Conquer the World

Chapter 830: Nie Xiaoju's Needlework

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Chapter 830 Nie Xiaoju's Needlework

The county town of Anlai County was renovated after the Great Sui Dynasty was destroyed. At the time, the county town was flooded by the diverted Luohe River, and most of the people in the city were buried underwater. Even now, bones can be found from time to time in the wilderness. It was also because of the flood that the already dilapidated temples in the city became even more dilapidated.

When Fang Xie stopped the ship and docked, Sun Maocai County's Li Heihe who had received news from Anlai County had already waited by the shore. They are the first time to welcome an adult missionary since being an official, so it seems that both of them are nervous. Of course, this pressure was not all solved by them. Relatively speaking, the left-wing general Ye Jinnan made them even more afraid.

In order to show respect, not only did the county magistrates bring other county officials and local gentry, but they even organized a group of seniors over 60 years old to welcome them. This is a very wonderful technique, and local officials have tried it a lot. Although this is the first time that Sun Maocai and Li Heidai have greeted a mission, this method is not unheard of.

First, it is enough respect to greet the elderly people. In the past, when the emperor traveled, such arrangements would be made somewhere.

Secondly, this is a good way to show political achievements. Let the elderly who are in good health come out to greet them. This means that the local officials have good governance and the people are living such a big age. It shows that the parent officer did something seriously.

Although Fang Xie was the first time to make a commission, this approach encountered too many along the way.

He spoke very gently and politely to each old man and asked some short words from parents. For example, is there enough food, how is your health, and children at home can be filial. The East-West interpretation of these official faces is familiar, but the sincerity on his face is not contrived compared with ordinary officials.

The welcoming ceremony was simple and grand, flawless.

Fang Xie hugged and boarded the carriage and headed towards Anlai County. Fresh clothes and angry horses' embargo and flying fish robes are dreadful, but they are also a display of royal magnificence. Emperor missions are replaced by emperor. Even if the mission grade is not high, at this time, even if he is facing a governor, he does not have to be polite.

Because of the headwind, it came a little later than expected. When the team entered the city, it was already dark. Fang Jie and others did not go to the county hall but went directly to the residence arranged by Sun Maocai. This is a yard deliberately vacated by the local squire. Although small, it is full of the unique style of Jiangnan water village.

Because he wanted to stay for one day, Fang Xie did not refuse the dinner arranged by the county order. But it was still early, so the group went to the residence to take a bath and rest.

The garden occupies a small area, but sparrows are all small. When Fang Jie had memories, he started from Nanyan Dali City, but this was not the beginning of his life. Before he awakened, where did he go from here and where did he start to escape? He didn't remember, but Shen Qingfan said that they did not start in Yongzhou. The powerful man handed him over at the gate of Shen Qingfan. Mu Mu waist.

At that time, the other protectors of Fangjie had already gathered.

The ancestral gate of Shen Qingfan is in Moshan, six hundred miles away from Yongzhou. Moshan is in the territory of Nanyan, south of Dali, the capital of Nanyan.

After washing in his own room, he changed into clean and refreshing clothes, and Fang Xie sat in a chair and looked out of the window. Anlai County is five hundred miles away from Yongzhou, but it is seven or eight hundred miles away from Dali City in a straight line. It's not far from where his life began, but the closer he gets to the complex feelings in his heart, the more uncomfortable it is.

Shen Qingfan will not lie to him, his journey of escape began from Moshan. What is certain is that the powerful man handed Mu Xiaoyao who was still in the coffin, and how long was he born at that time?

The memory before Moshan was zero and completely unimpressed.

When Fang Xie was conscious, she felt that she was being robbed. It should be remembered now that Shen Qingfan, who was less than ten years old, wanted to throw him into the fire pit. At that time, Shen Qingfan had hatred in his eyes.

Fang Jie felt faintly, his soul snatched the flesh of a baby. There is a huge secret hidden in this body, and his arrival actually affected this secret from the beginning. If you are the key, then the key has changed.

Fang Xie was lost in thought while sitting in the room, perhaps because the place touched his mood. He tried hard to think about what happened before he awakened, knowing that it was simply futile but refused to give up. If he robbed the child's body, who was the child's previous soul?

If it was Luo Yao who took the shot himself, what is the relationship between this child and Luo Yao?

Fang Xie didn't think that he might be the illegitimate son of Luo Yao. But seventeen years ago, Luo Yao's second son, Luo Wen, was three or four years old. Even if there was another child, there was no need to let him escape. Who can threaten Luo Yao in the southwest?

So this is impossible.

And Luo Wu was killed by him personally more than twenty years ago when Luo Yao was not a left-wing general. Three or four years after Luo Wu's death, Luo Yao had a second son, Luo Wen.

Seemingly connected, there is no connection at all.

The closer to Yongzhou, the more worried and fearful Fang Jie's heart became. He was looking forward to the truth here, but he was afraid to know the truth.

Just as his mind was getting deeper, Mu Xiaoyao knocked on the door outside.

"The magistrate Sun Maocai was waiting outside, saying that the banquet had been set up in Hexing Tower."

"it is good"

Fang Xie shook his head and stood up, throwing away the chaos in his head.

Fang Jie, dressed in a uniform, looked eloquent and immature. He was still asleep when he left here, and he was an adult when he returned. Seventeen years passed, who knows if this is the beginning or the end?

When he stepped out of the door, he took a deep breath and told himself what's the point of worrying and worrying since he's here?



The customs of the Southwest and the Central Plains are different, such as this trip. In the north, the most widely used is the carriage. Da Sui cannot raise war horses, but the horses in the north are not rare or rare. For example, in Chang'an City, each street has a carriage for carrying passengers. And in the south, going out is naturally a boat, but walking around the city is by a human-powered slider. The structure is very simple, that is, two bamboo poles are tied to a chair and carried by two strong men.

When Fang Jie started to flee, he didn't see such a thing, but he never sat. So when the county magistrate waiting outside the door invited him to the slide, Fang Jie couldn't help but stunned. Although the two guys who raised the sliders looked very burly and strong, they still resisted slightly in this way.

The county magistrate Sun Maocai hesitated to see Fang Jie, thinking that the upstart in the city of Chang'an was scared. He secretly laughed in his heart, and it turned out to be an embroidered pillow, but a smile piled up on his face, "Jazz, rest assured, this thing is safe . The two of them have been doing this business all year round, and they have never dropped people. "

Sun Maocai rarely saw such a noble son in Anlai County. In his impression, even if Luo Wen, the son of the general, is no longer in good health, he is good at martial arts, and he will never be afraid of sitting on a slide pole.

The person from this capital is Jin Gui. I did not expect that a small slider would make life difficult.

Fang Jie hesitated and finally shook his head: "I can walk."

Anlai County was not big at first, and it was natural that the adults who had sent him to walk had to refuse Sun Mao. So he owed himself to lead the way, the others followed Fang Jie. The predecessors Li Heihe and Sun Mao are the same ideas, so there is some contempt in the eyes of Fang Jie.

Just when his expression was revealed a little, he suddenly felt cold. He looked aside and found that General Ye Jinnan was looking at him with a cold face.

To tell the truth, his respect for the Lord was all pretended, but he was afraid of the left avant-garde. So he immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to be a little extravagant.

A group of people walked to Hexing Tower, and there were county officials to drive the pedestrians passing by. Fang Jie looked at the guys in front of him and did not conceal the disgust in his eyes. Sun Mao just walked in front and talked to Fang Xie from time to time, so naturally he saw the expression on Fang Xie's face. His heart was tight, but he didn't want to understand the dissatisfaction of the young man.

This kind of person is arrogant, and looks like a little white face without a chicken. However, he pretended to be a proud man, and he was afraid that the man who raised the slide bar could do ten such noble men alone. Everyone said that the precious people in Changan City were made of water, and they disappeared after a touch. Now it seems that it is well-deserved.

Sun Mao was thinking about this while walking, so he became more and more happy.

Even when there was less than a hundred meters of distance from Hexing Tower, the front battalion had ran forward and planned to line up at the gate of Hexing Tower. It was such an empty, suddenly rushed out of the people from the people on both sides of the street, facing the forehead!

The assassin and Fang Jie were separated by Sun Maocai, and Sun Mao was stupid the moment he saw the sword.

He was stupid for a moment and then suddenly screamed, squatting down holding his head subconsciously. Then he heard a gurgling sound, followed by another muffled sound in the distance. He shook his head and looked up, and found out that the assassin with the knife didn't know how to fly out and hit the wall by the road five meters away. The man fell to the ground and twitched a few times and then stopped moving. Is not alive.

He turned to look at Fang Xie, and found that Fang Xie's face stood calmly.

In front of him, the humble black boy didn't know when he ran over. He had a mountain knife in his hand, with the handle facing forward. Apparently, the knife was taken by the assassin from the assassin with his bare hands, and the assassin was blown off with another blow.

"Jazz ... Jazz ..."

Sun Maocai's voice was a little trembling, and his face was more frightened than paper. This was the first time in his life that he had encountered an assassin, where could he remain calm.

But he thought for a minute that he was just an adult with embroidered pillows, but his face did not change at all. He stood so straight, staring indifferently at the assassin who fell to the ground.

At this time, at least twenty assassins armed with various weapons emerged from the crowd, howling towards Fangjie.

As soon as these talents appeared, the burly guy suddenly jumped out after Fang disbanded. When he landed, he had an embroidery needle in his hand. While walking forward to the assassins, he threaded a red thread into the needle nose ~ ~ next second, this should look very The bulky guy shuttles like swallows among those assassins. Dozens of people have dozens of weapons, but none of them can meet him.

When Sun Mao calmed down, he noticed that the dozens of people were still in motion. The assassins stopped, but all shivered.

The next second, Sun Mao was scared by what he saw clearly and almost stopped.

The tall and burly man didn't know what method was used, but he even stitched up dozens of assassins.

Yes, it was sewn on.

The red line that seemed to endlessly connected dozens of assassins, some passing through the chest, some through the neck, some through the cheeks, and some through the arms. ...... I don't know what material the red thread made, but it was tough and abnormal.

And those assassins, where dare to act rashly?

It is at this moment that the little adult said lightly and calmly: "Nie Xiaoju, how can you take out such rough needlework? Let the adults laugh at you ... Remember to sew beautiful next time."

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