Conquer the World

Chapter 223: taste

(Should the red ticket be sold?)

Chapter 223 Taste

The red light in Fang Jie's eyes was too strange, as if two groups of sparks were burning in his eye socket. Qiu Yu took a subconscious step back, holding Shen Qingfan, and then the two of them whispered almost simultaneously. The shock in Shen Qingfan's eyes gradually turned into joy. She looked at the man who was slowly sitting on the bed, but couldn't help the eyes getting wet.

This is Shen Qingfan's first tear, and this stubborn and strong woman wants to shout happily at this moment.

The red in Fang Jie's eyes did not last long, and soon disappeared. However, his body gradually changed, and suddenly a spot of light appeared on his lower abdomen, and it became more and more eye-catching. Immediately following, with this light spot on the lower abdomen as the center, several red veins extended to his limbs. Wherever I go, light spots gradually shine.

Qiu Yu's white eyes stared at Fang Jie's body without blinking, and the surprised mouth grew bigger and bigger. She tried to see more clearly, so she instilled Xiu's power into her eyes. Because she was too focused and had too much effort, her face turned out to have a lot of cyan texture, which looked like the lines on the leaves.

Her eyes stared at the red veins on Fang Jie's body, trying to see what it was.

After these blood-colored veins gradually colluded with the limbs from the lower abdomen, thirty-six bright spots were clearly visible on Fangjie's body. Perhaps the solution at this time is still in a state of muddiness, and I don't know what kind of changes have taken place in my body. Although the red blood awns in his eyes gradually disappeared, his eyes were still chaotic.

When the red vein finally reached the end of the limbs, the light of the thirty-six bright spots reached the extreme. Immediately after that, Fang Jie's clothes began to crack, and a male body full of masculine power appeared in front of Qiu Yu and Shen Qingfan. Without the obstruction of clothes, the red veins and light spots are clearer.

After that, the muscles of the solution began to change like waves. Suddenly his body curled up and then straightened, his muscles swelled up, and he looked unmatched.

When his body was fully stretched, his muscles stopped moving.

Fang Jie's body suddenly shivered violently, and a black ink spit from his mouth. Shen Qingfan subconsciously pulled a handful of Qiu Yu, otherwise the black blood would also splash on her. The blood was not bloody, black as ink. After falling to the ground, there was a loud noise, and a blue smoke came out of the black blood.

Shen Qingfan lowered his head and looked closely, then his face changed greatly.

In the black residual blood on the ground, she saw the tiny bugs struggling uneasily. I can't see my head and tail, and I don't have legs or feet. I roll back and forth in the blood, and it seems that the sunlight shining on them makes them painful. Soon, the tiny bugs started to burst, and the pus flowing out was as dark as ink.

Qiu Yu's white eyes moved away from Fang Jie and stared at the bugs. She looked dignified and seemed to be thinking.

Soon, dozens of bugs died one after another, turning into black water. Under the sun's rays, the black blood on the ground evaporates at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. The hard blue bricks are mottled by the black blood, just like the old city bricks that have been hit by wind and rain for hundreds of years. The last one struggling to explode is the largest, with a joint that is as long as the little finger, curled together, and if you don't look closely, it will be mistaken for a peanut bean.

The largest bug rolled and curled back and forth, it was like a small piece of fossil, and the blue brick beneath it was like snow, which was slowly corroded into a small pit, and then it seemed to gradually cool down and belong to Does not move, and finally burst suddenly burst into a small pool of black water.

After all the worms died, Fang Jie's body twitched suddenly. He spit out another spit of blood, but this time the spit was normal red. Following him, he fell backwards and fell into a coma again.

Qiu Yu and Shen Qingfan nearly rushed to support Fang Xie at the same time. Qiu Yu reached out and pinched Fang Xie's veins, while Shen Qing Fan stuck his side to Fang Xie's heart, and the two looked at each other. , Eyes are joy.

The strong and strong heartbeat sounds especially rejoicing.

Ma Lilian, kneeling at the door, saw the scene beyond her surprise. She even forgot to wipe the tears from her eyes. She didn't know what mood she was in, surprise or fear. She looked at Fang Jie's complex meaning, and then she screamed and got up and ran out.

Maybe she was really frightened.

She couldn't understand how a person would spit out so strong black blood, and couldn't understand why there were so disgusting bugs in black blood. Her worries and her previous sorrow were defeated by fear, and she could not control herself and could only escape.

As soon as she left, Dean Zhou, who had disappeared into the sight of everyone, suddenly appeared again at the door. The black blood on the ground had disappeared, and he did not see the shocking scene. Therefore, his eyes were full of doubts.

"what happened?"

He looked at Qiu Yu and asked.

Qiu Yu opened his mouth and finally shook his head. "I don't know. He suddenly woke up."

Maybe she didn't even want to understand why suddenly she didn't want to tell Dean Zhou the truth. She didn't want to let people know the weird red veins on Fang Jie before, nor did she want to let those 36 bright spots. Even Dean Zhou didn't want to tell, or maybe she just thought that Fang Jie didn't want others to know the secret of his body.

Dean Zhou could see that Qiu Yu was hiding something, but he didn't ask any more. Just nodded, and then smiled and said, "If you don't die, just don't die."

Repeating these two words twice, Dean Zhou turned and left again.

Qiu Yu reached out and touched the muscles of Xie's body, and found that Xie's body was as hard as iron. But this hardening is gradually disappearing, and it returns to normal after about thirty seconds.



"what is that?"

Fang Xie, who was lying in bed, slept deeply, breathing well. Qiu Yu, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help but look at Shen Qingfan and asked. She just thought that Shen Qingfan might know the truth.

But Shen Qingfan just shook his head, his eyes confused.

She thought in her heart, maybe Big Dog and Mu Xiaoyao should know something. Because she was very young, she was not a core figure in the protection team. Later, she gradually became a commander because her cultivation speeded forward at a horrible speed and surpassed everyone.

She remembered that at that time, the big dog always carried a sword box, and Mu Xiao had a bag hanging around his neck.

When I met again, the dog's sword box was gone, and Mu Xiao's bag was gone. She didn't ask what happened, but she was sure that only Mu Xiaoyao and Big Dog knew the most among those protecting the solution. Now Mu Xiao waist is in the northwest grassland, I do not know if I have returned. The big dog went to Jiangnan and didn't know when he would be back.

Qiu Yu saw Shen Qingfan didn't answer, and said quietly for a while, "I haven't seen those things, but I can guess some."

"what is that?"

Shen Qingfan asked subconsciously.

"In the southwest of Great Sui Dynasty, there are many savage tribes that have not yet been cultured. I heard that some tribes living in the deepest part of the forest are good at using drug lords to control strangers who have strayed into their territory. People controlled by drug lords will become walking dead, It is completely obedient to the caster, even if they let them commit suicide. There will not be a little resistance. Once there was a tribal mage who was good at using poisonous urns to walk out of the jungle and leave the tribe, but they were regarded as demons and killed by the knights on the rivers and lakes. "

Qiu Yu sighed, "I'm thinking, are the bugs that Fang Jie vomited are poisonous stings?"

"You mean, Fang Xie has been poisoned?"

Shen Qingfan asked.

"Have you heard of it?"

Qiu Yu asked.

Shen Qingfan nodded slightly and said, "I'm from Nanyan ... I've heard something about drug lords. I've heard something similar to what you said just now. People who have been planted will become walking dead. But there seems to be nothing wrong with these years, eating, drinking and speaking like ordinary people. "

Qiu Yu shook his head: "You are the one around him and I do n’t know. I can hardly guess what those things are. Maybe something suppressed the poison and did not have an attack. Or maybe his own constitution is so special that the poisonous Unable to control him, he was finally forced out by the power in his body. "

Shen Qingfan said, "Fang Jie said that during the period of Fan Gu's loyalty, Prince Yang Qi didn't know what method was used on him. Since then, his body has gradually changed. Is it true that Prince Loyal has used repair as his power? Suppressed poison? "


Qiu Yu sighed: "The Prince Xiuwei is said to be so high that people can look up. If he really found out what was wrong in Fang Jie's body and suppressed his spells, he could explain it. But he did not directly Those things are cleared up? Is it impossible to do it by Prince Loyalty? "

"But that doesn't work ..."

She frowned. "If Prince Zhong is at a loss, why would Fang Jie force it out?"

"Maybe it wasn't Fangjie that forced the bugs out, but the bugs escaped by themselves?"

Shen Qingfan thought of the weird red veins and thirty-six highlights on Fang Jie's body: "Is it the change of his body that makes the drug lord unable to survive?"

"Do you mean that these drug lords were almost suppressed by the casting of Prince Loyalty, and then Fang Jie's body gradually became strong, and the weak drug lords could no longer survive and then drilled out by themselves?"

Qiu Yu was taken aback by this inference.

"Maybe no one knows the answer."

Shen Qingfan let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the sleeping Fang Jie with a smile: "Anyway, these disgusting things have been forced out of his body. For him, this is one of the most congratulations. We should be happy for him, aren't we? "

Qiu Yu nodded, and got up and said, "I'll dispense some medicine, and you should stay with him."

Shen Qingfan stood up and solemnly saluted: "Thank you."

Qiu Yu froze a while ~ ~ with a smile: "When he wakes up, let him tell me by himself."




Fang Xie found himself in an absolutely dark place, so dark. He reached out his hand, but couldn't see anything at all. He didn't know what the place was, it seemed big, empty and borderless. It seems small, it is a closed, narrow space.

He couldn't see anything, so he fumbled forward.

Then he suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, so attractive. He turned his head and noticed that there seemed to be a glimmer of light far away. Although the light was so faint that it could not be found without a closer look, it still made people instantly filled with hope. He began to dash, towards that glimmer of light.

As the light became clearer, the fragrance smell became stronger.

The smell was refreshing, and he was breathing with a greedy mouthful.

He could even feel the fragrance inhaling through his nose. This comfortable feeling he had never experienced before was fascinating.

As the light grew stronger, he suddenly heard someone shouting his name softly.

Seeing Fang Jie opened his eyes, Shen Qingfan could not help but whispered joyfully. The solution lying in her arms suddenly realized that the gleam of light was the gap between her closed eyes, which became brighter and brighter because she opened her eyes. So, what's that fascinating fragrance?

He felt it carefully and realized the beauty with his heart. After a long time, the corner of his mouth slowly outlines a curved arc.

It feels so good.

He cheered softly in his heart: This is the taste of the vitality of heaven and earth?

"What's wrong? Why laugh?"

He heard Shen Qingfan asking himself.

Fang Xie smiled: "It's nothing, it's good to live."

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