Conquer the World

Chapter 694: 1 drummed knife

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Chapter 694: A Knife with a Spirit

Beat the tiger

The man who jumped out of the water broke into **** in the air.

He pulled Tan Qingge apart, and then looked back at Tan Qingge if he had a deep meaning. Talking about Qingge for a moment, I didn't understand the meaning of fluttering tiger, so he froze for a moment. At this moment of sacrifice, the fluttering tiger had jumped out of the air, catching the sledgehammer that circled back from mid-air, and the sledgehammer turned in his hand and slammed it into the river.


This hammer actually smashed a deep pit into the river, as if a heavy bomb exploded. The water where the hammer was was forced to retreat, and the waves rolled around and swayed out. At least four or five assassins like swimming fish in the water were killed by huge bombardment. One person in the center couldn't see the smashed capital city.

Tiger fluttered and the hammer flew back again.

"I don't know who sent it. Do you really look down on me?"

After saying this, he actually fell down the river. Tan Qingge was startled, ran to the side of the ship and looked down: "You can't swim, don't go into the water!"

This was the end of the shout, and the song was completely choked.

After the black dwarf boy fell into the water, only the river was backing away as if he had met the nemesis! This black boy actually pushed the water away by the majestic inner strength. He was like a huge water-proof bead. After falling, there was no drop of water within at least two meters around his body.

Walking in the river is like walking on the ground!

As soon as he beckoned, an assassin was sucked in. Flutter Tiger's left hand clasped the assassin's brain that was sucked in. With a twist of his wrist, a huge human head was screwed down. Then he threw it away, the head flew out like lightning, hurried through the water, and smashed another assassin's brain.

He doesn't know water, but he makes water retreat!

The assassins who had already jumped on the ship saw the tiger jump into the water, hesitated, and then jumped off the boat again. Only three or five people rushed towards Tan Qingge, and Tan Qingge stepped back, his hands holding his hilt but seemed afraid to pull out his sword. Fortunately, there were still many iron-armored soldiers on the ship. Although the ship was shaking their paces, but no one flinched, and they rushed towards the assassins.

At least twenty assassins surrounded the fluttering tiger, and the scene looked extraordinarily weird. Fluttering tiger in the water, but no water around. It seemed as if there was an invisible wall around him, blocking him from water. And those assassins were all in the water, and sharks were spinning around like tigers.

It seems to be jealous of the tiger, those assassins dare not get too close.

On the big ship, Tan Qingge still didn't dare to pull his sword after all, his face turned back a dozen steps, and he dived into the cabin. Behind him, dozens of iron armored soldiers fought around three or five assassins. In terms of cultivation, those assassins are obviously much stronger than the armored soldiers. It is amazing that those armored soldiers are not afraid of death, but if they are not killed by one move, they continue to attack.

Just then, there was a masked assassin who did not know the direction from which he landed lightly on the mast, and looked down at the tiger in the water with cold eyes.

When an assassin swam behind the tiger, he suddenly made a move. A sword intention pierced the water and went straight to the heart of the tiger, but the tiger did not even return his head. At the moment when his hammer shot, at least five assassins swam over at the same time, and various repair forces attacked the tiger.

Flutter Tiger has a pair of sledgehammers, but he only takes one with him.

I don't know why, another sledgehammer stayed in Changan City.

Without weapons, it seems that those assassins have seen the opportunity. Unexpectedly, the fluttering tiger with no weapons in his hand seemed more fierce. He moved forward fiercely, stopped an assassin at a speed that could not be pursued, and then grasped his head with one hand and his neck around the other, and plucked the assassin's head directly. Then he turned around and walked behind an assassin, grabbing the assassin's legs with his left and right hands, and tearing, the water was immediately stained with a large piece.

The strength of these assassins is far from him.

It seems that fluttering tigers are like playing with them. Instead of swimming, he chases behind those assassins with absolute speed advantage, tearing one by one directly.

After tearing the six or seven people alive, the remaining assassins still dared to stay, and turned to swim in the distance, fluttering the tiger sneer and sneer, his hands stretched forward, for a moment, the inner strength turned into a dozen pairs of arms Go out, catch up with those assassins for a while, and tear them into two pieces after grasping both legs.

In just a few minutes, the river was so red.

The wreckage emerged from the water and floated down the river.

At this moment, a loud noise squeaked, and the other side of the ship was actually pierced by those assassins, and the water poured into the cabin with a brain, and the ship quickly leaned to one side. The armored soldiers on the ship immediately panicked, fell asleep and rolled over to the side, then plunged into the water. These iron armored soldiers sank directly after falling into the water, and none of them floated.

The assassins in the water jumped up, jumped onto the sloping ship and began to kill.

The tiger's eyes fluttered and he moved to the side of the big ship in an instant, dragged the bottom of the ship with one hand in the water, and lifted it up.

The ship that had already tilted was re-pinned by him!

There are many ships, not to mention, a lot of water has been poured into the cabin, even more heavy!

And at this moment, the assassin standing on the mast moved.

He floated down from the mast, the palm of his hand slashing down like a knife!



Knife gas

Sword Qi that seems to split the world

The sword fell from the sky, and the momentum was even more magnificent than the river below! The mood of this knife cannot be described, but there is no doubt that it is absolutely simple. No fancy, no rendering, just simple knife. Falling from the sky, straight to the tiger with one arm holding the ship!

If the tiger moves and dodges, the ship will continue to tilt, and hundreds of iron armored soldiers on the ship will be buried underwater. Regardless of whether the iron armored soldiers will be water, only the heavy iron armor on their body can make them sink quickly, even if the water is meaningless.

Therefore, the fluttering tiger did not move.

The sword fell from his head and split the river directly!

In the entire Central Plains, the top five rivers can also be sent in and split by this sword! It's as if a huge blade with a length of several hundred meters fell in the river, dividing the river in two!

Water is still flowing when the knife is cut off. But this sword is too fierce, it is to stop the water of the river for at least a few seconds! Under such aggressive and domineering intent, the tiger was the first to bear it.

He is not water, the water is split, but it will fuse again.

He supported the ship with one arm, and only had one hand against the enemy.

But he didn't seem to have any fear.

Fluttering Tiger's left hand pointed in the sky, and a fist rose up. This fist is very small, but this small is relatively small compared to that sword, because the sword is too big, and a fist that is normal in size is so small. The fist of inner strength opened in mid air, palms up.

The sword fell in the air, and severely cut on the palm of this inner strength. With a slam, the palm was chopped immediately, but soon turned into a phantom. From catching the sword to that Nei Jin's palm finally fell from the air, after merging with the real palm of the tiger, Nei Jin's palm shattered a total of seventy-seven times, and each time, the sword's palm was slightly slowed down.

When the sword fell on the flesh of the fluttering tiger, it had eased a lot.


A tiger's left palm opened a gap, which was cut with a sharp knife. At the moment when Sword intended to touch the palm of his hand, his arm sank, and the corner of his mouth raised his eyes for a moment, and then he drank a single arm and swung up again, actually blocking Sword Concept in his heart!

The next second, Dahe was split!

In other words, it is not the intention to split the river!

Sword intention was slammed by the tiger, and it was the inertia of the sword that split the river. The real pressure of this knife is still on the tiger. Even so, the river was still cut off.

"Good knife!"

Tiger fluttered and yelled loudly, and then roared loudly!

Like a tiger!

Like King Kong!

He actually dragged the big ship horizontally, and after making a turn on the water, the big ship slammed into the shore, and a dozen meters of the bow of the ship actually hit the river bank! This drag is more than just force. Especially when the tiger is still in the water, the water he hates the most ... He once said that only when his feet are on the ground can he feel at ease.

Even if the power of ten giant elephants can move the ship across, how can it be thrown on the river bank in an instant?

After the ship turned horizontally, the huge wave sweeping out rolled towards the downstream. The huge wave rushed forward like a mighty army, sweeping the trees and flowers along the shore.

Fluttering tiger leaped on the bank of the river and reached out, and the sledgehammer flew back to his palm.

He looked up at the man in black floating in the volley: "Come, you have another sword!"

"The sword is like a drum of war to call for soldiers.

The man in black floating in the air like a fairy slowly shook his head slowly: "My first sword can't kill you, what's the point of the second sword slicing? You can't use the force in the water, you can't repair it by 30%. You The one-armed ship is repaired by 20% off. You can use half of the repair power to catch my stabbing. If I fail again and again, it will not be your joke. "

After saying this, the man in black turned and ran out. His light work is excellent. He can hover in the air with the inner strength of the robe sleeve, and can turn around and swipe away. Obviously, the inner strength is strong and long.


The armored soldiers rushing down from the ship surrounded them with guilt on their faces: "The subordinates are not well protected, please punish the army!"

"Nothing about you ..."

Flutter Tiger pulled back his left hand hidden behind him and looked down at the knife mark on the palm. The knife mark was not deep, but there was no meat on the palm, so he could still see the bones. The blood was nestled in the palm of his hand, very little, and extremely sticky, so thick that it couldn't flow.

Most importantly, his hands were shaking slightly.

"This person ... is strong"

He murmured, then looked at the ship stuck on the shore. On the deck, the Qing Jun man in a book growth robe climbed up a bit, jumped over the ship's side, and jumped to the shore. If it wasn't for the armored soldiers to pick him up, he would definitely fall to the ground and watch him When walking, the long sword dangling from the waist, I was so worried that when he fell down, the sword would pierce into his body.

If this is the case ~ ~ then talking about Qingge is probably the most reclusive swordsman who has ever died.

"Are you OK?"

Tan Qingge shouted while running towards this side.

Flutter Tiger shook his head and smiled at him, the sun was shining.

In the distance, more than half of the assassins who had fled ashore were nailed to death by the Iron Armor on another large ship. Those Iron Armor soldiers threw their long urns out, as fast as a hundred black lightnings. The remaining assassins fled, and the Iron Armor soldiers did not pursue, but just captured the wounded assassins.



On the third ship, Ding Dian helped the ship's side and poked his lips: "The man named Tan Qingge ... I thought he was an expert, it turned out to be a mallet ..."

Aunt Xi's eyes stared at the hand that fled Tiger's injury, and she was fully absorbed.

I don't know if she saw anything, what she saw clearly.

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