Conquer the World

Chapter 521: Desire never to be satisfied

Chapter 521 will never be satisfied

Bingduo sat on the stone wall and looked up at the moon blocked by the dark clouds. He couldn't help but laugh at himself, before he never thought that he would sit down with a Han and talk so peacefully. And still on the battlefield, the person who was supposed to be his enemy was sitting opposite him and watching him quietly, while he was holding the wine pouch that the other party had just handed over.

Only the four orc scouts were squatting behind the bones. At this time, it seemed that they were no different from normal people. From time to time, they looked at the solution in fear, and then they shrank and seemed to be cold.

"In fact, Meng Yuan started to be a little confused two years ago, but at the time Khan tried to block the news, but it was not successful."

Guduotuo took a sip of wine, his tone was a bit sad.

"You guessed right, the reason I knew these things was that the orc scouts passed the message back and forth with Wang Ting. I knew what had happened before Kokotai was violently informed. It was because of me You know, so I felt scared earlier than them. Even now, people from so many tribes and so many small countries on the prairie do not know why this happened suddenly and why. "

He remained silent for a while and continued, "About two years ago, it is said that a Buddhist monk escaped from Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain and brought some golden monks. At that time, Tianzun did not send someone to chase him. You know, but I have a great relationship with the Master ... that is, the big shaman of our Mongolian Yuan. He likes me to drink with her, because she said that I am the simplest person and have no evil thoughts. "

"That was the night before I left Wang Ting and was sent by Khan to Koktai Menglie. The teacher came to see me off. She drank a lot of wine, and lay on the table and said a lot of nonsense. She told me She said that there would be no balance in the steppe, unless the next world hero who could sweep the steppe appeared. She told me that since leaving, do n’t go back to the steppe and find a chance to run away and do what you want. . "

"I asked her what happened. She didn't say it at first, but she kept telling me not to go back. Later, or because she was too drunk, she started to say something I had never heard before. thing."

"I was frightened at that time, if I was not a distinguished teacher, I would really cover her mouth and stop her talking. Those words made people scared and trembled. If I heard them out, Definitely killed immediately ... "

Speaking of bones and vomiting when he was here, there seemed to be a lingering fear: "Guo Shi said that a deity in Dalun Temple fled and brought a group of gold monks. At the time, I didn't understand it. What distinguished person is the disciple most trusted by the Ming king, why did he flee? "

"I asked the teacher, the teacher said ..."

Bingduo looked at Fang Jie, the meaning in his eyes was very complicated.

Fang Xie listened quietly without interruption.

"Guo Shi said ... In fact, King Ming was seriously injured many years ago, and she did not say how many years ago. She said that with the power of King Ming, no one in this world can hurt him. If there is, it can only be him. Herself. She explained that the king seemed to practice what he was doing, but he hurt himself by failing to do so. The matter was clearly kept by the king, even the four heavenly masters did not tell. "

"Later, I do n’t know how this news was leaked out. Da Zunzun Tianzun knew that King Ming was seriously injured, so he began to send people to choose the most suitable person as the heir from the Buddha. I don't understand. And Ming Wang doesn't seem to agree with this ... The teacher said it was messy, and I probably only remember it. "

Budo continued, "The King of the Ming is a god, even if he hurts himself, it is nothing. He has boundless magic power and can certainly heal himself. But at this time, there is a demon from the East ... you Sui People, a Sui came from the East with a sword and killed from the east of the prairie all the way to the Daxue Mountain. Tianzun couldn't stop it, and he injured two of them. "

"Guo Shi said that because he didn't know what it was like, Tianzun couldn't leave Dalun Temple, so after the three major Tianzun defeated in succession, Ming Wang started to do it himself. He suppressed the demon, but aggravated his injury."

Fang Jie frowned slightly, and didn't even dare to breathe out loud to disturb the boned narrative. He didn't expect that these secrets would come out of such a person. Although the words that Buguduo said were very illogical, a few years ago, a few years ago, and a dozen years ago, Fang Jie was able to straighten out his thinking.

"After the demon was suppressed, Ming Wang's injury seemed to be worse."

Bingduo took a sip of wine to calm himself, took a deep breath, and continued, "Continuing the previous thing, about two years ago, Ming Wang's injury was already very serious, but Da Zunzun Tianzun suddenly made one. It ’s hard to understand. He shot and killed the Buddha who had the most hope of succeeding to the throne of Ming, and then intended to force the king to give way. "

Upon hearing these words, Fang Xie's pupils suddenly contracted.

"Both Tianzun opposes freedom, because one of them does not agree with the practice of freedom, but in Dalun Temple, he is not an opponent of freedom, so he has to run away. The escaped deity does not even know where the deity has gone. "

"Later, I won easily, but the news leaked."

Upon hearing this, Fang Jie couldn't help asking: "So, Kokotaimenge sent troops?"


His bones shrunk, as if something made him feel cold: "The big sweat used heavy soldiers as a reason to mobilize heavy soldiers to surround the Daxue Mountain, forcing Dazuo Tianzun to release the Ming king. Dazuo Tianzun naturally refused to submit. So the army began to attack the mountains, and the monks and wolves rode in the mountains to fight. Although the respected and superior monks were strong, they could not beat the large number of wolf riders. If it were n’t for the Buddhism, there were too many too powerful wolves Riding can even break into Dalun Temple. "

"This battle fought for a long time. The big shaman of Wang Ting took a lot of masters to fight with the Buddhism practitioners and killed too many people. However, because of Wang Ting's strength, he still prevailed. But At this time, an old Buddhist monk stepped out of Dalun Temple and let the retired Khan retreat. Khan naturally did not agree. The old monk killed a lot of Wang Ting masters when he shot, and that was Dasa. They are not their opponents. "

"At this time, a masked man flew from the East, and a sword forced the old Buddhist monk back. Two people fought, and the old monk did not fight the mysterious masked man. The teacher said that the man with the mask used his sword to attract the thunder and shocked the old monk to death. "

"Since then, the man with the mask has stayed with the sweat."

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Jie: "The National Teacher was too drunk that day, and his speech was a little unclear ... I remember she said that there was such a person to help, and it seemed that the sweat broke into Dalun Temple. It ’s a difficult problem. But I do n’t know how the message was passed on. The Buddhist disciples outside brought a large number of people to support the Daxue Mountain. As the days dragged on, more and more people supported the Buddhist, and the army around Khan Fewer and fewer. Later, many nobles began to oppose the Khan and sent troops to join the Buddhism. "

"The army around Khan only has the Wang Ting guard who is most loyal to him, and some wolf cavalry. At this time, the herdsmen also chose Buddhism, and they took up weapons to fight Wang Ting's army. Seeing that the situation was urgent, Khan transferred the 400,000 Montenegro cavalry who had never been mobilized in the far north of the grassland. The Montenegrin Army was the elite in the wolf riding. After killing it, it reversed the situation immediately. Increasingly, Khan began to move troops deployed throughout the empire to the king's court, including the more than 200,000 wolf riders in Kokotai. "

Fang Jie could not help but shook his head, but did not speak.

"We all don't understand why Khan made such unwise moves. Even if there is something in the Buddhism, that is also a matter within the Buddhism. What is the need for Khan to get involved?" It ’s messed up, there are a lot of people standing on the side of sweat, more people are standing on the side of Buddha, they have been fighting, they have been fighting ... "

"Instead it's me ..."

Fang Xie sighed, "I'm afraid I will do the same as Mengge."


Asking each other.

"Because of power ..."



Seeing Duoduo did not understand his meaning, Fang Jie smiled: "I ask you, who is the most honorable person in Mongolia?"

"Of course King Ming!"

The answer came naturally.

"Yes indeed"

Fang Jie asked again: "In the Mongolian Yuan, if the words of Khan conflict with the words of Ming Wang, do people listen to the words of Khan or Ming King?"

"Of course it is King Ming!"

"That's it."

Fang Jie said: "Koktai Mengge is an ambitious and sweaty man. What he wants to have is the supreme right, just like our Sui emperor. No one can oppose his will, including King Ming. Including. But if the Buddhism does not happen, Mengge will not have the courage to start a war against the Buddhism. How can a person like him give up this opportunity when he knows that the Buddhism has been seriously injured?

"He wants to defeat Buddha, so that Buddha can no longer give orders to his empire. He must be the only supreme, not a puppet under the Ming king. If I haven't guessed wrong, it must be when he learns the news Very happy. It ’s not just him. The whole Golden Family will be very happy. They finally waited until this day, so they immediately started to fight and fight against Dalun Temple in the name of saving the Ming king. "

"The King of Ming was seriously injured, and this man who has been the second Buddha for so many years under the King of Ming will not miss this opportunity. So he killed the Buddha who had the most hope of succeeding to the King of Kings and killed the King of Ming. Inherited the hope, and then persuaded the King Ming to pass on his seat. At this time, the other two Tianzun stood up against it, and one of them escaped without courage and freedom ... he was Shiyuan Tianzun. "

Bingduo stunned: "Guo Shi only said that one Tianzun fled, I don't know which one."

Fang Jiehan continued with a voice: "The other Lingbao Tianzun did not choose to escape, but directly challenged Da Zong, but was defeated by Da Zong. At this time, the old monsters in the Buddhism must have any agreement with Da Zong. That ’s why I did n’t try to stop it. Then after Mengge led his soldiers and besieged Daxue Mountain, those old monsters were afraid that the Buddha ’s foundation would be destroyed, and then stood out. The old monk killed by the masked man must be in Buddha ’s China has a very high position. "

"Do you know who the masked man is?"

Asking each other.

Fang Xie was silent for a moment and then shook his head: "I don't know."

He did not intend to name that ~ ~ because once this news spread, it would have a huge impact on Mongolia and Prince Loyal, which is why Prince Loyal appeared with a mask.

"Who do you think will win?"

Fang Xie asked.

Bone duo was silent for a while, then shook his head and said blankly: "I just can't understand it. For thousands of years, the king has been the king. Why does sweat have to be challenged? There are too many dead people, and living people can get them. What? Why ... why are there always wars in this world? "

"Because people have it."

Fang Xie said seriously: "It will never be satisfied."

ps: make up more than three chapters. Yesterday was also a third change, but the day before yesterday was a chapter.

ps2: It is said that there are many brave men today. Some people deliberately entered the wrong passwords of their daughter-in-law online banking and Alipay three times.

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