Conquer the World

Chapter 229: Can you be cold enough to yourself?

Chapter 229 Can you be cold enough to yourself?

Zhuang Die is a person who hasn't opened up yet. If you don't get it, you have to help me tonight. If it is up, Fang Jie's heart is not very good. So Fang Jie sitting by the bed hesitated for a long time, although he spent enough money to buy the girl's first-night, but it was a bit difficult to start.

If Zhuang Die was awake at this time, perhaps Fang Jie did not have such hesitation, and had a relationship with a drunk girl who was unconscious. Fang Jie felt a little awkward.

After Fang Jie tangled for ten minutes, he finally made a difficult decision. He took off Zhuang Die's clothes and tore them a bit. Then I took a sip of the rest of the jug and poured the rest on myself. After that, he turned the table over with one foot, put him on the bedside, then closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Hearing the sound of knocking over something, the little sister outside hurriedly asked for the old sister. The old sister hesitated for a while and finally let the door be opened from the outside. After seeing the scene after entering the room, the old man stunned and laughed.

"I'll just say that this boy is a young boy. He was drunk like this when the Chinese New Year's Eve was worth a thousand dollars. The clothes were ripped apart, but he didn't climb into bed. You two took the boy to bed and slept. As for Zhuang Butter let her lie on one side. If Minger was interested early in the morning, what should he do? "

A few little crickets came up to lift Fang Jie, Fang Jie pretended to be drunk and said a few nonsense, and suddenly opened his eyes and panicked: "What time is this? I must go back quickly, or the tigress will not eat Got me? "

After speaking this sentence, he went out in a daunting way, and the old man quickly asked him to help him out of the Crescent Tower. He also kindly hired a carriage to take Fangjie back, but Fangjie said nothing and refused to leave. Already.

Turning around the alley, Fang Xie's footsteps returned to normal. He sighed and said to himself that he had lost a lot of money from the boss. Then he thought of the exquisite body of the young girl named Zhuang Die, and he started to regret it. But he didn't have time for a long time here, and quickly walked back into the shop in the night.

Because Fang Xie gave leave to the tailor and apprentice. There were only two people in the shop: Shen and Fan Qing, so there was nothing to worry about. He couldn't help laughing when he entered the door. Because the guy who was captured by himself was hung upside down on the roof by the Shen Qingfan, still struggling, like a pig with four legs tied. And he was gagged and could only make a whining sound.

Shen Qingfan looked at Fang Jie, and asked the corner of his mouth, "How does the woman in the building taste?"

How dare you answer this kind of problem, explaining that you escaped in pretense. But he could see from Shen Qingfan's eyes that she didn't believe this real answer. So Fang Xie regretted it even more, knowing that he had known that he had been convicted, and he might as well say it.

"Silver is spent, but people haven't touched it."

Fang Xie raised his hand and vowed: "This is the worst thing I've ever done in my life, and I can't bear it anymore. Please don't doubt my sincerity, otherwise you just poke the knife on my heart, and you use it again Look at me, I'll go back and get the bargain now. "

Shen Qingfan threw a look at you, Fang Jie immediately lost. He changed his clothes and walked to the one who was hanging. The man was blindfolded and blocked, and kept struggling. Fang Jie smiled and asked, "Why, can you guess who I am?"

The man's struggling movement stopped, and he groaned from his nose for a while.

Fang Jie smiled: "I know you can guess who I am. You can hear clearly when you speak to me, right? You are a traveler in Baishui City in the southwestern border of the Great Sui Dynasty. Rebellion. And your biggest feature is not killing like a numb heart like iron, but that you have the ability to never forget. As long as you have heard someone speak, you will remember this voice, which is also considered talented. . "

He pulled a chair and sat down, "Wang Wei, it's been a long time ... I've been away for a long time since the last time, and it seems to have been more than a year. I heard that you have recently mixed up with Feng Shui. It's even more glorious than it was in Baishui City. At the time I broke your career, I guess you still hate me, right? "

"Because I know this, you should still cooperate. If you plan to yell, I have to kill you immediately. I hope you don't doubt what I said, because I ca n’t be known What sin. You should know this, right? "

After saying this, Fang Xie tore off the towel covering Wang Wei and the cloth in his mouth.

Suddenly seeing things, Wang Wei's eyes blurred for a while. He shook his head, and when he saw the smiling Fang Jie snarled, "Fang Jie! Even if there is a gap between us, I haven't troubled you. You are now a celebrity in Da Sui. I ’m just a small person fired from the military. You walk on your Yangguan Road, I cross my single wooden bridge, the well water does not violate the river, why do you catch me! "

"Seeing that you're upset, would you like to grab it and hang it?"

Fang Xie shrugged his lips, and put the knife on the side of the table and said lightly, "You should know that since I have been looking for you after so long, it must not be because of Hades. What are you doing now? I'm not interested to know, I'm looking for you to ask you something about the southwest barbarians. "

Wang Wei froze for a while and said, "You put me down first!"

Fang Jiechi smiled and said, "Can you still be a little stupid? It's not possible to let you go. I know you have been doing things for Prince Yi recently, and I can't embarrass you too much in the face of Prince Yi. Take good care of me too. But before you were released, you still hung up so honestly, after answering my question, you will naturally be released. "

"You ... how do you know that I work for Prince Yi!"

Wang Wei's tone trembled slightly, apparently unnaturally.

Fang Xie smiled: "Obviously your news is not very well informed. If you are well informed, you must know that I often went to Prince Yi's house recently. The king showed me the sword."

Wang Wei said a moment later, "Since you know that I'm doing something for Wang Ye, you are advised to let me go quickly. If Wang Ye knows that, even if you are a celebrity before you, there is nothing to end."

Fang Xie coldly said: "Now you are a prisoner, but you threaten me?"

"I don't have time to talk to you ... you tell me, do barbarians in the southwestern borderland use magic wands?"

"Yes, this is not a secret. What did you do to me?"

"Then I ask you ..."

Fang Xie stood up and raised his Chaolu knife: "Nanyan Royal Family, do you still have the habit of nurturing wizards?"

"I don't know! The last emperor of Shang Dynasty had this hobby. In the end, Emperor Nan Yan Murong Sham could escape because the wizard instructed the soldiers to kill a **** road. But the first thing after Murong Sham established Nan Yan was to kill that one. The wizard, also sent soldiers to slaughter the few barbarian tribes closest to Nan Yan. The Nan Yan royal family still does not support wizards, I really do n’t know. "

Fang Xie nodded, and walked around Wang Wei with a knife and said in a deep voice: "Then you tell me, the left avant-garde general who guards the southwest of the Great Sui Dynasty, An Guogong Luo Yao ... has he kept this? Wizard? "



Hearing this question, Wang Wei's body seemed to tremble slightly: "Fang Jie, you also know that I'm just a frontier brigade rate in Baishui City, because your business has been removed. Even if I'm in the southwest border, I'm just a small person, even I haven't seen the general before. But the general is so disgusted with the barbarians in the Southwest, how could he keep those demons? There is no doubt about it, it must not be. "

Fang Xie Lengheng said: "I read that you are also doing something for Prince Yi, and you're kind. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for doing something kind to me. Although you are just white water City's travel rate, but before you went to Baishui City, you were a soldier in the general's house. You can't hide this from me, and you can't hide me from many things. "

"Your father was a veteran under the command of Luo Yao. Because of his skill, Luo Yao was referred to as his elder son Luo Wu's guard. Because of that incident many years ago, Luo Yao killed Luo Wu and your father was implicated. Cut your head. After you grow up, Luo Yao may feel that he owed your father, so he was accepted as a soldier in the courtyard of the General General's Mansion. But you are determined to go to battle to kill the enemy, after begging Luo Yao to let you go to Baishui City . "

"You do fight, you are brave and hard-hearted. You are quickly promoted. After two years, you are promoted to team leader. For another two years, you are promoted to travel rate ... You do n’t have to guess how I know Of these, it is not too difficult for me to find out a person's background. "

Fang Xie knocked on Wang Wei's face with his sword and said, "Now you just need to tell me truthfully, is there a barbarian wizard in Luo Yao House?"


Wang Wei gritted his teeth and said, "I have never seen it before."

Fang Jie sighed, "Since you don't want to say, I have to be polite."

He pointed his sword at Wang Wei ’s lower abdomen Qihai, and said gently: “Many years ago, General Luo Yao was crushed by Qihai but was fortunate to die. The magic is that he has become the most powerful in the world One of the masters of Jiupin. Do you think your luck is as good as Luo Yao? "

Wang Wei's face changed ~ ~ Can't help but said, "I don't have any hatred between you and me, why do you hurt me like this? What I said before is true. Are there wizards in General's Mansion. "

Fang Xie shook his head, and his hands moved forward slightly. The extremely sharp Chaolu knife easily pierced Wang Wei's clothes and skin, a drop of blood slid down the blade, and the blood dripped on the knife without any trace. The knife did not stain the blood, and it still looked extremely clean.

"Is there anyway?"

Fang Xie asked.

Wang Wei shook his head and said, "I really don't."

Fang Xie gave the knife a little more and Wang Wei whispered. Because he was hanging upside down, he could see his blood dripping from his face. Soon, the ground was red with blood.

"Do you know why I'm sure you're lying?"

Fang Xie stabbed the knife a bit more, his palm was stable like the same machine. Chao Lu's sword remained motionless in his hand, but there was no doubt that he only needed to send another point forward, and the blade would cut into Wang Wei's abdomen. Then when the knife was twisted, not only his intestines would be crushed, but Qihai would also be damaged.

Wang Wei glanced at Fang Jie with a horror, and he really did not know where he was wrong.

Fang Xie smiled and said coldly: "Because you have been saying that there is no wizard around the general, if you really do n’t know, your answer should be unknown. But you said so positively that there is no ... ... so you must know it. Wang Wei, I know your heart is hard enough, so let's try it today, are you hard enough to yourself? "

PS: Some readers in the book review area said that the previous chapter was meaningless. Why didn't Fang Jie let Shen Qingfan catch people? The answer is very simple, because Shen Qingfan doesn't recognize the person that Fangjie wants to catch. And Shen Qingfan as a backup, isn't it better than doing a backup?

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