Conquer the World

Chapter 100: Keshengju different people

Chapter Hundreds of Victory People

The several Jinyi men who walked into the gate of Keshengju had almost the same expressions, and the eyes of those garrison soldiers were undisguised. Because of the current whim of His Majesty, these soldiers from the cold gates robbed half of the enrollment quotas from the children of the family, and the contradiction cannot be stopped from the moment when this purpose came down.

The Jiangnan royal family is the most famous family in the world. In the previous dynasty, the royal family produced seven prime ministers, four national officials, and dozens of counties. Although the royal family gradually lost power after the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty, the heritage of the family for hundreds of years cannot be underestimated.

In the former dynasty, the only thing that could be compared with the Wang family was the Jiangnan Xie family. The fate of these two famous gates is also almost the same. Since Da Sui replaced the former dynasty, these two positions have been in the courts. Especially with the appointment of Emperor Tianyi, the Emperor Tianyou, none of the officials with more than three products came from these two. There is no official in North Korea, this is a precursor to the complete decline of the family.

But there is no doubt that the Wang family has an unparalleled influence in the local area.

Wang Ding is one of the young people of the Wang family who has learned Chinese martial arts outstandingly. His father once did a job as a prefecture, but only stayed in the rank of Shipin. He had high hopes since he was a child. At the cost of lavish money, he hired an erudite professor to do his homework, and invited the most famous people from Wulin to guide his practice.

Wang Ding also lived up to his father's high hopes, and his name was broadcast in Jiangnan when he was young. But it is also because of his fame that he is young and unavoidable.

This time he came to the imperial capital, he had two things in mind.

Yanwuyuan entered the top three in the examination and married Yang Weixia, the daughter of Asahi-gun Wang Yangkai. Although King Asahi didn't respond to the marriage, Wang Ding knew that if he wanted to make his way in the official career, marrying the daughter of King Asahi was definitely a shortcut. The family also attached great importance to this matter, not only invited a reputable veteran in the court to be a matchmaker, and even wrote a letter to the emperor.

The arrogant Wang Ding had no good opinion of the frontiers gathered in Keshengju. Speaking of which, he deliberately came to see the poorness of these soldiers. It was unbearable for the soldiers not to be ashamed to eat Haagenju's liquor and mix white food.

Ke Shengju's guy was very clever and quickly greeted Wang Ding and others to the second floor elegant room. Wang Dingbai glanced at the frontiers and said a little to the guys: "If the meritorious soldiers of the Da Sui are not drinking enough, you can just drink alcohol at will, and the money spent is counted by me."

The words came out of his mouth, with a sense of embarrassment.

The boy replied in a low voice, and said to himself, why do you deliberately make trouble? These soldiers have a good drink, but you come to ridicule the irony, if we make trouble, we can't carry it.

Mo Xidao's face changed, and angrily took a step forward. Fang Jiesheng held his sleeve and shook his head slightly. Mo Xidao snorted coldly, sat down on a stool, patted the seal of a wine jar, and slammed it directly into his mouth.

At this time, the person who came in after Wang Ding and others finally attracted the attention of all the platoon soldiers.

This man is a burly man with a beard, big eyes, wide shoulders and a narrow waist, a square face, and an angry eyebrow. He wasn't wearing Jinyi, but he was wearing clothing from the Great Sui Dynasty.

"It's Wang Wei!"

Zhang Kuang whispered in Fang Jie's ears: "He is from the army in Baishui City. He is from the general Luo Yao. Although he is from a cold door, he can climb up to the backstage!"

"Wang Wei, who kills several barbarian towns every year?"

Fang Jie could not help asking.

"it's him!"

Zhang Mang sneered coldly: "After he arrived in the imperial capital, he never interacted with his brothers from the frontiers, but he mingled with the family members all day. He was a real classmate, and he used him as a dog, and he himself I still feel pretty, and lost the face of our frontier! Yesterday I asked a few brothers to invite him. He shimmed that he was not available because he wanted to sacrifice the Jiangnan royal family, so he had to come and drink with us. "

Mo Xidao shook his head and whispered softly: "Everyone has his own ambition, don't force it, come ... let's drink!"

He lifted the wine jar again and drank it in half.

"Brother Fang, you really ... have seen enough of your Majesty?"

Zhang Kuang shifted the topic and asked for solutions.

Fang Xie nodded and said, "See, see, but I'm timid, I didn't dare to look up, and now I don't know what Your Majesty looks like."

Zhang Kuang smiled and said, "Instead, it's me, I'm afraid I'm afraid to look up."

Mo washes his knife but doesn't answer, but just looks sideways at Wang Ding and others who climbed the stairs coldly. It seemed that he felt his eyes. Wang Ding, who was halfway up the stairs, stopped and looked around and snorted. He looked down and said something to his companion.

Fang Jie pulled Mo to wash his knife, and smiled and said, "Where does Brother Mo live?"

"Post station"

Mo Xidao replied for a while and replied, "Where can we poor poor sours without silver? After the Ministry of Defense has filed, those who have no money can apply to live in the post. It is the court's care of our frontier. Three meals a day are also managed, but not to be hungry. "

Fang Jie said, but couldn't help moving.

When he first went to the Ministry of Defense to file a report, no one told him that he could apply to live in the post. I was afraid that at that time, the soldiers were already counting him. After all, if he lived in the post, it would be much more difficult to kill him. And if he lives in an inn, it will be much easier to start.

Suddenly he couldn't help but want to laugh, it was really good to laugh at himself when he arrived in the capital.

It looked like a fair and bright imperial capital, but for him it was everywhere. If you are not careful, you may get stuck and pull out.



Wang Ding and others went up to the second floor and chose a private room facing the street. After ordering the buddies to eat and drink, Wang Ding waved his hand and said impatiently: "Close the door and hear the voices of the poor sour ghosts outside."

Wang Wei, who was not seated on the side, closed the door immediately, respectfully.

"Wang Wei, you are different from them."

Wang Ding looked at him with a smile and said, "Not to mention that you are from the left-winger, General Luo, your birth should be a branch of my royal family. In the future, you should not deal with these people, lest you get cheesy. "

"What Prince Wang said is, I will do it."

Wang Wei said leaning forward slightly and humblely.

"Sit down, sit down"

Wang Ding waved his hands casually: "Since I brought you with me, I didn't treat you as an outsider. This wine is not without reason. For a while, General Luo's only son. Come. You are an old veteran of General Luo. I ’d like to get closer to General Luo when I meet with you ... I have specially invited General Ronaldinho to do this for him. He has been sealed by his Majesty from four Pin Lang will soon leave Beijing to serve in the Northwest Youxiao Guard. "

"Brother Wang is admirable!"

A boy in Jinyi couldn't help clapping and said, "If you can't guess who can guess the purpose of this wine today, it's not easy to invite the son of Luo Wen, where can you have such a big face!"

Wang Ding waved and smiled and said, "Where and where, my father and General Luo are familiar with each other. General Luo and I did not play together when we were young. Remember that he was in trouble and I didn't lose his bag. So, If others don't invite him, he can't help but give me face. "

While talking, suddenly someone knocked on the door.


Wang Wei asked.

"Wang son, I speak for someone."

The guest at the door, Ke Shengju, whispered in a low voice, "General Luo recently sent someone to say that there is something important today that can't be separated, and I really can't take the time. Please take more time."

The words were polite, but it was tantamount to Wangding's mouth.

Wang Ding's face changed and became extremely ugly.

Seeing him embarrassed, Wang Wei quickly said: "If you want to come, there is something important in the Ministry of Military Affairs. After all, General Ronaldinho is going to the northwest. There should be a lot of things in the Ministry of Military Affairs ..."

"To shut up!"

Wang Ding glared at him, feeling the hotness on his face. It was because of the shame that came from his heart that he felt that the noisy frontiers outside were abominable. He couldn't help thinking about the man with the scarred face who looked at him coldly before.

"Wang Wei, do you know the rate of the frontier brigade who was blind?"


Wang Wei hurriedly said: "His name is Mo Xidao. He is a scout team in Fenghuangtai, Dongjiang. Because of some credits, he was promoted to the brigade rate before he came to the capital. There is some prestige in the frontier. This time the frontier was at the Keshengju gathering, which was Zhang Zhang. This person is the most promising candidate among the military and military candidates. He is not only highly advanced, but also extremely sinister and cunning. "

"Phoenix Terrace?"

Wang Ding frowned, and seemed to think of something like: "Is that the person who sneaked into the door of Dongchu and destroying people? Knowing this, but not remembering the person's name. Blind one eye, presumably left at that time Yes ... if it was him, it would be worth noting. "

"A straw bag, how can you compare with brother Wang!"

The person sitting next to Wang Ding poured a glass of wine for him and said with a smile: "Brother Wang is the most popular candidate for the top three, so that those garrison soldiers who join the ranks are not opponents of Wang brother."

"Can't help but beware."

Wang Ding thought about it and looked at Wang Wei and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Wang Wei shook his head and said, "I don't understand. I just heard that his cultivation should have exceeded six grades. So many candidates from military and military backgrounds should have no one to beat him."

"This person ... if you can't take the Yanwuyuan exam ... what's the use of being strong?"

"Is Brother Wang able to think of a way to teach this person?"


Wang Ding smiled coldly and said: "Which would be so cheap ... Wang Wei, after a while you go down, please Mo wash up the knife, and said I just offended him offensively, and apologize to him!"


Everyone here was taken aback.

"Why do you deserve your honor?"

Someone immediately advised.


Wang Ding smiled and called Wang Wei over and whispered a few words. After listening, Wang Wei's face changed greatly, and he couldn't help but take a step back and waved his hands again and again: "Wang son, this is the sin of getting into a prison! If you are not careful, you will even be implicated! It's inappropriate."

"With me, what are you afraid of?"

Wang Ding waved his hand and said, "Go, as long as you have done this, I have to thank you. Besides, Mo was unable to participate in the examination of Yanwuyuan if something happened to the knife. Didn't you also go to a strong opponent? He is pressing you, who can steal the first seat of a military candidate from you? "

Wang Wei hesitated and hesitated for a while and said, "Since the Prince deserves me, I can't live up to your trust ~ ~ But ... since it's a shot, don't leave room. Some of the people below also They all have some skills. Anyuan City ’s frontier brigades are furious. Fan Gucheng has a scout team deputy. Both of them are opponents. To do it together ... "

"I did read you right!"

Wang Ding laughed, proud of his face.



As Wang Ding told Wang Wei to do something, the person sitting in the elegant room next to them was frowning slightly. Although Wang Ding told Wang Wei how to calculate the pressure of Mo Xidao and others when the sound pressure was extremely low, how could his practice be unclear. Seeing his discomfort, the young man sitting opposite him tightened his heart.

"The commander ... what you asked me to do, I dare not take charge of it. Do you allow me to tell my father and make a decision?"

In Da Sui, few people were called commanders.

This face was a little gloomy, and it was Hou Wenji who was soothed by the feelings. Sitting opposite him was Rowan, whose already tense hands were trembling slightly.

Hou Wenji ignored Luo Wen's almost begging tone, but whispered pointing to the outside: "Let Liu Qianhu bring a group of guards, just wait outside, don't approach, and say that there will be no big mess."


His cronies Flying Fish Robe immediately answered and turned to go out.

"General Ronaldo, what did you just say? Sorry, you walked away for a while, you say it again?"

"I said ... I don't dare to take charge of this."

Luo Wenji replied.


Hou Wenji waved his hand and smiled gently: "I'm not in a hurry, it doesn't matter if you wait for three or five years. You know that our Sui Song Mozhai rice paper is very good, and it won't break for decades or even 100 years. You're young, and I'm not old ... so don't worry. "

He smiled at the confession on the desk case.

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