Conquer the World

Chapter 750: For you guys i'll kill

Chapter 750 I Come To Kill You

There were three or four injuries on Fu Zhengnan's chest. Although he was simply bandaged, he was still exuding blood. He is a good man himself. Although he was attacked by the team of Snap Riding School and injured his shoulder, he still has courage. He was arrested because he brought his family members.

"Citylord, please sit down."

Fang Jie looked at the gloomy man in front of him and smiled, not a mocking laugh. His smile was very sincere and very clean. Even if Fu Zhengnan was so fussy, he found no impurities. This makes Fu Zhengnan somewhat strange. How can a person who can ascend to a high position have such a clean smile and such clean eyes?

Because of being in a high position for many years, Fu Zhengnan knows that a clean person cannot get up high.

"Take my gold sore medicine."

Fang Jie gave a command and sat down opposite Fu Zhengnan. On the table are a few plates of hot-cooked cooked meat, which are not exquisite, extravagant, and simple. But at this moment of dawn, the faint scent of vegetables still can't help twitching the throat knot. There was no wine on the table, only a large plate of steaming buns.


Fang Xie asked.

Fu Zhengnan didn't answer, he took chopsticks and started eating after being silent for a while. Fang Xie also picked up the chopsticks, and the two were as if they were in a game, and they ate too much. Soon, a few plates of hot stir-fried and two plates of cooked meat were cleaned up by the wind and wind, and only half of the steamed bread was left on a large plate.

"If this is guillotine, you are too stingy."

Fu Zhengnan took the towel handed over by the Fangjie family soldiers, wiped his mouth, and spoke quietly. The hatred in his eyes seemed to be eaten into the stomach with the meal, and he could no longer see the slightest. After eating, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing. If he loses, he loses, and he won't win even with resentment.

"Will I have a decapitation meal with you?"

Fang Xie asked.

Fu Zhengnan paused for a moment, then laughed: "Mr. Fang still wants to persuade?"

"Why bother?"

Fang Jie smiled, sat upright, and stroked his slightly swollen belly with his palm. This meal was fast and full. In fact, people often ignore it, when they are full, it is the most practical time. Because this is so common, few people care.

"If I want to persuade you, I should also prepare a table that looks like a little bit. At least I add a jar of old wine. I have seen that there are a lot in the cellar of the city's main house. I wanted to get an altar. I thought it would all be mine in the future, so I didn't want to. "

This sentence picked Fu Zhengnanqi's mouth and said nothing.

"About seven hundred miles east from here is Nanyan Waterfront. The people there have not been war-torn for at least a thousand years. The customs are simple, the road is not left, and the night is not closed. It is really a good place. Your brother Fu Zhengming told me and I remembered it. ... After dawn, I arranged for someone to find a carriage, and the owner of the city would take your family members and set off. But none of your guards can take away. The carriage wants you to drive yourself. No money or two will be given. "

Fang Xie said with a smile: "I have a shortcoming, that is too greedy. It is extremely difficult to send the things you get, even if I just grabbed them from you."

Fu Zhengnan froze, his eyes were confused: "What do you mean?"

Fang Xie shrugged his shoulders: "I'm not interested to say the second time, the sky is about to dawn, and I want to go for a while. After dawn, I will open the granary in Qingyuan City and use the food you have accumulated to buy people's hearts. These things are more important than chatting with you, and I have to think about how to fight Feng Ping. With your lesson from the past, Feng Zhucheng, Zhu Zhitian, is not too stupid, and I will be more careful after knowing how you lost.

"You want to let me go?"

The tone of Fu Zhengnan's interrogation was unbelievable.

"You really don't understand?"

Fang Xie asked.

After being silent for a while, Fu Zhengnan asked, "Why?"

Fang Xie shook his head: "I don't want to explain."

"Then I won't go!"

Fu Zhengnan raised his voice.

"Is this threatening? Really powerful ..."

Fang Xie said with a smile: "You are strange. I let you go and you still want to ask why. You can think it's my false compassion and look like ... oh ... by the way, you can think like this, I'm letting go It ’s because you want to buy people ’s hearts. In this way, the people in Qingyuan City and your subordinates will praise me for their kindness. Even you and I are willing to let go, not to mention them? Food is more effective, isn't it? "

"You're sending me down the road halfway?"

Fu Zhengnan asked.

Fangjie said nothing, got up and left: "Eating a meal with you can be regarded as an end to our rivalry. In the future, I will take my family members to be a fisherman on the beach, and I will give you some advice ... … If you escape to Dali City and plan to make a comeback, there will be no such opportunity next time. "

When he saw him leaving, Fu Zhengnan also stood up: "Give me a reason!"

Seeing Fang Jie not speaking, he was anxious: "I didn't believe what you said before!"

Fang Xie was silent for a while and then smiled: "In fact, I sometimes feel strange to myself, because many decisions are irrational. At the moment I arrested you, I was thinking about torture and confession. News, or even shameful news. But after I saw you, I changed my mind ... just because your wounds are on the chest, and nothing is on the back. "

Fu Zhengnan froze for a moment and suddenly understood. He stood upright and solemnly offered a salute to the other party: "General Fang is very bright, I don't want to say one more word, thank you!"

"A man can protect himself and his family from being attacked by swords and swords. He can run away by himself without leaving his family members, and this is worth me letting you go. If a man does not know I dare not open my wings to protect my family underneath, then it is not a man. Even if such a man is defeated, he can still support his spine. This way he will die and live. "

After speaking these words, Fang Jie turned and left.

Looking at Fang Xie's back, Fu Zhengnan shouted after a while: "People like you will suffer!"

Fang Xie paused for a moment, then smiled: "Because I'm strong enough, you will still be defeated next time, so I'm not afraid to let you go."

Fu Zhengnan froze, speechless for a long time.

When Fang Jie walked out of the city's main government, he didn't think whether he was doing this right or wrong, because in his opinion, there was no such thing as wrong. Perhaps this is what makes Fangjie different. He is cold, but ... never ruthless.



When the sky was bright, Fang Jie came to the granary. He looked at Wei Xiting and was still busy with people. Fang Jie didn't bother him. He found a pile of tall grain and sat down leaning, squinting. At this time he remembered the big dog, and in every sunny day, the big dog would find such a pile of grains to lean on. He always seemed so embarrassed that he would rather spit in such a place than lie on a comfortable big bed.

Fang Jie always had a hard time understanding why the big dog had such a habit at first, but later he realized that there was no meaning at all, but the big dog felt that it was more practical.

He drew a straw from the grain pile and held it in his mouth, watching the red sun rising gradually to the east. The sun was shining and everything was plated with gold, which was gentle.

The white lion chased next to him chaotically, and his huge head leaned on Fang Jiezi's side from time to time.

Fang Xie stretched out a hand and stroked the white lion's head, looking for another kind of warmth.

It wasn't until daylight that the sparse people came over, although the Heiqi Army slammed the gongs and drums and told them in the streets last night, honestly staying at home and getting fifty pounds of rice early in the morning, but no People really dare to come. After the madness of last night, the people have calmed down. They all doubt whether they will be lifted and beaten if they really go to pick up food.

The first people who came were the soldiers knocking on the door and called. They would not come unless they were afraid of being killed if they refused.

However, the people who came here were surprised to find that the soldiers of the Heiqi Army did not make any trouble, just let them write down their names, and then they sent fifty pounds of grain without deduction of one or two. This surprised and surprised the people. This good thing was the first time in their lives. But the people who took the rice couldn't go home right away. The soldiers of the Black Flag kindly asked them to stay in the open space outside the granary, and only said that there was something to ask them to witness, but only one person in each household was required. Others can take the rice back first.

Because the people who took the rice went back and said, more and more people started to gather to the granary side. By the time the eyes of the sun's thorns could not be opened, the people leading the grain had already formed a long line.

At this time, another group of people gathered in the open space outside the granary. Most of these people were the gangsters who looted during the fire last night, and about a half were about three or four hundred soldiers in Qingyuan City wearing armor.

Fang Xie looked at the people who had gathered almost before leaving the grain pile reluctantly. He stepped onto the top of a granary and faced the people in the breeze.

"Leave everyone just to tell you a word, and please remember it."

Fang Xie paused for a moment and said, "No one can believe without standing."

He looked at the people below and said, "I said before, as long as everyone waits quietly at home and does not need to do anything, each household distributes 50 pounds of food. I did it, and I will not hesitate without remorse. Because this is what I promised. If I said it, I do n’t need to doubt the truth. ”

"The general is a good man!"

Some people couldn't help shouting, "The general has faith and promises! We convince you!"

Fang Xie waved his hands to the people to be quiet: "But I also said that some people I must kill! These people ..."

Fang Xie pointed to the soldiers wearing armour: "They are all good soldiers, and they still resist after the city breaks. They are all qualified soldiers. For the sake of allegiance, Fu Zhengnan fights to the end. I do n’t hesitate to praise them, but It does not mean to forgive them, because I said that if I enter the city, if anyone still has armored rebels, kill them. "

As soon as this killing word came out, the soldiers of the Black Flag immediately picked up the knife and chopped it down. Without any hesitation, hundreds of human heads were chopped down.

"these people!"

Fang Xie pointed to those gangsters who robbed in the fire: "Even his fellows robbed and killed and bullied. It was too disgusting, so they also wanted to kill."


"Let's live!"

Someone in those splashed skins immediately mourned out ~ ~ Before the Black Flag Army killed the people too directly and simply, they were frightened, only then realized that they might be dead. But their mourning was so short, because the soldiers of the Black Flag Army did not give them the opportunity to shout a second sentence at all.

Hundreds of human heads fell again.

"I just need everyone to remember one thing today, and we will talk and talk. If you listen to me, you will benefit. If you don't listen, follow the rules ... Besides, there is one more thing to tell you, starting today I will distribute all the land under the rule of Qingyuan City to each household to plant, according to the population. I would rent it with the Heiqi Army if I want to do more. Just like the people in the Da Sui Ping Shangdao, I do n’t want the food in the ration field I want half the rented grain, and the rest is yours. "

"If anyone obstructs it, no matter who it is, who is a famous family, or who is a big family ..."

Fang Xie said flatly but firmly and abnormally: "You can tell me at any time, who won't let you down the farm to harvest food, you are responsible for saying his name, and I am responsible for cutting off their heads."

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