Conquer the World

Chapter 537: His name is Su Tugou

Chapter 537 His Name Is Tu Tugou

"Why doesn't he wait for him to wake up and tell him in person?"

Zhuo Buyi hesitated for a moment and said, "You also know that he is paranoid. If I tell him these things after waking up, he will have more doubts in his heart."

"Qing Niu and I are going to the Daxue Mountain tonight. He may have to sleep for a day or two before waking up."

Yang Qi glanced at Fang Xie, and pressed his hand to press Fang Xie floating in the mid-air body slowly falling down. He was still asleep and felt nothing. At this time, Zhuo Buyi also guessed why Yang Qi first closed the six senses of the square solution. When Yang Qi stripped the two red gases from the square solution, it must be a very painful process, and the six senses were sealed. , Fang Jie could not realize this pain.

"He can't find me, you can just let him go back to the Central Plains. There is where he should be. Now that the curse has been eliminated, those who stare at him all the time lose their sense. In the future, he will have to go on his own. Someone could take that step on his own many years ago. He may not be able to. It is not easy to have such a good seed in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, and I will not watch him fall prematurely. "

He has been talking about the Central Plains, not Da Sui.

Zhuo Yiyi was keenly aware of this, and thought of it for almost no thought. Prince Zhong does not say that Da Sui only talks about the Central Plains. He wants to see that he has seen the current situation in Da Sui. It is not easy for the Yang family to get through this difficulty. Perhaps in Prince Zhong's heart, the end of Da Sui had already been foreseen.

He didn't go back to help the emperor to turn the tide, because he was more important here.

With him, Meng Yuan's chaos will last longer and more thoroughly. He protects Kokotai Mengge from dying. It is not a matter of a moment when the Buddhist sect wants to win. And in the future, if Kokotai Mengge is about to win, he may not hesitate to kill this hero. Zhuo Buyi then understood the loyalty of Prince Yang Qi, who loved more than Da Sui? He loves the people of Central Plains.

Da Sui could perish, but he couldn't bear to see the Central Plains people endure more ordeal.

In the Central Plains chaos, the biggest enemy is actually not himself but Meng Yuan. While the Great Sui collapsed, Meng Yuan, who was still strong without turmoil, was bound to send troops. At that time, the forces in the Central Plains were at war, who had the ability and mind to stop the invasion of foreign enemies? At that time, the western part of Dasui will be full of life. It was for this reason that he was able to force Koktaimunge to send troops to Daxueshan. At the most dangerous time in the Central Plains, he moved Meng Yuan's soldiers elsewhere.

Therefore, Prince Zhong did not go back to help Yang Yi stabilize the rivers and mountains, but stayed in Wang Ting to make the Yuan more chaotic. Only with the mess of Meng Yuan's chaos, there was no room to advance eastward.

"When do you ... return to Central Plains?"

Asked Zhuo Buyi.

My voice was a little desolate.

Yang Qi smiled and looked up at the bright stars in the sky: "Since my first journey west, I never thought about going back again. Wait a minute ... After I went to Daxue Mountain with Qingniu tonight, Have the strength to go back ... "

He didn't say the next words, Zhuo Buyi understood.

Because of the arrival of Xiang Qingniu, Yang Qi had a powerful assistant, so he planned to get up and go to Daxueshan. This is the weakest period of King Ming. Yang Qi ’s biggest opponent is the Great Freedom Tianzun who never left Dalun Temple. Even if Yang Qixiu is a psychic, he may not be able to stop the siege of other masters in the Buddhism when he is at ease with him. With Xiang Qingniu, he can let go.

"Ming King cannot exist."

Yang Qi was silent for a while and said: "It is rare for a person to live, die, or die for a hundred years. Some people live too long to be demons, contrary to the rules of human existence. Only when such people die, the order on earth can be restored. "

"King Ming has never died?"

Zhuo Buyi was shocked: "But isn't the rumor said that the Ming dynasty would teach all the cultivation to the Buddha?"

"The Buddha ..."

Yang Qi said in disgust: "It's just a container for the Ming king. The world thinks that the Ming king's inheritance is only a ritual, and the Ming king's generation after generation. But the Ming king wants only the physical body of the Buddha, which is far beyond the ordinary physical quality. He never Never died. "

Hearing these words, Zhuo Buyi's heart couldn't help jumping up. If what Yang Qi said is true, Ming Wang has mastered a very profound practice, he can transfer his soul to a young body, and then repeat the cycle, then he has not lived for thousands of years?

In the past millennia, the alternation of Ming kings is just that he is changing his body!

If this is the case, how powerful is the Ming King who has accumulated thousands of years of practice?

Zhuo Buyi did not dare to think about it, nor could he imagine it. At this time, he finally understood what kind of decisive Yang Qi would be after his first westbound trip. Perhaps from the beginning, Yang Qi knew what kind of person he was going to challenge, and he even left the category of people. But he never flinched and never feared.

In a sense, he was not fighting at all.

Zhuo Buyi exhaled a long breath, and the waves in his heart made him unable to calm down. The Buddhism has been in the Western Regions for nearly a thousand years. It was originally a toy of the Ming Dynasty. He has been overlooking this world for so long on the lotus throne of Dalun Temple on the top of Daxue Mountain, so long that he may even forget how many years he has experienced.

"This white lion is called Chaos."

Yang Qi glanced at the lion, and smiled, "There is a Poetry Sutra in the Buddhism, which records many strange beasts in this world. Chaos is a fierce thing. It is recorded in the Poor Sutra that it meets kindness People will be violent, and people who meet evil will obey the command. Wherever they go, there will be military disasters. It always exists, but it will only appear frequently when the army is in turmoil. In fact, where is this? Such absurd and bizarre things are just fabricated to deceive the world. However, it does appear in any place where there is war and seems to be looking for something. "

Zhuo Buyi froze for a while and said suddenly, "Looking for someone who is fierce?"

Yang Qi did not say any more. He raised his head and looked at the sky and said, "Heaven allows someone to steal his life, which means that the heavens are unfair, so people can only rely on themselves. Now is the weakest time in the Ming Dynasty's history. He chose the body and removed it. It should be difficult. Everyone should live in their own world, not other people's toys. He once said that this world is full of humiliation, and I let him see, there are always people who are upright. The backbone is walking. "

After saying this, Yang Qi disappeared into Zhuo Buyi's sight.

Also took the Chen brothers.

Zhuo Buyi suddenly had an illusion, as if there were only two people left between him and Fangjie. A sensation never before breeded in his heart, and soon filled the whole heart socket. My heart was cold and warm for a while, and cold and summer alternated. He also looked up to the sky, his eyes full of doubt and anxiety.



When Fang Xie woke up, it was already the morning of the third day. At the moment when he opened his eyes, an unprecedented fatigue instantly permeated the whole body. He didn't even have the strength to sit up and wanted to raise his arms and rub his painful eyes. Can't do it. When Red Eyes first appeared, he had a similar feeling but not so strong, so strong that he even thought he was dead.

There is no strength in the body, and the pain in the eyes makes people want to hit a stone.

He wanted to speak, but there was no sound in his throat.

Fortunately, he saw Zhuo Buyi, who was sitting beside him with his head out.

Seeing him awake, Zhuo Buyi fed him a drink of water, and when the cool water flowed down his throat, Fang Jie felt that he had recovered some strength.

"What's wrong with me?"

It took a while before Fang Xie was able to speak.

"Prince Loyal has been here."

Zhuo Buyi said.

The white male lion saw Fang Jie wake up, trot over and lay down beside Fang Jie, rubbing Fang Jie's face with a huge head from time to time, as if he was extremely worried about him.

Zhuo Buyi was silent for a while, and explained the words of the loyal Prince Yang Qi truthfully, trying not to leave a word behind, so he spoke very slowly. Fang Jie's face changed, and the surprise in her eyes was strong. When he heard Zhuo Buyi saying that Yang Qi said that his red eyes were the bane, the turbulence in his heart turned upside down. He always thought that those red eyes were also a kind of physical innate possession, and never had any doubts.

After Zhuo Buyi finished speaking, Fang Xie immediately thought that when he was taking shelter in the cave during the heavy rain that day, Luo Yao appeared suddenly outside the cave. As if he always knew he was there.

Then he thought about how the golden flame appeared in his eyes for the first time, how similar to the fire exhibited by Luo Yao that day!

And I have never considered any connection between them.

Those red eyes, the golden flames, are the marks that Luo Yao left in his body. It is also a kind of protection for him. When encountering danger, what Luo Yao left behind will automatically come out to protect him, showing how important his physical body is for Luo Yao.

Now Prince Yang Qi, the prince, pulled the mark from him.

Although he lost one of his most powerful abilities, Fang Jie suddenly felt like he wanted to laugh out loud. With Zhuo Buyi's narration, his mood changed from shock and horror to his relief now.

"Where did the lord go?"

Fang Xie asked.

"Dalun Temple"

These words were squeezed out of Zhuo Buyi's throat, which was a bit difficult.

Fang Xie was silent for a while and said, "He didn't even have time to wait for me to wake up ..."

He suddenly thought of something, and then asked Zhuo Buyi: "But there is another man who seems to be smirking with the prince?"

Zhuo Yiyi shook his head: "He just came by himself."

Fang Xie silently, the joy that was born in his heart sank instantly. Prince Zhong came, but Su Tugou didn't come ... Maybe the man who looked silly always had a big smile, I don't know when he was dead. He thought of the boss's beautiful face, and in his mind gradually merged with Su Tugou's ugly face, so good.

"Are we going back?"

Asked Zhuo Buyi.

Fang Xie nodded: "Go back, it's time to go back ..."

He looked at the white lion lying beside him: "What's your name?"

The lion raised his head and looked at him, seeming a little dazed. Fang Xie raised his hand and stroked his long hair: "No matter what, they said you are the fierce thing, so find a fierce person as a companion. If this is the case ... then you have to get used to walking me Now. "

Zhuo Buyi helped him climb up to the back of the White Lion, and the White Lion raised his hair and made a loud roar.

The voice reverberated on the grassland and did not disperse for a long time.



Daxue Mountain

About fifteen miles from the foot of the mountain, there is a newly transplanted pine tree ~ ~ still very small, only tall. The pine tree looked solitary, guarding a solitary grave. One tree and one grave go together, it feels not that they are taking care of each other, but that two loneliness are added together.

The prairie people do not have the habit of standing graves after death, so this grave bag looks so eye-catching. But the grave is so close to Daxue Mountain, but no one has been destroying it.

Xiang Qingniu picked off a jug from the waist and handed it to Yang Qi, without speaking.

Yang Qi squatted down in front of the grave bag and opened it to see that the flask was almost full. He didn't know that although an old man was drunk, he just took a sip of this last pot of pear blossoms, then sealed the lid seriously, and never thought about drinking too much.

Yang Qi brewed the fragrant pear flowers before the grave.

"His name is Su Tugou, a man who killed 127 gold monks. He is called Su Tugou, and before he died, he severed a man who protected the neck of the Buddha. I will be shy before closing my eyes and say I think my daughter-in-law is. "

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