Conquer the World

Chapter 623: He is not a genius

Chapter 623 He is not a genius

It was only at such a short distance that Fang Jie saw the immatureness of Sang Yumei. In the past, she always kept a distance from other people, and always covered her face with a gauze. She used to explain that she was not too old. Fang Jie originally thought that she was at least 20 years old, but she could only read it carefully. She found some cute baby fat on her face.

In fact, a person like Sang Yue is so familiar that she can't sleep in front of outsiders in principle. If she is young, she would go out and run away. If she didn't have a guard, she might have been harmed. It may be because the white lion's body is too warm, or it may be that her partner has no alert, so she sleeps so deep.

Fang Jie tried to slowly pull out her hand, but only slightly frowned when she touched Sang's brows, so Fang Jie gave up the idea and let her froze. Fang Jie also leaned on the white lion and closed her eyes to rest. Bearing the weight of two people made the White Lion somewhat dissatisfied, it shook his head, but did not struggle.

I don't know why, there is a very special harmony in the scene of two people and one lion.

I do n’t know how long it took, Mulberry woke up first, she opened her eyes and wanted to raise her hands and rub her eyes, only to find that she was holding the hands of Fangjie tightly. Feeling came out in her heart, she let go of her hand in a panic, and then shrank back.

She looked at Fang Xie awkwardly, thinking he would wake up.

But he seemed to be sleeping deeply and didn't respond.

Mulberry sighed slowly and carefully, comforting himself with a few strokes in his chest with his hands, and only when he spit out his little tongue, did he show his age. She was surprised when she saw the big covering on her body, and then blushed. Seeing Fang Xie was still asleep, she moved her aunt to cover Fang Xie quietly.

After gently covering it, she shrank back again, as if she was afraid of touching Fang Jie and seemed to be avoiding something.

After Fang Jie's body had no contact, her heart eased. She turned her head to look at Fang Jie's face and looked very carefully. In fact, she has no idea how to continue the offspring so far, although she has read the book about the relationship between men and women very seriously.

His face looks good, and his facial features look good.

Before she slept he looked at her, now he slept she looked at him.

The only difference is that Fang Jie actually woke up long ago. From childhood to age, Fang Xie has developed a habit of never going to sleep, even if he keeps a certain alert in his sleep. So he is a bit more tired than most people. The life of ordinary people has been far away since he was born.

He knew that mulberry was watching himself, so it was hard to pretend to sleep.

I thought that Mulberry would leave soon, but Fang Jie felt that Mulberry's eyes had stayed on his face. He couldn't understand how women had such a habit, and could stare at a man's face for so long. In fact, if a woman does not have a good opinion of this man, she is too lazy to look at it.

At this time, Mulberry was not a great master of the Yuan Dynasty, was not taught by Huang Jiao, nor was she running for a family mission. She was just a curious little girl who carefully looked at the destiny in front of her. the man. In fact, she didn't even know that when a woman looked at a man's face so seriously, and she didn't feel bored, she had fallen into it.

Just don't know it.

It was a very calm morning.

No stingy story happened.

It was so quiet, until Fang Jie felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, he pretended to stretch his eyes and opened his eyes, and Sang Li, a major practitioner, only hurriedly looked back at this time, Just like a child who has done something wrong, close his eyes quickly.

"It seems time to eat."

Fang Jie found a topic that wasn't very good, but he found that he could only think of it.


Sang Yue forgot to pretend to sleep, and after a hum, she realized that something was wrong, and then he got up and drilled out of the carriage: "Yeah ... I'm so hungry, I'll find something to eat."

Fang Jie wanted to say that I had it here, but opened his mouth and ended up not saying it.

He watched the petite Suona figure rush out, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. At this time he noticed that the white lion looked at him with a strange look, and that look was clearly a strong and strong contempt, which meant that he was like a coward.

When he got ready, he found something nearby, and didn't know whether it was left by mulberry deliberately or left here. That was the ransom note.

Last time Fang Xie just flipped around arbitrarily while Sang Yi was telling the past, and did not look at this thing carefully. Mulberry said he gave the note to him, but Fang Jie didn't leave it. Maybe it was a bit boring, or maybe it was because I suddenly wanted to know Mulberry, and Fang Jie picked up the notes, and there was an urge to read it from beginning to end.



"I don't know when I think I am destined not to be an ordinary person. Maybe everyone will have such fantasies when they are young, thinking that they are unique and even surpassing everyone. I once asked my fellow villagers When they are asked this question, they will always think very seriously. Fatty answered me after thinking for a long time, and said yes, I think I will be different, and I will double the field in the future. Food. "

"Xiaosheng told me that he also felt that he would be different. He would become the best hunter when he grew up, and even a cunning beast would not escape from his hands. He also said that he would marry one in the future. The most beautiful woman is a wife, and then her wife will become the most child-bearing person in the village, giving birth to twenty! "

This is the beginning of this note. Fang Xie only looked at the first two paragraphs and suddenly resonated. When he was a child, not a child of this age, but a child of a previous life, he always imagined that he would be different from other children. I will become a superhero or a great man in the future. I will be the most handsome one, the richest one, the most successful one.

Everyone has had this idea, and the more often this idea comes up in young age. After reaching adulthood, most of them have forgotten that they were so confident.

He shook his head and continued to look down.

"When I got these answers, I asked myself, you also think you are special, so what kind of person do you want to be in the future? I have thought of many answers, such as Big Fat and Xiao Sheng, as if It's not bad. But I always think it will be too ordinary and I can be more brilliant. "

"That's when I started. I like to sit under the mulberry tree on the mountain and think about it. When the other children are playing house, who will be the groom and the bride? I wonder what I will be like in the future. A kind of special. When other children were called by my father and mother to go back to dinner, I still sat under the mulberry tree to think about this boring question. Until one day ... I suddenly realized that it was meaningless to just imagine this, but just to make people live. Complacent in his own fantasy. "

"So, I tried to change."

Seeing this passage, Fang Jie suddenly felt that this turmoil was somewhat similar to a well-known scientist in his previous impressions.

What Fang Xie saw next confirmed this.

"I sat under the mulberry tree in the spring and under the mulberry tree in the autumn ... I saw the mulberry tree sprouting and the mulberry leaves falling, so I thought, why did the leaves fall instead of going up? I reached out to catch a fallen leaf I found that the leaves are very light, but even if it is light, he has weight, so it will fall. When the wind blows, the leaves will be swept away by the wind, because the wind can blow the leaves, but why ca n’t I The wind is flying away into the sky? "

"Because the leaves are lighter than me."

Looking at the simple and obvious things like this, San Ran took the notes very seriously. Everyone knows this kind of truth, they know it at a very young age, but they don't think about it as seriously as San Ran, because for most people, there is no reason at all.

"If the wind becomes very strong, then it is possible to send people into the sky. But such huge winds are not available all year round, or daily, so it is not practical for people to fly with the help of wind. I think that even if we can fly with the help of wind, it is the wind rather than the person who leads the flight. People can only let the wind blow in one direction, not in the direction they want to go. "

"I thought about that again, would I be a special person?"

Sang Luan repeatedly mentioned this idea, an idea that everyone and children would have.

"If I can fly, then I'm a special person."

"If I could fly, everyone would look up to me ... this is the first time I thought about letting others look up, and I forgot how old I was at that time. But when this idea came up, I could no longer control it, sometimes I think back , Future achievements are precisely because of the paranoid dream at that time ... let everyone look up. "

When Fang Jie saw this sentence, he felt some emotion, because he knew that Sanlan had already forgotten this dream. The later turmoil did not require everyone to look up, but to rule everyone. On the surface, there seems to be no difference, but the difference lies in the mentality of the person looking up at him. Respect is also looking up, and fearful is looking up.

Fang Jie felt a little uncomfortable when I thought about it, and suddenly thought that human experience can really change one's essence. That is, at this time, Fang Xie suddenly felt a little panic. He has a lot from nothing to the present, is he still the same as before?

Will it be as lost as the chaos?

"At this time, I have two choices to immerse myself in thinking ... change myself or the outside world. For example, if I want to fly, should I change the wind so that it can blow me, or change myself to be taken away by the wind like a leaf?"

Fang Jie didn't know how old Sangran was when he considered this, but obviously such an idea is no longer a child. Because this is not a joke, but a serious thought.

"In the beginning, I observed the changes of the four seasons wind, hoping to find out the rules, as if it took a few years. Then if I make sure that I do not change, then I cannot change the outside world."

Such a truth ~ ~ It took a long time to determine the mulberry chaos! This shows that he may not be a genius, because the problems he initially thought were actually very simple.

"But where do you change yourself?"

Fang Jie can imagine how complicated the mood is when San Ran began to think about how to change himself, because the human body is stereotyped, and only things that can be changed can be found from the stereotyped body. Fang Xie was lost in thought. He wanted to know how long it took Sang Luan to make sure that Dan Tian could store the inner strength, and how long it took him to realize that he could transform the heaven and earth energy into inner strength.

"When I determined that I needed to change myself first, I spent three days feeling the pure vitality of the outside world, and it took three days to absorb these vitality into the lower abdomen, and I felt like something like a pill was in The outline gradually appeared in my lower abdomen, so I called this thing Dan, and the place where this Dan was conceived was called Dantian. "

Six days!

It took only six days for San Ran to decide to change himself to be able to practice!

Fang Jie completely overturned his previous feelings. San Ran was more than a genius. He might be a **** at the time!

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