Conquer the World

Chapter 1235: Human moment at that moment

Chapter 1235 The Eruption Of Human Nature At The Moment

The text may be a bit uncomfortable for Wu Yitong, but Fang Jie feels kind. Simplified characters, very kind simplified characters.

For the most part, there is nothing in the front of this note that requires special attention. The first two-thirds of the entire note is daily. The owners who recorded this note lived in the ordinary place of this underground palace, most of them are trivial things like what subjects are invested in and what progress is made every day.

The owner of this note is named Li Qin, and his position should be a lieutenant colonel of the Army's Reserve Support Force. At his age, it is not easy to reach this level. However, the personnel positions of such scientific research units are generally relatively high, which cannot be measured by the promotion of combat troops.

Li Qin and their base are responsible for researching quasi-black hole technology.

The so-called quasi-black hole technology is a large-span transfer technology developed based on an unknown force in the universe. In other words, they are studying space technology. Seeing this solution, I understand a little, why Mr. Jiu will find the thing that can make people cross the void from here.

It is learned from Li Qin's handwriting that this technology is not very successful and is at the most critical stage of research and development. They have solved the technology of individual cross-space transfer, but have not been able to achieve the large-scale group space transfer technology. The thing Mr. Jiu found was their prototype.

This kind of thing can take people through space to reach the position set by coordinates. Because Mr. Jiu does not understand the operation and setting of this instrument, he will not transfer accurately, but can only set an orientation. Fang Xie is different. Fang Xie has previous experience, and the operation is not difficult for him.

As mentioned in the note, there is no doubt that once this technology is successful, the impact on the world will be extremely great. Imagine that if you can successfully carry out a large-army-style space transfer, it will be an unshakable advantage for war.

Once this technology can equip the army, it will be a nightmare for the enemy.

Even if only a few hundred people can set up a space transfer, it will be enough to affect the direction of the war. With this technology, it is entirely possible for God to kill the other party ’s command system without even knowing it. Science and technology have reached such a point that war is no longer a matter of life. But the weapon is always controlled by humans, and this space transfer technology can make the enemy's rear mess.

Even the command system collapsed.

Unfortunately, this technology has not yet succeeded, and war has come.

"The war came very suddenly. When we knew the news, the capital city had been attacked by enemy nuclear bombs. We can imagine how terrible it would be to be attacked by nuclear bombs in a densely populated place. The number of people who died is inestimable. . We have a very complete defense system. The enemy can attack the capital with such precision. Obviously, we have a new technology. This is something we did not expect, but we firmly believe that our heads should be safe. The capital has a very perfect The underground facilities are strong enough to be as strong as we are now. "

When Fang Jie saw this sentence, he knew that the following records could fully explain his doubts.

"We don't know why the war started, and restraint was maintained among the great powers. But we all know that once a nuclear bomb landed on the territory, we actually have no way out. Our nuclear bombs are deployed in the country. Twenty-six hidden places where the country was attacked are the beginning of the disaster. "

"Today we learn that our counterattack has been very effective. Almost half an enemy's borders have been reduced to ashes within a day. But the news we have received is not all good ... We can hit half an enemy's borders. In fact, there are not many nuclear bombing platforms deployed by enemy countries. And after all, enemy science and technology are ahead of us, so we will have to face the same storms and attacks of enemy countries. "

"The military alliances of the enemy nations have joined the war, and our allies have also joined the war. When we knew the news, none of us were uplifted, only fear. Because we all know that the end of the world is coming. When the first nuclear bomb exploded, At that moment, the end of the world is actually here. "

"Our communications have been paralyzed, and obviously the satellite system has been completely destroyed. However, we still can contact our people by relying on old-fashioned communication systems. Today we have been ordered to accelerate the development of large-scale space transfer technology because we need to survive. . At present, our location is still safe, and the enemy ’s satellites may not be used much ... I do n’t know how long we can be safe. It is said that the head of state is already on his way. ”

"Today we have a dispute ... we are running out of food and water, the water above must be contaminated, and we are unable to go out and change the situation. All of us work like crazy and speed up the research progress. Because only The success of space transfer technology can keep our nation from perishing. But the progress cannot be accelerated because of people's anxiety. We are now in a closed stage, the information source is lost, and the work becomes more difficult. "

"Fortunately, we have made progress. We try to make changes and integrate each other's thinking. The teams no longer quarrel, thankfully we have found the right direction."

What follows is a long list of terms that cannot be understood by Fang Jie at all.



August 25, 3021

We have finally succeeded. Although the number of people we can transfer does not exceed 320, there has never been a concept of an upper limit for the technology itself. We can now reach the level of transferring 320 people, then in the near future, we can truly achieve a large regiment-like space transfer.

It is said that there is already a scorched soil outside. Fortunately, our base has avoided the enemy's two blows. The enemy may not know the existence of our base. After all, in the country, only the head of state and some high-level personnel in the military know this place.

The head of state came very slowly and could not use the aircraft. But at this time, there is basically no complete road to pass through. I can imagine that this is by no means a smooth journey. We have been defeated. After losing about 75% of its military power, the enemy nation will not win. It is not just us now, our allies have also lost.

The enemy's military forces should clean up our country soon, but I know ... both of us still have the last trace of sanity. Yes, there is only a trace of it. Because we have everything in our hands to destroy the world, the enemy wants to kill the head of state as soon as possible. Once the last power is used, the world is really dead.

Our moods are all complicated, and the thirteen days of saving money are as tormenting as us for the thirteenth century. Now it seems that the material supply system that was promised at that time was simply a joke, and some people who hid in us still maintained a ridiculous nobleness, and even took a bath!

August 26, 3021

Bad news came, the heads of state could not come, and they could never come. He was tracked by the enemy and a precision guided bomb hit his car. A bullet-proof car cannot resist such a powerful weapon. When we got the news, we couldn't even cry.

Fang Xie saw here, and found that something should have happened, and his mood suddenly became tense.

Because of the next handwriting, it is particularly scribbled.

"Just as soon as we got the news, the head of the gang had handed the code box he had handed over to his robot guard before he died, and asked the brainless lunatic machine to launch the launcher, and our weapon was lifted off. This is unstoppable "Because this level of weapon does not need to explode in enemy territory at all, and the enemy country no longer has this ability to intercept."

"I always say that the machine is not credible! Fuck they will only follow the procedure, and now everything is finished ... we are going to leave, use the space transfer technology we just developed to leave here, go to the extreme south, where there is no war It affects, although it is cold, our inspection station can provide us with food and drinking water, at least to ensure that we are alive. But ... there is only one instrument, and we have more than 1,600 people here. "

"The decision I made just now feels like a devil. We sent all the armed guards out and told them that the fifteen kilometers from here was that the material storage warehouse had not been destroyed and there was food and water. They did not Doubt and left with hope. They didn't think about it. Is it necessary to build the warehouse 15 kilometers away? But after they leave, we only have more than 500 people. It seems that the next choice is even more brutal. "

"Someone shouted outside, it should be what happened. I'll go out and see ... I will seal this note and my stuff, maybe someone in the future can see it. I hope that when someone sees this, the world is beautiful again . There are flowers, birds, blue sky and white clouds. There are people working in the field, and the children are shouting and jumping with joy. I hope that there will be no war and the world will always be peaceful. "



Seeing this, Fangjiejie can already infer what happened later.

Because of the space transfer instrument developed by Li Qin, they could only take 320 people away. Although Li Qin they lied to the armed forces and let those soldiers look for food. However, there are more than five hundred people here. And these five hundred people are basically core scientific and technological personnel. They knew that the experiment had been successful, and that only 320 people could leave alive.

What happened next should be cruel.

Li Qin's final record said that when she heard shouts outside ~ ~ the killings had already begun at that time. However, Fang Jie speculated that Li Qin did not die here, but had already left. Not because Li Qin is indispensable in this research, but simply because ... he is young and strong enough. There is no doubt that those who have been killed are those who are old and weak in resistance.

This is a consensus that can be reached with almost no discussion. Those who are relatively young and strong will eventually survive. And those who are old, they are destined to resist. No one has any high spirits, and humanity may be the most real at this moment.

Because Li Qin is strong enough, he should not be actively attacked. Whether he has joined the attack or not is unknown. Because the note ends here, there is no follow-up.

But after Fang Jie finished reading, he put a big mountain on his heart.


Uncomfortable blocking. It cannot be said that they did something wrong, because at that time there was no right or wrong. Everyone wants to live, so hurt is inevitable. When Fang Xie passed the notes to others, she felt that she had no strength on her arm.

It seems that all have been evacuated.

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