Conquer the World

Chapter 241: Struggling in the dark

Thanks to Jianqi Shuangshuang, Silver Needle, Flying Fat Penguin, jacky22 for the reward.

Chapter 241 Struggling in the Dark

Mo everything looked coldly at the arrogant, even mad, young man. It was this man who had successively created bloodsheds in Chang'an City, and the people killed were disciples of all things Mo. He once said that if he could find the killer, he would have to smash it into pieces.

Now the murderer stood before him.

But at this time, everything seems to be in no hurry.

He took a few steps forward, looking directly at Fang Henshui's eyes and asked, "Why did you become the people of Da Sui? Why did you become like this? You are still arresting the law quickly, and once you have done justice. Now? Don't you think the blood on your hands will burn your conscience? Don't you think you look smart now? But why do you seem to me to be a clown? "

When he heard the words clown, Fang hated the water slightly, but he smiled quickly and pointed to himself and said, "I am now a child of Da Sui, why did I become like this now ..." No matter who it is, after that period of time, maybe it will be the same as mine. "

"Don't take my word for it."

Fang hated water and smiled, "I'm a fast arrester. I'm better at interrogating prisoners than you. You just want to know my past. I already told you just now ... Come on, take your talents and I beat and beat me, and I will tell you everything. "

He raised his hand, forefinger to the sky.

On the fingertips, a small and delicate three-petal white lotus is slowly rotating, crystal clear.

"No matter how beautiful is a demon!"

Mo said all things coldly.

Fang Henshui sighed slightly: "People of Buddhism regard my Da Sui people as demons, and people of Da Sui also see Buddhism as demons. Who is the real demon?"


Mo everything drank a word, then suddenly moved. The fingerprints he had pinched changed abruptly, and the vitality of the world in this area suddenly became violent. A moment later, a huge palm transformed from heaven and earth's vitality appeared before him, at least twice as big as his figure.

Mo Wanwu pushed forward with one hand, and the huge palm slammed in the direction of Fang Henshui.

Fang Henshui's eyes changed, and his expression seemed to get excited. With his body receding backwards and bending his fingers, the small and delicate three-petal white lotus immediately broke off his fingers and greeted the huge palm of all things. In comparison, Bai Lian was as weak as a mosquito in front of that palm.

But when the giant hand and Bai Lian collided, a huge wave suddenly rolled up. The air within five meters was distorted, followed by a violent explosion. After the explosion, a violent storm swept around, and the land in this area seemed to have been turned over by an iron plough, and the weeds were all uprooted and flying. The branches of the trees snapped, and the leaves fluttered.

The dust was rolling, and the air was yellow.

Mo Wan's body flickered, his eyes staring at the looming figure in the dust. His hands stretched out at the same time, and the arrows with six or seven fingers flared away from the string. Secretly, it seemed that the figure disappeared after seeing the figure shaking back and forth a few times.

Mo was afraid to carelessly. He didn't rush forward immediately, but he was alert. When the dust slowly dissipated, where was the figure of Fang hating water?


Just then, applause came from behind him.

"The professors of Yanwuyuan are really extraordinary. They are really much stronger than your students. I am very happy ... such an opponent can make me feel satisfied ... I know that you have said it more than once and you must make me Smash the corpse. Come, you come ... I am here, come and kill me. "

There was a twist of human nature in the voice, or the voice became a little hoarse because of excitement.

Mo Wanwu did not immediately turn around to look behind him, his hands waved backwards, and the six or seven fingers swept backward like a snake crawling forward. Then he kicked his feet a little, and his body rushed forward. After rushing straight for four or five meters, he turned around. While turning, the fingerprints were re-formed, and the huge palm slowly appeared in front of him.

Fang hated the water and walked forward with a twisted smile, but he did not dodge at all. The six or seven fingers hit him one after another, but he didn't seem to feel the same. His clothes were accused of making many small holes, but he saw no trace of blood. Based on the cultivation of all things, such a fierce finger might not hurt his body.

Fang hated Shui's smile more and more, like a savage beast that smelled bloody.

"Come and kill me."

He shouted hoarsely: "If you don't kill me again, I will kill you."

Mo Wanwu's face became extremely dignified, he reached out and pushed forward. The giant hand, which looked more solid than before, patted it fiercely, as if a heavy dark cloud fell from the sky. Fang hated Shui with his hands up, and even lifted the giant hand like holding the giant stone.

Instead of dissipating, the giant hand composed of vitality that day became more and more real on top of his head. Moreover, I don't know why, the color of the giant hand began to gradually turn to violent black.

Mo Wanwu's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't recover the vitality that originally belonged to him. Looking at the huge black palm, he suddenly sang. Drinking, the mountains and the mountains seemed to be swaying. The giant hand appeared again in front of him, but the difference was that this time the giant hand was connected with an equally huge arm, and the other end of the arm was connected to Mo's shoulder. It seemed as if his right arm had suddenly increased countless times. After the formation of this giant arm, all things in Mo did not stop to run the world. The second hand gradually appeared in front of him, and the arm took shape.

The arms condensed from the vitality of that day were like Thor's hammer.


Mo Mo shouted loudly, and the two huge arms raised at the same time. In mid-air, the giant hands clung together to form a heavy punch and smashed it severely!

Like a landslide!

At the same time, Fang Henshui also raised his arms up. The giant hand that he had captured turned into a pure black and held up against Mo's heavy fist.


An explosion force several times more violent than the collision between Bailian and the giant hand shook out all around. With Fang Henshui as the center, the land within five or six meters of the rapid sinking formed a large pit. The thick dusty black dragon swept around like a black dragon, and the nearest tree couldn't resist the impact and squeaked and fell to the side.

Even the trees that were a little farther away were shaken by the impact, and the bark was lifted off piece by piece, as if there were countless knives wrapped in the wind, destroying with impunity.

After the violent explosion, two solid arms in front of Mo Wanwu were shattered. The heavens and earth's vitality swelled, and he could not help spitting out blood, and his body was floated backwards by the hurricane.



In the pit, Fen Henshui, who was completely demonized, walked up step by step with a smile. The giant hand he had captured had dissipated, and his clothes were shattered. There were faint blood stains on his arms, which were the slight scars left on him after a violent collision.

Mo Wanwu didn't plan to test from the beginning, that giant hand and big arm was his real killing trick.

However, it is clear that such a domineering force cannot defeat Fang hating water. Instead, he pushed the man who had already had a leg into the madness completely, Fang Henshui's eyes looked chaotic, like a pool of polluted water. He was slow and extremely heavy, and the ground collapsed with each step.

Long hair flutters like a demon who emerges from hell.

"You make me more and more happy."

Fang Henshui, with a sullen face, was still laughing. He looked at the blood on his arm, and the excitement in his eyes grew stronger and stronger: "I knew you wouldn't let me down, come ... come, come again You can kill me with more effort. Don't let me down, just kill me! "

Mo Wanwu spit another blood and stained the front of his clothes. He was almost irresistible from the huge shock before, and there seemed to be a wave in his chest and belly. The giant arm he transformed into with the vitality of heaven and earth failed to really hurt Fang Henshui, but the power of back biting made him suffer unimaginable pain.

Fang Henshui fought back with his giant hand. The two energies had the same origin. After the collision, the scattered vitality of the heavens and earth penetrated into the body of Mo like tens of thousands of ants. And many of them have become black vitality. The black giant hands raised by Fang Henshui before breaking apart are mixed in the vitality of the universe.

At this time, the body of Mo Wanwu seemed to be constantly biting by millions of snake worms and rat ants. The vital energy returned to the body did not follow the Qi pulse at all, and rammed into his body. Especially those black heaven and earth vitality, seem to become violent after finding their own ownership, constantly impacting Qi Haiqi.


Mo Wanwu spit out another blood, followed by a sudden burst of a blood hole somewhere on his arm. Flesh and blood flew, and his arm seemed to be pierced by a mace. It was a cavity that could not bear the violent vitality and was washed away. His arm was considered to be useless.

Mo Wanwu struggled to stand up, bit his teeth and turned away.

"You haven't killed me yet, how can you go?"

Fang Henshui said with a chuckle behind him, and then sprinkled three small delicate white lotus waves with his hands. When the lotus flower was flying in mid-air, it turned black at a very fast speed as if eroded by something. Black is so thorough and so deep. It was as if stained with ink, but it could not be washed away.

Three black lotuses burst open behind Mo Wanwu, obscuring the flesh and blood of the back of Mo Wanwu.

With a bang, Mo Wanwu's body fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

His back was completely rotten, his clothes were burned, his flesh was exploded, and Bai Sensen's spine was faintly visible in the minced meat.

Mo Wan struggled to stand up again, but his legs had no strength at all. He started to crawl forward slowly, leaving a strong scar on the grass. Where he crawled ~ ~ Minced meat and bone stubble hung on the blade of grass and slipped.

Fang Henshui sneered and moved forward, and he stretched out his hand and pointed away.

With a bang, Mo Wanwu's right leg burst into a mist of blood. Mo Wanwu's body shook violently. He paused and gritted his teeth before continuing to crawl. Fang Henshui pointed again, and Mo Wanwu's left leg was also shattered.

The ink thing with its legs cut off looks half short.

It's like a **** gnome still crawling forward with his only moving arm.

"The desire to survive is really so strong."

Fang Henshui murmured as he walked: "Just as I did at that time, it was like falling into an endless darkness. Even a gleam of light from fireflies would become hope, and I wanted to catch it. I ’m just like you now, desperate and overwhelmed. I want to survive ... but I do n’t know how to escape the irresistible fear. But I am luckier than you ... I found life when I was almost desperate Where. "

He walked to Mo Wanwu and squatted down, watching Mo Wanwu who was still waving his arms but could not move forward.

"You didn't kill me, you didn't win me ..."

Fang Henshui seemed a little disappointed and relieved.

He sat down and leaned against a tree. Looking at the waving one-armed arm, only half of the body is still unrequited. He knew that this person would soon die, and in the case of such a serious injury, he was afraid that he would have already died. But the cultivation of all things is high enough, and the only vitality left in the heavens and earth is still protecting his heart. But because of this, Mo Wanwu will endure unimaginable pain at this time.

Fang Henshui picked up a small piece of minced meat from the ground and looked at it very carefully before putting it in his mouth.

He chewed slowly, as if to taste the **** taste.

"Human flesh is really hard to eat."

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