Conquer the World

Chapter 485: Old tree

Chapter 485 The Old Tree

Wu You Li Xiao Che Wen Wen Li Xiaolian

These two people used to be the hope of the Li family in the eyes of Li Yuanshan. Li Xiaoche was his son and Li Xiaolian was his nephew. Because the Li family had such a brilliant descendant, Li Yuanshan felt that there were people in the Li family. But one of Li Jiashuangxiu, who was regarded by Li Yuanshan as the hope of the future, died easily and simply in a small town called Yi County.

The body was put into a sack and thrown at the door, and the liberated person did not even manage it. In the past two days, Li Er, who was in charge of waiting for inspections, disgustedly asked the rebel soldiers to take the body away and bury it. Then he nodded and followed the fake inspections charmingly.

The real inspection led to the two rebel soldiers carrying it for a while and found a dry well and threw it in.

"Who is this person?"

A rebel murmured: "It's not safe at night, shit, it sticks to my blood."

"This is the man who was arrested halfway by the patrol. I don't think it was a tough guy. We didn't hear the executions outside. It seemed to be very dead. From this we can see that it is a soft spot. Make a confession, or you won't be killed. "

"Maybe it was the accomplices of this man who assassinated General Li and killed a few dozen of our brothers in ambush outside the city."

One of the rebels took a spit into the dry well and found a stone and smashed it inwardly: "I will cover you again!"

Fang Xie asked Li Er to come in. He sat down next to the fire, pulled the big **** on his shoulder, and fiddled with the fire while asking: "Li Er, do you know why I came to you?"

Li Er hurriedly bowed down: "I don't know if you are in a humble position, please ask your lord."

Fang Xie pointed at the opposite Hu stool: "Sit down and talk"

How dare Li Er, quickly quit.

Fang Xie watched the fire silent for a while and said in a calm tone: "I'm coming to you because you are the general of Li Liao's pro-military team. You know more about the military things than Han En. Han En this I do n’t talk about people anymore, but you should understand one thing. The generals with more than five grades in the army have died so many vacancies, after all, have to be filled by someone. I ’m looking for you alone because I look at you. Carefully ... Han En wrote a list of the people he recommended to fill vacancies ... I didn't see your name on it. "

Li Er's face changed, and he couldn't help swearing.

"Humble work still needs experience ..."

He bowed his head, and he did it all in the 18th generation of Han En's ancestors, regardless of gender.

"In principle, it should be that you escorted General Lee's family to the county government of Puyin City, but I let Han En leave you, just to know that you are a buildable person."

"Thank you for your praise!"

Li Er jumped in his heart, knowing that his luck might be coming.

"Because of things in the army, you know better than Han En, so I plan to directly promote you as a general of top five. If there is anything, you and Han En will discuss with him. On the surface, he is the general, but secretly you are more Take care, this person is fickle and has no real ability to learn, but you also know that Han Renzao is also very important in front of the Lord. But I can give you a secret order, act with your camera ... let me tell you something ... … I ’m afraid it wo n’t take you long to fight with the Sui Army. Above the battlefield, it ’s a taboo for the Lord to be weak and indecisive. If Han En is difficult to take office, you can use his secret order to abolish him. Li Er ... I trust you because you are also named Li! "

With a thump, Li Er fell to his knees and struck his head hard.

"The grace of remaking adults, you will never forget it."

"Get up"

Fang Xie stretched out his hand and helped him: "They all serve King Dingxi. I will not give you this errand if it is not safe for you to do it. You go back first and choose someone from the army to be your relative. After dawn, I will allocate a few elite camps from the army and put them in your hands. Also, the matter of food and grass is the top priority. The army will go to Lai County, and the food and grass will accompany you. You will have to stare. The remaining half of the food and grass ... "

Fang Xie looked at Li Eryi, and Li Er immediately understood: "Not half, but 30% left."

Fang Xie smiled in satisfaction, patted Li Er on the shoulder and said, "I didn't read you wrong."

Li Erqian thanked Fang Jie and waved his hand to let him out, watching the contented person leave, Fang Jie couldn't help but smile. This is more than 10,000 fine armors. Although the 3,000 cavalry soldiers carried by Fang Xie had a chance to outperform the opponents, it was unavoidable that the casualties were not small. Therefore, Fang Xie never intended to swallow this soldier, and of course, he did not intend to make this team solid.

Han En and Li Er ...

Ha ha

Fang Xie stretched his body to go to bed and rest, and he will continue acting tomorrow.



It took two and a half days to prepare for the rebels in Shexian County to leave the county town of Hanxian. Han En and Li Er went to thank each other when they left. Both people have a huge sense of happiness in the pie that fell from the sky, and they feel that the solution is a noble person in their lives. Both men were regarded as equals, especially Li Er, who was directly promoted from a pro-military team to a general of the fifth grade. This was no longer a climb, but a flight upward.

Fang Jie smiled and waved goodbye to Han En, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was so bright.

In the afternoon, after scouts stared at the rebel troops and went out dozens of miles, the Fangjie sent a call to Wan Yanzhongde in Thirty Mile Fort, and let him take the cavalry into the county seat of Shexian County.

Fang Xie himself didn't feel it. Inadvertently, he not only divided a rebel and got a lot of forage, but also became the rock that bumped the wheel of history, and the direction of the wheel was deviated because of the bump.

The grain left by the rebels is enough for 3,000 people to eat for several months. It is precisely because the northwest is tired, so the rebels have the habit of setting up grain.

Although Lixian County was nearly five hundred miles away from Xiangcheng, Fang Xie decided to stop here with his team. Relatively speaking, this place is better than Xing Cangshan. Although Xing Cangshan is closer to Xiangcheng, deviation from the plain area is equivalent to deviation from the main battlefield. Since Li Yuanshan arranged the team to Shexian County, it shows that although Shexian County is farther away, it is in a battle situation.

Zhuo Buyi swept aside the table and laid the map on the table.

"I know more from Li Xiaolian's head than he said."

He used a charcoal pencil to draw a semicircle on the map. Lezhen, Shexian, Duanyang, Qing'an, Zhuzhou ... Twenty small cities were connected to form this semicircle. When the line was drawn, the situation was immediate. Become clear. The semicircle composed of more than 20 small cities encloses a plain of about 270 miles in radius. This fast plain is the place where Li Yuanshan has already determined a decisive battle.

The semi-circular gap is the direction of Xiangcheng.

Zhuo Yiyi said: "In fact, Li Xiaolian is here to arrange military affairs, so that people in cities will be ready at any time ... If nothing unexpected happens, Li Yuanshan will give up Xiangcheng. We do n’t know about the war, but we can be sure It is because the army of the imperial court has won a great deal but the losses must not be small, and Li Yuanshan intends to withdraw, which shows that the imperial court's strength has been weakened to the point where it cannot struggle to get out of pocket. "

Fang Xie's face was so dignified that he looked at the semicircle outlined by Zhuo Buyi: "We are stationed here, Li Yuanshan didn't know we were here, and just drilled a hole in this pocket ... immediately sent all scouts out Go to Xiangcheng to explore the battle, and also, Chen Xiaoru, you personally take people to the army of the imperial court and find a way to mix in .... Don't meet the emperor, and don't mention to anyone that we are here, contact the army as much as possible People in the Inner Guard, if nothing unexpected, the Inner Guard has lost its previous power, but these people are useful. As for what you do next, I will send someone to contact, remember, those in the Inner Guard The more people gather, the better! "

Chen Xiaoru nodded: "Subordinates leave today."

Fang Jie said, "Now by chance, it is a good thing for the court to become a piece of cloth for Li Yuanshan to arrange this pocket. It is also a good thing for us to participate in the war to reduce losses. Now we need to beware of imminent rebellion. The army's team sent people over, and besides scouts, everyone tried not to go out of the city and be found by the rebels. "


The generals held their fists to obey orders.

"Big Dog"

Fang Xie called the big dog and said, "Bring a few people and immediately head south, investigate where Luo Yao's left forward is, and where is the position of the rebel army Yin Poshan who fights Luo Yao. Li Yuanshan In fact, the key point of the game is Luo Yao and the Meng Yuan people. If Luo Yao does not open his mouth, the Meng Yuan people will not be able to get behind the army of the court. Now what I want to know is when Luo Yao will participate. "


The big dog responded, turned around and picked out a few powerful flying fish robes to leave.

"Nie Xiaoju"

Fang Xie continued to command: "Try to find a way to contact the people who stayed in the Southwest Dao at the Daei Guards. These people are actually exposed in Luo Yao's eyes. Once Luo Yao really rebels, these people will be removed. Send a secret order to let all these spies come to the northwest. In addition, by the way, probe the news of the left forward and other horses in detail. Luo Yao took nearly 400,000 horses north, but no one knows how many of his soldiers are in the southwest! After catching cicadas, the cardinals ... I always think Luo Yao is waiting for Li Yuanshan and the army of the court to fight for both defeats. "


Nie Xiaoju was ordered to leave.

"One more thing"

Fang Xie instructed: "Send someone back immediately to tell the military division that he will bring the men down the mountain. After the decisive battle, the Mengyuan people will return to the prairie. Kuoktai Menglie is not a fool. He should know that as long as the Emperor Sui died, Either Li Yuanshan or Luo Yao would immediately impose this charge on the Mengyuan people. Even if Li Yuanshan was a rebel, he would still play the banner of revenge for the emperor of the Sui Dynasty ... What the Mengyuan people would like to see is the Han people in the Central Plains Fight, they also know when to come in and when to go out. "

"Tell the army division that the landslide and rock blocking the canyon will not allow the path for the Mongolian barbarian to retreat unimpeded. The reason why Kuoketai Menglie left the 10,000 wolves in Fengcheng is to retreat, as long as there is a decisive battle here At the end, the ten thousand wolf riders of Baihuo immediately flew to Fan Gu's side to open the road for Kuoketai. If the canyon cannot be blocked by stones, it can only be blocked by humans. Fan Guhe Qing The gorges are separated by dozens of miles, and they cannot be lost. Once the Mongolian Yuanzi arrives, we hold these two places in our hands, as if two nails were wedged on the returning path of the guy, and the guy will not feel good. "

"coming soon!"

He took a deep breath.

"The decisive battle everyone is waiting for is coming."




In the battlefield of the Western Army of the Great Sui Dynasty, the palace-like imperial imperial rushed to the front of the imperial imperial messenger with an expression of joy and excitement. He rushed to the front of the imperial impulse, and shouted in the direction of Xiangcheng. "Your Majesty ... Your Majesty! Xiangcheng is broken, the rebels are withdrawing from the northwest, and several generals are leading their troops into Xiangcheng!"

Because of excitement and excitement ~ ~ he spoke a little uneasily.

Compared with his full-faced joy, His already sore and sad Emperor leaning on the seat just nodded slowly, his expression did not change at all. Because he was too thin, his forehead seemed to bulge outward, and his cheekbones were very high.

"After breaking Xiangxiang, let everyone come here to discuss things."

He waved his hands lazily: "Go."

After he was silent for a while, he asked Su Buwei around him: "In the beginning, Wang Yangkai of Asahi County asked General Zuo Xiaowei Jin Shixiong to come to see you and ask you to plead guilty. I asked you to hold a person and you haven't given him a chance to explain. It's time to release ... … When the civil and military officials gather for a while, you let Jin Shixiong stand beside you and stay with you. "

Su Buwei changed his face, and then deeply worshiped.

I don't know why, the old lady's eyes filled with sadness when she worshiped.

The emperor leaning on a chair looked like an old tree that had withered ...

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