Conquer the World

Chapter 216: Chungu pancake butcher picking meat

Chapter 216 Chungu Pancake Butcher Picking Meat

Fang Xie did not expect that the place where the old sister-in-law brought him would be like this. What appeared to him was a place that had nothing to do with the prosperity of Chang'an City. Looks dirty, messy and worn out. This is a market hidden in a dark corner, and the people who come here seem to be completely isolated from the scenery of Chang'an City. But here is very lively, and even some wealthy housekeepers come here to buy things.

The size of this market is not too small. At first glance, there were at least hundreds of stalls. The sewage on the ground was frozen and stepping on it was a little slippery. If you look closely, you will find the fish's internal organs in these ice dumplings, the pig's skin with fur, the feathers of chickens and ducks, and pig feces and sheep dung.

Fang Xie saw a butcher holding a pipe at first glance. He wore only a leather apron and shirtless in winter, and could see the thick black hair on his chest. He swallowed the smoke while picking out the bones from the pork with a deboning sharp knife. You can see how he looked, even if he closed his eyes, he could skillfully pull out each bone. On the vegetable mound next to him were three-handled knives, a thick-backed kitchen knife for chopping meat, a spatula for removing pig skin, and a heavier bone-knife.

Behind him was a sturdy woman squatting on the ground to clean up the pig's internal organs. Everything is placed in a large tub. The pig's heart, pig's lungs, pig's liver and pig's large intestine are still hot.

"Mother-in-law, hungry!"

The butcher shouted as he was deboning. His mother-in-law hummed, stood up, wiped his **** hands on the apron, and walked to the side of the stove to uncover the pot lid, which was only burnt out Noodles, steaming. The woman used her **** hand to scoop out the pancake and placed it on the chopping board. She picked a large piece of lard with a knife and spread it on it, and then sprinkled some salt. Finally peeled a green onion and rolled it on pancakes, and handed it to the butcher: "Eat."

The butcher took the pipe down and set it aside, slamming the sharp knife into the vegetable mound. The four-handed knives are arranged neatly, and the distance between them is exactly the same.

He squatted on the ground, swallowed the pancake with his greasy hands, and swallowed it with great taste. Looking at his expression, it seems that the most delicious thing in the world is nothing like this.

Next to the butcher's stall was a vendor selling Chinese cabbage. It didn't look thin, but it looked a bit thin compared to the butcher. He sat on an old chair, squinting Erlang's legs and squinting at an unknown song, Fang Jie listened, and found that it was the taste of Qinqiang in the northwestern mountains, long and rough, but could not hear the specific What lyrics.

An old goat was tethered to his stall, eating his cabbage from time to time. But he didn't bother at all, and humming Xiao Qu'er was at ease.

Or smelling the smell of pancakes, he opened his eyelids and glanced at the butcher, then snorted, "If Spring aunt married me, how could I be willing to let her do such rude things? All day and raw pig flesh In dealing with each other, a beautiful beauty like a flower is ruined into what she is now! "

"Well? It's your turn to dislike it ?!"

The butcher's mother-in-law asked with a frown on her waist.

The man selling cabbage immediately persuaded and laughed, "Isn't that distressing you?"

The butcher's mother-in-law gave him a stern glance, smeared the second cooked pancake with raw lard, sprinkled it with salt, rolled it up with green onions, and tossed it to the man selling cabbage. It looks exactly the same, but at least half of the lard is put in this cake.

The butcher grinned, as if taking advantage. He thought that Aunt Chun still cared about me, and gave him less than half of the lard.

The vegetable farmer also smiled, as if taking a great advantage. He thought that Aunt Chun was still thinking of me, knowing that I couldn't eat anything too oily.

Looking inside, it is a stall selling fish. The sturdy fisherman saw that the business was light. He simply picked up two grass carp with hands and feet, removed the internal organs by descaling, and then limped it in the water. He tied it with a straw rope through the gills, holding the grass carp in one hand Come over with your own gourd.

"Change pancakes!"

He didn't say a word.

The butcher's mother-in-law glared at him: "Wait!"

The fisherman squatted down beside the stall and threw out the two fishes that had been collected, and landed in the bucket beside the butcher's mother-in-law. He squatted down and waited for the pancakes to come out of the pot, glanced at the butcher who laughed and said, "I don't understand, why did Aunt Chun marry you this idiot? I didn't think it was If you marry me, you have to marry a vegetable seller. Anyway, he's smarter than you! But she didn't expect that she picked you.

"I have a good life."

The butcher still grinned, and seemed not angry at all.

The fisherman shook his head helplessly and passed the jug. The butcher who had eaten the pancake quickly wiped his hands on the apron, as if he was afraid of soiling the fisherman's jug. He took it and took a careful sip. He smashed it, and his expression was intoxicated and enjoyable. But instead of taking a second sip, he handed the jug back.

"Dare you dare to take a sip?"

The fisherman was sarcastic.

The butcher smiled embarrassedly: "Aunt Chun said that I would take a sip of wine a day."

At this moment, the aunt Chungu of the pancake seemed to inadvertently see the old sister-in-law, and then smiled and asked, "Yes, what do you want to exchange for your northwestern roast?"

The old sister-in-law said as a matter of course: "It is natural to eat another pancake."

Fang Xie stood not far from them, and subconsciously rubbed his brows and said, "The relationship is really messy ..."



The only clean place in this market is the stall where the ravioli is sold, although the cook who seems to make ravioli is not clean at all. The apron in front of him was already dirty and could not see the original color, and the mud in the nail seams seemed to be stuffed with a layer of coal. I really don't know how anyone would buy the puppets he made, and there were actually a lot of them.

Two tables were put together, and dozens of people sat around.

Fang Xie carefully looked at the people in front of him, and sighed in his heart that he hoped that the old sister-in-law was not playing with herself.

Butcher, vegetable farmer, fisherman, cook, barman, bartender, Liba, smoker, fortune teller, and spring aunt.

It doesn't look like a master in all kinds.

But it can be seen that the old sister-in-law is very familiar and respectful to them. While talking, I'm full of swearing things like mother-in-law and something to you-fuck, but it shows a kind of unpretentious intimacy. Sitting among these people, Fang Jie felt as if he had come from Mars. He seemed too clean, so clean that he couldn't help himself.




"A bit like"


These people whispered these words in their mouths, and looked at the solution carefully like the animals who bought the animals. Fang Jie had no doubt at all, and if they wanted to, they would be able to strip themselves off in the next second and look at the quality of the meat. Especially the big woman named Chun Gu looked at Fang Jie the most carefully, and she was obviously the dream lover of these men. Her eyes moved inch by inch on Fang Jie's body, and Fang Jie even imagined that her underwear could not hide her.

The reason for the comments above is because the old sister-in-law opened his eyes and said something.

"He is the heir of the prince."

Then these people stared at him, although there was some dissatisfaction in the comments, but at least there was nothing disgusting. Perhaps in their eyes, the loyal prince Yang Qi is a kind of demeanor, so no man can compare with him. Fang Xie looks slender but not thin, with a beautiful face but not masculine. In the eyes of women, he should be regarded as a beautiful man. In the eyes of these people, he barely humiliates the reputation of Prince Loyal.

"You say he is, how do you prove?"

The fisherman asked the old sister-in-law.

"What I say is proof, do you think I will lie?"

The old sister-in-law ate pancakes and answered.

"That won't work"

The fortune-teller chuckled his lips and said, "You are not an honest gentleman, and deception is not impossible for you. Without evidence, we don't believe it unless ..."

The old sister-in-law pouted: "Unless what?"

The fortune teller took a serious look at Fang Jie's face, and then stretched out his hand, "Unless you let me touch the bone, come here, come and let me touch it."


The old sister-in-law sighed and cursed, "Who doesn't know you're so male?"

The fortune-teller blushed and looked annoyed at Chun Gu: "Who told her not to choose me at first, but to choose the fool of the butcher? Since then, I have no interest in women unless Chun Gu remarries me."

"To shut up!"

Aunt Chun scolded and looked to Fangjie and asked, "What can you prove that you are the successor of the Lord? Things have also become, and repairs have also become. Let us see, rest assured, really ca n’t be fake, fake. Can't hide us! "

Fang Xie was silent for a moment, then shook his head and answered seriously: "No."


Chun Gu frowned and asked, "Why do we believe in you?"

Fang Jie thought for a while and said, "It's true, Master and I just spent a short time with Fan Guxiang in the northwest. I don't know why Master chose me as his successor, and he didn't pass it on to me. Something that proves identity ~ ~ Which one is his mother? "

The vegetable farmer whispered in a low voice, apparently there was some resistance to the other side.

"Grandpa, where did you pick up such a little white face? It's a person who wants to pretend to be a grandfather, aren't you stupid in the red sleeves?"

The fisherman muttered in dissatisfaction.

"My grandfather, wouldn't you just pick up a little boy from the blue house to lie to us to eat and drink? Is he honoring you with a pot of northwestern roast, or honoring your white ass?"

Liba asked, chewing a slice of cabbage that had been scooped from the vegetable stall.

The old sister-in-law looked at Fang Xie, but did not seem to mean to make a clearance for him. He seemed to enjoy watching Fang Jie's eyes with some disgusting pancake rolls of lard and the puppets made by the black hands. Fang Jie knew what the old sister-in-law did not mean to make a siege for himself. To get these people to recognize him, he had to find a way.

"I ca n’t find anything to prove my identity, because the Master gave me nothing. The only thing I gave was a little golden dan, and it was eaten by me. But if you just refuse to believe that I am Master ’s heir, I I will still convince you in my own way. "

"any solution?"

Aunt Chun asked.

Fang Jie smiled and said, "When Fan Gu, I once asked Master how to make people believe what you said? Master said reasoning. I asked again if the other party would not listen to you. Master said I'll be stunned until he believes you. "

"and so……"

Fang Jie stood up, took off the robe slowly and said, "Are you going up together or fighting one by one?"


The only woman of ten, the aunt named Chun Gu, snorted slightly, watching Fang Jie's eyes slightly changed, she snorted: "It looks a bit like now."

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