Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 5 Chapter 108: The Great Siege (21)

On the early morning of the 25th, the Ottoman army began an offensive against Bucharest. When finally roared by the heavy artillery that was transported to the front line, the Bucharest people couldn't help but change their faces.

The projectile wrapped with huge destruction was ejected from the muzzle along with the smoke and flames, and a vaguely smoky strip was drawn into the arc of the city wall of Bucharest.

The Ottoman artillery is undoubtedly the most terrible weapon made by mankind in this era. The solid wall looks like a magnificent in front of a cannonball with fierce power. In fact, the hollow giant has shivered. Whenever the shell falls, , Bucharest seemed to respond with a painful moan.

As the fortress located at the forefront of the south of the city, the Bukur fortress named after the Bukur church where the Montina Army is located bears the brunt.

The sound of artillery rumbling and roaring in the sky, looking at the rubble that was instantly smashed and shattered around the city wall, Alexander standing in the distance could not help but sigh softly, "the era of artillery and muskets will come."

The artillery of the Ottoman army burst into flames, and the shells hit the city wall. The heavy bombing caused the stones on the wall to fall off. The people standing on the wall felt that the city wall would break and collapse in the next moment.

The Ottoman shelling continued for a long time, which even made Bucharest doubt whether they intend to rely on these artillery pieces to crush the city.

When the sound of the guns was finally thin and the trumpet sounded on the ground, Alexander only once again climbed up to the wall, standing on the wall that had been blown up and covered with potholes. He first looked at the tide of the Ottoman army that came from the wall. I recalled the shelling just now, then turned back and smiled to the nearby Compati, "It seems that Hilva did a good job."

Compatibi nodded silently, he knew what Alexander said.

The Ottomans once bombarded the walls of Constantinople with the most powerful Urban cannon in the world. Although the fall of Constantinople cannot be said to be the credit of the Urban cannon, the terrible firepower of the Ottomans was Is well known worldwide.

However, Bucharest once thwarted the Ottomans 'offensive. This history let both parties know that when the Ottomans' invasion again comes, Bucharest will face more powerful and fierce enemies.

However, from the shelling of Alexandria just now, I noticed that although the Ottoman firepower was huge, it was not as violent as imagined. From the extent of the destruction of the city walls, the power of the Ottoman artillery did not seem to be great, which means that they The artillery used was not a heavy heavy gun like the Urban Cannon.

Didn't the Ottomans bring heavy siege artillery?

Alexander felt unlikely, so the only explanation was that for some reason, their large artillery was likely to be delayed halfway and not delivered to the front in time.

Only Hurwa can now hold the back of the Ottoman army.

The flag fluttered and the Ottomans began to attack.

Unsurprisingly, the gray figure appeared again, and looking at the Muslem infantry, Alexander nodded slightly to the messengers around him.

A group of Balkans roared to the wall, and behind them, Genoa Sword and Shield soldiers waited for orders.

This was a set of tactics that Alexander had just conceived not long ago. In order to deal with Muselim ’s infantry, the Balkan farmers must be used in the same manner, and the defensive Genoese should be used as a reserve team to replace the Balkans.

The collision between the two sides unfolded on the city wall, and the violent conflict that broke out with life and death almost instantly made Alexander think he saw a living hell.

Although he had guarded Pisa and had experienced many battles, Alexander could n’t help but admit it at this moment, as a famous military theorist in the later generations said, “Of all wars, the war of religion and faith is the most brutal and ruthless. . "

Fighting everywhere, people who didn't know each other carried out terrible killing just for the difference of their beliefs.

The person in front will not stop, because the person in the back will push you forward, and the person in the back will be blindly followed by the people around you because of the stimulation of the **** shouting and **** face in front. surge.

When the war machine started, no one could stop any more. At this moment, even Xi Sugu, who is famous for his calmness, couldn't help but become bloated. He added a blessing from the scripture after every command. Only in this way can the excitement in his heart be vented.

"Take this Bukur fortress, this place is too important to us," Xi Sugu looked at the map and poked his finger firmly at the place marked Bukur fortress. "Look at the location of this fortress, if we can't take it successfully, , Our attack on the other side of the river would not receive enough support. "

Speaking of Xi Sugu looking across the fortress shrouded in smoke, his eyes flashed with anger, which was very different from his usual expression: "I don't know if the Earl of Montina had chosen this place long ago, but Now he is blocking my way! "

The right wing of the Ottoman army launched a fierce attack on the Bukur fort. A team of soldiers poured into the city wall almost uninterrupted, and Muselim soldiers launched a desperate shock under the supervision of the officers.

Gompati stood on the wall and looked at the enemies below. He was also terrified by the fierce madness of the Ottomans. Although he had dealt with Ottoman more than once, he only saw him when he charged the fortress against the fortress. Really realize the terrible of this army.

That's the bravery that will never flinch even if he knows that he might hit his head in front of a solid wall, but in Gompati's view this is more crazy.

"This is the power of faith, or the craziness of faith." Alexander said to Gompati this way, looking at the Ottomans who were constantly assaulting, but his eyes turned to the other side of the Dembowica River not far away.

After breaking through the Pletvi fortress, the Ottoman fleet quickly took control of several piers downstream of the Dembrica, and then they launched an attack on the eastern part of Bucharest on the other side of the river.

When the news of the Ottomans appearing on the east bank of the Dembrica came, Ladislas II immediately fell into a huge panic. He was worried that the city was completely surrounded, and he was even more worried about the relatively weak Dongcheng District. The Ottomans broke through, which even reminded him that it was said that Constantinople was caused by the collapse of a small city gate and led to the final fall.

The king even regretted sending Zeppes and Alexander at this time, because if there is an army of these two men, at least the defense of Bucharest city will be stronger.

Now that Alexander ’s army was forced to defend at the Bukul fortress, Zepez had completely disappeared, and Ladislas II suddenly felt that if he continued this way, he might really follow the footsteps of Władysław III. danger.

The first day of the attack finally ended after the Ottoman army retreated slowly. Looking at the enemies away, the king who had just climbed the wall was pale, and he knew that he had to do something.

On April 26, Ladislas II put on armor and mounted a war horse, barely hung heavy swords and shields, and then took his guards to the Bucharest church. When doing public mass, the king For the first time, there was no more entanglement in the ritual of obedience or orthodoxy. He asked the patriarch to pray for Bucharest, and then the king issued an order to fight the pagans to the whole city.

"Everyone must take up arms, defend the icon from blasphemy, defend the sacred church from being destroyed, and protect our chaste nuns from being humiliated and tortured by pagans!" The king inspired Bucharer with touching words The special people responded to him only after his hoarse cries, not because of people's cry to defend the city and defend their faith, but to extreme indifference and cynicism.

Ladislas II was indeed scared. He had secretly ordered the troops he brought to prepare for leaving the city. He regretted why he came here, but even more regretted why he did not do it as early as possible before the Ottomans encircled. go away.

Now not only is Hungary facing a dilemma that may be invaded at any time, even he himself is in danger, which makes Ladislas II regret his decision to come to the city.

But now he must first inspire the morale of those Balkans.

When the king stood on the square of the Bucharest church and looked at the crowd around him, he immediately gave a generous speech.

Courage, honour, and loyalty to faith and dedication to God, the King ’s speech moved Ladislas II himself, but he never thought that he could almost be described as great in history. What the speech exchanged for was not the ardent imagination but the indifferent eyes.

The nobles responded with silence, and from farther away came booing boils.

Ladislas II couldn't help but be furious, he stared angrily at those Bucharest people, not knowing why they treated themselves like this

"We must sacrifice ourselves for faith!" The king roared in a nearly hoarse voice. He tried to impress the noble nobles, but looking at their indifferent eyes, Ladislas II suddenly felt like Like a sheep standing in front of a group of wolves, if there is another group of more ferocious wolves outside the city, perhaps these people will now eat him as a delicious meal.

"Your Majesty, tell us you didn't want to leave Bucharest!" I don't know who shouted suddenly among the crowd.

The expression on Ladislas II's face changed instantly. He did not expect to know who leaked the news that he was about to escape from Bucharest.

At the same time, with the voice of doubt, more and more people began to question the king loudly.

"Tell us you didn't want to abandon us!"

"King, please answer us, will you coexist and die with the city like Constantine XI?"

"Swear! Swear! Before the Holy Cross, swear you will fulfill the duty of a king!"

An instant shout rang out one after another in the square, and people began to yell for Ladislas II to swear that Bucharest would coexist with fate, because the emotions became agitated. Some knights even began to hit their shields with weapons With the armor on the chest, the king's guards began to panic, because they noticed that among those who shouted in addition to those civilians, there were even some nobles and subordinate officers.

The guards could not help leaning to the king, and some held the hilt.

The actions of the guards instantly angered the people who were already emotional, not only the civilians and the lower class nobles, but also some large nobles began to ask the king in the tone of request. "In order to clarify the fictional rumors, I swore to prove my innocence before the cross. ".

What surprised Ladislas II was that the patriarch, who had always been silent except for presiding over the mass ceremonies, had at this time expressed support for the suggestions made by those nobles.

"Your Majesty, swearing to the sacred cross is a good way to prove everything." The patriarch's voice was low but undoubtedly, looking at the king who had shown an indecisive look, the patriarch continued to say "Please don't forget the Ottomans. Outside the city, there is nothing more important than resisting pagans. "

Ladislas II's face became pale as if smeared with silver powder.

His eyes first glanced over the big nobles who were very close, and then looked at the little nobles and civilians in the distance, then he took a deep breath and stared at the patriarch with a deep voice and asked: "You really think I Should I make an oath in front of these people? "

"The Bucharest people need such confidence."

"But this is an insult to me, an insult to the kings of Bohemia and Hungary, and please don't forget that I am a royal family from Lithuania, Poland."

The Patriarch was shocked, he knew that Ladislas II was right, and forced a king to publicly swear to coexist and die with a city. This is indeed a very harsh insult, or it has already trampled on the dignity of the king. Underfoot.

Thinking of the Bucharest people's anger from the three kingdoms, the Patriarch couldn't help but feel deeply regretful for his hastyness.

But everything can't be changed now. From the moment I learned that Ladislas II was preparing to escape from Bucharest in secret, and then decided to spread the news, the Patriarch knew that there was no escape route.

"Pious prayers and oaths can not only prove your sincerity, but also make up for your reputation damaged by rumors, but if you insist that this is an insult, you can also refuse to swear, but Your Majesty, I think you should make it right Choice, "the Patriarch looked at the people around him." The oath may damage your dignity as a king, but this at least will allow you to still be the ruler of this city. This should be for you now. enough."

Ladislas II stared at the Patriarch with a bluish complexion. He knew that he had no choice. As the Patriarch said, if he refused to swear publicly, it would mean that he was against the entire city.

But if he was forced to swear in front of everyone, then he would not only wipe his face, but worse, with the loss of dignity, the noble big nobles would be more difficult to control.

At this time, Ladislas II couldn't help but think of his dead rival Emperor Maximian. Imagine that when the emperor was visiting Jutland, he was blocked by a local in a tailor shop, and finally had to commit humiliation. Releasing the feelings of those Jutland MPs who were ordered to be detained by him to be able to get out, Ladislas II could not help feeling empathy with the emperor at that time.

The king's lips shook slightly, and he felt that the huge shame he was facing made his blood boil, and the numbness and madness in his hands and feet plunged him into a near frenzy.

Ladislas II opened his mouth, he knew how difficult it was to swear that humiliating oath, but he also knew what would happen if he did not agree to the public development oath.


There was a short voice in the king's mouth. In addition to the faint shouting of Ottoman siege outside the city, the surroundings instantly became silent.

At this moment, a crisp horse hissing suddenly came from far away from the cathedral, accompanied by the horse hissing, the sound of the rapid horseshoe hitting the ground from far and near.

Many people could not help but look back, and then more and more people exclaimed!

A majestic warhorse, shiny and gorgeous armor, and a huge two-handed sword hanging on the horse.

When the huge horseshoes of the mount fell on the stone slabs in the church square, everyone's eyes turned to the girl with the whole body covered.


As the two-handed sword lifted vigorously across the sky with a flash of lightning, Sophia shouted to the people in the square.

"Follow the princess and prepare to fight!"

Almost as soon as Sophia's shout had just fallen, a knight with the same cloak all over roared beside her.

He ran rapidly along the edge of the square, screaming in unison.

"Follow the princess and prepare to fight!"

The Gilas Knight ran wildly in the square.

"Follow the princess and prepare to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

More and more people began to scream, followed by involuntary, and then the screams became higher and higher ~ ~ People began to roar, the roar was even higher than Ottoman The shouting and killing sound made by people siege.

Ladislas II stared blankly at Sophia. He never expected that Sophia would eventually rescue him from the predicament.

I just do n’t know why, but Ladislas II did n’t feel a trace of lightness and joy. He stared blankly at Sophia, who was hovering in the middle of the square. sense.

Beside him, the Patriarch of Bucharest watched this scene silently, his lips covered by his beard gently twitching, and after a while, he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Princess of Greece, holy engagement……"

In the Bukur fortress, after hearing the scene in front of the church square in Bucharest, Alexander finally took a long breath.

"Sophia, you didn't let me down," Alexander said softly, and then he looked at the Ottoman camp outside the fortress. "Trust me, Sophia, our marriage will be blessed. Those Ottomans are proof!"


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