Conquer the World

Chapter 745: Vicious role

Chapter 745 Cruel Role

"Array! Array!"

Stark roared hoarsely, grabbing the banner and waving it back and forth. At the same time, Fu Zhengming also kept yelling to let his men and women gather together. When encountering the enemy's elite light riding in the field, the best way for infantry to fight against the enemy is to form a defense as soon as possible, and form a jungle-like barrier with a spear. This will ensure the absolute thickness. Rush in, and the light cavalry will sink into the quagmire.

In order to pursue the ultimate speed, the Hussars were very light armored, unable to prevent even the feather arrows, and even the sharp spears. So once you break into a square of infantry with sufficient thickness, the cavalry sitting on a horse's back becomes a target for the infantry to practice assassination.

However, when the infantry was too late to form an array, the light cavalry passing the wind could cut the infantry into pieces.

Fu Zhengming and Stark were both leaders of the army for many years. Even if they had little combat experience, they read a lot of martial arts. They know what is the best situation and what is the worst situation. Now that Fu Zhengming's smashing soldiers have just assembled, they do not form a formation at all, so if they cannot create the best situation, they must try their best not to become the worst situation.

"Archer! Let go! Let go!"

Fu Zhengming's throat had been shouted, and the sound was like a broken bellows.

The soldiers of the Nanyan Army who had just experienced a panic and defeat in order to gather in the shortest time were simply foolish dreams. The archers began to throw arrows in an unsettled attempt to prevent the Black Flag's light cavalry from entering, and they had already formed an array Defensive Staco's men are relatively better.

The 5,000-person square has enough thickness. It may not be too much in front of heavy cavalry, but in front of light cavalry, this square is like a large swamp.

But Stark's men and horses had no archers and could not stop the Black Flag from riding lightly.

Obviously, the Heiqi's Qingqi did not intend to break in directly.

Xiahou Baichuan looked at the Nanyan Army soldiers who were clearly divided into two groups in front of him, and immediately determined where the attack targets were. Stark's 5,000 men and horses are not good enough, and Fu Zhengming's smashing of soldiers is exactly when he was nervous and fearful, and he was naturally reluctant to let go.

Xiahou Baichuan pointed Hengdao in the direction of Fu Zhengming's banner and shouted, "Grab!"

Immediately following his subordinates, Jingqi immediately split into two teams and rolled over towards Fu Zhengming's men from both directions. When the cavalry was getting closer, the soldiers of the Nanyan Army all turned pale. Only then did they realize that they had just escaped from the tiger's hole and fell into Longtan again.


Xiahou Baichuan ordered aloud, and the black embroidered banner of the flying lion swayed a few times. Seeing the military order, the elite knights immediately lifted up the crossbow, suddenly turned around fifty steps from the scattered formation of the Nanyan army, and changed from straight to horizontal. This requires a strong horse control technique. If you strike ten steps forward, the war horse may not be able to deflect, but it will crash into the Nanyan Army team.

The two cavalry drawn a beautiful arc at the same time, as if the two sides of the Nanyan team raised a meniscus at the same time. This meniscus is not only beautiful, but also murderous.

The sudden sound of the crossbow was like the sound of heavy rain hitting the lotus leaves. The dense short crossbow sprinkled straight into the Nanyan Army's troops, and the outermost Nanyan Army soldiers were like the rice paddies fell by the sickle. The same layer immediately fell down, followed by the crooked layer also fell down.

This light cavalry tactic of sweeping formations is an unsolvable nightmare for infantry.

The two cavalry crossed on one side of the Nanyan army, as if two long dragons were flying around a large ball. The panicked Nanyan soldiers watched as the two cavalry crossed, all eyes were taken away by the two cavalry. But at the moment when the two cavalry crossing teams separated, as if opening a door, another cavalry slammed in from the open door!

This is the tactics that the Heiqi Army has trained numerous times. The movement of the two cavalry soldiers in the Xiahou Baichuan was just a blind eye. They must attract the attention of all the soldiers of the Nanyan Army when they swept. The moment the men and horses crossed, another cavalry was ready to kill him.

Cooperate seamlessly.

Liu Xuri was from Jiaoyang County, northeast of Dasui. He was the captain of Liupin Guoyi during the first Western Expedition. He experienced the darkest and cruelest war in the history of Da Sui and witnessed the tragic death of hundreds of thousands of elites in the northwest. On the pasture of more than two thousand miles, the invincible elite infantrymen of the Great Sui Dynasty were cut down one by one by the prairie men's light riding, and there was no strength to fight back.

How many times he hated gritting his teeth.

If the Da Sui army at the time of the Western Expedition had a powerful cavalry, it would not be so terrible and direct.

He always thought that if he had the chance to become a cavalry general in the future, he would bring his cavalry to let the foreign enemies taste the despair.

That period was not only the darkest day in the history of the Da Sui army, but also the darkest day in his personal life. In the month after the defeat, he escaped from the east on the prairie, hiding with his hundred brothers during the day I didn't dare to fall asleep in the low grass, and fled to the east at night in the danger of being attacked by beasts and being discovered by a wolf ride. It took a month before he escaped to Lang Ru Shan.

But after he arrived, he discovered that the northwest of Dasui was over.

Fortunately, the soldiers who survived the defeat and gradually survived under the leadership of King Yang Kai of Asahi in Wolsu Mountain. He was also promoted to General Wupin because of his military achievements. Later, he finally realized his dream.

He became a cavalry general!

Behind him, a soldier raised a banner. The black banner was embroidered with a red costal cheetah, fierce and cold.

Flying Leopard Army!

"Step over the enemy line!"

Liu Xuri leveled the long cymbal in his hand to the front, and there was a terrifying coldness in the roaring voice.

He once again saw the infantry pinched by cavalry, but this time ... he became one of the strong.



"General, the cavalry has already engulfed the collapse and the accompanying Nanyan Army!"

The soldiers came to ride, and the opponent fought back to report the situation.

Fang Xie nodded and instructed: "Let Liu Xuri and Xia Hou fight according to the previous tactics, entangle the enemy, but do not try to kill them on the spot, forcing the Nanyan Army to move towards Qingyuan City and move the battlefield to Qingyuan Move in the direction of the city. Remember, do n’t break through the enemy ’s army so quickly. As long as the enemy ’s flag is not down, people in the city may send troops to respond again. That is to let the troops and men in Qingyuan City come out in batches. All entangled! "


The order led the soldiers away.

"Let Yu Zhongying cross the river!"

Fang Xie waved and instructed. At this time, there was nothing in Jinshui River's south bank that could threaten the Zhongying camp.

The auxiliary soldiers and civilians assisted the soldiers in the heavy battalion to carry a large number of siege equipment and began to cross the river. At this time, the splicing pontoon equipped by the Da Sui soldiers came in handy. Large-scale siege equipment requires a pontoon of sufficient width to pass, and the splicing pontoon of the Da Sui soldiers is fully able to bear it.

Naked auxiliary soldiers jumped into the river with a rope tied, and then started piling to fix the pontoon. The horse-drawn carriages carried various instruments that had not been assembled across the river, and the Jinshui River was so busy for the first time in history. This is the first time in nearly 200 years since the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty that the army of the Central Plains crossed the Jinshui River and marched further south.

It was as if the soldiers of the Great Sui Dynasty had advanced into the south of the Yangtze River and into the southwest.

The disassembled ramming hammer and stone thrower were pulled across the river by horse-drawn carriages. The number of carriages was not enough to carry people, and the team became stronger and stronger. A large number of infantry gathered on the north shore were methodically directed under the command of each battalion general Drive on the south bank. The team began to march after a brief rally on the south bank, and the team going side by side on a plain seemed so majestic and mighty.

Fang Xie urged the White Lion to run up a high slope, watching the progress of his team can not help but feel a little excited. This is the first time the Black Flag Army has launched an active offensive against foreign enemies since its establishment. If the Black Flag Army ’s offensive on the barbarians was based on training, then this time, it was an unobstructed aggression.

The big city called Qingyuan is a test stone of the Heiqi Army!

Xiahou Baichuan and Liu Xuri's cavalry cut the Nanyan army one blade at a time, the original messy array of Nanyan was divided into countless small pieces, hundreds of people, hundreds of people, and a group of Nanyan soldiers fighting each other Everyone is desperate. They watched the cavalry passing by one by one, and then smashed the same robes from the back one by one.

The back was handed over to the enemy, and there was only one.

"You have to let the team slow down!"

Xiahou Baichuan urged the horse to find Liu Xuri: "If you kill it like this, it won't take long for the assembly to collapse completely. The general's strategy is to lure more Nanyan troops out of the city to rescue them, and to send the enemy's main force outside the city All annihilation, we must slow down a bit! "

After Liu Xuri nodded, he loudly instructed the commander to blow his horns to reorganize the offensive, from cutting back and forth to being in four outfits. For a while, the cavalry passing by was not seen before them. The remaining soldiers of the Nanyan Army subconsciously ran towards a crowded place and quickly regrouped again. They just felt that a crowded place might be more Just be safe.

Stark gritted his teeth and pulled out the crossbow on his shoulder. He looked around. The cavalry running back and forth outside the team drove his team closer together.

"Not right!"

He was painful and found Fu Zhengming: "Second, I look at this situation is not right! The cavalry of the Black Flag Army has just cut our team, and we can swallow all of us in less than half an hour, but Why would the cavalry of the Black Flag go out again? They are deliberately asking us to regroup! "

Although Fu Zhengming was not injured, his face was even more ugly than Stark. He glanced at the city less than two miles away, and his mouth twitched involuntarily: "Fang Xie is going to use us as a bait ... Continue to send troops to rescue ... They did not defeat us in one fell swoop in order to cheat more people out of the city. "

An unspeakable fear flashed in Stark's eyes, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat: "If the city owner sends troops to rescue them, they will take the opportunity to surround more people. The solution to the devil is to be in Decisive battle with us outside the city ... but if the city owner does not send someone to rescue ... "

He glanced at Fu Zhengming ~ ~ and found that the other person's eyes looking towards Qingyuan City were all fear and pain.

In Qingyuan City, Fu Zhengnan standing on the wall with the same pain, he subconsciously covered his chest, trying to relieve the pain in this way. But this pain is not trauma at all, how to stop it?

"Citylord! What to do!"

A general asked pale: "It would be dangerous if he didn't send soldiers to rescue the second grandfather!"

"Send troops?"

Fu Zhengnan shook his head slowly: "Finally sending troops, he was swallowed by Fang Xie ... Second brother ... I'm sorry for you. In the future, I will give you a **** to admit your mistake!"

He raised his head sharply and shouted sternly: "Close all the gates of the city! Those who dare to lead troops out of town will not be pardoned! Block the North Gate, East Gate, and West Gate, leaving only the South Gate!"

High slope

I never saw a rescuer coming out of Qingyuan City, Fang Jiefang sighed slightly, "Fu Zhengnan ... a cruel character."

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