Conquer the World

Chapter 687: Brothers like

Chapter 689 Like Brothers

The climate in southern Xinjiang is much more comfortable than that in northwest Fangu. The northwest is bitterly cold and the southwest is warm. But the biggest trouble in Baishui City is that when the heat gets hot, those snakes, ants, and ants start to wreak havoc. Drugs, the soldiers have to be on guard at all times whether they will be counted.

Standing on the walls of Baishui City, Fang Jie stood for a while watching the jungle in the distance.

Now, he has too many things to consider, and he is the kind of person who has to think about everything before he can do it, especially tired.

"Kirin, ask you something."

Fang Xie asked softly.

The burly Kirin stood behind Fang Jie, as solid as a mountain. Hearing Fang Jie asking himself, he recovered from the sacrifice and smiled apologetically: "What's the matter?"

"It's been a long time since I asked them about their overnight stay. They haven't seen it since the last time they asked them to go back to Jiangnan to protect Wu Yinyu."

"They ... are fine."

Kirin stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "After they returned from Jiangnan, my dog ​​and I met with them and drank together in Chang'an City. I asked Ye Xing what he plans to do in the future, He said that the job of protecting people is good, the income is good, and he is already familiar, so he plans to start a dart. He said that as long as he does not meet an employer like you, he should earn money. He said that he will wait for the future. Enough money, I will go again. "

Fang Xie followed with a smile: "Yeah, I guess they will not meet an employer like me."

Kirin said: "Drinking a lot of wine that day, Ye Ye lay crying on the table, holding his finger and counting how many people there were at the time, and how many people are left now, crying and laughing, saying that they can survive in the end. OK. I said that we should still be together and take care of each other. He said it's okay, let his own life pass by, and it's enough for more than ten years of strong winds and waves. "

"Then you got separated?"

Fang Xie asked.


Kirin nodded: "Drinking until the restaurant closed for a break, Ye Ye even walked unsteadily when he went out. He is good at doing things, better than big dogs. After we go out, they go east Xi, I clenched my fists and said goodbye. Yeah took a sip and said goodbye. "

"Later, I knew that they really planned to start a dartboard. My dog ​​and I secretly said hello to the people who knocked at the gate of Chang'an City, and we were able to help this. Sorry, we didn't tell you about this, because I was afraid you were not comfortable. . "

"pretty good."

Fang Xie glanced at the copper stick in Kirin's hand, remembering the **** man's horizontal stick.

"Kirin, have you ever thought about what you will do in the future?"


Kirin shook her head: "I haven't thought about it, it's good to follow you. I've been used to it for so many years, I'll go wherever you go, and I'm at ease."

Fang Xie said for a while and said, "This time I planned to attack Nanyan because I knew that there was a knot in the dog's heart. Mu Rongsha had snatched the prince's identity from their brothers and also stole it. I left Nanyan's rivers and mountains. Although Big Dog has been saying that he has forgotten that he is a prince, it can be seen that he has never forgotten to return to China. Big Dog has said before that he has always advised his brother not to be obsessed with The vain ideal of rejuvenation, but if he is so determined, he will never stop his brother. "

"If the big dogs become emperors, that would be a good thing."

Fang Xie murmured looking outside the city: "Help the big dogs kill Murong Sha, and recapture what should have belonged to their brothers. After the big dogs became the emperor of Nanyan, as long as I am in the Central Plains, I can guarantee his country Stand still. If you feel tired, you can stay in Dali City. "

Fang Xie looked back at Kirin and said, "I have been thinking about what kind of glory and wealth I can give you. After thinking about it, I find that nothing is as good as Mei Ankang. After breaking Nanyan, I will have all of Nanyan The family slaughtered it so that the big dogs would not have any worries. Then leave a team for him, so that he can have no worries about the throne. "

"Follow me, I am afraid that there will be many big and dangerous things in the future, but I have no ability to protect all of you from oversight. Dali City has a good scenery and it should be comfortable to live in."

Kirin froze and shook his head: "I really didn't think about it."

"Think now."

Fang Xie smiled at Kirin: "Give you time."

Kirin hummed, then looked down at the stick in his hand.

After a while, Kirin suddenly sighed: "What you said just now, I think about it and think it is really beautiful. Staying in Dali City, the big dog is the emperor, does he dare to make me suffer? When the clothes came out, I stretched my hands to open my mouth, and then found a few beautiful women to accompany them. That was really beautiful. But ... I didn't think this was the life I wanted. "

Kirin looked back at the relatives: "I found that I'm used to living in the barracks, drinking and eating meat with the rabbits, fighting with a knife on the battlefield, drinking and fighting in my spare time, please!"


Fang Xie nodded: "Where's the big dog?"

"He said he was going out of town just now. He was probably going to meet his brother. What did his brother teach? Some time ago, he and the Tatars joined forces to attack Pingshang Road. After being leveled by our black flag army, his gate The damage was severe. In fact, the big dog is very painful, sandwiched between you and his brother. "


Fang Jie said, "Let the big dog persuade his younger brother. His brother's obsession is heavier than him. Because of this obsession, his work becomes more extreme. This time I help the big dog Gong Nanyan, his brother should have nothing to think about. "

Speaking of this, Fang Xie suddenly held his back: "Chen Xiaoru!"

He shouted, "Gather all Xiaoqiang schools and go find the big dogs!"



"I forgot this layer!"

Fang Jie said to himself in annoyance, then jumped down from the city wall, and fell from the two-meter-high wall, just like a big bird. He whistled in midair, the white lion sleeping in the gate of the city drowsily opened his eyes chaotically, and then he jumped up and rushed out of the gate.

When Fang Jie fell, he fell on the white lion.

"I don't know if your nose is good or not, but I need you now to help me find the big dog."

Fang Xie patted the white lion. The white lion understood it, but nodded, and then rushed north along the official road. It didn't take long for one person and one lion to leave. The cavalry of the Xiaoqiang school behind the group rushed out of the city, and the black cloak and red cloak flew forward as if the burning cloud was against the ground.

The white lion has been lying at the gate of the city. It should have seen the big dog out of the city, so it ran straight north, and it didn't stop to smell the smell. The big dog didn't go long, and the special smell on him still faintly remained in the air. Generally, the lion might not capture this faint breath, but it could be chaotic.

After all, the leather robe on the big dog tastes special. In comparison, chaos is not an ordinary beast.

Fang Jie's brow was very tight, and her eyes were urgent.

"Don't go wrong"

He mumbled to himself.

The wind whispered from his ear, and the white lion rushed as if he had left the ground, looking as if he were flying close to the ground.



Most of the villages and towns on Pingshang Road were almost destroyed once Nan Yan and the Tatars marched north. The sturdy walls of counties and counties were preserved, and 10% of the villages where people lived were burned. And unlike the killing of the Tatars, although the Nanyan army did not kill many people, they looted even harder. They not only wanted property, food, but people.

Therefore, almost no people can be seen on the ground from the south of Yongzhou for thousands of miles. This tragedy far exceeds any disaster in the Yongzhou area for thousands of years. Even if the plague was epidemic during the Shang Dynasty, fewer people died than this time. This was originally the land of fish and rice, but now there are only scars.

According to preliminary estimates, the total number of people killed by the slaughter and the people swarmed by the Nanyan people is more than two million. There are at least the number of people who fled and fled. Adding them up is equivalent to the loss of more than half of the ordinary people.

The once prosperous land became a barren land.

It didn't take long for the war to end, and most of the fleeing people had not yet returned, so they looked extraordinarily barren.

There is a small village about fifteen miles from Baishui City, and the house has been completely destroyed. It was raining a while ago, but I couldn't wash away the desolation in the village.

In a small courtyard with bare bare gray-black walls, the big dog crouched on the ground and drank a pipe. A business man in a white robe stood a few meters away from him, lowering his head, and seemed to be attentive.

"You don't seem very happy."

The dog said something after being silent for a while.

I do n’t know what I ’m thinking about, but I was scared a little by the dog ’s words: “No… no, but I was a little uneasy in my heart, thinking of those hard times. Now that General Fang promised to help you, brother How can I be upset when the mountains and mountains are restored? In the future, my elder brother will become emperor, and I will try my best to assist you. "

"Murong Lian"

The big dog suddenly barked.

Catching up for a moment, then wryly smiled: "This name hasn't been heard for a long time, and I heard it suddenly, but there was no response. You were calling me."

"Murong Zheng"

Shangchai looked at the big dog: "This name is better than any big dog, and more hateful than any Shang country."

The dog smiled: "I wonder if I can be a good emperor."

The corners of the chaser's mouth could not help but tremble, and the muscles on his face were twitching: "Yes ... I remember when I was a kid, Father Emperor said more than once, you are better than him. Father Emperor knew exactly how to make one. The emperor, but he couldn't control himself, was intoxicated by the landscape, and loved calligraphy and painting. He wanted to live forever, but he would eventually die without a corpse ... Brother, you will do well, better than anyone. "

"Actually, you are more suitable than me as emperor."

The big dog said with a smile: "However, I ca n’t let the emperor give you ~ ~ You are too hard-hearted. If the general General Nan Yan is destroyed, I will be an emperor for a few years, and then I will be stable. I will give you the throne. You are too aggressive. You will do things for a few years under my control. You will become mature. In a few years, you will grow up a lot. I will rest assured that I will give the throne. A group of fox friends and dog friends eat, drink and gamble. You sit in your golden temple to support people. "

The business chaser apparently froze for a moment, and then laughed at himself: "I? We big businessmen, from the throne to the eldest son."

He took a deep breath, then walked slowly to the big dog: "The two brothers are still similar in appearance, even the voice of the talk is similar, but you are older than me. Look at your face so much Wrinkles, it turned out to be so fast. "


The big dog stood up and habitually embraced the business-chasing shoulders: "You and I are really born alike. If you are older, you can dress as me without having to change your appearance."


Business pursuit nodded, and something suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Yeah, I need to be a little older."

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