Conquer the World

Chapter 716: Difficult to go south

(For monthly tickets as motivation)

Chapter 716 Difficult to Go South

Some people who missed can look back.

Some words, missed and never had a chance to say.

No one knows what kind of mood Sun Kaidao left the post station, and then what kind of mood he lived in the very spacious house that Fang Jie prepared for him. As Chen Xiaoru said, the house was clean inside and out, but it was empty.

Sun Kaidao thought of Chen Xiaoru's words, he said that the general would only ask.

This sentence does not ask, how many of them are gone?

Chen Xiaoru went back from the south of the city to find Fang Jie's life directly. Fang Jie didn't ask Sun Kaidao how he reacted, as if he immediately forgot this person. But Chen Xiaoru felt a slight loss in General's eyes, why wasn't he? Although Sun Kaidao followed Fangjie halfway, he was already an old man in the Black Flag Army. If nothing else, there will be a decent home in the future.

But now, he can only be considered to decently disappear into the view of the Black Flag.

"Convene all generals."

Fang Xie faintly commanded Chen Xiaoru to leave immediately.

The Black Flag Army has known about the movement of Nanyan soldiers. Up to now, there has been no war, and the soldiers of the Black Flag Army have also been a little panicked. The county soldiers brought from the Southwest Sandao did not look forward to fighting, after all, they have not really experienced war.

However, the black flag cavalry, who had been victoriously addicted, thought that it was a good thing to calm down for a while, but the itchiness after a while of idleness made them all restless. It was also at this meeting that the generals of the Black Flag Army understood the meaning of Fang Xie's sentence of raising the Black Banner Army soldiers with blood.

No fight no work

The generals who came to Yongzhou with Fang Xie came to the General Assembly Hall early and waited, while the newly promoted frontier generals appeared a little more restrained. They were rescued by Fangjie and the Black Flag Army from various border cities, but they are still a little strange to the Black Flag Army.

However, the frontiers have always been familiar with war.

Even during the Tai Sui Taiping, these frontiers were not far from the killings.

When Fang Xie came in, all the generals stood up and marched.

Fang Xie sat down in the upright position, and pressed his hand down to signal to sit down. Because it is not a matter of discussion, the generals do not have to wear heavy iron armor. If you are wearing armor, sitting is actually not as comfortable as standing.

"There is something that the old men in the Black Flag Army know, but those who came from the frontiers of the Pingshang Road don't know much."

Fang Xie groaned and said for a while: "In Suzakushan, there are several workshops under the Black Flag Army, which require a lot of iron ore. We have always exchanged with Jin Shixiong. But since last month, Jin Shixiong began to delay The date of delivery of iron ore has repeatedly increased the price. There are no iron ore in the southwest, so if we want to expand the weapons and equipment, we need to change to buy it. When we do not have a firm foothold, we can still do this. But now, if we don't have our own iron ore, we will have too many constraints. "

"General, when will you attack Nan Yan?"

Xiahou Baichuan said with a smile: "The kids below are almost rusting all day with their arms around."

"This is a good thing."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "It is an inevitable thing to mobilize soldiers to Nan Yan, and to come to you is to discuss this matter. Not to mention whether Nan Yan has iron ore, only to say that so many of us have killed and so many of us have taken away People, Mu Rongsha should pay some price. In fact, in recent months, Mu Rongsha has been sending people to talk about peace, saying that he was tempted by the adulterer to be confused at the moment. He was willing to give out 200,000 stone grain. Plus a large number of weapons and armors to compensate. "


Chen Dingnan poked out his mouth and said, "Those things were originally stolen from Pingshang Road. Now that I want to return some of them, is it done?"

"Of course not."

Fang Xie said, "It is not difficult to say that Nan Yan is actually a soldier, but it is not easy. Two thirds of the territory of Nan Yan is mountainous. Most people live on the plains, and those big cities are especially strong. And if Mu Rongsha knew that if he lost his way to the mountains, it would be difficult to catch him. So he had to figure out how to fight to win.

"Forcing a landing?"

Liu Xuri thought for a while and said, "Chen Bing can be forced out of the city to surrender, allowing Murong Sham to surrender outside the city of Dali, promising that he will not kill, waiting for him to come out and kill."

"That would be so easy!"

Frontier general Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "The general may not know much about the Nanyan people, and not much about Murong Sha. We have been at the border for a long time, but we know this shameless villain best. Murong Sha is sly and fickle. How could he trust us if his opponents did not trust him? If Chen Bing was really outside of Dali City, maybe he had fled to the mountains. Nanyan is mountainous, and the mountains are full of wolves, tigers, leopards, and Nanyan people. I know these mountains very well and know where Tibetans can be hidden. But we do n’t know. If we plunge in, the damage is not due to a fight on the battlefield, but because we do n’t know the terrain. ”

San Jinhou groaned beside him for a while and said, "I heard that Murong Sha was not very prestigious in Nanyan. Although he was the emperor of Nanyan, most of the families in the big cities in the south of the country did not obey the court of Nanyan. Scheduling ... what better, the general sent someone to contact those who were dissatisfied with Murong, and joined them to break it. It can be promised to the families in the south of Yan State, and Nan Yan will not embarrass them after the death. "

Fang Xie shook his head: "It looks discordant, but at some point, they will be attentive ... If I mobilize troops against Nan Yan, although the families in the south of Yan Kingdom are dissatisfied with Murong, they understand a truth more Murong Shao is still the emperor of Nan Yan. They are a family of princes. If Murong Shao is dead and Nan Yan is gone, they can still have the same freedom as before? Therefore, it is not easy to counter them. "

Sanjin nodded and said, "That's true."

"Assassination of a master?"

He asked again.

Fang Xie remained silent for a while and said nothing. The people at Xiaoqiang School haven't heard back yet. There must be some practitioners protecting Mu Rongsha. Moreover, Mu Rongsha was the leader of the former Imperial Guards of the Shang Dynasty, and his cultivation was enough to establish a foothold in the rivers and lakes ... Assassination, if not careful, it would be possible to let a large number of Xiaoqiang schools and masters die.



At the end of the discussion, there was no specific charter. Fang Xie ordered the battalions to prepare for the expedition at any time. The generals thought it would be okay to play Nan Yan, but the more they discussed, the more clearly it became clear why a small country like Nan Yan could always exist on the side of Da Sui. Is it as simple as Murong Shao bowing his head?

Nanyan has a special terrain with more mountains and less plains. Two-thirds of the country's land is mountains of all sizes, but Nanyan has a sparse population, so it is not crowded to live on the plains. But as long as there is war, these people will swarm into the mountains to avoid disasters. Outsiders are unfamiliar with the terrain and trapped in the mountains as if they were trapped in a swamp.

Because of this, Da Sui never moved Nan Yan.

The reason for not moving is that the gains outweigh the gains.

Laying down a small country such as Nan Yan will make it impossible for Sui Jun, who has just wiped out the big merchants, to level Nan Yan even if there are some difficulties. The point is that consuming a large number of elite troops to occupy such a territory does not have much benefit for Da Sui. It is a little distressing to let the brave and brave Da Sui soldiers lose in the primitive jungle and steep mountains.

On the battlefield, Nan Yan's army is not worth mentioning.

But in Nanyan, the biggest enemy was not Nanyan's army.

At that time, after the Emperor Da Sui originally intended to destroy the Shang State, Nan Yan was also destroyed when he took advantage of the situation. However, after careful consideration, the Emperor Da Sui found that it was far better to keep Nan Yan than to kill Nan Yan. Keeping Nan Yan, Mu Rongsha will dedicate a large amount of materials every year. After destroying Nan Yan's words, he will not lose, but he will send troops to guard. Coupled with the primitive jungle inhabited by the Nan people, Nan people would not welcome the Sui army.

"After defeating the Tatars, the Xiaoqi School sent some people into Nanyan."

Chen Xiaoru said in a stunned way: "But Nan Yan is too young, and there are four big cities to the north of Nan Yan. After these four cities, Dali is passed. The Xiaoqi School had limited staff at that time, and there were not many books to send. Plus Mu Rongsha Afraid of the revenge of the Heiqi Army, ordered the borders to be closed, the four big cities closed the gates, and the people at the Xiaoqi School could get in and couldn't get out! "

Kirin cursed next to him: "This Murong shame is enough to be a coward, it's been so long, and there is still no order to open the city."

"He is naturally afraid!"

Chen Xiaoru said: "The soldiers and horses that were easy to piece together were destroyed by the general. He knew how powerful our black flag army was, how dare to open the door? But now, we don't know much about Nanyan. Xiaoqiang School Even if a lot of people inquired out there, they couldn't send it at all. "

"Nan Yan is small ..."

Fang Xie frowned slightly: "On the west is a sultry jungle, on the north is Da Sui, on the east is the sea ... but there are no waterways to go straight through. If our sailors want to bypass the four cities, they must enter Luonan from Jiangshui Then, all the way through the Jiangnan roads and into the sea ... Most said that if we can't go to Jiangnan, even if we can pass, our warships are still small, not suitable for sailing in the sea, and the sailor's current strength can not even make long-distance attacks. "

"It seems that the only way to send assassins is to go."

Chen Xiaoru hugged his fist and said, "General, you can choose a group of masters to pass through the savage jungle to enter Nanyan, so that they will not lose too many people in the jungle by reaching out. Only assassination of the defender and open the city Door, the army can go all the way south. "


Qin Yuan said: "Not to mention that the primitive jungle is more dangerous. Even if you go through it, there will be less people to go. It is known that Murong is afraid of death. The guards around him are masters from the Internet. They are not bad. I want to assassinate. It ’s even harder to stay in the barracks.

"So there is no way to fight a small Nanyan?"

"Yes, yes ..."

Fang Xie sighed slightly, the firearm camp was ready for use. However, is it worthwhile to hit a small Nanyan to expose the firearm camp?



Chang'an City

Soaring into the cloud-like city walls ~ ~ General Iron Armor looked at the south, his face was sober.

"Wan Xingchen thought that this would make me miserable. He too underestimated the power of a founding emperor. How could he have everything without the courage and state of mind to give up everything? As long as future generations will not die, what will be some death? Wan Xingchen, you don't even know how to make me suffer. My heart ... long ago, I wouldn't be hurt by losing something meaningless. "

He looked back at the direction of Changchun Garden in Chang'an City.

"As long as my body recovers, I will lead the army to the south ... to restore the Sui Dynasty, the Yang family should pay."

"Send someone to inform the flutter tiger, don't go back to Chang'an City, and let him wait for me in Jiangbei Road. Xu Xiaogong and Liu Enjing are not leading the troops, and there is no use to keep them ..."

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