Conquer the World

Chapter 614: Pomegranate tree

Chapter 614 Pomegranate Tree Pomegranate Skirt

The emperor gave Yang Chengqian a glance after the explanation, and he saw the indescribable fear in the eyes of his son. This fear disappointed him, although he knew his son was still a child. Such a secret would be frightened even if it was told to an adult.

But he was still dissatisfied. In his opinion, the descendants of the Yang family should not show such expressions.

"I know you are still young, but you are already emperor ..."

He looked at Yang Chengqian and said, "I have mentioned it twice before. The children of the Yang family must be prepared to sacrifice for the continuation of the Great Sui Dynasty. No one is exception, including me and you. The third time, you have to remember, don't forget a word. "

"Children ..."

Yang Chengqian's shoulders trembled slightly, and it took a while before he bowed his head: "The sons and daughters have memorized, and one word will never be forgotten!"

"That's good"

The emperor's face eased a little: "Go out, I have something to say with your mother."

"Children retired"

Yang Chengqian bowed out, and glanced at his mother before going out. He saw his mother's eyes softly attached to his father's face, and his father had long lost his grace. The father now looked like a dead body, but the mother was not disgusted.

He didn't understand these, after all, he was still very young.

Moreover, at this time, his mind was full of the secret that his father had previously said. If the secret that the old dean had told him before has already surprised him, it is impossible to add another secret. Then another secret that the father just said made him mind. There was a chill, and it was so cold.

Like falling ice cave.

He didn't dare to think about it, or to recall what his father had just said in his ears. Those words kept echoing in his head, making him more and more frightened. He walked faster and faster after coming out of Dongnuan Pavilion, and finally started to run wildly, as if there were some wild beasts behind him or the evil spirit Yasha was chasing after him.

So embarrassed.

In Dong'an Pavilion, the emperor felt the queen's palm gently touching his face, and he liked the temperature in the palm of his hand. For so many years, he has become accustomed to all of her. When he was outside, the first thing he thought of was the foundation of their Yang family, and the second was the woman who had been with him for decades.

She still seemed so beautiful and never changed. Although her forehead had wrinkles in her eyes, although the skin on her face was not as blown off as when she was a girl, although her figure was slightly out of shape, but she was in him My eyes are always so beautiful.

"In fact, before I return, what I fear most is not to see you last."

The emperor rubbed her palm with her face.

"But I'm afraid to come back and let you see that I am no ghost or ghost now. I don't want to leave without a glance at you, and I don't want to make you more uncomfortable because I look at you for the last look.

The queen fell down, resting her head on the emperor's chest. As always, although his chest was wide and warm at that time, now it is as cold as a layer of skin on the ribs. When he breathed, it sounded like a broken bellows sound. Every breath was difficult, so he seemed to have a big undulation on his chest, but it was so weak.

The emperor raised his hand and stroked the queen's hair.

"His Majesty knows that His Majesty has mercy on me, but His Majesty has forgotten that His Majesty is his Majesty no matter what he becomes, and His Majesty is always His Majesty."

This was a bit of a mouthful, but the emperor understood.

"If you can……"

The emperor's eyes were a little confused: "I think it's actually good to not be an emperor. I just live with you indifferently. Maybe I quarrel about trivial things every day, but there may be a lot of things left in my memory. Sitting together in a daze, worrying about what to eat next, let ’s write some couples for the holiday, and shake the boat and say some homeless things on the lake ... But I became the emperor, so These are gone. After becoming emperor, there are not many days to remember with you ... "

"Kenchen knows, His Majesty's heart is always here."

The queen murmured in the arm of the emperor, just as it had been. He was in his prime, and she was in cardamom. He is everything to her, and she is his life. Although the emperor was now thin and dry, she still wanted to find security in his arms like a bird.

"Be my wife, I'm suffering you."

The emperor said.

My voice was a little trembling.

"But Chen Ye only feels sweet and doesn't know what is suffering. Whether you are an emperor or not, whether you are busy or not, I know that you will come back when you need to rest and lie beside me. That's enough ... I'm a woman with no talent, so I can't help you more, I can only do it without disturbing you, letting you do what you want to do ... You have no regrets Why am I sorry? "

When Su Bu was afraid of death, the emperor thought he had no tears.

But now he burst into tears.

"Come with me for a walk. I want to see the pomegranate that I planted in front of your palace door. I dug a pit for you to water for more than ten years. I want to see if it grows tall ... ... "

"it is good"

The queen nodded, not telling the emperor that the pomegranate tree had been dead for three years. No matter how she watered, fertilized or rescued, she did not keep it.



The queen pushed the wheelchair, and the emperor sat on it covered with a thick blanket. The guards have blocked everything they have passed and no one is allowed in. After all, the emperor had been dead for a long time in most people in Changan City, and he did not want to add any trouble to the prince.

"I remember when you promised to build a small lake in this palace, but you never did."

The emperor was trapped in the memory, but he was not miserable but only guilty: "I remember, after planting the pomegranate tree that year, you said you wanted to put a paper kite, and I also wanted to accompany you, but I told you that you were The queen is the main dignity of the harem of the mother of all peoples. That is too offensive, but I still said it and regretted it for a long time. Since then you have never said anything like this to me. I know you do n’t blame me But to do what I ask. "

The queen kept making herself laugh, even though tears flowed on her face.

"Your Majesty secretly took me to the Royal Garden to put a paper kite at night?"

She laughed.

"But I still regret it"

The emperor shook his head slightly: "You started to follow me at the age of fourteen, and I always asked you to do that, but you never asked me to do anything. You are quiet and unhappy, and I always let you yourself You will be satisfied quietly in the dormitory. Later I learned that you deliberately made people plant flowers and talk with them because they were too deserted. "

"So you sent someone to find a precious pair of birds, they can learn human language, and make me happy."

Said the queen.

The emperor said: "How can that be ..."

"Why not?"

The queen asked.

The emperor had no way to answer, but had to apologize and smile: "What is the first sentence you taught the bird?"

The queen's face was slightly red, and she shook her head without answering.

"How are you, Shiro?"

The emperor laboriously pulled his hand out of the thick blanket and held the hand of the queen's cart: "Although you are also in this palace, I am also in this palace, but it is not uncommon to meet once every half month. I know you want to ask me if you're okay, but there is no way to ask, so you learned by that clever thing, and accompanied you to ask ... how are you, Shiro? "

The queen's tears ran silently down her cheeks, but she still smiled happily.

"Your Majesty knew it."

she says.

"Yeah ... I know, but I still haven't found time to accompany you. I have forgotten how long we haven't walked and talked together like this. It's not the annoying state affairs, just talk like this words."

The queen wanted to tell him that it was seven years, nine months, and sixteen days, but she didn't say it.

"I forgot too"

She answered.

The emperor smiled and did not poke the queen's heartwarming lie.

"Remember when you and I first met ... you wore a lotus-colored gauze skirt, only fourteen years old, standing like a hibiscus and timid and afraid to look at me. At first glance I knew that you were No one is allowed to take my people. Whoever robs me will fight desperately with me. "

The queen said softly: "What I think is that this man doesn't look as handsome and handsome as his father said, with a messy beard, messy hair, and messy clothes. It looks like a lazy man. "

The emperor laughed and coughed up blood.

"Yeah, before that day, I drank with my brothers in the middle of the night and drank in the middle of the night. If it weren't for Lao Qi to persuade me, I wouldn't have seen you ... at that time, some of our brothers still had some real feelings, Father The emperor's body is still healthy, so his heart is much simpler than later. I still remember that I lost to the sixth old pair of jade unicorns that night ... I haven't given it to him yet. "

"Because Your Majesty saw me the next day, I forgot what I promised."

When the queen was not yet the queen, she often said such witty words to him.

"Haha ..."

The emperor smiled recklessly, and didn't care about the cough that was caused by the laughter, and the cough would spit blood, and the chest would be terribly painful. There was no pain or worry on his face. And the queen still pretended to reach out and wipe the blood off the corner of his mouth for nothing, saying nothing to worry or fear.

So tacit.



The two people said something that seemed very casual, and then cried and laughed casually. It seemed that she was pushing him to slowly walk on the martyrdom of Tai Chi Temple, but he and she were anxious, anxious Feeling the last time that two people were together.

Near the door of the queen's palace, the emperor suddenly smiled and said, "I know that with your nature, after I die, all you have is Cheng Qian, so you will not allow anyone to hurt him in any way. ... but he is my son and a descendant of the Yang family. Some things must be faced. "

"My minister knows."

The queen bowed her head and smoothed out the emperor's hair that was torn by the wind: "Cheng Qian is my child. I want to protect him, but he is also your child. How could you harm him? I believe you."

she says.

The corner of the emperor's mouth trembled slightly, and he did not continue.

"When the old dean accepted Lao Qi as an apprentice, Lao Qi came back and told me that the old dean was a fairy. At that time I ran to him and asked him if I could practice. The old dean did not go out. He just told me that living is spiritual practice. At that time, he might have noticed that my body was ill, but he did n’t say anything. I was selfish ... So I thought of many ways to try to extend my life for a few more years, so I would be old. The dean told me to visit the Northwest in the near future, because only those disgusting bugs could continue my life for me, but I couldn't do it in the palace, not only because the people below knew it, but also because you knew that I would hate me ... I know you are most afraid of bugs ... "

The queen said with a smile: "Your Majesty has forgotten that His Majesty likes everything."

The emperor was silent for a while ~ ~ also laughed: "Why am I not?"

The queen pushed the emperor to the gate of the palace, and the emperor saw the pomegranate tree that had died but had not been removed.

"Push me over and water."

The emperor said.

"Your Majesty ... Chen Ye failed to save it ..."

Said the queen.

But she still found a kettle, and took his hand to water the dead pomegranate tree.

"I just want to ... die here."

The emperor smiled.


The kettle fell to the ground and splashed her dress.

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