Conquer the World

Chapter 481: Night detective

Chapter 481 Night Detective

After dark, Fang Xie and others gathered again.

"General, there are no people in the city!"

Nie Xiaoju said: "At least hundreds of yards have been inspected. No people have been seen living there. There are only rebels in Yixian."

"I found where the rebel general lived."

Mu Xiao waist said: "Several people in the city gathered together in the same place, and they went in and looked at it. It was determined that it was the residence of the rebel's general. This person was not high, and at most there were six. Afraid to affect your plan, the fan can capture people without being noticed. "

Fang Jie said, "Eat something first, and he'll meet later in the evening."

He unwrapped the dry food bag and handed it to Mu Xiaoyao, and drank himself: "My big dog and I walked around the city and found no place for food and grass, so we could only be in the big camp. Want It is a bit difficult to grab the grain. Even if we can open the gates of the city and let the cavalry kill them, there are tens of thousands of rebels in the city. If they are twisted together, the loss will be great. "

He sat down on the earthen figure, quickly calculating in his mind how to get the forage.

"Now we have to figure out what the purpose of Li Yuanshan is to arrange heavy troops behind Xiangcheng. Shexian County is five hundred miles away from Xiangcheng. There are thousands of elites stationed here. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no soldiers elsewhere."

"Let's take a break. Later in the night I will visit the home of the rebel generals."

Although it's late February, the cold nights in the northwest are still confusing. Fortunately, these people are all good people. If ordinary people change in this run-down house, they will be afraid to tremble. At night, the north wind finally stopped, and the night sky was as clear as being washed by water. The moon was still hiding behind a cloud, but the starry sky was brilliant.

Fang Xie calculated them for a while, and when it was estimated that the time had passed, he let Nie Xiaoju, the big dog Yan Kuang and Mu Xiaoyao, wait outside, and he and Shen Qingfan jumped in from outside the guard's home wall. Shen Qingfan came once after dark, and Fang Jie followed her without much effort to find the defender's study.

There are dark whistle in the yard, but unless the two of them practice their intentions to reveal their whereabouts, otherwise it will be difficult to find them by the ability of those whistle.

Fang Jie stepped a little, and fluttered lightly behind a cluster of evergreen cypress trees. His palm was cut like a knife on the neck of a guard who was guarding outside the study. The man fell softly without even humming. Go on. Fang Jie held the man's neck collar and threw it behind the cypress. Then he replaced the man's coat of armour with the fastest speed, put on a leather helmet and lowered the brim, and he went out so boldly and stood outside the study.

Fifteen meters away was another guard, but the man kept facing outwards and did not even notice his companion was overturned.

Fang Xie stood and listened at the entrance of the study, and found that at least three people were in the room.

Judging from the shadow of the light shining on the window, the one sitting was obviously the general of the rebels in Shexian County.

"The inspections should make it tomorrow."

Someone in the room sighed and said, "King Dingxi arranged us here, and I don't know what the picture is. We put all the black people on the front line, but we stayed on it. It really makes people wonder. But it will There is no explanation, people can't guess the reason why. "

Another said, "Why are the generals upset? We have a soldier stationed in Lixian County, a soldier in Shanghuo Xi in Lezhen, and a soldier in Qiuhe in Guanxian. It was arranged at least 30,000 elites, obviously there was a big plot. Dingxi Wang did not say, presumably because he was afraid of leaking something in advance. We are still far away from Xiangcheng, and the court's troops and horses will not be able to hit it at one and a half. The first trouble now is the inspector. "

The person who spoke before said: "King Dingxi must have left a large number of men and horses to the west of Xiangcheng, and they are all elites. He sent inspections to make constant inspections in counties and cities. The last inspection made it less than two In the next month, the second inspector will arrive again. Last time, the surname Zhang took 2,000 yuan and left. This time, it is still necessary.

One person said: "Those bastards, holding the order of King Dingxi as a means of collecting money. I heard that Shang Huoxi did not give silver at first, and the inspector actually wrote a letter and sent him back to Xiangcheng. If Xihuo neglects his duties and is unbearable, if he is not the uncle of Shanghuoxi's own family, then the soldier of the Ministry of War, Shangjin, is afraid that Shanghuoxi will not get a good end. "

The seated man sighed: "We laughed at Yin Poshan and others at first, and followed the King of Dingxi for many years but were not valued at all, but led the crowd of hundreds of thousands of Wuhe to be excluded. But now we think that we are staying in Dingxi The people around Wang were not as comfortable as Yin Poshan. At the very least, they didn't have a patrol to squash them. "

"The power of the inspector is too great, so it can be seen that King Dingxi can't trust us. The inspector has the right to mobilize soldiers and horses to change defenses and the right to dismiss a military general's position. Which one dares to offend!"

"Spoil your fortune and avoid disaster, just take a bite from a crazy dog."

One of them said, "I really hope that the inspection will make a horse thief halfway and die clean!"

Fang Jie, who wanted to go in, hesitated after hearing these words, then quietly backed back. He gestured to Shen Qingfan, and the two jumped into a tree and watched. After a while, the study room door opened, and two people came out of the study room and whispered while walking outwards. Shen Qingfan and Fang Jie looked at each other, and then ran out of the house.



In the house where he was hiding, the rebel general captured by Fang looked pale at the people in front of him. He was stunned from the back half way out of the general's house and was about to go home. He had already been here when he woke up. Everyone in front of him covered his face with a black scarf, which made him feel relieved. He was originally a horse thief and knew some habits in the Tao. For example, in the past when he was doing business, he didn't want to kill the captives and he covered himself with a black scarf. If you want to kill, you don't have to cover anything.

"How many of you ... have you ordered?"

He swallowed hard and spit, and asked in a low voice, the tower-like man standing next to him put a lot of pressure on him. He had no doubt that this man could flatten his face with just a slap.

"What is your name."

The thinnest man sat on the earthen figure and asked him coldly.

"Zheng Duobao"

The rebel general quickly responded: "You can rest assured that if you want to ask, just ask, I won't shout out loud, just ask a few good guys not to kill me."

The skinny man nodded: "As long as you answer honestly, we naturally won't embarrass you. What we ask for is money and we won't kill ourselves easily."

"Yes Yes Yes"

Zheng Duobao nodded quickly.

"How many people are there in this city?"

Asked the skinny man.

Zheng Duobao quickly responded: "A soldier and horse, 12,000 soldiers, 2,000 auxiliary soldiers, plus miscellaneous service and others total less than 15,000."

"Who is the general?"

"Li Liao, this person is a member of the Li Yuanshan family, but the relationship is not very close."

The skinny man asked, "Our brother has drawn a team, and he still lacks some straw. Is there any way you can get some out of town?"


Zheng Duobao was frightened a bit: "It can't be done. The grain and grass are in the camp. No one has the right to call the grain without Li Liao's order. There are more than 10,000 people in the city. It ’s bigger. If it ’s just asking for money, I am willing to donate the property. I can also tell you that there is a lot of money in the general ’s door. As for the grain, there is really no way to get out.

The skinny man asked: "I have something very curious, Li Yuanshan mobilized a large number of people to Xiangcheng, why not transfer you?"

"This ... I really don't know, even Li Liao doesn't know."


The skinny man sighed and said, "It seems you don't cooperate at all. Don't blame us for being ruthless in this case."

He reached out to tear off the black scarf on his face. Zheng Duobao immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to look at it: "Don't do it, I'm telling the truth. There must be many people in Xiangcheng who know why King Dingxi made this arrangement. But no one here knows it, oh ... the inspector should know. "

"Who is the inspector?"

"Not a fixed person. Every other day, Xiangcheng will send people to inspect the garrisons in the counties. The power is very great. The inspectors even have the right to take down the chief of an army before reporting it to the King of the West. It is said that there are seven or eight people. Everyone goes back and forth between a dozen counties, and then these people will be swapped, so no one knows who the next inspection will be. "

"You mean, there are garrisons in every county west of Xiangcheng?"

The skinny man yelled and scolded: "Fuck, I thought Li Yuanshan had emptied his troops, so he pulled the team around, his mother's originals were hidden in the counties. It seems that I must go back as soon as possible . Don't steal the chicken in the end, but get bitten by the weasel. "


Zheng Duobao hurriedly said: "As far as I know, there are garrisons in all counties and they are still elites. You still don't want to move around. Several good guys, I will say whatever I know, and when will you let me go back."

"It's not difficult for you."

The skinny man said, "Last question, when does that inspection come to you?"

"It's fast. It's estimated that it will arrive before tomorrow night at the latest, no later than noon the day after tomorrow. I heard that the inspector had arrived in Guanxian, and it was more than a hundred miles away. The inspector was carrying three hundred fines. Ride, fast. "

The skinny man said, "Goodbye."


Zheng Duobao stood up and couldn't wait to turn around and run. He didn't dare to see those people, lest the other party's murder be caused.

"Seeing you talk so happily, I'll give you something good."

The skinny man suddenly stopped him and asked, "Are there any generals who have holidays with you in the army? Say the name ~ ~ Tonight we will go to his house for a sale."

Zheng Duobao froze for a moment, then carefully said, "Yes ... Jiang Yunlai, that guy has been targeting me!"

"Lead the way"

The skinny man smiled: "If there is a lot of money out of his house tonight, you can't die."



That night, the rebel general Zheng Duobao sneaked into Jiang Yunlai's home and assassinated Jiang Yunlai somehow, and died on the way because of heavy injuries and blood loss. The rebel leader, Li Liao, certainly did not think that there was no hidden matter in this matter, and immediately ordered to investigate what was going on!

Just before dawn, Li Liao was also killed.

It was only after dawn that people discovered in horror that six or seven generals had been assassinated overnight. There was only one general with more than five grades alive.

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