Conquer the World

Chapter 783: Foreigners' credibility

Chapter 783 The reputation of foreigners

The west-slanted sun shone in the pale yellow light through the window slits, and traced a few straight lines on a shadow on the ground, several of them shining on the box, and the gold in it immediately seduced. There seem to be few people in this world who can block this temptation, regardless of gender.

Yang Shun would look at those big boxes, and the light in his eyes was the same color as the light reflected in the boxes.

"That Peter said ... Da Sui is a dragon ..."

Yang Shun sighed, and with some difficulty retracted his gaze from the box.

"How could he know that this dragon is already ill now."

A bit lonely and sad.

Dong An, Yang Shunhui ’s most trusted staff member, also sighed, and took more effort to withdraw his eyes from those big golden boxes, and said for a while, “It should be that foreigners do n’t understand the current situation of Da Sui, so they will Come up with a big gift. I heard that the Opulu Empire has almost unified the land on the other side of the ocean. Is that a real dragon? "

He didn't know, Yang Shunhui didn't know, the dragon in the eyes of the Central Plains and the dragon in the eyes of foreigners were not a concept at all. In the eyes of the Sui people, the dragon is majestic, just, and powerful. In the eyes of foreigners, the dragon is greedy, cruel, and powerful ... Only strong is the same thing.

If you want a greedy dragon to spit out gold that can fill ten crates, you should be alert to what the dragon's purpose is. Unfortunately, Yang Shunhui and Dong An, who thought that Westerners did not understand Da Sui, did not understand the Westerners at all.

"Actually, civil disturbances in Da Sui are not all bad."

Dong An smiled and said, "If Da Sui is still as stable as before, the general will not be able to manage it even if he wants to manage it. Even if foreigners carry this gold, the general will have to submit to the court as much as he promised. If you agree to the demands of foreigners, you will have to argue for three or five months at the North Korean Conference before reaching a conclusion, saying that it is not good to argue for three or five years. "

"Now ... but it's all between you and the generals. The generals think that it is feasible, so that the merchant ships of the foreigners can be docked early in the morning. If the generals think that it is not feasible, then the foreigners say that breaking their throats will not work."

Yang Shun smiled, and seemed to use such words.

"What do you think?"

Yang Shun would ask: "Should someone send this out to discuss with the people of Mufu? And ... Some time ago, the Heiqi military solution sent someone to send a hand-written letter to let me be careful of those foreigners. I have been here for a while Thinking about the solution, did you receive any wind, otherwise why would you remind me of this for no reason? "

"The Black Flag Army ... no need to bother."

Dong Andao: "Not to mention that Fangjie is just a little man with unknown origins and a chance to enter the room by chance. Even if he comes from a strong name, he doesn't care about our Muping. In my opinion, this person is nothing more than finding a random person. The excuse of wanting to be closer to the general, or maybe ... this is the ancient man's trick to make a close-distance attack. He tried to fix it with those who were far away, and raised the knife to those who were close. "

Yang Shun would hesitate for a moment: "If so, he would be a personal person."

"The subordinate thought that he didn't have that kind of insight. The general of the Black Flag Army could just ignore it. If the people sent by the Fang Jie asked to see him again, the general would just send it casually. It is Mu Mu ... ... how to be cautious, after all, Mufu ’s strength on the east side of the Great Sui Dynasty is too great. Since the civil strife in the Great Sui Dynasty, the people in Mufu seem to be honest and have sworn allegiance to the court. Almost all of the frontier generals were replaced by people from Mufu. Now Mufu is more effective than sacred deeds. "


Dong An's tone changed: "If this one consults Mu House in advance to discuss it, even if someone rushes to Northeast Mu House and discusses it, it will be almost more than a month after returning. At that time, foreigners were afraid that they would have lost it. Patience, general ... Dongjiang can be more than just a city that has opened trade ... Besides, if this is notified to Mufu in advance, there are two things that are not good for the general. "


Yang Shun would ask.

"One of them!"

Dong An stretched out a finger and said, "If this incident spreads, it will have a great impact on the generals. After all, you are still the general of the third grade of the Great Sui Dynasty. The rank of official is not lower than that in Mufu. If Xiang Mu The government asked what to do, and people were afraid they would say you ... something bad. "

"Second, if you inform Mufu, then this foreigner's gift ..."

He didn't finish his words, but Yang Shunhui understood immediately.

He took a subconscious glance at the ten large boxes and fell into silence.

"It's just that if you don't report to Mufu, it will inevitably look a bit rude. After all, Muping who was able to station the army nodded. If the people in Mufu did not nod, we are still stationed in Lishan."

Yang Shun said after a while.

Dong An shook his head: "General, I don't know if you have thought about it ... Now the world is chaotic, the Great Sui is broken, the country will not be a country, and the people in war will not live. The court order is not as good as five hundred miles. The order of the big family works. Although there is now the general of the Iron Armor in battle, but the Iron Armor is even less than 20,000, and there are hundreds of millions of people in the world. These 20,000 people are like a drop of water in the sea, and they ca n’t stop it after all It ’s possible that a drop of water wants to reverse the flow of the Yangtze River. "

"So, you have to make plans early. You have to send troops out of Chang'an to Dongjiang. The general's decision is extremely wise and wise. But now we can be considered as a fencer. Everything depends on Mu's face. It ’s better because General, you have a deep friendship with the man in Mufu. It ’s not good to say, it ’s Mufu ’s alms. Why did Jin Shixiong keep in such a weary place in the northwest and not leave? Is n’t it because that place is so tired? He had the final say alone? "

"My subordinates think that it is time for the general to consider expanding his strength. In troubled times, it is more practical to hold everything in his hands. Even if the general does not have the heart to dominate the world, he holds the male soldier. No matter who sits in that chair, I don't dare to underestimate the generals. And to develop, what we lack most now is ... silver! "

Dong Andao: "If you open up the coast to let foreign businessmen come, the daily input is a huge number! Besides, if foreign businessmen are allowed to do business, then those Dongchu businessmen will be useless. By that time, the general The troops were sent to arrest all Chu merchants in the Middle East. The silver money collected was enough to recruit 50,000 horses! If you do n’t say 50,000, maybe 100,000 will not say a word! "

Hearing this sentence, Yang Shunhui's eyes brightened.

"As Peter said, now foreigners are busy recovering their vitality. The first thing to be busy is business. We can benefit from it, and it will develop much faster than foreigners recovering their vitality! Within three years, the generals will have 500,000 soldiers. At that time, no matter what choice the general made, you still took the initiative? "

Yang Shunhui said for a while and said silently: "This matter allows me to think about it. You go back first and get in touch with that Peter more. You also have to figure out what is happening on the other side of the sea. I'm afraid it will lead the wolf into the room."

"General General, rest assured, his subordinates will definitely find out!"

Dong An said a word, then resigned and left.

Out of the General General's Mansion, Dong An couldn't help but smile as he watched the sun falling in the sun. He walked along the street and looked at the Dongchu merchants on the street with pity, with pity. He looked at those Dongchu people, as if looking at a lamb lying on the chopping board, which had been scalded.

So he was in a good mood, and he felt better when he got home.

"Foreigners still have some credibility."

He looked at the two boxes full of gold in his bedroom, and couldn't help holding a handful of gold coins against his face. No matter what shape it is, gold ... always gold.



Cargo Skyline Stores

Another day is about to pass, but more and more pedestrians are on the street. During the period before dark, merchants from all over Muping began to look for restaurants and pavilions for recreation, and those Dongchu people began to return to their camps with goods. In order to ensure safety, Muping City had special settings for Dongchu people Camp.

The Dongchu people depend on the Sui people, because their money is made from the Sui people. But they look down on the Sui people. They feel that the temperament of Sui people is very annoying. The Sui people also look down on the Dongchu people, because the Dongchu people are so eloquent, they do n’t celebrate because they make money, and they rarely go to the green house.

If you meet a group of Dongchu people and a group of Sui people in a restaurant, even if they wear the same clothes, they can quickly recognize them. When ordering a large table, it must be Sui people. If there are only a few dishes on the table, they must be Dongchu people. The Sui people rushed to pay when paying the bills, all of them pretending to be stupid must be Dongchu people.

Zuo Mingchan squeezed out of the crowd on the street to return to the shop, and after seeing Zhou Mingli, the two tacitly went up to the second floor.

"Inquiry what?"

Zhou Mingli asked urgently.

"The caravans from the city are a bit wrong!"

Zuo Mingchan lowered his voice and said, "General caravans will not be so alert. Even my people are difficult to rely on, and it seems that different caravans are connected. My people are staring at them. I found that the leaders of the caravans met in a restaurant, but soon dispersed. I was very careful. I wanted to find out what was going on in the city, and I planned to wait until they were out of town. In the city The garrison is not familiar with us and is not sure about starting in the city. "

"I pick some good ones to go with you."

Zhou Ming reasoned.

"it is good"

Zuo Mingchan nodded: "I don't have much manpower. It's okay to start with a caravan. I'm afraid they have no support. And ... I suspect that these caravans are not businessmen at all. Today I While staring at one of them, a wind blew through, and the robes of one of them blew up, revealing the brocade. "

"Jin Yi?"

Zhou Ming rationalized for a moment: "People in the government?"

"The people in the government are nothing."

Zuo Mingchan shook his head, and there was some concern in his eyes: "I am worried that ... is someone from the army ~ ~ It must be checked anyway"

Zhou Ming reasoned: "If the army people are dealing with Dongchu people, then it is even more unusual. The goods of Dongchu merchants are of little use to the army, and the army does not need to spend a lot of money to buy them back. Something messy. "

"You mean, what do they want to cover up under the name of the caravan? The goods they received are also blind-sighted?"

Zuo Mingchan asked.

Zhou Mingli nodded: "Anyway, we can't help but check. Since the disguise is definitely not Yang Shunhui's person, the army on the east side of Da Sui is in Mu's hands ... Mu's need to be like this with Dongchu Do people make transactions? Whatever the Mufu wants, Dongchu people must obediently send them directly! Unless they are buying something out of sight ... And even Yang Shunhui will keep it out! "

"Hiding Yang Shunhui? Why should he give Mu Ping to him?"

Zuo Mingchan suddenly thought of something. There was a flash of emanation, too soon, he thought again but lost his mind.

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