Conquer the World

Chapter 562: Rose for Mantle and White Lion for Bed

(No. 3, hold on!)

Chapter 562 The Rose as a Mantle and the White Lion as a Bed

"Later, the people of Wudao City were almost killed by the Buddhism and the Kuoktaimeng family, and Wudao City was destroyed once. But that child was protected by the Wudao people, like a mess, eating hundreds. The family grew up. They lived in the mountains, and the remaining people in Wudao City avoided living. "

After Sang Li said this, she looked at Fang Jie and found that the other side's eyes were also sad.

When the story is here, it seems that it is not necessary to continue. The latter thing does not need to be described by Mulberry. Even if this note is not mentioned, the solution can infer most of it. The Buddhism claims that this prairie was ruled by demons over a thousand years ago, and the people were miserable. At this time, the brave golden family, the Koktaimeng family, stood up and led the prairie people to resist the rule of demons.

And the decisive role in this magnificent battle is the King of the Great Wheel who is admired forever. King Ming brought his disciples into a desperate struggle with the devil, and eventually killed the devil, successfully helping the Koktaimeng family to build a brand new empire called Meng Yuan.

These things are familiar to everyone on the grassland in the preaching of Buddhism. Even a few-year-old child can tell the legendary past with excitement.

Mulberry fell into silence, and Fang Jie fell into silence.

After a while, Fang Xie suddenly remembered something. He pointed at the white lion and asked, "Is this the one?"

Mulberry shook his head slightly: "Nature is not ... it does n’t know how to practice, how could it live for thousands of years. It is the offspring of the mulberry mount, although I have n’t seen it, but the moment it sees me, it should know Very close. So it will follow. "

Fang Xie smiled: "Fortunately not, otherwise it is really worrying to have a millennium old monster around. Now you can tell me why you gave this note to me, and why did you come to me far away? Tell the story? "

Mulberry looked at Fang Jie, and slowly took off the golden scarf from her face.

At this moment, Fang Xie held his breath.

This is a beautiful face that can only be described in two words.

It can no longer be described in other languages, because any language is redundant. Fang Xie has seen a lot of women, and she is also famous for her popularity. Even the three women around me are amazing. Not to mention he has seen women like Mo Ningzhi who can't find any flaws, but he is still attracted by this face and can't look away.

"Because I am a descendant of turmoil."

Mulberry managed the hair in front of his forehead, lowered his head, and the redness of his face was so beautiful. There are many flowers in the world, but none of them is more beautiful by her cheeks.

"Is the only descendant of San Ran, and is the only woman for thousands of years ... The posterity of San Ran has been a single pass, and I am no exception. There are no brothers and sisters. Perhaps because of fate, my father, grandfather, all met The most perfect wife in their lives may be because of the curse. If the descendants of San Ran casually combine with a woman, they cannot continue the family ... Fortunately, the descendants of San Ran are like San Ran, always It is possible to meet their other half. "

"This woman must be perfectly close to nature to be able to combine with the descendants of Sangran. Perhaps it is because the suffocation of Sangran is too heavy and only such a woman can resolve it."

She quickly looked up at Fang Jie, then lowered her head quickly.

Fang Jie was surprised and finally understood.

Mulberry said in a very light voice: "Although Mulberry is a bad star, he has done too many sins, but after all, he is my ancestor, and I can't let the Mulberry family die."

Fang Xie found that his face was redder and hotter than Sang Ling. He smiled and lowered his head: "I see. Your ancestors can meet natural born women who are close to the natural constitution, and then combine to continue the offspring. But ... you are the only woman in the future, and you are naturally close to nature. Then ... why am I? "

Fang Xie asked.

"Because Chaos chose you."

Mulberry said with a bowed head: "The person who the White Lion chaos chooses is the same person as Mulberry. At the time, Mulberry was meditating under the mulberry tree in Wudao Mountain. The small white lion was sitting beside him, and it confirmed He never left again. For a long time, the descendants of the Sang family have been accompanied by white lions, but my ancestors have not been born and have been living in the mountains in seclusion. When my mother was pregnant, the white lion suddenly left It hasn't appeared since then. Later, when I was born, my father and mother understood why the white lion left ... because I was a girl. "

"I have never seen it, but it should be familiar to me."

Sang's head was getting lower and lower, so that she couldn't see her face: "My father is sorry, but there is no way, because the reason that we can't determine for ourselves, the sons and daughters of the Sang family passed on from generation to generation, so the father even I do n’t have a chance to want a child. So, for thousands of years, I was the first person in the Sang family to walk out of the mountains and join the WTO. Because of the chaos in the grassland, I also came to the grassland, and I have been observing in secret for all these years Chaotic, I know it will find the right owner ... "

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and her beautiful face was buried in her knees.

"You mean ..."

Fang Xie frowned slightly, and asked with some uncertainty: "Why did the White Lion Chaos choose me because I have the same constitution as your ancestors?"


Fang Xie's face became a little ugly, and then asked a word that made Sang Yue extremely surprised: "Is it possible that I am your brother or something? By the way, how old are you?"


Mulberry opened his mouth, and then murmured, "I have already said that the Sang family single pass ..."



The wind penetrated the woods, blowing the roses on the fence. She also blew Mulberry's long and soft hair. After a moment of silence, she blushed and asked the solution: "Will you?"

Fang Xie stunned for a while, then shook his head very animal: "I just want you to think about it, this kind of thing ... It's not just casual. And this place is not so good."

Mulberry said: "When the ancestor San Ran met his wife, he used the white lion as a bed."

Fang Jie made a shock, and gave a subconscious glance at the white lion lying on the edge of the rose. Suddenly I found that this scene was actually very beautiful. The extremely majestic white lion was so harmonious in the extremely delicate rose lace. The white lion looked at Fang Jie chaos and looked at Mulberry, confused, and seemed to have no idea what role he was.

Fang Jie stunned for a while, then took a deep breath.

He stood up and looked at Sang Yan very seriously and said, "If I say that I don't want to believe even myself, what kind of appearance I want to say is clear, even I feel arrogant. No matter who you are, you will feel right Love and admiration. To be honest, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, so long as you are not stupid, you will not reject you recklessly. You can have the courage to say this, and I admire it from my heart. Because I can see that you Purer than flawless white jade. "


Fang Xie paused and said, "If I agree now and then what we really do, you really won't regret it? Just give your body to a stranger for a legend, even if it is only for the succession of the Sang family. A casual thing. Maybe you have been preparing for this for a long time and take it for granted. But I can't! "


Mulberry asked: "Are you in trouble?"

Fang Xie glanced out of the woods. Although he could see nothing, they seemed to see Mu Xiaoyao's anxious and worried faces. Then he remembered what Mu Xiaoyao had said not long ago, and the lovely blush on her face when she said that.

"I want to have a child for you. I'm not young anymore. I'm older than them."

This resounded in Fang Jie's ears, very clear.

Fang Xie smiled, the sky was clear.

"You are responsible for your Sang family, so you come to me a long way. It doesn't touch me. There are only accidents and surprises. If you are unhappy, you do n’t believe me, right? But I also want to do it for me. Women are responsible, responsible for myself, and responsible for my descendants. "


Mulberry obviously did not understand the meaning of the solution.

"Before you walked into the woods, you also saw that the three women behind me are all my women. Even if I especially want to throw you down now, I still have to hold back to discuss with them, this is not my pretentiousness , But must do. I want to do with me, are two different things, which is what I said, I am responsible to my woman. Whether you admit it or not, if it happens After that, you are my woman, and I need to take responsibility for you. "

"I'm not"

Mulberry shook his head: "I just found a suitable person and did something that must be done."

"Then I'm even more unhappy."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "You can use the maiden-like ice and clear jade to describe in my eyes, although this is only the first time you and I met. To say something vulgar, it is true that the maiden who has fallen asleep A matter of pride and pride. But why should I obey what you have to do because you are beautiful? "

Sang Yun apparently froze for a moment, then looked at Fang Xie and asked seriously: "I thought about it, these are not the reasons why you rejected me. When you asked me how old you were, I could feel that you were tempted by me, not Can I tell you, I'm younger than you. If you think this is a deal, you can talk about your terms. "

Fang Jie sighed, "You're really not a talking person. This is a bit insulting, do you know?"


Sang Wei looked at Fang Jie and lowered his head again: "You should be able to appreciate the despair of my father when he saw me as a girl, and even chaos left him. Isn't this sorrow that can give you some Compassion and sympathy? I just want to soothe an old man's heart, and I don't want to let the Sang family stop. "

"You have your reason, I have my reason."

Fang Jie sorted out his clothes, pointed around and said, "It's good here. I actually like this tone, but I don't like it today."

"Then tomorrow?"

Mulberry asked.

"You are in a hurry?"

Fang Xie asked: "Why urgent?"

After being silent for a while, Sang Yun looked at Fang Xie and said, "Because you will soon die ~ ~ I must finish this before you die."

Fang Jie's heart tightened a little, then shook his head: "Meng Yuan's Great Kingdom Master ... Although you are a wizard who created a sectarian door after walking out of the mountain, have you been deceived into a habit that is so true? Think you have the ability to see through the future? You said I was going to die soon, then you tell me why I would die? "

"Because King Ming did not die, he is now more anxious to find you than Luo Yao."

Mulberry's answer was serious.

Fang Jie stunned, and then still smiled: "You may not understand something, whether it is Ming Wang or Luo Yao, the relationship with me is not doomed. I just said something I didn't want to say just now. But now I think I must tell you clearly. You said that you want to continue the Sang family's bloodline, so you found me ... The most powerful thing about this thing from the beginning to the end is that you didn't find the right person, but It's you who didn't figure out the root of the matter. "

Fang Xie pointed his nose seriously and said, "Even if you have my bones, it's not your Sang's child, but my Fang's, do you understand?"

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