Conquer the World

Chapter 690: Always tears away

Chapter 690 Always Tears From People

This is the first time to leave a loved one?

Fang Jie's mind was confused.

A large number of Snap Riders have swarmed over. The black armor and red cape surrounded the broken village like a cloud of fire. Chen Xiaoru looked at the two corpses lying on the ground and watched his face twisted together while squatting Suddenly, he felt like he was crying out in his heart.

Even he feels pain, not to mention Fang Jie?

"The general ..."

Chen Xiaoru called out.

"First ... send General Shang back?"

He asked tentatively.

"I will do it myself"

Fang Xie stood on the low wall, shaking his hands and feet.

He walked slowly and hugged the dog's already cold and hard body.

He looked up and looked at the north.

"Yongzhou is his home, not Baishui City."

Fang Jie murmured, then strode out towards the north. And at this time, Kirin, who ran all the way, had just arrived. Seeing the back of Fang Xie holding the body and heading north, Kirin shouted aloud, kneeling down, his knees were embedded in the dirt.

This place is not far from Yongzhou.

"General, what should we do over Baishui City?"

Chen Xiaoru shouted in the back.

no answer.



Do not stand at the door of Baishui City, suddenly there is a very proud feeling. The other day, he took millions of puppets to break through the cities of the Han people. Now he is still a prisoner, but this pride came out of him again.

To be honest, he didn't even think that there would be a day when he would turn over again.

Millions of troops, stepped down by the liberated Black Flag Army, and his dignity.

Fang Xie wanted to attack Nan Yan and gave him hope.

Do not know that this is an opportunity, you must seize it.

Fang Jie left before he didn't see it. When looking for the solution, a black flag general who claimed to be Chen Dingnan told him that General Fang had something to leave for a while and could tell him something. Don't be surprised, Tuhunduo, suddenly a little disturbed.

In fact, Chen Dingnan did not know why Fang Xie left suddenly, but fortunately, he knew what to do today.

In the evening, the outside of Baishui City began to become lively. Many toasts of the Zhaizi Village brought their troops out of the jungle and stopped on the open space south of Baishui City. They should have made an appointment and arrived almost at the same time. It looks like there are at least forty or fifty toasts.

Chen Dingnan glanced at the stingy people gathered outside, and raised his lips coldly.

"The general told Tuhundu not to write back and summon these Tatar toasts to discuss in Baishui City. You see, these Tatars toasts arrived at the same time. The jungle is so big. The distance from each village to Baishui City is different. I just got together. The general said before that this Tuhun do not take any chance to do something, huh ... these self-righteous scumbags, think this opportunity is really an opportunity? "

Niu Geng, his relative of the military academy, smiled: "They all say that people are sly, but their biggest weakness is greed. Because they are too greedy, they forget the slyness they originally had."

Chen Dingnan smiled coldly and turned to Tuhun and said: "King Wang, since your men are already here, ask them to discuss the matter in the city. The general will be in a hurry, and it will take a while to come back. Join hands with King Wang It's a big deal, and the great general values ​​it. "

"This one……"

Tuhundu don't hesitate and said, "Baishui City is small and can't accommodate so many people. Why not talk to the city after the general returns?"

"King, you seem to have forgotten your identity."

Chen Dingnan said coldly, "The general does not treat you as a prisoner. It is a general who is thick and thick, but have you forgotten that you are not the true king yet? Let you meet with your men in the city. It is the general. Your chance, what qualifications do you have to bargain? Is it possible that you have other thoughts? "

As soon as Tuhunduo's other face changed, his anger suddenly came up, but he knew it would endure, and he had to endure: "How could it be, the general is kind and gave me this opportunity to thank Dade "I really just think that Baishui City is too small to accommodate so many people."

"Let your toasts take five guards into the city."

Chen Dingnan said: "The general will trust you, and I cannot trust you. Since the general has given me today's guard, I will be responsible for the security of the general. Either do as I say, or see you today Not yours. "

Tuhundu Don't hesitate for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay! I'll do as the general orders."

Tuhundo don't turn around and tell the guard who was captured with him, let the guard go out and call those toasts into the city. The guard said a few words in a humorous language, and Tuhundobie also said something in a low voice, then the guard nodded and ran out towards the city.

"What did you just say?"

Chen Dingnan asked Tuhun how much difference.

"I asked my guard to tell those toasts. Don't make trouble after entering the city. Be polite."

Don't answer.

Chen Dingnan nodded, turned and walked to the other side.

Tuhundu don't look at his back and smile sneer, but what he doesn't know is that the smile on the corner of Chen Dingnan's mouth is exactly the same as him.

There are probably dozens of toasts to come in, each with five guards, and several hundred people, and it seems a little crowded to enter Baishui City. Baishui City was originally small. In the past, the Baibian Army lived just fine. Now there are four or five times more people all at once, and the streets seem to be narrowed.

At the gate of the city, the soldiers in charge of the gate watched coldly as the toasts came in, pressing their hands on the hilt and keeping alert at all times.



The toasts entered the city one by one, and the team of several hundred people was not too small. In order to prevent them from rushing to **** the city gate, the Black Flag cavalry first left the city to line up outside the city. . But it should be Tuhunduo, don't tell these toasts anything, so they all raised their hands away from their weapons and said they were not malicious. After they all came in, the cavalry returned to the city.

Chen Dingnan's relatives led those toasts into the city, and then all of them were brought to the residence of the former frontier general. This is the largest house in Baishui City. Although the house can not hold hundreds of people, the yard is large enough. The chairs in Baishui City were collected and placed in the yard.

At the door, the soldiers at the door reached out and stopped, and the toasts' guards were not allowed to follow in. The toasts looked at each other and hesitated to go in. Tuhunduo standing in the courtyard, nodded to them, those toasts came in, and their guards were invited by the Black Flag soldiers to rest in the courtyard on one side.

"I welcome you on behalf of the general."

Chen Dingnan clenched his fists: "The general will be out of town temporarily and will be back soon. But your king is here waiting for you. He can also replace the general with what he wants to say today."

He smiled and said, "I'm a martial artist, so I speak more directly. If we talk today, you and I will be friends."

Do n’t clear your throat, Tuhundo said in a sloppy language: "This time General Fang has brought you all, just to let me go back, I am still your king. But, starting today, we and Heiqi The army is not an enemy, but a friend. General Fang means that we will join forces to mobilize Nanyan. After the Nanyan is laid down, the Black Banner Army and us will split the mountains of Nanyan equally. Everyone knows that Nanyan is rich, If it does, it is indeed a good thing for us to slap people. "

He said as he gestured.

Those toasts couldn't help but change their faces and looked at each other.

Because they all understood Tuhunduo's other gestures.

"Everyone promises to go down first. Anyway, I want to leave the city first. As long as I go out, can I still listen to these Han Chinese?"

This is the gesture used by the Dai hunters when hunting. When they surround the prey, speaking a little louder may startle the prey, so there is a unique set of gestures among hunters to express it.

"Do you agree?"

Tuhunduo asked, raising his voice.

His eyes glanced at the toasts, and eventually someone nodded: "Promise!"

There was one who took the lead, and others followed.

Do n’t laugh at Tuhundo, turn to Chen Dingnan and say: "No problem, they are all my men, as long as I say they are afraid to oppose. Now they all agreed to join forces with the Black Banner Army to attack Nan Yan, and we will later It's an ally. I swear on behalf of the entire Dai people. In the future, we will command General Wei Fang to obey. As long as General Fang orders, we will follow suit! "

"it is good!"

Chen Dingnan laughed: "Happy!"

He stood up and said, "Although the general is not present, the general told him before he left. After this matter is discussed, we must take the real brothers of the Tatar brothers as our true friends. Our orders to the general We must obey. The general said that we will go east, and the general said that we are friends, then we are friends! "

He pointed to a few carriages parked on the street outside the gate: "Did you see them, the carriages were all good wine from Yongzhou. The general knew that the Tatar brothers would agree, even the wine for celebration. Bring it here. Come, drink! "

He strode out of the door, and the Black Flag soldiers in the yard walked quickly towards the carriage.

Don't be relieved, Tuhundo, he said that he could finally leave the Black Banner. Just answer the answer in the jungle, Fang Jie is a fart. No matter how strong the Black Flag Army is, they dare not rush into the jungle! As long as he goes back, he is still the supreme king. As for mobilizing troops against Nan Yan, don't make fun ... Don't he see no plan for solution? I'm going to use the Tatar people as a knife to fight with Nanyan people to fight for your life. I think it's beautiful!

The Black Flag soldiers in the yard all ran out, and then opened the canvas covered by the carriage. The carriage was filled with wine jars, each holding one back.

Putting dozens of wine jars in the middle of the yard, Chen Dingnan didn't enter the yard, but stood at the door and said, "Thank you all for coming. This is Baishui City. Many of you have been here before. Why did you choose here? Because there are still many people waiting for you to come here again, that is ... the soldiers of the frontier who died in Baishui City. "

"I represent them, and invite you to drink!"

After he said this, he yanked the door shut.

Immediately after, dozens of soldiers with giant shields rushed up to hold the courtyard door. The giant shields they stood on were obviously specially made, more than two meters tall, covered with a thick layer of iron skin, and extremely strong.

At the same time, a rocket didn't know where it came from. It was in the middle of the yard.


A blaze of fire suddenly burned in the yard ~ ~ The flame burst into the sky in an instant.



On the official road, the teenager strode with a corpse.

Behind him, followed by a burly man. A full-body snow-white lion.

There is a long pavilion next to Guandao. A young woman is sending farewell to Langjun in the long pavilion. The man seems to be going to join the army, holding a mule, saying goodbye to his wife three times in a step.

As she was about to leave, the young woman sang two southern words: "Yuntian, Huanghuadi, westerly winds, and northern geese flying south. Who is Xiaolai who is drunk in the frost forest? Always tears away!"

The tune fluttered, full of parting injuries.

ps: "Yuntian, Huanghuadi, Northern Yanyan flying south. Who is Xiaolai who is drunk in the frost forest? Always tears away from people."

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