appears, it may cause changes in the world. People will think about how to defeat this army? "

"As long as people start thinking, they will progress. Instead of living under the protection of the great practitioners, ordinary people begin to rely on their minds to survive. When ordinary people start to face an invincible army, I look forward to Someone can start to create something that defeats this army. "

"But then I found out that I still looked at Wan Xingchen. His vision was still too small. He could change the pattern of the rivers and lakes, but he could not change the pattern of the world. He sealed the army in the tomb and created them. I dare not use it. He didn't realize it until Wan Xingchen was dying, and then he wanted to understand what hindered the progress of the world. So he carried his sword south, and stood next to those on the bright side in the ancient school of Jiangnan Tong. Each one was slaughtered. His sword was still unstoppable, so many people who died of anti-sky death died in his hands. I think this is why he didn't go to Luo Yao first. "

"He killed those overwhelming practitioners in the Tonggu Academy who could threaten the Armored Army, then the ordinary people came to face the Armored Army. Because of fear, ordinary people would think more and more. Wan Star wants to kill more, but he understands it too late. "

Zhang Yiyang was really shocked. He never thought of these things from the event of Wan Xingchen going south.

Now he understands that Wan Xingchen had already reached this stage of the people in white before dying, but the man in white obviously understood it much earlier than Wan Xingchen. However, the man in white is also a major practitioner, so his mind is also limited. If he is asked how to practice, maybe no one can understand it better than him. But if he is asked how to change the world, he knows that the answer cannot create the process.

Wan Xingchen went south to let ordinary people face the crisis, hoping that ordinary people would not have the mental limitations of practitioners and create something that could defeat the Iron Armor.

But ... it's too late.

"The second person is Wan Xingchen's disciple ... Yang Qi."

A glimpse of admiration flashed through the eyes of the man in white: "That is a really eye-catching person, a really stunning person. He was the most ordinary and extraordinary physique, but he could reach such a high level. Maybe His practice is incomparable with some of the long-term practitioners, but he will eventually win, again and again, beyond my expectations. "

"If ... if he appeared earlier than Wan Xingchen, perhaps the changes in this world would really come earlier. But he appeared too late, and he thought of staying at the first level."

The man in white said: "Yang Qi should have thought about what hindered the progress of this world, so he decided to go west. Some people said that he was selfish and took so many practitioners from the Central Plains to the grassland to die, his companion. He died one after the other, and he never rescued him. He wants to save his strength and fight against the Great King Minglun. If he thinks so, he is really selfish ... but what if he changes his mind? "

The man in white sighed: "Perhaps he deliberately took those practitioners to death from the beginning. He knew that practitioners are the biggest puppets that prevent the world from changing. He understands that practitioners are not the biggest protectors of ordinary people. He is the greatest natural enemy ... So, he will want to kill King of the Great Wheel. King of the Great Wheel lives for a thousand years, leaving the grassland a thousand years old. Yang Qi firmly believes that only by killing King of the Great Wheel will change start. That door. He was going to kill King Minglun, so he took those practitioners to death, and he himself died. "

"So, he hasn't changed for so many years, but he did appear too late. It's as late as Wan Xingwu."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yiyang suddenly asked: "Since you watched these things happen and these people appeared, you will pin your hopes on Wan Xingchen and pinch on Yang Qi, why not do it yourself? I was thinking, If you want, you can kill King Wanglun. I don't know how many years you have lived, but if you do it earlier, you will force the world to change! You may lag behind on the other side of the sea! "

He was right, if this man in white really lived for a long time, if he were to deal with Dalun Mingwang, maybe Dalunming Wang had no chance to live for a thousand years!


The man in white was silent for a long time, and there was something sad and real in his eyes ~ ~ Others can change the world, only I can't. "

He said something that Zhang Yiyang couldn't understand.

"Why can anyone do it, only you can't?"

Zhang Yiyang asked.

"just like……"

The man in white murmured, "I have a dog. I know this dog will bite and hurt people. I understand that as long as this dog is at home, no guests will come. Even the whole village lives in hatred and anger. Medium ... but the dog is mine. I can already tolerate others trying to kill the dog. I myself ... really can't let go. "

Zhang Yiyang still didn't understand.

He didn't know if the dog in white was the King of the Great Wheel, or something else?

Zhang Yiyang felt that the man in white was a contradiction in itself. Is he looking forward to the change, or is he reluctant to end the era?

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