Conquer the World

Chapter 391: You are a pig

Chapter 391 You Are A Pig

When Yang Ming learned that the emperor had promised to see himself, he stunned for a while, and then begged the jailer to bring a basin of water. He first dipped his fingers in water, combed his hair carefully, and then tore off a piece of cloth from the prison clothes to tie his hair. I looked at the water in the basin from side to side and saw that my hair was completely messy before I started washing my face.

Washing is also very serious, even some sincere.

After washing his face, he cleaned up his prisoner's clothes, and then followed the flying fish robes at Daichi's guard. The access control iron gate and wall destroyed by Xiao Yijiu have been repaired, and the secret passage looks long and deep. Although the oil lamps were lit on both sides of the wall, the path under the road was still dim.

The iron shackles rubbed on the hard bluestone floor, and the sound was extremely crisp and distant. It wandered back and forth in the secret passage. Here ... it was impossible to escape even the sound.

When walking out of the secret passage, the corners of Yang Yan's eyes were dazzled by the sun. It's been too long since I saw the light, so dazzling. But instead of closing his eyes and raising his hands to cover it, he looked up to find the source of light. Tears fell down his face, but he refused to look back like an idiot.

"It turned out to be so happy to see the sky."

He whispered a little, but not sad.

Luo Weiran stood next to him, looking at this once-great figure, looking at the pale, bloodless face, looking at the eyes with constant tears overflowing, looking at the smile on the corner of his mouth, not knowing why For the first time, Luo Weiran felt that this man deserved sympathy although he deserved it.

Yang Yan wiped his eyes with his cuffs, and then smiled: "I don't know the night and the day is cloudy and sunny in the prison. I listen to the wall with my ears against my ears every day. I thought I was about to forget these sounds, I still remember ... "

He walked forward in small steps.

The shackles continued to make a clear voice, and Yang Kun frowned. "It's a pity that this voice is quiet."

Luo Weiran was silent for a moment, then turned back and instructed: "Remove his ankles and put them on outside Changchun Park."

Yang took a moment, then solemnly said thank you.

Luo Weiran didn't speak again, and went out first.

After getting on the carriage, Yang Zheng sat in the room for a long time, then carefully opened the curtain of the car through a very narrow gap, and looked out through the gap. The street is lively and people are everywhere. The shouting of a businessman, the cry of a child, the quarrel of a woman ... He looked greedily outside, as if a child blind from the beginning opened his eyes to see the world for the first time.

He saw the hawker selling candy gourds passing by and subconsciously sniffed and seemed to be able to smell the sweetness. He saw someone sitting on the side of the road eating a bun with a big mouth, and subconsciously swallowed it, and seemed to be able to taste the fresh fragrance. He saw the beautiful woman walking proudly across her chest, her eyes full of appreciation. He saw children playing on the street with smiles on the corners of his mouth.

In this way, he kept looking outside until the carriage stopped.

He was a criminal, and he was a very special criminal, so the carriage stopped all the way out of the vault, which Su Buwei deliberately explained. The emperor did not want to let people know that Yang Ye had been here, and did not want to let people know that he had met the sinner.

Yang Qian, who was re-cuffed again, calmed down, glanced at Luo Weiran and stepped off the carriage. He took a deep breath and spit it out slowly. He is familiar with the scenery in Changchun Garden. As the only prince who stayed in Changan City, he used to be qualified to enter here at will.

However, he never discovered that the garden was so beautiful.

The dome is just a row of humble wooden houses, deep in the woods. He once said that the emperor was too arrogant, obviously the supreme world, but he liked to pretend to be very elegant. In his opinion, that row of wooden houses did not deserve the status of emperor anyway. What can be matched is the towering hall of Tai Chi Temple.

Now he suddenly realized that the emperor did not pretend to like living in the sky.

It's just a kind of evasion.

He knew why the emperor lived in such a humble place. He had never had such a state of mind before. The emperor is also a person, and sometimes gets tired of playing his role consistently every day. At some point he should also hate the dragon and chair in the hall, the civil and military officials in the hall, the mountainous memorials, and the calmness of holding a shelf every day.

The emperor also wanted to rest and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to avoid the world.

But he couldn't, he was emperor.

So he can only use this method to make himself a little more comfortable.

The emperor also read the full text of Tianzun.

He walked slowly into the vault, ignoring the startled eyes of the guards and eunuchs outside the vault. He straightened his body and walked a little longer.

He once vowed that if he had become the emperor himself, the first thing would be to demolish the row of wooden houses he was about to walk into and build a palace by the lotus pond in Changchun Garden. There is a pond outside the window, you can see the lotus flowers when you lean over, you can see the swimming fish, you can see the blue waves. Now his thought is that no matter who will become emperor in the future, this row of wooden houses should probably stay, forever.



"The sinner sees His Majesty, and wishes His Majesty's health."

He knelt down and saluted meticulously.

The shackles on his feet and hands were a little disturbing, so he was awkward when he knelt down. The emperor sitting on the earthen's head tilted his head and gave him a silent look, and said quietly, "Get up, Lao."

Lao Liu

With two words, Yang Yan swayed in his heart. He struck three loudly before he got up.

"How have you been during this time? See how thin you are."

The emperor asked.

"Your Majesty remembered that the criminals were fine in jail."


The emperor hummed, and the two fell silent.

Yang Yan looked up, and looked at the emperor with a rigid expression: "Four ... Your Majesty, why are you so thin?"

"It's all right"

The emperor put the memorial in his hand on the desk case, leaned back, but found that he was no longer comfortable with the hard walls, so he frowned. Su Buwei hurried forward and picked up a bed of quilt behind the emperor. With something soft, the emperor's face gradually eased.

"Luo Weiran said you have something to say to him, and he will let you come."

"Your Majesty."

"Although your sin is unforgivable, you can still call it a sibling when you are alone with him. It is undeniable that sin is condemned, and blood relatives cannot be denied. To be honest, I have never hated you because of rebellion. It's just everything It ’s only reasonable. At this time, things like winning or losing can be put aside. ”

The emperor said.

"Four ... Four Brothers"

Yang Yan screamed, his eyes were red.

"Say, what's the matter."

The emperor pointed to the table opposite, and Su Buwei poured a cup of tea for Yang Wei.

"Thank you"

Yang Ye held hot tea, his hands trembling slightly.

"Four brother, the sinner wanted to see you because he was not secure. The sinner knew that Da Sui had lost the sinner in the Northwest. If there was no original greed, it would not be used by Li Yuanshan. Because of this, The criminal officials wanted to see you ... The criminal officials were worried that the rebels had not been attacking, they had not crossed the river, and there was a conspiracy! The criminals knew about Li Yuanshan's dog thief, and he was too poisonous! "

"Before the criminals entered the palace, they saw a lot of people on the street. It ’s not good, Brother Si ... People are available, but they must be strictly controlled. Unless they are bound by harsh military laws, these people will sooner or later make trouble ... "


The emperor frowned and snorted coldly: "You are comfortable sitting in jail. You should ask Luo Weiran what happened outside the jail. Does he have to confess to you one by one? ! "

Yang Yan's face changed, and he knelt down in haste: "Sinner ... Sinner is only worried about Sui ..."

"Dai Sui doesn't need you to worry."

The emperor looked at him coldly and said, "That's what happened to you. If you are here to talk about brotherhood today, you can talk with you more. He said that you can't escape but you are your brother. But It ’s not for you to talk about national affairs. You do n’t have this qualification ... I have given you qualification in the past, but you are not sure. ”

"Four brother ..."

Yang Yan first said: "Li Yuanshan is a man with a deep mind and has been operating in the Northwest for many years. His Majesty can't be careless ... and there are Mongolian people behind him, and the people of the Kuoketaimeng family have long been in the Suijiang Mountains. The surface of Li Yuanshan It seems that they only want to keep the three northwestern regions. The Mengyuan people seem to only want to plunder wealth, but there must be any conspiracy behind it. Your Majesty, this Western expedition, when dispatching elite troops, people's courage is really not available. "

The emperor's face became more and more difficult to look at, because of the anger, the corners of his mouth began to twitch. He pointed at Yang Kun and sneered: "You know a lot, it seems that I have cut 30,000 heads, and I still have fewer! In the prison cage, You know everything about the state affairs of Da Sui! Okay ... Okay! Okay, my courtiers have gone to loyalty to you! "

"Four brother!"

Yang Yan said with a hoe. "It has nothing to do with the others. The criminals asked them to tell me. The criminals and Li Yuanshan have been linked for many years, and they know the sinister intentions of this person. Brother, the criminals are already dead. Why? How dare to disturb Chao Gang's mind again? "

"Don't call me fourth brother anymore."

The emperor came down from the soil, and Su Buwei immediately fell on his knees and put on his boots. The emperor did not wait for the boots to walk and walked to Yang Yan. Su Buwei climbed to his knees and arranged his pants for him.

"I have no heart to listen to these nonsense ... If you really take Da Sui in your heart, you will not be rebellious and ruin my Chaogang! You will not be linked to foreign ministers to strip me of territory! You will not be enslaved by strangers to seek me Human head! Now I ’m kneeling in front of you, saying what is considered by Da Sui, what is it that you are worried about ... You can tell? Is n’t your heart blocked? It ’s three people in Northwest China, who destroyed it? 700,000 Elite, who died? "


This word for you, the sound of the sound almost shook the roof of the dome.

"You still have the face to say this in front of you ?!"

Yang Yan's face was pale, and his forehead pleaded against the hard ground: "Your Majesty ... the battle in the Northwest, you can't take it too fast. Because of the lessons of the 700,000 army, you should be cautious ..."

"To shut up!"

The emperor couldn't help laughing. ~ Angrily smiled: "Are you here to tell me how to be an emperor? He has changed his mind now and doesn't want to kill you for the time being. He wants to take you there. Northwest, let you see with your own eyes, how did you lead the million-strong army to wipe out those fascinating magpies! You and Li Yuanshan fought at first, and now you let him look at him.

"His Majesty……"

Yang Yan burst into tears and couldn't speak anymore.

"Come out."

The emperor waved his hand: "From this day on, this person gave him a name called pig 猡, stripped the royal family, and fed pig food daily ... don't let him die, 朕 will keep him and let him see for himself How did He rule the Da Sui Pingding world. "


The emperor ordered coldly: "Go and ask Luo Weiran, who is his courtier! The people who guard the pigs in the guard at Dainai will be killed without pardon regardless of their identity! Whoever tells the beast again He killed the Nine Clans. "

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