Conquer the World

Chapter 786: Greatest luck

Chapter 786 The greatest luck

The two guys were taken aback by the sudden change, and one of them reacted after a moment of stun. As soon as he was about to shout, he was stunned by Zuo Mingchan's palm. At this time, the outside Xiaoqiang school heard the signal and swept away. Come here and surround this small yard in a short time.

Those foreigners who had entered before were only concerned about killing and taking people in the house, and the two companions outside were abolished and they were unaware of it. After Zuo Mingchan stunned the two guys, he pushed the door into the room, opened a pack of fan powder at the door, and spilled his hands.

The foreigners in the room screamed a few times. They fired wildly outside the door and rushed out. Zuo Mingchan hid behind the door and came down one by one. The seven or eight foreigners in the room all captured without any effort. Now, the people at the Xiaoqiang School came in and tied all these people with ropes, and each of them carried one and then evacuated.

It was still dark when we returned to the Cargo Connect Store, Zuo Mingchan and Zhou Mingli interrogated overnight.

One of the foreigners was in the inn before, and later foreigners obviously came to catch him, so the first person to interrogate was the one. After pouring a basin of cold water, the medicinal effects of the medicine gradually passed, and the foreigners woke up slowly.

Zuo Mingchan looked at the man and couldn't help but smile: "None of this life can be much different, but we can't see the age."

Zhou Ming reasoned: "These foreigners are better, those black foreigners are difficult to identify. I went to the Principality of Ross to bring Andrew's brother and sister to me last time. After I moved to the Principality of Ross, I found that the customs and habits are completely different from the Central Plains. They Such foreigners have a pale skin, and they look a lot like the North Liao people. They have blue eyes and high noses. In the large households of the Principality of Ross, there are many foreign slaves. The complexion is black and looks like charcoal. Ghostly. It's so black all over the body, but the teeth are scary. "

Zuo Mingchan said: "It's the same rice to raise a hundred different people. If I hadn't come to Muping this time, I wouldn't have seen foreigners ... except Andrew."

Zhou Mingli saw the foreigner wake up, moved his chair, and asked, "What's your name?"

The foreigner opened his eyes and looked at it, and found that he was no longer in the previous small inn, and the one in front of him was not the one who arrested him, and was a little confused.

"Where is this?"

He actually knew some Chinese, but his pronunciation was a bit vague.

"No matter where it is, you are at least safer than those in the hands of foreigners."

Zhou Mingli asked, "Your name, why do other foreigners catch you?"

"Because of business matters, they thought we had snatched their customers. You should know that people like us who come to Da Sui to do business now have to come in secret because the Sui people do not allow us to come. Can come Are paying a big price, naturally they don't want competitors to exist. "

The foreigner answered after a moment of silence.

Zuo Mingchan smiled coldly, beckoned and called in. A Xiaoqi riding school ordered two words, and then the Xiaoqi riding school went out immediately. A few people took a foreigner to come in and throw it on the ground.

"Cut his ear."

Zuo Mingchan ordered.

Two Snap Riders went up and held the man, and the other pulled out a dagger and cut the foreigner's ear off. The grumbling voice of the foreigner seemed suffocated because he held his mouth, and could not go far. This house has been rebuilt in the sky, and the sound insulation is not bad. The foreigner was obviously startled before, and he subconsciously shrank back.

"what's your name?"

Zuo Mingchan asked.

"My name is Drow."

He answered.

"Why do these people arrest you?"

"Because of business ..."

Before he answered, Zuo Mingchan ordered: "Kill the foreigner."

The rider held the foreigner's head and wiped his neck with a knife. Blood spewed out from the broken arteries immediately, and a large blood stain quickly spread on the bluestone floor. The voice of the foreigner snorted and snorted, and then took a few blood bubbles, and then swallowed.

"Ask you again, do n’t answer, the next is you. I do n’t have time to chat with you. What I want is a simple, straightforward, real answer. If you do n’t want to give me this answer, then the rest of those who arrested you must be willing Seize the chance to live. "

Zuo Mingchan waved his hand, and the cadet dragged the body down.

Dro's face was as white as paper. He glanced at Zuo Mingchan and could see the coldness in the eyes of the Han man. He was sure that this man would really strike himself.

Zuo Mingchan looked at him and said, "You don't want to say, then I'll give you a head ... you are the principality of the Principality of Ross, the original Grand Duchy of Ross. And those who arrested you are the new principalities of the Principality of Ross The owner, Grand Duke Xiulunsi, are you? You are a Ross rebel, and you came to Sui to sell firearms to Sui in exchange for money and help, right? "

Drow's face changed obviously, he did not expect that the Han man in front of him knew so much.

Zuo Mingchan said lightly: "I ask you, not because we don't know, but want to make sure we know it. Finally, I remind you once that there is only one chance to live, let alone you ... And how do you know We're not helping you? Maybe I'm interested in what you sell to others. "

"This distinguished lord."

Dro said: "Yes, you are right. I am from the Resistance Army of the Principality of Ross. I came here to ask for help. The people who arrested me were the people of Hurons, a group of devil who invaded my home!

Zuo Mingchan nodded: "Your firearms were sold to Mufu?"

Dro shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know who my buyer is yet. Dongchu people helped me contact the buyer and told me that it was a strong nobleman in Sui Dynasty, with hundreds of thousands of troops. , Fully capable of helping the Ross people regain their homeland. So I will sell the firearms at a low price, just to see the buyer. But the buyer is very mysterious and told me to wait for me to prepare more goods. Meet me. "

Zuo Mingchan and Zhou Mingli looked at each other, presuming that the foreigner did not lie.

"How many firearms do you sell?"

Zhou Ming asked.

"Three thousand guns and twenty guns. This is the last shipment. It has been distributed in bulk before."

Zuo Mingchan cried: "What a big deal!"

Zhou Ming reasoned: "The people of Xiurens appeared here, not just to catch you?"

Dro nodded: "As far as I know, they also came to do business with the Sui people. But they will not sell firearms. The troops under the command of Shulance are equipped with Opul firearms. People are much bigger. The people in Xiurens know that the Sui people did not have muskets, so they would not sell muskets as goods. They should come to unite you Sui people to deal with the Dongchu people. "


Zuo Mingchan's face changed: "To deal with Dongchu people?"


Drode said: "The Lehman Emperor of the Oplu Empire was an ambitious man. It took him five years to conquer all the countries around the Oplu Empire. The Aegean Empire was the last to be destroyed. He has no enemies on the continent, and this man's ambition can hold the entire sky. He wants more than just what he has now, so after the destruction of the Aegean Empire, he began to prepare to enter the ocean. "

"The East Chu Kingdom is the first stone to stand in the presence of Lehman the Great. This time when Xiuluns sent someone, he must have united you with the Sui people, please you Sui people do not help the East Chu country."

Zhou Mingli's mouth opened slightly, and his eyes were surprised.

"The few foreigners in the Tongsheng Inn seem to be the ones sent by Xiulunsi. They went to Yang Shunhui's house. Could it be that they talked with Yang Shun?"

Zuo Mingchan was silent for a while and said, "You stay and continue to review the foreigners. I will take someone to catch the foreigners in the Tongsheng Inn. Now there is an hour or so before dawn, it should be too late!"

He got up and strode out, greeted the people from Xiaoqi riding school again, went out of the shop and went straight to Tongsheng Inn.



"This city is so beautiful"

Peter stood on the second floor of Tongsheng Inn and looked out of the window: "The buildings here, the food here, the women here are all so beautiful ... To be honest, I really want to go deeper in the Sui Kingdom, it is best to see See if that Changan, which is known as the world's first male city, looks bigger than the capital city of the Opulu Empire. "

"I heard that this country is very large, at least as large as dozens of the Principality of Ross. The snow is still falling on the northernmost territory, and the southern territory has blossomed. If you walk, you can't walk a year from the north of this empire. To the far south, things are the same ... such a vast land, rich and charming. "

His old servant bowed his head: "Dongchu is just a springboard. After the empire's army destroys Dongchu, it can use Dongchu as a base to attack Dasui."

Peter nodded: "I heard that there is an empire called Meng Yuan on the west side of Da Sui. The territory is wider than that of Da Sui. There are endless grasslands, producing the most precious and robust warhorses and the purest and rarest jade. I still see too little ... Across the sea, the world here is so different. And the most exciting thing is that the people here are still so backward. The army in Sui is still equipped with steel Knives and bows, how could an army like this in the presence of artillery keep their home? "

"It's fascinating."

Peter sighed. "It's a pity that we are leaving before we can take a good look at this country."

"go away?"

The old servant was puzzled: "Don't we wait for Yang Shunhui's reply?"

"I also want to stay for a few more days, it is best to have the opportunity to meet the person in Mufu ... I heard that Mufu is the most powerful aristocrat on the east side of Da Sui, with hundreds of thousands of troops, even the Sui State. The royal family has no way to Mufu. We are here to explore the way for the army. It is a pity to go back without even knowing the situation of the enemy, but ... we must go. "

He glanced back at the old servant: "The people sent to arrest Ross's rebels have not yet returned. Obviously something unexpected has happened. If they were not arrested by Ross's rebels, they were caught by the guards of Dongchu merchants. I was too careless, thinking that it would be easy to catch the rebel's whereabouts. Now, I'm afraid that the person I send is being asked by others. I don't think anyone can take the torture. My men I do n’t have that kind of perseverance. Let ’s go and pack up. Now let ’s go to the house of Yang Shunhui and leave the city at dawn. ”

"Go to Yang Shunhui's mansion?"

The old servant thought about it and then immediately understood: "It is the safest in Yang Shunhui's house. Those who have collected your gold will be willing to provide a little help."

Peter hummed and turned back. After a while, the old servant packed his things, and took the rest of the guards to protect Peter and went to the general general of Yang Shunhui. They were less than half an hour away, and Zuo Mingchan brought people to Tongsheng Inn. People at the Xiaoqi School didn't find any foreigners ~ ~ Zuo Mingchan was annoyed.

He took people around the street for a while and didn't find it. When the sky was bright, he had to return to the shops in Cargo Connect.

After dawn, Yang Shunhui sent Peter and his party out of the city. Yang Shunhui also agreed to their request to allow people from the Duchy of Xiurens to come to Da Sui to do business. He kept watching Peter leave, as if seeing off a longtime old friend.

When boarding the ship, Peter looked back at Mu Pingcheng and said with emotion, "I don't know how long it will take to return."

The old servant bowed his head: "Soon, the Imperial Army will put a flag on the walls of Muping."


Peter smiled and said, "You are so lucky to have caught up with such a beautiful time. If you were older, you would not see the glory of the empire."

"Yeah ... I'm really lucky.

The old servant sincerely said, "I can serve you, my esteemed Lehmann, this is the luckiest thing in my life!"

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