Conquer the World

Chapter 190: Broken House Wild Dog Wildcat Palace Eunuch 3

Chapter 190: Eunuch No. 3 in the Palace of the Broken House, Wild Dog, and Wild Cat

Chang'an City is too big, so even if it is prosperous, there are still places that look shabby in the most hidden corners. There is an abandoned mansion at the end of Sixteenth Street in Dongcheng, which is said to have been a valuable residence. Later, the house that had fallen into Chang'an City could no longer be mixed, and the house was transferred to a wealthy merchant at a low price. It didn't take long for the wealthy merchant's family to commit a murder, and the family was poisoned. Although it was later found that the real murderer was a competitor to his business, the house was no longer occupied, and it was unknown how many years it had been deserted.

Because Chang'an City is too large, it is obviously too hard to have a elegant name for all the streets, so in simple terms, the streets running from east to west are called bars, and the streets running from north to south are called streets. The shop rented out by Fang Xie was in East Twenty-Three. It was still a long way from East Eighteenth Street where this house was located, and it took at least an hour to walk.

A cloud obscured the moon in half, and the broken moonlight was even more broken when it was shining into the room from the dilapidated window. In the daytime, there may be bold children going over the ruined walls to come in and play. At night, some people will come in and frighten themselves.

The snow has not completely melted, especially under the remnant wall.

An ownerless wild cat crouches on the wall and shrinks into a ball. Changan City's winter is cold and it cannot find the warmth. I do n’t know if it ’s because I ’m hungry and I ’m so cold that I do n’t want to move. When the **** bird flew in the sky in the sky, the wild cat did n’t have any reaction. When I encountered a piece of wood in the room, the wild cat was screamed in shock and then hurried away.

Heiying ignored the wild cat and shook his robe and got in through the half-hiding door. This place is secretive enough so he looks satisfied.

The black fingers in this room were almost out of touch with five fingers. In addition to the moonlight infiltrating through the broken window, it also carried some human atmosphere. In other places, how did it feel like Yincaodifu.

The shadow didn't seem to hate this deep darkness at all. He slowly turned his head and glanced, and chose a corner covered with straw to walk over. When he was about to go there, he paused and looked at him. The gloomy two-point coldness that suddenly appeared in the corner. It was a wild dog. In the kennel of the straw shop, there were still a few dog puppies that had not opened their eyes. Those two cold awns were the bitter vigilant eyes of the bitch.

Just as the **** opened his mouth to reveal the sharp fangs that were about to growl, the man suddenly opened his eyes. The **** who guarded the cub was so scared that she whispered a few times, and lay on the ground trembling.

Black Shadow walked slowly to the bitch, crouched down, and reached out to caress the bitch's dirty hair.

The **** was lying on the ground, as if she was paralyzed with fright.

The man's eyes softened gradually, and he stretched out his hand to bite the bitch's mouth. The **** wanted to open his mouth but couldn't. He shook his dog's mouth, and the dog's head suddenly broke. From the neck to the brush disconnected, strangely, but no drop of blood came out.

Under a ray of moonlight, a glacial moraine can be seen at the broken part of the bitch's neck.

He threw the dog's head aside and kicked the dog's body away. The man crouched beside the kennel had moonlight shining on his face, and it seemed that he was not very old. His face was dirty, and his mouth was covered with black stains. It looked as if he had just scratched the greasy pork leg, and there were still many residues on his face.

However, he didn't eat anything, he just didn't wash his face for a long time.

What remained on the corner of his mouth was not oil, but blood.

Sitting down in the straw kennel, he picked up a little dog who could only make a weak bark, so he watched in front of him, staring at it for three minutes. Then he sighed quietly, put the puppy next to his mouth, and bit his neck.

More weird than twisting the bitch's neck, the puppy was bitten to death, no drop of blood was frozen, and the man did not drop a drop of blood. The man greedily sucked all the hot dog blood into his mouth like a big mouth. In the darkness, his throat knot floated up and down, his voice gurgling out of his throat.

After about two minutes, the dog's blood was sucked clean.

He seemed to enjoy the food, his blood red tongue sticking out and licking his lips. Then he started eating meat. The dog cub had fur even if it was young, but he was like a wolf. After tearing open the dog's skin, he began to swallow the sticky internal organs.

In the silent darkness, 唧 唧 唧 chewing sound so clear and audible.

He ate slowly and carefully, without wasting any flesh.

After filling the whole dog with its skin except the skin, he squeezed a very young bone and wrote a word on the wall with the remaining blood, and then he stretched his waist comfortably and shrank. Lying in the kennel, he seemed to enjoy the temperature left by the bitch.

Although the remaining two puppies smelled bloody, but because of hunger and cold, they still squeezed the temperature slowly beside his head. In this way, the two dog pups snuggled together with a person who had just eaten the pups.

I don't know when the wild cat returned to the wall. It glanced at the huddled figure in the broken house, and escaped again after struggling for a long time. Maybe it saw the dog's head, or maybe it saw the dog's skin.



At least one and a half hours before the sun rose, Fang Jie had already made a punch in the small garden of Sanjinhoufu. The sweat was soaked in the shirt, and if you look closely, you can see the pale white heat rising from his body. After the body warmed up, Fang took off his shirts. The moon hung low, and the moonlight reflected a faint luster on his strong body.

There is a layer of fine sweat beads on the angular chest and abs muscles, which seems to have some metal-like dim luster.

Fang Xie pulled the residual knife from the ground, right hand first, then left hand. After half an hour practicing with a knife, his breathing was still smooth and even. After the practice of the sword, he habitually sat down cross-legged again and tried to perceive his own Dan Tian Qi Hai. After five minutes, he opened his eyes and smiled without disappointment.

It has become a habit, what else can be disappointed.

Still can't feel Qihai.

He has asked many people that when feeling Qihai, the inner strength will circle in the Qihai, and there will be a warm feeling in the lower abdomen, which is an extravagance for Fang Jie.

Lifting the clothes, Fang Jie walked slowly to the well, shaking a bucket of cold biting water, soaking the towel and carefully rubbing his body. After everything was done, it became darker. The darkness before dawn seems to be deeper than in the middle of the night. At this time most people are sleeping sweetly.

Fang Xie returned to his room, changed into a clean uniform of the Yanwu Academy, and did not wake up the big dogs. He went straight out to find the driver who was waiting at the door. The carriage was ready. The driver patted the horse's **** The horse snorted and blew two white gas, stepping forward in the last moonlight.

Many officials have arrived outside the gate of Taiji Temple. It is still a while before the gate of the palace opens. Adults got into the car of a close friend and chatted together. Outside the palace gate, two rows of flying fish robe nails at the large inner guards stood generally, and the guards in big red cloaks pressing the horizontal knife with their hands moved like a stone.

Fang Jie asked the driver to stop a bit. He calculated the time and estimated that the palace door was about to open. Instead of letting the driver be frozen with himself, he asked him to go back first. The coachman thanked him and hurried the carriage to the rules. It's still early, and he can make up for it when he returns.

This is Fang Xie's first close look at Tai Chi Palace at night, and the soldiers on the palace wall held a torch to go back and forth. In the distance, faint sounds of beating can be heard.

Very quiet and peaceful picture, Fang Jie looked a little fascinated.

This kind of picture is faintly familiar, but only those scenes of ancient TV series in memory. Fang Jie couldn't help but look down at the uniform on his body, and said whether he would become a television character in a few years? This feeling is boring but wonderful, cranky always kills time.

After waiting about 20 minutes, the adults got out of the car and stood outside the palace gate according to their grade. Fang Xie watched them warming their hands one by one, and then looked at their singles, so they were a little proud. When people practice to a certain level, they will not be afraid of the heat and heat. Fang Jie cannot practice but his body is good enough ~ ~ so he will not feel as cold as ordinary people in this midwinter season.

The palace door squeaked and was pulled open from the inside. The **** on duty came out and sang a few sound fields in accordance with the rules, and then led the adults into the stream.

Fang Xie waited until they all entered, and found that the **** Mu San was standing in the doorway and waiting for him.

"Slavery pays respects to Master Xiaofang."

The little **** who frowned and looked at Fang Xie's erect figure enviously, said to himself, is it really not cold if he only wears a single shirt?

"Why don't you be so kind, wait for trouble."

Fang Jie smiled and returned the gift, and when he came to the front, stuffed a bag into Mu San's hand: "At the time of the arrival, Dong Twenty-four's Sun Kee's hob cakes were already cooked, and I brought you some by the way. It ’s fragrant when it ’s hot. ”

The little **** Mu Sanjiu measured the weight of the small parcel and knew that it must be more than just a few worthless pancakes. He did not quit, took the lead in his cuff and took the lead to go out to lead the way: "Last night, His Majesty barely slept, General Zuo Wuwei, Yu Manlou, the Ministry of Defense minister Lang Zongliang Tiger, and Huang Men's servant Lang Pei Yan just came out of Dongnuan Pavilion. ... "

It's just like a housewife, except the sound is very light.

"Your Majesty seemed to lose his temper last night and dropped something ... Master Zong Lianghu was holding a thick stack of documents when he went in, but he didn't know what it was. General Yu Manlou came out and went to the latrine, his face was not so good It looks good. But Master Pei hasn't talked much, and he hasn't reacted differently. "


Fang Jie nodded, thinking in his heart what kind of attitude he should be in front of him?

PS: I haven't taken the college entrance examination and I haven't felt that kind of atmosphere. But I can understand the state of mind of the students. I have studied hard for twelve years and struggled for two days. Come on, I wish all the teenagers who participated in the college entrance examination can achieve their wishes, and bless you.

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