Conquer the World

Chapter 775: not lonely

Chapter 775 Not Alone

Fang explained that I was such a decisive man.

The boy in white squinted and glanced at him, the meaning of that look was obvious. He may be wondering what kind of cultivation makes a person's cheek thick. The point is that when Fang Jie said this sentence, there was no far-fetching, so naturally. Even such boring words made him think carefully, and then he concluded that Fang Jie's life trajectory was completely different from himself. He is lonely most of the time, and Fang Jie is not alone most of the time.

Fang Jie's shamelessness is very natural, no, it is taken for granted. And he will never make such a joke. So he was a little sad and found himself boring.

"I know who you are, you don't know who I am. I know what you are the best at, you do n’t know what I am the best at. I can kill you now, you can't kill me now. Even if your majesty Two hundred thousand soldiers can make sense? "

Asked the boy in white.

Fang Jie said: "I remember a sage who said that people who first establish the upper hand on their mouths are generally beaten."

The boy in white frowned for a long time: "Which saint has said this?"

Fang Xie pointed to his nose: "I"

The boy in white was stunned, and then laughed: "I just have nothing to do, and I happen to meet you here to lead soldiers. I'm also curious when talking about it, how did you, a person without foundation, become a vassal of a party Yes. I didn't mean to attract you, I was sinking into the joy of fishing. Someone came to destroy my mood, so you will feel that I am here. "

Fang Jie understood the realm in these words, so his alertness to this person was raised to another level.

Artistic conception is actually the world. Du Mu disturbed the realm of white clothes sons, so the white lion felt his existence. There are really not many people in this world who can have their own world.

"Where are you from?"

Fang Xie asked a word that was almost exactly the same as Du Mu asked.


The boy's answer was different.

Fang Xie was silent for a while and then asked, "That place called Tonggu Academy?"

The boy in white shook his head: "I passed by but not from there. I had been there a few years ago. At that time, the tower in the academy was still there. When I entered the house, I asked for water and called him Dean of the Academy. I made a pot of Mingqian tea, and my lips and teeth were fragrant. "

"I went to the academy a few days ago and wanted to go in for saliva, and found that the tower was broken, and the director also changed people. The new director gave me a pot of Wuyi red robe, but it smelled of rotten grass. But let me see It's a fun thing, a fun person. "

Fang Xie asked, "How fun?"

The boy in white laughed: "A one-armed old man who can also be called a grand master in the eyes of the rivers and lakes is sucked into the work by a young man who just started serious practice, and directly accepted the practice for decades. Do you say it is fun? That young man used to be called Luo Xiaotu, and later changed his name to Luo Tu. It is said that it is now called Tu ... Is it fun? "

Fang Xie shook his head: "It's not fun at all."

The boy in white said, "I feel fun. This kind of practice of swallowing people is strange. Have you ever seen it?"

Fang Jie said: "I've seen it."

The boy in white said, "Since you've seen it, you really won't find it fun."

"What do you want to tell me?"

Fang Jiewen

The boy in white put away the fishing rod, and the bait was eaten long ago. Before the fish floated and sank, he didn't hook up. Now it is obviously late to start again. But who knows if he is fishing or something else? Who knows if the solution is a big fat fish in his eyes?

The boy in white looked up at the sky and didn't want to answer Fang Jie's question: "Do you think that there is something in the world that is controlling the world? You think you can change everything, but when you think you are successful But you find that you are actually walking along the direction specified by some things. You are not important, because there can be many, many you go this way. If you can't, there will be other you. Maybe in this world Go where you do n’t know, and you are walking, walking all the time. "

This statement is too obscure. There are not many people in this world who can understand, and Fangjiejie happens to be one of them. And the more terrible it is to think about it. Many of you, walking in different places.

"The more you climb to the top and think you see more things, the more confused you become. For example, standing on top of a mountain ..."

The boy in white paused for a moment: "When you look down, there are thick clouds, you can't see the earth, and people on the earth can't see you, so people think you are great. When you look up, you see A sky that is very clear but can see nothing, and if someone in the sky looks down, you are still very short. "

Fang Xie asked, "What did you see?"

The white man shook his head: "I saw nothing."

After saying this, he was silent. Fang Jie didn't seem to find the topic to continue, he didn't even want to ask who the white boy was. Because he was resisting, it was like resisting those things that he had been speculating deep in his heart, but couldn't understand at all.

"You are not high enough"

After a while, the boy in white said, "But you are already trying to see it, it must be so, right?"

Fang Jie nodded.

The boy in white smiled: "People in this world who have taken a serious look at this world since they were born are so rare that they are called geniuses. There is another kind of person who suddenly realizes that maybe he is a child, maybe he is an old man, He knew a lot of things, and this kind of person is called God. "

He looked at Fang Jie: "I once heard someone say that you are a natural choice."

"Who said?"

Fang Xie asked.

The boy in white said: "Why bother with who you are, just understand if you are not enough. If you are not, then being said yes, you can be proud. If you are, being said, then why care? I think Look at you just because you think you are a natural choice, why are you so cautious? "

"Why am I cautious?"

Fang Jiewen

The boy in white said, "Here ..."

He pointed to his own head: "You obviously should have a lot of things that are not in this world but detached from this world, but you don't want to use it, even if you use it, you are cautious. And what you have been doing, but You are doing things in accordance with the rules of this world. You are not using what you have in your mind, but you are desperately learning what is in this world ... don't think it's a little bit wrong? "

Fang Jie's complexion changed, and anxiety that had been pierced through the deepest secret spread out from her heart. He didn't know who the white man was, but the man seemed to know him so well. This shock is stronger than Xie ’s first encounter with Wudang Zhangzhenren, and it ’s even stronger than the story told by the grandfather when they were in the bookstore of Yanwuyuan, even more than what Dalun Ming and Luo Yao told him. Those must be strong.

"Fantastic Choice"

The boy in white slowly said, "Whether it is really chosen by the sky or not, it should be the only one in the world. If you don't work harder, some people will climb faster and higher than you."

"who are you!"

Fang Jie stood up, staring directly into the eyes of the boy in white.


The boy in white thought for a while, and finally determined a word: "watcher"



The boy in white didn't pay attention to Fang Jie's increasingly hostile eyes. He stood up and walked beside the river and pointed to the water: "In fact, people have been changing this world. For example, if there is no one, there will be no fishing rod. It is natural for people to go down the river to fish like bears, but fishing with a fishing rod is unnatural. Without people, there would be no weapons like knives, swords and halberds. Beasts bite on nature with fangs and teeth, and people use tools Weapons are just unnatural. "

Fang Jie stunned for a moment, thinking about it, and found that this statement was very reasonable. But he hadn't had time to think about it carefully, but the words behind the white man overturned everything he had said before.

"But if you think about it, it is natural for people to appear. Since there are people, the appearance of any tool or weapon is also natural."

He glanced back at Fang Jie: "What makes sense, right?"

Fang Jie silently said nothing.

The boy in white smiled apologetically and smiled: "I always have a lot of time to think. I have been alone for a long time. The way to pass time is to think wildly. The reason why I like to swim is to keep myself from thinking about so many things. When thinking becomes a habit, either force one to become a wise person, or force one to become a lunatic. "

Fang Jie looked at him and said, "You're crazy now."

The boy in white laughed: "Crazy. If you think about so many things and haven't made yourself crazy, you will think for nothing. As I said to you just now, since you are sure that you are different, why not try your best Show your differences? Why? "

He did not wait for Fangjie to answer and said to himself, "Because you are afraid that others will say that you are a lunatic ... the word" unusual "is not a lunatic?

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Fang explained.

The boy in white seems a little stunned: "You are still used to wrapping yourself up and hiding in a thick and strong heart. People like you will be sincere to others, but will not tell the truth. You will feel that you have to hide yourself It ’s best to be safe and not to be rejected by this world. So you desperately suppress the truth that you already understand, but you keep cramming in others' truth.

"So tired"

He says

When he was tired, he really seemed to be tired.

Fang Xie was silent, but his vigilance became stronger and stronger. This gave the inexplicably appearing white man, like a devil who can see through the heart. He seemed to know everything about himself, and even described his feelings so clearly.

"I remember someone said to me a long time ago that the sign of a person's success is to see if he can truly disguise himself. The less disguised he is, the closer he is to success. I didn't take it for granted when he said this, and then I realized when he succeeded in possessing a lot of things. He kept talking about himself. Can he disguise himself as really strong? "

Fang Xie didn't understand these words.

Because what he said has nothing to do with Fang Jie.

The boy in white said: "You may have been thinking about making yourself adapt to this world as soon as possible. But the result of this thinking is to make your ambitions more and more scarce, as if a sharp-angled corner polished itself to adapt to the water flow. ... so that he was in the water and couldn't even feel it. "

"Please do n’t speak in a way that understands me well ~ ~ Fang Xie is no longer silent at last, he looked at the white boy seriously and said," You may feel that you are standing higher than me, I have many, but you are not me. What you think is not necessarily what I feel, what you think is correct may not be what I am. "

The boy in white stunned, and after a long silence, couldn't help sighing longly: "Yeah ... I thought I knew you, actually ... I only knew myself."

He seemed to have lost his talk and was about to leave.

"You really don't plan to tell me who you are?"

Fang Jie looked at his back and asked.

The white man paused and shook his head: "I will meet again in the future. Although you are right, I understand only myself and not you, but one day you should admit that no one in this world is more than me Know you. When you find that you are a bit lonely, you will know how I feel. When people are glorious, they will not feel lonely, but glory is always short ... I used to have that time ... not alone "

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